Chapter 837
Emperor Chongzhen listened and thought about it seriously.

For the ancients, collecting taxes was not an easy task, and it required a high cost of manpower and time.However, the matter of stock taxation seems to be quite easy according to Liu Weichao's description.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen wanted to choose stock issuance from the very beginning, so he didn't think too much about it, and finally nodded and said, "You can have this!"

Liu Weichao listened, nodded with a smile, and reminded him: "Actually, under the patent system, it will be more successful to engage in this stock securities. Those who have patents want to practice the patents but lack funds. Yes, you can do it like this. Use stocks to raise funds, but it needs to be supervised by the court to prevent scammers from using this to cheat!"

"It's simple!" Emperor Chongzhen said with great interest after hearing this, "If you want to do this, you must be clean and have a guarantor. Once you find out that you are cheating, I will copy their entire family to make up for it!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless after hearing that, another house raid?

But after thinking about it carefully, he found that such a heavy punishment was okay!
At least in my own era, many companies do not aim at real development of the company at all, but only for the purpose of going public to collect money, so financial fraud, publishers and the like even partner with them, so that the listing of many companies is the highest point of stock, no Know how many shareholders have been cheated.

If this is done according to Emperor Chongzhen's practice, once it is discovered that all the owners of the company and publishers have copied their homes, then it is estimated that no matter how daring to falsify their property, they will not dare to go public just for the sake of listing?
Thinking of this, Liu Weichao became more interested, and immediately said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your first stock issuance plan for the wired telephone company, as well as the entire stock trading system, etc., I will make plans for you, and then you Then change it according to the actual situation of the Ming Dynasty, so it will be easier!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard that, and said hello repeatedly!
But what he didn't expect was that he suddenly saw Liu Weichao shook his head and sighed, he was a little surprised, and quickly asked, "What's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

Liu Weichao saw that he was a little worried, so he knew that his untimely expression made him worry, so he quickly smiled and said: "No, I just suddenly remembered that I helped you open the golden finger for this stock matter, and in advance The Ming Dynasty came up with it, but after all, it’s still not number one in the world, it’s just a pity!”

"Isn't it number one in the world?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, and asked quickly, "Who made it first?"

Hearing the question, Liu Weichao searched the computer casually, and then answered him: "The Netherlands is the one that cheated the Ming Dynasty and even stole the blueprint of the steam engine. It worked out. The first stock was to establish the Dutch East India Company, which was mainly used for colonization and to rob things all over the world..."

Listening to his introduction, Emperor Chongzhen was quite surprised. He didn't expect that a robber could do this?These Xiyi are indeed barbaric!

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked, "What about Tsarist Russia? Didn't they all colonize the Pacific coast before, and didn't they also raise money by issuing stocks to rob?"

"That's not true!" Liu Weichao listened and shook his head and said, "Except for the Netherlands, the colonization of other countries is led at the national level. On the Tsarist Russia side, more prisoners are sent, and on the British side. On the other hand, it is to issue licenses to pirates to plunder..."

Listening to what he was saying, Emperor Chongzhen felt that he had refreshed his three views, and these Xiyi could actually do this!At least from the perspective of the Central Plains Dynasty, it is definitely impossible to do this, and it must be learned from a famous teacher!

But the matter of stocks is really possible.Not only is it a tax issue, but I also learned some financial knowledge in the previous chat with Liu Weichao.

For example, the rich people in the Ming Dynasty like to hide their money in the cellar to get moldy.Although there is already a bank, the amount of money hidden in the cellar is still limited.And this part of the money hidden in the cellar is a very large sum of money. It is absolutely not allowed to mold in the cellar!
For Daming to develop rapidly, the use of money is one of the key factors.Stocks allow the private sector to spend money to set up more companies, which not only increases tax revenue, but also increases employment, which is very positive for society.

The knowledge that Liu Weichao instilled in him at the beginning flashed in Emperor Chongzhen's mind, so he urged Liu Weichao to quickly help him advance this matter.

Regarding this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "I have almost sorted out the things about "Yongle Dadian" here, and now I am going to publish some publicly. I just have time during this time, so I will prepare it for you. But After the "Yongle Dadian" is released, it will definitely cause controversy, and I need your support in the future, and I can refute those objections by citing classics."

This matter, if you really want to do it, is not so easy.But this is a big event, and it can be regarded as a grand ceremony of cultural inheritance in Chinese history.

For Liu Weichao today, he has realized the freedom of wealth, and what he pursues is spiritual value.This matter, even if there is a lot of resistance, is worth doing, so that the world can understand what the five thousand years of Chinese civilization is like!

If there is too much resistance, he still has a trump card.But he didn't intend to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard his words, he nodded immediately, indicating that the Ming Dynasty could provide support at any time.

So, in the next few days, Liu Weichao compiled a prospectus based on the limited telephone information provided by Emperor Chongzhen.Of course, it must be different from his world, and more, it must be suitable for the era of the Ming Dynasty.

After Emperor Chongzhen got it, he excitedly delivered an order to convene an imperial meeting of the cabinet and six ministries and nine ministers.

In the Wenhua Palace, after the officials had finished seeing the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen looked at the officials below with a smile and said: "I have received many memorials and heard voices about the wired phone. Many people are interested in this wired phone." I want to. For this reason, I decided to set up a telephone company to take charge of this matter in the form of shares."

He was influenced by Liu Weichao, and his speech and words tended to be later generations, and he was the emperor. Under his influence, his courtiers who dealt with him directly were also affected. , and there is no cognitive impairment.

After all, it is impossible for his courtiers to correct the emperor's words, saying that what you said is ugly, the word is too remote or something.

At this time, hearing Emperor Chongzhen say something new again, the most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty immediately focused their attention, because they already had experience, and this would definitely have a great impact.

Emperor Chongzhen was still there and said to them: "...the majority of the shares of this telephone company must be controlled by the imperial court, and the remaining half of the shares can be put up for auction and purchased by the people, and the highest bidder will get..."

At this time in the Ming Dynasty, there was already awareness of shares, and it was not a new thing.The advantage of doing this, they can also think of it, is that in the future, for the construction of the telephone, the imperial court will not need to pay for it, and private funds can be used to promote this matter.

Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, liked it the most, but before he had time to cheer up, he heard Emperor Chongzhen go on to say: "You can understand first, this is the composition of the telephone company's shares, the scope of future operations, and the expected profit. , dividend expectations, etc. Note that in the future, the imperial court will encourage private companies to establish similar joint-stock companies, but a similar prospectus must be required.”

Having said that, he asked his servant to distribute the prospectus he had prepared to the ministers.

Seeing them watching, Emperor Chongzhen continued: "In addition, if the imperial court wants to set up a stock exchange, it will be set up in the capital, under the yamen of the Ministry of Account Registration, and supervised by the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Factory Guard. Any securities and stock transactions must be done in this transaction For what is done, the imperial court draws transaction commissions..."

The ministers in the Wenhua Hall looked at the materials in their hands at a glance, and listened to the emperor's explanation with their ears upright. They all listened carefully like students.

At the end of Emperor Chongzhen's speech, he said to the officials below: "The former railway department will also be reorganized and changed into a joint-stock company of the imperial court company. As long as there are rich people, it will be handled accordingly to reduce the pressure on the national treasury."

As soon as his words fell, Ni Yuanlu's face was full of excitement, and he was the first to come out and play: "My Emperor Shengming, long live, long live, long live!"

At this time, in his eyes, Emperor Chongzhen was the God of Wealth!

He could even imagine it. According to the prospect described by the emperor, the expenditure of the imperial court would really be reduced a lot, and he would not have to worry about spending money like water!
Of course, there are gains and losses, and if you turn back to make money, you still have to pay dividends.However, he is more willing to do this than to empty the treasury.

As for the stock exchange, it was not his excitement.In other words, except for Emperor Chongzhen because Liu Weichao explained it, no one else has realized how much influence the stock exchange will have.

According to Liu Weichao's naturalization, for the securities and stocks of the Ming Dynasty, state-owned enterprises first went public, and companies that could make money went public, setting an example and building confidence, and then driving private companies to go public to raise funds, thereby moving towards normalization.

Among other things, at least for the telephone company, it is definitely something that the people of Ming Dynasty are looking forward to.

The news quickly spread from the capital to the world.In particular, the wealthy people in Jiangnan rushed to the capital one after another, thinking about whether they could buy shares in the telephone company.

At this time, the prisoners of the Battle of the Prairie were escorted to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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