Chapter 838
There were red-haired, blue-eyed, ghost-like captives from Xiyi before, and they were Dutchmen captured from Dongfan.

At that time, the imperial court did not deliberately treat them, but gave them preferential treatment. The final result was to put them back.

However, this time the Tsarist Russian invaders did not have this treatment.

After getting off the train from Guihua City to the capital, they were all driven by the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi to the prison of the Ministry of Justice in the city.Everywhere you pass along the way is a bustling place.

When people come and go, it is natural to watch onlookers.

At this time, the people in the capital could no longer feel the chaos of the war, and they were a little curious when they saw the captives coming, let alone the rare Xiyi.

After these Xiyi were captured, it was impossible for them to take a bath, and even those who were injured were simply dealt with. They were driven to walk by the soldiers of the Wucheng Bingma Division, which looked a bit miserable.

It has to be said that most of the people of Ming Dynasty are kind-hearted, and those who did not bring great disasters to the people of Ming Dynasty, such as Jianlu, have some compassion.

Of course, it was mainly because the war took place on the Mongolian grassland. For the people of the capital, it was still difficult to equate the grassland with the pass.

However, this perception was quickly changed.

Inside the cordon of the soldiers of the Wucheng Army and Horse Division, there were some ordinary officials from the Department of Political Affairs, loudly propagandizing to the crowd outside the cordon.

"You pity them, that's because you have never seen their ferocity! Look at them, they look like evil spirits, they really deserve their name!"

"You don't know, these Western barbarians are called Tsarist Russians. They are in the far west, but they come here without delay. Do you know what they are here for? Robbery and murder!"

"From the west of our Ming Dynasty to the east, it is several times longer. Moreover, they used to go east from a place norther than Mongolia. All the tribes along the way were harmed by them. They killed all people and robbed everything."

"I'm afraid you guys don't know. They are on the side of our slave Gandusi in Daming. They not only rob and kill people, but also eat people. How is this different from evil spirits? There are all witnesses!"

"This time, together with the western tribes, they want to attack our Daming and enter the customs. For what? Or to rob, kill, and even eat people. These are evil spirits who do all kinds of evil, you know?"

"Thanks to the emperor's wisdom and martial arts, and the frontline soldiers defending the frontier, they were not allowed to harm the pass, and they were defeated!"

"The reason why Xiyi is Xiyi is not unreasonable! If our national strength is not strong, we will suffer unimaginable harm from them, even more vicious than Jianlu! This is really not scary!"


Hearing these propagandas, the onlookers in the capital could not help but have a new understanding of the Tsarist Russians.This time, naturally, everyone was angry!

Such a vicious person, who wanted to sympathize with them before losing money, deserved it!

Not to mention, there are those who spit on these Tsarist Russians, and some who throw stones, not to mention, those who scold them.

In short, the people of the Ming capital express their anger with their actions!
After these captives passed, restaurants and teahouses and other places where the topic centered, there was still the topic of continuing Xiyi.

In addition to continuing to popularize the brutality of the Russian colonists, there are some guides.Of course, these people are naturally helpers working for the Department of Political Affairs, otherwise, it is impossible to know the news.

"The evil spirits of Tsarist Russia are so cruel, if we don't care, what if they still send someone?"

"As the saying goes, don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking about it. If you want me to say it, the court might as well send troops to destroy Tsarist Russia. This is the fundamental solution!"

"That's right, you dare to attack our Ming Dynasty. Anyone who offends our Ming Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away. This is a must!"

"Yes, that's how it should be. These Tsarist devils are so tired of their jobs, do they think our Ming Dynasty is easy to bully? They must be taught a lesson!"


This kind of public opinion, how big do you want to say, it may not be.During this period of time, the biggest public opinion in the capital was the topic of what kind of telephone company the imperial court would set up, and there would be an auction of shares.

However, because of such public opinion, Xiyi plummeted in the impression of the people of Ming Dynasty, and even the Portuguese in the capital were too scared to go out.When he had no choice but to go out, he hung a sign on his chest, which read: Daming's most loyal friend, Portuguese.

A few days later, the court's decree came down, and all these Tsarist devils were executed, which aroused the applause of the people.

However, what the people in the capital did not know was that among the captives escorted to Beijing with the Tsarist devils, there were also a group of captives from the Turghut Department.He was also imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, just next door to the Tsarist Russian devils.

In the big prison, when the jailers waited on the Tsarist devils every day, the prisoners of the Torghut Department could hear them very clearly.They all saw it when they pulled it out to chop.

Regarding this, needless to say, the morale of the prisoners of the Torghut Department is very low, and everyone is depressed and listless, waiting for the moment of their execution.

However, what they didn't expect was that a head of the Ministry of Punishment approached them in advance and told them frankly that he was the minion of Daming and helped Daming go west. After five years, the Zhun Torghut Department would return to Daming. You have to atone for your sins before, and you are counted as slave soldiers. Do you want to do it?
Kurdaiqing, the Great Khan of the Turghut Department, is still hesitating, because he is no longer the Great Khan of the Turghut Department, and the Turghut Department will also live up to his existence.He knew this from Gushri Khan when he was in Tibet.

However, those of his tribe did not hesitate at all, rushing to agree one after another, otherwise they would die, and if they agreed, they could still live.Moreover, they took the steam train to the capital, and the prosperity they saw along the way had long made them envious.

Seeing this, Shuku Erdaiqing was also helpless, so he agreed.

For them, what the Ming court did was finally to give them a batch of armor and armor, and let them rush back to the Volga River Basin to collect various information for the future arrival of the Ming army, especially the situation of various forces.

Needless to say, these are all orders from Emperor Chongzhen.For him, even if these captives betrayed after they ran back, it would not be a big loss to him. The layout in advance can only be regarded as an idle move, and it works best if it works later.

Because to Daming, the Turhu Special Department doesn't even count as a cat!
After sending away the Turhu Special Department, because of the convenience of transportation, many wealthy businessmen from the south of the Yangtze River have rushed to the capital by steam train.

Basically, these people have a copy of the prospectus of the telephone company in their hands.

This prospectus, to be honest, is also a new thing.From this prospectus, they saw the sincerity of the imperial court.

Because every aspect is far more detailed than they thought!
This made them even more interested in the shares of the telephone company, and they traveled thousands of miles to see the situation.

All of a sudden, wealthy businessmen from aristocratic families and other wealthy people gathered here in the capital, and the good restaurants and inns were immediately full.

There are still three days before the time for the public offering, and the whole Jingshi is the topic of this offering.

The reason why there is such a grand occasion is that apart from the attractiveness of the telephone company itself, there is actually another very important reason.

That is today's Daming, although it is still at war, but for most of the common people, it is already a peaceful and prosperous age.Those wars that are still being fought, in their eyes, will definitely be won.

From successive years of wars to this peaceful and prosperous age, the prestige of the imperial court, or the prestige of Emperor Chongzhen, has been established through many incidents.It made the rich people believe that the imperial court would not lie to them!
Otherwise, no matter how good the phone company's expectations are, the rich would not dare to spend their money.

In other words, if this matter was advanced to the fifteenth or sixteenth year of Chongzhen, it would definitely be a different situation.

But at this time, everyone is looking forward to the holding of the prospectus meeting.

"In this prospectus, the imperial court set the minimum price per share, and then accepted applications. When the time comes, the price per share will be raised, and those who can't afford it will withdraw by themselves until they can just buy the shares. I said, this trick Whoever thought it up, it’s too good at forgetting it!”

"If you want me to tell you, the shares of this telephone company are still in high demand, otherwise, who would want to get involved in such a thing that is not cheap!"

"Hehe, then you should go! Maybe we can make a deal at the reserve price?"

"I don't want to, I just want to leave some for my grandchildren. This wired phone will definitely be used by anyone with a little money in the future. With the population of Ming Dynasty, the money that can be earned will go to sea!"

"Who doesn't think so! I heard that if you don't want the shares anymore, you can go to the government office to sell them!"

"Why didn't I see it in the prospectus? Are you lying?"

"No, this has nothing to do with the telephone company. I heard from the second uncle who works in the yamen that the imperial court will set up a special yamen for trading this kind of shares. Any trading of shares must go to this yamen. The transaction price will be announced at that time, and then Whoever wants to buy or sell can decide for himself at this price.”

"What do you mean? What's the situation?"

"For example, the shares of a telephone company cost one tael per share. A thinks that the price will be more than this in the future, so he will go to the Yamen to buy them. If anyone else is willing to buy, he will make a deal with him. If someone agrees with him, maybe If a share of one tael is collected, then the transaction price is one tael. The reverse is also the same. You can’t buy or sell privately. You have to trade in the yamen and keep the transaction records. Otherwise, you won’t get Dividends, if found out by the government, they will be punished!"


The concept of a stock exchange was first publicly unveiled in the Ming Dynasty and attracted many inquiries.

(End of this chapter)

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