Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 832 Wired Electric Chapter

Chapter 832 Wired Telephone
Liu Weichao couldn't help laughing seeing him in such a hurry, and then said seriously: "The wired phone is similar to the mobile phone you use, just connected to the line. It mainly consists of three parts. The first one is the talking part... "

As far as the plane of the Ming Dynasty is concerned, even the top students in Gephysics in the Royal Academy of Sciences may not be more receptive to Liu Weichao's explanation than Emperor Chongzhen.

This is not only because Emperor Chongzhen had a mobile phone, but also because the textbooks Liu Weichao gave to the Ming Dynasty did not have examples of those applications to explain.After all, these are top-secret patents for this plane and cannot be passed on.

No, Emperor Chongzhen nodded after hearing Liu Weichao started talking, to show that he understood, and then continued.

"...This thing is called a microphone when it is independent. Of course, this is the name in my world. Because it was invented by Xiyi first, it is translated from foreign words. It literally means a micro-sound amplifier. It is mainly used to convert sound into Electric signal!" At this point, Liu Weichao thought of something, smiled, and reminded Emperor Chongzhen, "As for your plane, what name you want is naturally up to you to decide!"

Whether it is the Chongzhen micro-sound amplifier, the Tian Guifei brand, or the Queen Zhou brand, these have nothing to do with Liu Weichao.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he knew that Liu Weichao was making fun of him, but he was already thick-skinned towards Liu Weichao, so he was unmoved, and just urged: "Go on!"

A little boring!Liu Weichao commented in his mind, and then went on to say: "The seventh part is the listening part. That thing is actually a zoomed-in version of a speaker, and a smaller version is a speaker. There are basically some differences in structure."

Speaking of that, I knew that Emperor Chongzhen probably understood the most special words in his plane, so he explained it to me again: "The speaker is to convert electrical signals into sound, and then release it for Xiaojia to hear. The horn also has the same function, but it will be the same when it is used too much.”

Emperor Chongzhen listened and nodded, understanding all of these.Is my mobile phone just for listening and speaking? That’s all gone!
Later, I remembered that Liu Weichao said that there are eight parts in total, so there is no listening and speaking, so how can there be an eighth part?
So thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen immediately asked with a little curiosity, and at the same time said with a little urging tone: "What about the eighth part?"

"Of course it's a ringtone!" Zhang Jiaqin replied immediately after listening to it, "If it's a ringtone reminder, how do other people know that there is no phone coming, right? In a wireless phone, it is an electric bell, which can also be used alone It's the same occasion!"

Speaking of that, I was afraid that Emperor Chongzhen still understood what the eight parts were, so I immediately searched outside the computer, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "You can show him the actual use, he sees, you explain."

As I said that, I moved the mobile phone holder up, pointed it at the computer screen, and then clicked on the video I found, so that Emperor Chongzhen could watch it.

"See if there are so few people, the people standing under the stage speak, but the people in front can hear clearly, because the speaker in my hand is also called a hand-held loudspeaker, which is the most dynamic It’s a useless application! In the past, he could use it when he wanted to speak to his courtiers, inspect the army, etc.”

"The one in the seventh video, see if there is any, is set up in a low place, and it is also a speaker connected by wires. The speaker is outside the house, but my voice can be heard from the speaker inside. It's far away. For the same reason, he can use it when he has no notice, but you think he will use it."

For the emperor, there is nothing to be ordered by manpower. It is basically necessary for the emperor to shout into the microphone: The cabinet is coming to the Wenhua Palace for a meeting!

With that in mind, Liu Weichao took the initiative to explain the eighth video: "There is nothing else, it's the doorbell. Press the button at the door, and the bell will ring outside the house. That way you can avoid knocking on the door inside, and listen outside the house. arrive!"

Speaking of that, Liu Weichao stretched out his hand and turned the mobile phone holder back, facing my own face, and then looked at Emperor Chongzhen. Suddenly, I found that Emperor Chongzhen's face seemed to be very uninterested. There is no doubt at all.

Emperor Chongzhen needed that kind of function too!Even the emperor, especially the small family, has no concierge. This is the function of the doorbell, and the doorbell is also needed!

Putting aside that thought, Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen: "You will pass on the information to him in a while, but now, you should explain the basic principles to him first, and if he can understand, then tell his courtiers later. When it is time, it will make it more difficult for us to understand!"

Speaking of that, I added in my heart: let him put it on by the way!
Sure enough, Emperor Chongzhen showed great interest, and immediately nodded and said: "He said, I listen!"

Seeing how serious I was, Liu Weichao became more and more sure that I was better off, so he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Among the eight parts, the most complicated one is the electric bell. Its main principle is to make an electromagnetic bell. When the electromagnet is activated, the reed is attracted and knocked under the bell or another piece of iron, and a sound will be produced."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was surprised and said, "That's it?"

Afterwards, I got the impression that the telegram was complicated and the telephone was too difficult, but the principle of listening to the bell at this time turned out to be very complicated!To put it nicely, I can do it with craftsmen.

But who knows, when Liu Weichao heard me say that with a little seriousness, he asked me: "You ask him, how does he make sound continuously? That is, continuous beating?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen opened his mouth to answer when he heard it, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he knew what to say?

Fortunately, if Zhang Jiaqin made things difficult for me, he immediately gave the answer, which made me feel embarrassed: "You can use the reed as a circuit breaker! If you explain it in detail, it means that when the reed is not energized, it moves. A part of the contact wire is regarded as a part of the circuit. Before the switch is turned off and the power is turned on, the reed will be attracted by the electromagnet to ring the bell. Because it leaves the original position, the circuit will be broken, so the power will be cut off as soon as it is knocked on, and the electromagnet will be demagnetized. , the reed is reset due to its elasticity. But as soon as the reed is reset, the current is turned on again, so the electromagnet generates magnetism again, attracts the reed to ring the bell again, and then cuts off the power... This cycle goes on and on until the switch is opened to cut off the main circuit. .”

"Oh, that's how it is!" Emperor Chongzhen actually didn't care at all about appearing knowledgeable behind Zhang Jiaqin. After all, there is a difference of seven hundred years, and knowledge is reasonable. "I understand! Continue!"

Yes, that's what I said, but I secretly kept the question and answer in my mind.

Liu Weichao continued to say: "The next thing is the earpiece. The principle is basically similar to that of an electric bell, that is, an electromagnet is used to attract the cavity membrane to vibrate. The movement should be made of a thin metal sheet, and there is no low-level sound method. A thin cloth membrane or The film covers the large cavity (that is, the miniature drum), and then puts a large iron block or a large magnet on the back of the film, and uses an electromagnet to attract its vibration. As for the current to start the electromagnet, it naturally comes from the microphone at the other end."

Emperor Chongzhen listened, nodded, and seemed very focused on whether he spoke or not.

Therefore, Liu Weichao continued to say to me: "The first is the microphone, and there are two types of external ones, one is a magnet phone, and the other is a toner phone. There is no defect in the magnet phone, which means that the current is completely generated by sound. So the weakness is quite large, the transmission distance is long, and the sound is relatively vague."

As soon as I said that, I saw a hint of disgust on Emperor Chongzhen's face.Obviously, I think it is the kind of call with a long transmission distance and a vague voice.

Thinking about it, I want to use it for long-distance communication. If it is a short distance, no one can directly send it.

Before Liu Weichao discovered that, he read the information on the computer and introduced the seventh type of phone: "The structure of the toner phone is quite complicated, and it just needs ingenuity. Some parts need to be greatly processed, such as knocked into very thin The copper sheet, the wooden insulating box containing the toner, the electrode copper sheet at the bottom, and the screws used to fix it..."

I will know those materials in the future, because if I want to be a military adviser, I have already checked them out and reviewed them, and then I will look at the materials and explain them to Emperor Chongzhen, so I will look very knowledgeable.

Speaking of it, it is really useless to learn less.At most, Liu Weichao learned that when I watch movies in the future, this old-fashioned hand-held telephone will shake down for a while after making a call, and then pick up the microphone and move it as "Hello, hey, hey", and I can talk. If you have a pass, you will shake the handle again. What is going on!
The reason is me. Shaking the handle of the phone is to make the phone on the opposite side ring, reminding the conversation to answer the phone.When you pick up the microphone and hear some movement, you can only continue to shake the handle.

Before basically explaining the principle of the wireless phone, Liu Weichao glanced at the computer again, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "What I just said is the basic principle of the phone. In addition, if he wants to make long-distance calls, he still needs to use From the twisted pair to the relay signal amplifier, those are complicated, such as the twisted pair, in fact, two insulated copper wires are twisted together according to a certain density, and the radio waves radiated by each wire during transmission will be It is canceled by the electric wave sent from another line, effectively reducing the degree of signal interference..."

In fact, there is no automatic switchboard, but I am not going to continue to talk about it, and it is necessary. It is too low-level for Xiao Ming at this time. First solve the basic problems, and it is troublesome to replace it manually.

Before Emperor Chongzhen finished listening, he was very excited, and immediately urged Zhang Jiaqin to pass on all the materials to me. Then, I decided to summon Fang Yizhi!
(End of this chapter)

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