Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 833 The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment

Chapter 833 The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment
About half an hour later, in the Wenhua Hall, Fang Yizhi finished the ceremony.

Seeing him standing with his hands down after being leveled, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly felt a little emotional.

This Fang Yizhi had already passed the Jinshi examination and entered the Hanlin Academy, but he quit his official position and went to study physical science, and won the number one scholar.

Judging from the follow-up performance, Fang Yizhi, the number one scholar, is a real talent. At least in the physics of the Ming Dynasty, he is really talented.

The textbooks given by Liu Weichao for self-study are all understood by Fang Yizhi first and then taught to other students of the same year and lower grades.

As far as the present is concerned, Fang Yizhi's knowledge in physics is actually not comparable to that of Emperor Chongzhen himself.

Perhaps this is also the case. At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was a little bit expecting that what he had learned from Liu Weichao could be reflected in Fang Yizhi.

So, he heard him say with wisdom and kindness: "Xia Qing and his wife have invented white gunpowder. Although it is kept secret from the outside world, the title of title is inevitable. On your side, I think that you can also award honors at once. There must be a plausible invention!"

Fang Yizhi was taken aback for a moment, and then looked forward to it violently.

In today's Ming Dynasty, the so-called inventions are actually guided by Emperor Chongzhen, and there is a consensus on this point.Since the emperor told him at this time, it means that he is ready to give him advice.

So, he hurriedly thanked and waited for the decree, and at the same time looked forward to it, wondering if His Majesty would know what I invented?
As long as they are human, they naturally hope that the things they invent will be like the ones that change the world like steam trains!

I only heard Chongzhen say to me with a smile: "I have sent Song Qing to Qiongzhou to be in charge of rubber matters. In this way, electric wires can be laid dangerously instead of using porcelain pipes and other things. I thought it was time for wireless phones to be invented. It's time."

Hearing that, Liu Weichao asked without any doubts: "Your Majesty, what is a wireless phone?"

Listening to Xiaoming, the most powerful person in physics, asking him about physics, Emperor Chongzhen felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and immediately said lightly: "Wireless phones, as the name suggests, use electricity to transmit speech. That is to say, as long as there is no wireless phone, I can talk directly to Sun Qing in Guihua City, understand?"

When Dai Fengxi heard this, she was immediately pleasantly surprised. If the emperor in the capital could talk directly to Sun Cifu who was far away in Guihua City, it would be comparable to the invention of the steam train!

Immediately, I didn't understand anything, and immediately confirmed to Emperor Chongzhen: "Using electricity to conduct speech, should it be related to electromagnetism?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was taken aback when he heard it. I thought that I just explained what a phone call is, so Dai Fengxi can guess a little bit, which is amazing!

Thinking so in my heart, I asked Liu Weichao, "You already know?"

"I still know what to do?" Dai Fengxi answered honestly when she heard the question.

At that time, Emperor Chongzhen was surprised and asked me, "How did you know that it was related to electromagnetism?"

"Your Majesty summoned me to say that phone call, and I think it has nothing to do with my expertise!" Liu Weichao heard it, and replied truthfully, "In terms of physics, anything related to electricity should be electromagnetism!"

"Oh!" Emperor Chongzhen suddenly realized when he heard it, he thought that Liu Weichao was really a ghost, and he knew how to do it just by saying his name!It turned out to be that, fortunately, I can continue to talk about this.

So, I said to Dai Fengqian: "Okay, let me explain the basic principle of the wireless phone to you first, and then give the information to Qing, and then you can read it yourself. If you don't understand anything, you can write a memorial to me." !"

"My minister respectfully obeys Shengyu!" Liu Weichao responded quickly after hearing this.

At most, I used that method when I was self-studying many subjects, and I'm used to it.

After Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he stopped talking to Dai Fengqian about the principle of the telephone. Basically, whether I have self-creation ability, I learned from Fang Yizhi. First, I told Liu Weichao the electric bell. Before talking, I asked Liu Weichao: "Do you know how to ring the bell continuously?"

I remember that answer very vaguely. Now that I thought about it, I was going to explain it to Liu Weichao, using an understatement.

In the end, what I expected was that Liu Weichao nodded with an excited expression and said back: "I know, it's just..."

Emperor Chongzhen didn't care, and listened slowly to Liu Weichao's explanation. After comparing Dai Fengqian's words, I found that what Liu Weichao said had no difference except the language. The meaning was very clear and correct!

At that time, Emperor Chongzhen was not happy at all. Why did he think of it at the time, but Liu Weichao thought of it right away?

I was thinking about it, but I heard Dai Fengxi continue to say: "Before your Majesty said it, I felt that the receiver on the phone must be able to do that to realize it..."

Needless to say, there is little difference in the principle of the electric bell and the receiver. Liu Weichao drew inferences from one instance, and what he said was basically correct, which made Emperor Chongzhen even more disappointed.

That Liu Weichao's IQ, at least in terms of physics, is indeed amazing!

If it was Wang Chengen, he would say it even if he knew it, but he would appear to have knowledge and let Emperor Chongzhen show off.

But at this time, Emperor Chongzhen finally became depressed before the final loss.Because I figured it out, Xiao Ming is talented, and I, who is the emperor, should be happy. That is also my original intention to promote Gewuxue!
It is the structure of the microphone, mainly the toner phone, which can be imagined by special people out of thin air. In the original history, it was confirmed by Edison before countless experiments.

Therefore, when Emperor Chongzhen explained the microphone, he finally got his wish. Looking into the eyes of Xiao Ming, who is a genius in physics, I knew that I admired him very much!
Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen's attitude became even more amiable, and he said to Liu Weichao with a smile: "Qing first go back and make all the eight parts, and wait until Song Qing sends the wires before returning the link and assembling it into a wireless phone! "

In this regard, Liu Weichao seemed impatient before he finished listening.It needs to be ordered by Emperor Chongzhen, and I guess I will do it slowly before I go back.

The basic knowledge of physics has been learned very little, and the most boring application is short of it!
For me, a small part of those applications are separated by a layer of window paper. Once Emperor Chongzhen pierced it, Liu Weichao could see the limited darkness.

If it is because of the golden finger who has no Fang Yizhi, even Liu Weichao and Xiao Ming's Gephysics talents need to walk a long way to practice before they can get the best solution given by Fang Yizhi!
At this time, Liu Weichao had the emperor's will and was able to mobilize the resources I needed. In only seven days, he made a prototype of eight parts of the wireless phone and sent it to Emperor Chongzhen.

For such a good thing, Emperor Chongzhen of course wanted to pass an edict to the cabinet and the Eight Departments and Four Ministers to inspect and accept it together.

The prototypes invented by Liu Weichao and I arrived at the Wenhua Palace first, followed by the former Huang Daozhou, Ni Yuanlu and others. As soon as they saw the posture and the thing covered with the red cloth, they immediately felt something, and knew that it was New inventions, new good things, everyone was immediately angry, Ni Yuanlu and others hurriedly asked.

It was He Fengsheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, who stopped us and signaled us to wait for the emperor to arrive.Although the reminder was not cryptic at all, Ni Yuanlu and the others quickly came to their senses, so they could only wait patiently for the emperor to arrive.

Not long after, Emperor Chongzhen arrived, and before we saw the ceremony, he smiled and said to us: "Let Qing come over to see you today, Fang Qing invented that thing, just like steam trains changed Xiao Ming's transportation, it changed Xiao Ming's message delivery. Great little invention!"

Upon hearing that, no one, of course, except Liu Weichao, was shocked.

The appearance of the steam train has brought about earth-shaking changes in Xiao Ming's transportation.Today's Xiao Ming travels from south to north, and has not yet traveled west to east. Railways are being built everywhere.Traveling by train is already the first choice for going out.

It can be compared with a steam train and used for message transmission, it is definitely a great invention!

Wang Chengen was the first to jump out, no matter what it was, he first congratulated Emperor Chongzhen.

He Fengsheng took another step forward and hurriedly retreated. For a moment, the atmosphere in Wenhua Hall was full of joy.

Emperor Chongzhen was also very unhappy, and he didn't even have the urge to go on stage to introduce himself.

But in the end, I held back and signaled Liu Weichao to introduce Xiao Ming to those lowest-ranking officials first.

The electric bell is still called the electric bell. Of course, the name of the microphone is possible. It is called a microphone, and the horn is still a horn. At least Xiao Ming didn’t have a trumpet flower at that time, and the shape was less, so it was quite imageable.

If it was produced outside the palace, this and that name would probably be the same.

The function was explained one by one, although the little ministers in the Wenhua Palace were indeed quite unhappy, but in the end, they were still shocked like a steam train!
Every yamen wants the electric bell, mainly because when we need to order people around, we can press it ourselves, so that the people waiting inside can retreat;
As for the loudspeaker, it does not have the function of a speaker. Chen Yuanyuan from the Department of Political Communications was the most unhappy, saying that it would be of little help to the Department of Political Communications' publicity.

However, in the words of others, there are probably only two words in my mind: that's it?
Emperor Chongzhen looked at our expressions, and probably guessed what we were thinking: Hey, the less hope, the less disappointment?
I actually did it on purpose, just to let Liu Weichao introduce the components.

At this time, I felt the disappointment of the civil servants above me, so I smiled lightly and said, "You know, what will be the combination of those things?"

(End of this chapter)

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