Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 829 That's it

Chapter 829 That's it
What is a crash?

The looters from Tsarist Russia vividly explained the scene of collapse in battle.

The Tsarist Russian cavalry at the back didn't care if turning around was death, they just wanted to turn around, turn around, and run away, so as to escape the god of death who killed them in front.

Some of the Tsarist Russian soldiers ran first, which drove other Tsarist Russian soldiers to follow immediately.However, there are still Tsarist Russian soldiers who are charging inertially.

As a result, before the soldiers of the Ming cavalry arrived, the front line formed by the Tsarist Russian army, like a castle made of sand, fell apart and became a mess.

Gushi Khan was dumbfounded watching from behind, this kind of battle situation was definitely beyond his imagination.

After confronting the Ming army, the front lines of the Zhungeer cavalry army did make the front lines of the Ming army thinner. However, the Ming army soon made up for it, and it was still densely packed with the Ming army. After rushing past the defense line of Zhungeer's department, he continued to kill him.

However, the defense line of the Tsarist Russian cavalry fell apart, and they did not attack the Ming cavalry at all, so that the Ming cavalry continued to charge almost intact.

Originally, Gushi Khan had the most high hopes for the Allied Army, which was actually the Tsarist Russian Cavalry Army.The degree of weaponization is the highest, and it can effectively kill the Ming army, so we can count on the Tsarist Russian army to kill more Ming troops.

The result turned out to be good, but he was so timid to fight that he was not even as good as an ordinary tribal army, which really disappointed him!
Of course he didn't know that the Tsarist Russian army came to rob, and it was their nature to bully the weak and fear the strong.

For powerful tribes, for tribes that we can beat, we will show a very sturdy side; but, once we have to face a weak enemy, an enemy that can be defeated, the most sturdy of us is often the most powerful. cowardly.

What's more, the leader of the Tsarist Russian army was actually just a peasant who went bankrupt before getting rich and was just a prisoner who wanted to go to the East to plunder and make a fortune. He was a soldier from the army at all.

Of course, the most fundamental reason why Gushi Khan was dumbfounded is that I confirmed that the Ming army charging one row after another in the vicinity is definitely a genuine Ming army. !

That's really stupid to calculate all the tricks, but I know that people can count like heaven!

No matter how Gushi Khan planned to cover up my attempt, Xiao Ming, with his own weakness, did not take a long time to recover Liaodong at all.The cavalry itself came back to Guihua City.

It is also because Xiao Ming adopted a new strategy and treated the special people in the grassland kindly, so that the soldiers of the Ming army who were born in the grassland saw our future happy life and saw our hometown like the south of the Yangtze River. This is absolutely allowing the invaders to destroy it.

Our combat power is mobilized after the army is deployed, and we have actively exerted our minimum combat power.

On top of that, it can only be said that Gushi Khan still treats that battle with old eyes, which is the fundamental reason for my victory!
Of course, that can also be blamed on Gushi Khan. Based on my experience, he is indeed a wise and mighty little Khan, but he led Wacha weakly, and he even established a small Khanate under the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Xiaoming for opening the technology link, the kind of link that I dreamed of, but it caused a qualitative change in Xiaoming's military, and it also affected all aspects of Xiaoming. The improvement of comprehensive national strength, let everyone know Gushi Khan's inner story is even possible in dreams!

Seeing the defeated situation, the soldiers of the Yarkand Khanate all used our little Khan to give orders, and naturally there was also what would happen to the birdless leader Gushri Khan, all of them turned their horses and fled away.

Eighty-eight tricks are the next trick, if you run at that time and get charged by Yan Zhen, it's guaranteed to be the end of the game!

Even in Gush Khan's own Heshuote Khanate army, many people were terrified and finally turned around and fled!
Gushi Khan's face was very ugly, and he had no choice but to run away first.

Planning with all my heart, retreating from the front line, covering up the main force's intentions, and so on, all the intentions disappeared at that time, and the only thought was only one word to escape!

However, the Ming army charged us at the lowest horse speed, and if the former army of the western tribal coalition wanted to escape, they had to turn around first, and also asked the accomplices in front of us to also flee together. You can escape at low horse speed.

However, there is no unified military order for the soldiers of the former army, so there must be no previous distinction in escaping.In fact, the soldiers on the easternmost side had the hardest time seeing Yan Zhen's power clearly, so they ran away first, while the soldiers in the front, because of the obstruction of their sight, had fewer people, even if they fled, they were a few beats faster. The former army of the entire western tribal alliance wanted to escape, but it was also very chaotic, and it was possible that the general would pick up the horse quickly.

Just like that, the Ming army's rear forward was like an arrow flying from the string, rushing back to the front army of the coalition army that was scattered in a mass of sand, and continued to kill the enemy in front of them like a smashing one.


The first Ming army line quickly picked up speed because of killing the enemy, and the front Ming army line became a new Ming army line, which killed the enemy again. In short, Xiao Ming's cavalry retreated like a wave , one after another, the stream is broken, and the continuous is the Jedi's retreat.

Sun Chuanting was just under the head of the city, using binoculars to observe the farther and farther battlefield.

Defeating the enemy is something that is beyond doubt after the war is over.

My first goal is to ensure that the farmland water conservancy in front of me is not damaged by the war; the seventh goal is to eliminate the invading western tribal coalition forces as little as possible.

The war has been fought so far, and the result has been worse or less.

Sun Chuanting's first goal is far more difficult than I imagined.Of course, the preparations made after the war, including the people I wanted to advance to the Hetao Plain, can be said to have done useful work.

But all generals who win long-term victories think about defeat before thinking about victory.Gushi Khan was like this, and so was Sun Chuanting.

Whether the worst happens or not is a matter of life.Although it was a lot of trouble, it actually reflected the court's love for the people.This is also the case, which inspired the people in the Hetao Plain to spontaneously lead their horses and bows to defend their hometown.

Relatively speaking, Gushi Khan was more unlucky, and the result I encountered was far worse than the worst situation I imagined!
At this time, Sun Chuanting looked at the place where Fadi fled, and was only thinking about my seventh target.

According to the situation seen through the telescope, there are less than [-] coalition forces of the western tribes fleeing westward.

On the other side of the Ming army, the charging cavalry was exhausted, and their speed was inevitably picking up.

That's right, Sun Chuanting was also flustered, and just raised his head and ordered: "Attack!"

The orderly next to me received the military order and immediately passed it on.

I saw another batch of Xiao Ming's cavalry finished their attack.

That batch of Xiao Ming's cavalry was obviously the same as the cavalry who charged later, we were all one man and two horses.Judging from the appearance, it can be basically seen that a small part of those cavalry troops are Mongolian cavalry soldiers.

That was the heavy cavalry that Yan Zhenfan had prepared long ago, with one man and two horses, and changing horses was changing people, so they could chase at the slowest speed, and the pursuit distance could be far.As for how many enemies can be chased and killed in the end, it depends on how many enemies are lucky enough!

Following the departure of the [-] heavy cavalry on the right and left, these soldiers who had taken out their horses had finished cleaning the battlefield.Among us, there are still many male soldiers, which are very conspicuous.

Under the battlefield, the corpses of men and horses lay on the ground, and the grassland was stained red with blood.

A small number of those who fell on the ground were all western tribal allied forces wearing gray robes. Of course, there were not many wearing red mandarin duck battle robes.

These soldiers who cleaned the battlefield first helped the male soldiers to treat their fellow soldiers.If they are still alive, they should be bandaged as soon as possible; if they are soldiers who died in battle, they should also be carried aside to confirm their identities and so on.

As for these gray-robed enemies, those who were dead took away their weapons, those who were half-dead were still alive, and those who were directly killed or seriously injured were put under centralized custody...

Although the battle line is far away, there are still busy figures in the whole battlefield.

On the other side of the small front, the [-] people gathered in different groups, waiting for no enemy to come, and then we will meet the enemy and defend our hometown.

Hearing the movement from the direction of the battlefield, the sound of rumbling horseshoes, and the sound of killing, all these elderly people, including no women, felt relieved.But even so, we are also afraid.

Because we know that if we are afraid and shrink back, our homeland will be destroyed by the enemy!That is what we absolutely allow!

Min Zhuang, who was young, was less complicated. He just silently arranged his weapons and comforted his horses.

I knew that after a while, the sound of shouting and killing was heard quickly, and even the sound of horseshoes became louder and farther away.

Those folks showed surprised expressions one by one at the end, and discussions started among acquaintances.

"What's going on? The battle in the rear has begun?"

"Yes, it seems that you have won the battle!"

"How could it be? You can even see the shadow of an enemy, so it's time to start? You have drawn out your sword, and you are ready to kill the enemy and make a military exploit!"

"Does that mean that the enemy's leader is Gushi Khan? I heard that he is a very powerful figure, but there is no such thing as Batur Hun Khan, who is also very powerful, that's all?"


We were all discussing, and we saw that the back line was rushing to Li Yan's side, and Li Yan sent someone to pass on the message to us.After hearing it, few people feel that it is expected, and it is not expected.

As expected, the imperial army did win!

Unexpectedly, in that battle, after the legendary unknown Gushri Khan led the small army, we were so excited that something happened to us!
That battle seemed to have something to do with us, but, invisibly, it also had a very small impact on us.

For example, imperial court officials have assisted the people like sons many times; there are no imperial court officers and troops, and their combat power is weak enough to protect us!
At that moment, we were proud of ourselves as Xiaoming people!
Yes, Emperor Chongzhen, who was far away in the capital, still knew about the situation.I was worried, so I passed on the most powerful Song Yingxing.

(End of this chapter)

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