Chapter 835 Exciting

It can be said that under the gaze of all the people, Emperor Chongzhen stretched out his hand and grabbed the handle of the telephone.

On the side of the cabinet, all the senior officials of Ming Dynasty in the room were staring at the telephone set on the table in front of the chief assistant of the cabinet.

Many people are still very curious, staring at the wire on the phone, wondering, how could the sound be transmitted from this wire?
Of course, some people have urgently consulted the group of top physical science talents in the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty. They probably know the principle, but they also feel a little incredible!

What sound is converted into an electrical signal, and then the electrical signal is converted into a sound signal, which feels so profound. Is this really possible?

Just when they were thinking about it, suddenly.

"Jingle Bell……"

Without warning, a voice rang on the phone, and in the very quiet waiting atmosphere in the cabinet, it was particularly eye-catching.

As soon as the bell rang, all the people in the room opened their eyes wide and stared at Shoufu.

He Fengsheng was also very energetic, as if he had been injected with chicken blood, he quickly picked up the receiver and put it close to his ear.

As the receiver was picked up, the ringing stopped abruptly.Everyone's eyes were fixed on Shoufu's face, trying to confirm whether there was a sound from Shoufu's expression at the first time.

Then, they heard He Fengsheng's overjoyed tone, and hurriedly said: "Ah, Your Majesty, old minister... old minister heard it!"

Fang Yizhi, who was waiting next to him, was speechless when he saw it. He immediately picked up the microphone, handed it to He Fengsheng, and signaled him to speak into the microphone.

In this original telephone, the handset and the microphone are still separate, because it is convenient, and it will be changed to the one-piece type when there is no problem in the experiment.

He Fengsheng waited until Fang Yizhi handed him the microphone, and then remembered what he had told him in advance. He wanted to speak into the microphone, so he quickly took the microphone, and said hurriedly to the microphone: "Your Majesty, it's old minister, old minister listen Arrived, I heard it very clearly. Yes, yes, very clearly, yes, can your Majesty hear clearly too? Okay, okay, I will try it in a while, okay..."

Listening to Shoufu's conversation, everyone in the cabinet couldn't help showing a very excited expression, as if they were excited like a Jinshi in high school.

The conversation between the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet and the Emperor Daming meant that the news delivery of Daming would undergo a world-shaking change. In the future, whether it was dealing with official business or contacting family and friends, one would not be afraid of the distance!

Their feeling is really not something that future generations can feel.

In this era, due to the inconvenience of transportation, it is really not easy to communicate with each other, especially those who are far away.

Especially after the war years, they feel the urgency and importance of this kind of instant communication.Just like what Du Fu wrote back then: The beacon fire lasts for three months, and the family letter is worth ten thousand gold!
Sometimes, being separated from relatives and friends for a while may mean life and death forever!

But now, with the steam train, it has become easier for the people of Ming Dynasty to travel long distances, and with this instant messaging phone, the distance between relatives and friends far away has become no longer so unreachable!

There are also a small number of officials who are thinking about official business. If the court can know the news of the frontier in real time, they can respond in time. This will not delay things. It is really not too convenient!

In short, the invention of the wired telephone is definitely something that will be remembered forever!
Although everyone in the cabinet is very excited.However, all of them held their breaths, fearing that they would disturb the call between Shoufu and the emperor.

At this moment, he saw He Fengsheng put back the receiver, and then went to hang up the receiver as well.

When Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, saw it, he quickly said, "This wired phone should be..."

As the Minister of the Household Department, of course he saw how much wealth the wired telephone would bring, so he wanted to grab it, but He Fengsheng glared at him and turned his words back.

Afterwards, He Fengsheng reached out his hand very solemnly, and grabbed the handle, as if he was doing a great event. After taking a deep breath, he shook it.

While shaking, he suddenly remembered that he didn't know how long it would take to shake, so he quickly looked at Fang Yizhi, his eyes full of pleading for help.

Fang Yizhi understood the look in his eyes, and immediately said to him: "When you shake it, the bell will ring on the opposite side. Your Majesty must be at the phone. Your Excellency will know when you pick up the receiver and listen."

As soon as He Fengsheng heard this, he quickly picked up the receiver. This time, Fang Yizhi didn't need to remind him, and he picked up the receiver.

"Your Majesty, is the old minister, can you hear it too? Good, good, that's great! The old minister congratulates your majesty, congratulates your majesty, I have another fairy weapon available in the Ming Dynasty!"

Listening to He Fengsheng talking into the microphone, everyone in the cabinet knew that the wired phone has been confirmed, and the conversation on both sides is completely fine!

This time, everyone was very excited. They didn't want to disturb Mr. Shoufu, so they made eye contact and nodded to each other. In short, they were all very excited.

Liu Zongzhou relied on the old to sell the old, stretched out his hand, and asked He Fengsheng: "I remembered something, and I need to report it to Your Majesty!"

"..." The people around were speechless when they heard it, what a shameless person, who didn't know that you also wanted to hear the voice on the phone, and you just pretended to be a joke?
Naturally, He Fengsheng also knew what the hell Liu Zongzhou was planning, but at this moment, he was in a very good mood and didn't care about it, so he reached out and handed the microphone over.

Liu Zongzhou's hands that went to answer the microphone trembled a little, maybe it was because of his age. Anyway, his hands were a little trembling, he got the microphone, put it to his mouth, and then said: "Your Majesty, old minister Liu Zongzhou, there is a book to play... "

While he was talking, Fang Yizhi who was beside him hurriedly took the receiver from He Fengsheng's hand, and helped Liu Zongzhou's ear.

The others looked at Liu Zongzhou enviously. This old shameless man became the second person to answer the phone after the chief assistant of Ming Dynasty!
Everyone is very curious about the voice on the phone and the sound transmitted through the phone, and they all want to listen to it for the first time.

But who knows, after Liu Zongzhou said a few words, he suddenly hung up the phone and said: "Your Majesty has an order, the wired telephone experiment is successful, the call is over!"

"..." The others were speechless when they heard this.

But when they came to their senses and thought about it, it seemed that it was the same. The emperor was on the opposite side, so it was impossible to have a phone call with every courtier here, right?

However, they haven't used this application yet, so they are not reconciled!

So, everyone turned their heads to look at Fang Yizhi, and started asking questions in a hurry.

"When will this wired telephone be installed for the household department? You must know that the household department is in charge of the country's money and grain, which is very important. I think the sooner the better!"

"The Ministry of Households is important, but the Ministry of War is also important? The front line is fighting, and the military situation is urgent. After having this phone, it is not the first time to grasp it. So, when will the Ministry of War be equipped with this wired phone first?"

"Our Criminal Department..."


Hearing that the senior ministers snatched it up regardless of etiquette, Fang Yizhi couldn't help crying and laughing in his heart, and quickly said to them: "My lords, right now this wired telephone can only be made by hand, and I'll wait for the officials to arrange mass production." After the method is mass-produced, every yamen can install it. In addition, if the distance is too far, you need to wait for the rubber-wrapped wires from Qiongzhou. Of course, all of these require His Majesty's permission!"

Hearing this, Ni Yuanlu immediately turned around and left.

When the other Yamen chief officials saw it, they immediately followed.In just a short while, the cabinet was full of people, and they almost left, leaving the cabinet empty again.

The sudden occurrence of this situation caught Fang Yizhi a little by surprise, and he froze there for a moment.

He Fengsheng, chief minister of the cabinet, was in a good mood. Anyway, he already had a telephone. Seeing Fang Yizhi's expression, he smiled and explained to him: "They are rushing to write a memorial to His Majesty and ask for a telephone. !"

When Fang Yizhi heard it, he suddenly realized that it was this!
At present, if it is only made by hand, the speed of making the phone is still a bit slow.These ministers can't wait, they want to grab it!
As the crowd on the side of the cabinet dispersed, the news that the experiment was successful was first received by the yamen, and then it immediately spread to the entire capital.

All of a sudden, the restaurant and teahouse in the capital, a place where crowds of idlers gather, suddenly became a sensation.

"It's unbelievable, it's really possible. If you say something here, you can hear it in other places, and you can reply!"

"It's so amazing, I can't even think about it!"

"In the future, if I have such a wired phone between the capital and my hometown in Jiangnan, it will be really convenient!"

"You have a good idea. Now that all the officials in the yamen are robbing, how could it be your turn!"

"That's right, it is said that this wired phone will first be used in government offices and frontier soldiers, and we don't know when it will be the civilians' turn!"

"What are you afraid of? I have money. When will it be the turn of the folks? I will be the first to spend money to pretend to be one!"


People everywhere have a strong desire for a wired phone.What neither Emperor Chongzhen nor Liu Weichao expected was that the emergence of another new thing that changed the world pushed the learning craze of Gewuxue to a climax again.

This is actually very easy to understand. After learning Gephysics, how can it be possible to invent such an earth-shattering good thing without making people excited!
The steam train is one in terms of transportation; the wired telephone is another in terms of messaging. Every time something that changes the world occurs, it triggers an upsurge.

In fact, white powder and rifled guns are also a huge step in the military, but because of the need for confidentiality, they have not been announced to the public.

Next, there are similar things, and there are!
(End of this chapter)

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