Chapter 836

For example, an airplane!

Emperor Chongzhen didn't like hot air balloons at all. If he wanted to get on a horse, he would go directly to the plane.

In fact, this condition is almost ripe.

The internal combustion engine was built by hand last year, but it is only used in farming machines, so it is considered familiar.

As the most important part of the earliest aircraft, it was the internal combustion engine. Once the Ming craftsmen had accumulated enough experience, they would make breakthroughs in the petrochemical industry, and no longer just use unsafe fuel such as gas, then the aircraft would be able to Invented.

Not to mention anything else, just letting people fly in the sky is definitely another very shocking thing, definitely no worse than steam trains or wired telephones!
However, there is another problem that troubles Emperor Chongzhen today: in summary, it is still money!
Although productivity has been greatly improved, the revenue of the imperial treasury has reached as much as [-] million taels a year.However, there are many places where the court spends money.

Among other things, years of wars, even if they are won, will cost a lot of money.

For example, if the army wins a war, it needs rewards, right?This is a huge expense, more than those for casualty benefits.

As for the dividends of war, because of the population relationship, it will not be reflected immediately.

For example, Liaodong was restored and North Korea was occupied. In these two areas, there are basically no people there. I don’t know how long it will take for production to resume.

Of course, after recovering here, the military expenditure in these two areas will definitely be reduced in the future, and the captives can use it for free, as well as mineral resources. Because of Liu Weichao's existence, we can know where and what is there.

However, these things need to be realized, and they cannot be realized immediately.

In addition, the country is engaged in large-scale infrastructure construction, repairing cement roads and railways, which also require a lot of money.

Especially now that we want to develop westward, mainly for military and political purposes rather than economic goals, the cost of building railways and roads is even greater, and we cannot make up for it from other places, which consumes a lot of money from the national treasury. .

There is also support for Gephysics, and various research expenses, especially for the navy, are even more astonishing.

And so on, it also made Emperor Chongzhen decide to invent these inventions in the order they were actually needed, instead of launching them all at once.

In just two days after the successful telephone experiment, Emperor Chongzhen's desk received memorials from government offices at all levels, all of which were applications for the installation of wired telephones, and the reasons were more and more sufficient.

Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen was also speechless.

Current wired phones, if installed, are actually quite expensive.Costs will come down only if they can be mass-produced in the future instead of the current situation where components are still made by hand.

With the need for money everywhere, Emperor Chongzhen still had a headache when faced with the new demand for so much money.

In the evening, he casually mentioned this matter to Liu Weichao.

Unexpectedly, Liu Weichao laughed out loud after hearing this.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he was not angry at all, but showed ecstasy, and quickly asked: "Do you have a way? Do you have a way to get money? Is it possible that I can dig some gold mine?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, you can dig gold mines!"

"What gold mine? Where is it? Is it easy to dig?" Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked quickly, asking questions like a cannonball.

Seeing him like this, Liu Weichao shook his head and said, "This gold mine is different. It's not underground, but among the people!"

"Ah?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard it, and then he thought about it seriously, frowning slightly and said, "Then let me think about it, what kind of rich people are rich and unkind, let me see if I can copy... ..."

Liu Weichao was speechless. He dared to believe that Comrade Emperor was used to ransacking his home, so he thought of it directly.

So, he quickly opened his mouth and interrupted Emperor Chongzhen's words: "Stop, stop, I didn't let you rob your house, you should change your eating habits!"

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, and asked curiously, "If you don't confiscate the house, how will the money from the people get into the hands of the court?"

Liu Weichao shook his head when he heard it, and said to him: "Stupid, this method has actually been used before, have you forgotten? When you opened a glass factory!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly realized, he remembered how the glass factory was done back then!
But the reason why the glass factory did that at that time was because he had no prestige at that time, and he had not yet mastered military power, factory guards, etc., so he followed Liu Weichao's suggestion and tied the interests of the officials to do things.

But now he doesn't need to think about these anymore!

He was thinking about it, when Liu Weichao became serious, and said to him: "I think you should use financial means to raise money at this time. This can be divided into several situations!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen's expression became serious, and he immediately listened attentively.

I only heard Liu Weichao continue to say to him: "One method is to raise funds by setting up securities and stocks. In fact, you have already done this method before, but you didn't do it officially. The other method is to issue national bonds. Come raise money."

Although Emperor Chongzhen didn't understand it very well, he could already tell that there was definitely a gold mine, a very large gold mine, so he quickly said to Liu Weichao: "Talk about both methods, and I will listen to them." !"

Liu Weichao listened, nodded, and then gave him a popular science: "Let's talk about the national debt first. This is the easiest to understand and simple. It is to issue bonds in the name of the court. Don't you already have a bank? You can do it through the bank." Issue, set a period of several years to repay the money, and the interest rate. You can explain in advance what the national debt is mainly used for.”

Having said that, he paused and saw Emperor Chongzhen frowning, and added: "For example, if you set up a communications department, mainly for the laying of wired telephones, it needs a lot of money, so you issue treasury bonds and say it will be used to Do this thing. The common people think that this will definitely make money, and the court will not renege on their debts, so they will buy your national debt to earn interest! Probably such a situation, I can compile a copy of the information for you later!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he nodded again and again, and said with a smile: "So, I can use the people's money to do this thing, and then make money from the wired phone, and then return the money plus interest to them, and this thing will be done? "

Seeing Liu Weichao nodded to confirm his thoughts, Emperor Chongzhen was very happy, so he hurriedly asked again: "Then there is one more thing, what are securities and stocks, I don't understand it very well!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao explained to him seriously: "If you really want to say this, it will be very complicated, and corresponding laws should be introduced. But I can give you a brief overview of what it is like first! "

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he nodded quickly and didn't speak, but his eyes were already very clear, that is, hurry up!
Therefore, Liu Weichao explained to him: "Let's take the telephone as an example! You set up a company that installs telephones, and then divide it into [-] shares, and sell [-] of them to the private sector. The estimate of the telephone company is that it will definitely make a lot of money, and they will pay a high price to buy this share. You can use their money to do things, and they enjoy the dividends given to them by the company to realize profits. Besides , You can also allow shares to be traded, which will also be a way to attract them to buy shares!"

Without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to ask questions, he took a sip of tea from the nearby teacup and continued: "If the telephone company does well, the profits will be higher in the future, and the shares will definitely be more expensive. The value of your shares is high, and you can make more money selling them to others, which is one of the reasons that attract them to buy your shares. Of course, if the company fails, then it is not good to expect a decline.”

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while, and then said to Liu Weichao: "The first method is to issue national bonds, which means repaying the principal with interest; the second method, I just need to pay them dividends, then I choose The second type!"

Liu Weichao was very speechless when he heard it. How could he be so picky when he was an emperor?

But he also immediately remembered, maybe the emperor is afraid of poverty, right?So poor that the country almost perished!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen seriously: "Actually, you can't choose this way. Both of these two methods have their own advantages. For national debt, you don't need to explain the purpose or publish specific details, so you can For military purposes, for example, if you are temporarily short of money to make weapons, you can do this. As for stocks and securities, you need to issue a prospectus, and the specific situation must be disclosed.”

Speaking of this, he added without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to speak: "However, stocks should really be developed. Not only can the imperial government establish companies to raise funds from the private sector, but ordinary people can also do the same if they want to start a company. As for the trading of stocks, the court can extract transaction tax, which is the easiest thing for the court to control, and it should be a stable tax source for the court in the future!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very happy at first, but when he came back to his senses, he shook his head and said, "It's just a commission, how much money can I have?"

Liu Weichao saw that he didn't like this little money, so he put his mobile phone on the mobile phone holder, checked it on the computer casually, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "In my world, the tax on this stock accounts for one year of the imperial court's finances." [-]% of the income, do you think it is small money?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he made some calculations in his mind. Based on the imperial court's income of [-] million taels, this would be [-] taels. This is not a small amount of money.

But before he had time to be happy, Liu Weichao added: "Of course, this actually depends on the size of the stock market. There must not be so many at the beginning, and this figure is from more than [-] years ago. As long as you grow bigger If the stock market is not included, then the tax is definitely very large!"

(End of this chapter)

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