Chapter 839 Desperate
The business scope of the wired telephone company was ultimately limited to the installation of wired telephones. The telephones had to be purchased from the Military Bureau, and the wires had to be purchased from the Qiongzhou Rubber Factory.However, just relying on the power of monopolizing this item, it still attracts many people who are ready to buy shares in wired telephones.

When this day comes, those who are interested in buying shares, including officials and families, wealthy businessmen, princes and nobles, all go to the yamen of the Ministry of Households, and enter in the order of the predetermined purchase amount.

At the gate of the yamen, there is a sign that says two taels of silver per share, and then there is a report at the gate, and those who buy more than [-] shares can enter.

Seeing this scene, many people started talking.

"Didn't you say that the base price is one tael of silver per share? How can it be two taels of silver to enter?"

"That's right. Didn't the prospectus also say that five thousand copies are eligible?"

"The total shares of this telephone company are two million shares. If you sell almost one million shares, you can receive two million taels for entering the market. Isn't that too much?"

"Hehe, you don't even look at it, how many people are rushing to ask for it, of course the imperial court will increase the price."

"That's right, the prospectus is only an estimated price, and it doesn't say that it's a tael of silver per share!"


The imperial court temporarily raised the price per share based on estimates, so that many people could only watch helplessly as those who had more money entered the yamen of the Ministry of Households with their heads held high.

In fact, the share transaction of this telephone company had nothing to do with ordinary people from the very beginning, and more, it was just a game of rich people.

After these wealthy people entered the yamen of the household department, they would bid again. The two taels of silver per share at the gate was only a preliminary screening, because the yamen of the household department was not that big and could not accommodate so many people.

After arriving in the yamen, the Ministry of Households will increase the price, and then count the number of purchases per person. If the number is far more than one million copies, then the price will be raised again until the purchase quantity is around one million copies.

The situation here in the yamen of the household department was supervised by the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the factory guard, and the situation was reported to Emperor Chongzhen.

The final transaction result reached as much as five taels of silver per share.In other words, Daming's first joint-stock company, the Cable Telephone Company, raised as much as five million taels.

However, in the future, if the imperial court wanted to install a telephone, including the emperor's, all of them would have to be installed through the telephone company, and they would also have to pay for it.If those with privileges do not go through the telephone company, then the business of the telephone company will be reduced by more than half, and the stock price will definitely not be so high!

As for the number of purchasers, many of those who entered the yamen of the household department were representatives, such as representatives of Yangzhou merchants, representatives of Nanjing gentry, and so on.The imperial court doesn't care, as long as the purchase is completed, when paying for registration, it can register the name information of different people and so on.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard the news.

In this way, the Ministry of Households spent five million taels less, but the telephone company was established quickly, and the operation was still controlled by the imperial court.

Five million taels, this is definitely not a small sum. You must know that in the past few years, the money that the court could receive was only about two million taels a year.

That is to say, Emperor Chongzhen has seen a lot of money right now, otherwise, he would definitely be shocked and dumbfounded.

Through this first telephone company's financing, Emperor Chongzhen ordered to build a great hall outside the city, as well as public facilities such as the stock exchange, as well as supporting restaurants and inns.

This is a big infrastructure that will enable many people to find employment and earn money.In addition, the imperial court also stipulated that priority should be given to veterans and disabled soldiers in social posts.This is also a guarantee for the smooth implementation of the universal compulsory military service system!

The vigorous construction of infrastructure has brought more people to the capital, and the scale of the capital is constantly expanding. The population of the capital has already moved towards two million.This is only a few years after the world has been peaceful!
After the construction of the great hall, shops around the stock exchange, inns and restaurants, etc. are completed, they will be rented directly, and the imperial court will not participate in the direct operation.

After the Emperor Chongzhen tasted the sweetness, he planned to establish a steam engine joint-stock company to spin off the civilian steam engine and go public to raise funds, so that the steam engine could be more widely used in various industries and promote the development of Ming Dynasty's productivity.

After this fundraising is completed, Emperor Chongzhen will also set up a North Korea development company to try to use the company model to develop North Korea, that is, to use private capital to develop, so that the court can relax.

In short, since the stock exchange is going to open, there cannot be only one joint-stock company. Seeing that the money is wasted, Emperor Chongzhen lost money.

Liu Weichao has reminded that there are many things that need to be regulated, but in the early stage, it can be developed first, but standardized supervision is indispensable.


When the capital was busy with finances, Gushi Khan finally fled back to Tibet in embarrassment, so he could take a breather.

However, he didn't feel lucky about it.Of the [-] people who were brought out, less than [-]% were able to escape back to Tibet with him.

This defeat was really unbearable for him.

Originally, he had strategized, thinking that he had done a good job, and he would definitely be able to realize his strategic intentions and revitalize the entire war against Ming.

Unexpectedly, he kicked the iron plate with one kick, and even he himself almost didn't escape back after losing his soldiers.

However, his allies were basically lost.

Those allies who tried to rush through the Ming army's defense line and raided its rear were basically wiped out.Among them, the Tsarist Russian Cavalry Army and those small tribes are gone, in fact they are gone, and Gushi Khan doesn't mind much.

However, the annihilation of the Zhungeer army was an unbearable pain for him.

You must know that at this time, the Heshuote Khanate and the Zhungeer Ministry are the closest allies.Batur Hunhan's youngest son, Galdan, is studying Buddhism in Tibet!

The destruction of the Zhungeer tribe was definitely a major blow to the Heshuot Khanate.

In addition, the Yarkand Khanate army, which was in the same rear army as the Heshuote Khanate, was luckier than the Zhungeer Ministry, but under the pursuit of the Ming cavalry, the Yarkand Khanate was already in the Ming Dynasty. Under the iron hooves of the National Cavalry Army, it is estimated that even if there are remnants to go back, they will not be able to keep the Yarkand Khanate.

The Yarkand Khanate either fled westward or was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty. There was no third way to go.

Even his Heshuo Special Ministry Khanate is fortunately located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is not so easy for the Ming army to pursue it. Otherwise, it is estimated that the Ming cavalry army will follow and pursue it this time!
Thinking of this, Gushi Khan's head hurts.

I never imagined that the Ming Kingdom had so many elite cavalry in Guihua City!Even if you throw beans into soldiers, it's impossible to have so many, right?

At this time, he can already be sure that the Qing Empire in Liaodong and the Wa Kingdom must be finished, otherwise, there would definitely not be so many cavalry in Guihua City!

Thinking of this, Gushi Khan's head hurt even more.This means that after the Ming army has solved the troubles in the east, it can free up more manpower and material resources to deal with him. How can it be fought?
Originally, Gushi Khan didn't really believe what Oqiertu said about the Ming Dynasty, but now, he had to seriously examine it again.

It is a fact that the former Ming Dynasty was beaten by the Qing Dynasty, but in just a few short years, there have been such big changes. If there is no divine help, it is absolutely impossible!
The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty really manifested himself?

If it is true, then how to fight?How to deal with the Ming army's revenge later?

All of a sudden, Gushi Khan looked very old, very haggard!

Seeing him like this, the people around him and those religious people who relied on him comforted him one after another, saying that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Is it in the territory?
Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs, the sons of Gushi Khan, all of them are good-looking!No matter how powerful the Ming Dynasty is, it is not the opponent of Gushi Khan's son!
Of course, some people thought that they might have exaggerated a bit, so they comforted Gushi Khan and said that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had never been occupied by the Central Plains dynasty, so let Gushi Khan rest assured!
People from the Central Plains Dynasty had difficulty walking on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, let alone fighting with knives and guns!
While they were comforting Gushri Khan, bad news spread to Lhasa one after another.

Needless to say, the Ming army turned to counterattack on all fronts, not only quickly regained the lost ground, but even invaded the Heshuot Khanate.Even Gush Khan's ten sons were killed four.

For Daming, this is actually the most normal thing.

Originally, these troops of the Heshuote Khanate came from false soldiers, but it happened that Daming made a strategy to lure the enemy deeper, which made their early offensive go smoothly.

After Sun Chuanting knew that the main force of the Western Alliance army was on the grassland, he ordered the Ming armies in various parts of the Ming Dynasty to turn to the counterattack, of course, to deal with the enemy in front of them.

This one after another bad news shut up all those who tried to comfort Gushi Khan.No matter how blind you are, no matter how big your heart is, under such a situation, there is no way to say that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs.

The successive defeats have shaken the foundation of the Heshuote Khanate, and there are not many troops left that can fight!

More importantly, the military newspapers from various places said that the Ming army has generally deployed muskets and artillery, and it is no longer the kind of cold weapon fighting. The terrain of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau no longer restricts the Ming army. So strong!

Fortunately, it was already the second half of the [-]st year of Chongzhen, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau began to turn cold, and the attacking Ming armies from all walks of life stopped their offensive momentum.

However, everyone knows that in the coming year, there may be more Ming troops coming to attack.

Faced with such a situation, Gushi Khan finally made a difficult decision!
(End of this chapter)

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