Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 834 Immortal Artifacts

Chapter 834 Immortal Artifacts
Can these things be combined?

This was the first thought that popped up in the minds of all the officials in the Wenhua Palace.

Naturally, because they heard Emperor Chongzhen say that it was an invention comparable to a steam train, they immediately thought, what was the combination of the steam train back then?
As a result, these most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty were all Jinshi-born, erudite talents, and ordinary people in Gephysics, so their brains were naturally muddled!

Fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen didn't confuse them for too long, and said to them directly with a hint of pride: "I use the microphone to speak here, and Sun Qing can immediately use the receiver, that is, the loudspeaker, to hear what I say in Guihua City. And vice versa!"

After imagining his description in the minds of the officials in the Wenhua Palace, these people were stunned for a moment, really stunned!

Or it can be said that when Fang Yizhi heard the description of Emperor Chongzhen, he was not as shocked as they were!

Logically speaking, these are all years of ups and downs in the officialdom, and the depth of the city must be stronger than Fang Yizhi.

However, they are too shallow in Gephysics. According to Fang Yizhi, this is supported by a theoretical basis, so relatively speaking, it is more acceptable.However, these civil servants at the highest level in the Ming Dynasty did not know that sound and electricity could be converted into each other, and how fast the electricity was, so they couldn't understand that in the Forbidden City, they could talk directly with Guihua City?

Even if it is a fairy technique, it is impossible!
No, when the gods in the myths greeted the monkeys in the distance, they also shouted: Great Sage...

This time, these Ming's cabinet ministers, six ministries and nine ministers were really shocked!

Just like when they saw the steam train, they were shocked to overturn the worldview!

Emperor Chongzhen enjoyed seeing the expressions of the civil servants very much, and they were shocked, and they didn't speak, just admiring them.

Fang Yizhi on the side was also watching. At this time, he felt a strong sense of pride in his heart. He felt that he gave up the path of being a Jinshi and becoming an official and changed to the path of Gewuxue. It couldn't be more correct!
Seeing what I have made is changing the world. This kind of pride is really a very enjoyable feeling!

After a while, the chief minister of the cabinet, He Fengsheng, came back to his senses, and said to Emperor Chongzhen a little tremblingly: "Your Majesty, is this true? The old minister means that with the help of this thing, the capital can directly talk to other places." ?”

Although the words were out of his mouth, he still found it very unimaginable!

If this is really the case, in the future, if you think of something in the capital Jiangnan, just talk directly!

Thinking of this, He Fengsheng felt incredible again!
Originally, he felt that he was already old and wanted to retire and return to his hometown.As a result, such important inventions came out one after another. In other words, no matter whether he invented it or not, it all happened during his tenure as chief assistant. This is also an honor!
Hearing his words, the others came back to their senses, and looked at Emperor Chongzhen with shocked expressions, expecting him to confirm again.

This kind of thing is really too useful, it can definitely be called a fairy weapon, can it really appear in the world?
After listening to Emperor Chongzhen, he nodded with a smile and said: "Song Qing only needs to make rubber-wrapped wires after arriving in Qiongzhou, and it can be realized. But before that, it can also be temporarily used in the Forbidden City." !"

The Forbidden City was originally laid with ceramic tubes to make wires. It is definitely very convenient to experiment with this wired phone.

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately showed eager anticipation, thinking, to witness this miracle immediately!
The censors around the Metropolitan Procuratorate themselves dared to speak in front of the imperial court. At this time, when they were about to urge Emperor Chongzhen to make an order to make this thing, Emperor Chongzhen said again: "In the future, not only can you talk on land , and it is also possible across the sea. For example, if I want to know the progress of the war in Japan, I can just make a phone call, and Zeng Qing will be able to report the war situation in Japan immediately!"

"..." Although these civil servants in the Wenhua Palace have been shocked by the example of Emperor Chongzhen who said that he could talk to Sun Chuanting who was far away in Guihua City, at this time, they heard that they can still talk to the Japanese expedition When the army made a phone call, it was another shock that couldn't be repeated!

You know, in this era, if you want to know the battle report of the Japanese country, the fastest way is to rush to Dengzhou for [-] miles, and then go to Liaodong by express boat, go to Pusan ​​along the coastline, and then go to It took a year and a half to learn the battle report after going to Wa country after Tsushima Island, and then returning in this way.

But now, this side can directly talk to the Japanese side, the speed of this news transmission, can it be faster than this?

Anyone in this era will be stunned and stunned when they hear it!
No, even Fang Yizhi next to him was obviously shocked.Because he doesn't know the function of rubber, and he doesn't know that submarine cables can be laid with rubber.

The instant dialogue across the sea and ocean is really incredible!

After a long time, Liu Zongzhou who came back to his senses almost stomped his feet, and directly urged Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, don't talk so far, try it in the Forbidden City first!"

He is already very old, seventy years old, and he probably won't have a few more years to live. Like He Fengsheng, he is considering retiring and returning home.However, to put it bluntly, such a thing that subverts the concept, he has to witness it, even if he dies, he will rest in peace!

Therefore, he couldn't wait any longer, and he was the first to urge Emperor Chongzhen to come.

As soon as the other civil officials saw someone taking the lead, they immediately followed up and urged them to see if it could be realized here in the Forbidden City. It will all be true!
Seeing that they were in such a hurry, Emperor Chongzhen was actually very happy in his heart, so he said wisely to the other party: "Since all the ministers are a little impatient, let's set up a wired telephone in the Wenhua Palace and the cabinet first!"

"The humble minister leads the decree!" Fang Yizhi immediately replied excitedly after hearing this.

Thus, the discussion in the Wenhua Palace came to an end.

As the Six Departments and Nine Ministers dispersed, news about the wired phone also spread.

"What? Are you crazy that the Forbidden City can talk directly with Guihua City? How is this possible!"

"That's right, even gods can't do it, you can really blow it!"

"You are going to die. This is what Master Butang said personally. How dare you say that Master Butang is blowing!"

"Actually, it's not. The emperor said it himself. I think it's dead and can't die anymore!"


All topics about wired phones basically start like this.When everyone knows that this is from the mouth of the current emperor, based on the past history, everyone will believe that such a miraculous thing really exists!

In this way, everyone, whether they are princes, dignitaries, or traffickers, all look forward to the arrival of the wired phone. Even at the beginning, the wired phone is destined to have nothing to do with most people, and it does not prevent them from looking forward to the arrival of the wired phone. Realize soon.

The restaurants and teahouses in the capital suddenly had a lot more customers than usual.I'm a little free, so I came here to listen to the news and discuss such amazing things at the same time.

And those who have the conditions, such as the six ministers, the left and right ministers, etc., go to the cabinet if they have nothing to do, just want to see what is going on with Fang Yizhi?

The solemn and solemn cabinet on weekdays seems to have become a vegetable market in just these two days, with people coming and going, so lively!

Everyone who came over saw each other, and when they looked at each other, they would show understanding eyes, and the first sentence they spoke was not "How is it going?" but "Is it all right?"

As for what it is, needless to say, everyone knows what it means.

Regarding this situation, He Fengsheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, was also helpless, because he understood their feelings, and more importantly, these are old fritters, and even if you come here with an excuse, you can't say that he is bored!

After Emperor Chongzhen heard the news reported by Wang Chengen, as a workaholic, he rarely didn't mind, but followed the cabinet with a smile like a vegetable market.

Fortunately, Fang Yizhi moved quickly. Of course, it’s okay to not be fast. The cabinet ministers, six ministers, and various other high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty cared about him from time to time, which was very stressful.

In the afternoon of the next day, Fang Yizhi announced that the installation of Daming's first wired telephone was completed.

The wires were already laid, but the reason why it took almost two days was mainly because another set of telephone equipment was not yet completed, so it took some time.

When the news came out, the good guy, the cabinet members, whether they were out or not, all returned to the cabinet.

The six ministers, and the left and right servants who were qualified to go to the cabinet, also ran to the cabinet.

The chief officials of Dali Temple, Honglu Temple, General Administration Department, Political Communication Department, etc. also rushed over.

So much so that although the space on the side of the cabinet is considered spacious, it is also full of people at once!

However, when such a big happy event is about to witness a miracle, even if He Fengsheng is the head assistant, it's hard to rush him away.

At this time, as the chief assistant, he has the privilege.

He sat by the phone, waiting solemnly.

Of course, Fang Yizhi was still standing beside him, explaining to him the key points of using the telephone for a while.

Just wait for Emperor Chongzhen over the Wenhua Palace to call this point.

They didn't know that a group of people in the harem, including Empress Zhou, Concubine Tian Gui, and Prince Zhu Cihong, didn't make excuses, and went directly to the Wenhua Palace to watch around Emperor Chongzhen.

Relatively speaking, many of them were not so surprised after seeing the video of the later generations, but they were quite excited to witness that Da Ming also had it with their own eyes.

At this moment, they all looked at Emperor Chongzhen, waiting for him to call.

(End of this chapter)

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