Chapter 840 Trouble
"What? Belonging to the Ming Kingdom? How is this possible?"

"That's right, isn't the Ming Dynasty planning to reform the land and return it to the natives? How could it be possible to agree to this?"

"Yeah, when the time comes, Da Khan won't be Da Khan, and we won't be us either. On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, they will all be officials sent by the Ming Kingdom!"


As Gushri Khan announced that he would belong to the Ming Dynasty, as soon as the news came out, people from all walks of life immediately opposed it.

However, Gushi Khan is not an ordinary person, if he changes his mind as soon as someone talks about it, then he is not Gushi Khan!

I just heard him explain to those who opposed: "Ben Khan is naturally dissatisfied with the reform of the Ming Kingdom to return to the country. For this reason, didn't he gather troops from various tribes to oppose it! But, haven't you seen it? Even if we Gathered the forces of various tribes, but they are not the opponents of the Ming country!"

"Ben Khan can confirm that the powerful Qing Empire in Liaodong must have been wiped out by the Ming Kingdom; even with the help of the Japanese Kingdom, it was still completely wiped out. Otherwise, the Ming Kingdom would not be able to keep ten Tens of thousands of cavalry are not needed in Guihua City! Or, could it be that the Ming Kingdom has more than [-] cavalry, so half of them stay in Guihua City? This is simply impossible!"

"This time, the Ming army stopped attacking us because of the weather, but what about next year? Do we have the sharp firearms of the Ming army? In the battle of the grassland, the elite lost, how can we fight?"

"In fact, even if the elite is still there, since the Ming Dynasty decided to send troops to the west, can we stop them? Their firearms can shoot and kill our most brave soldiers with just a pull of the finger! The geographical advantage of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in In front of firearms, how much more can there be?"

"Even if we take [-] steps back, our soldiers are brave and tenacious, one for the Ming army, how many people do we have, and how many people are there in the Ming country? Who of you thinks that we have a chance to win?"

"The Ming Kingdom has become so powerful in just a few years. If it were not for the help of God, it would be absolutely impossible. Oqiertu said in the letter that it was the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Kingdom who appeared, and Ben Khan believed it to be true. God They all look after Ming, so what are we fighting for?"

"Before the Ming army came to fight, we took the initiative to surrender, and maybe we could have a family background. If the Ming army came before us, we would have no conditions to talk about, except for death in battle, we can only be prisoners. Now The Ming Dynasty is not merciful to the captives!"

"The Ming Dynasty treats you in the same way as the Buddhism and Taoism in the Ming Dynasty. It is under the jurisdiction of the court, but it will not have such great power. Think about it, you didn't have you here at the beginning. Songtsan Gampo introduced you. It has been so many years, I can be content. Otherwise, the Ming army will perish under the vanguard!"

"Ben Khan is telling you the truth, the decision to join the Ming Kingdom, if you really want to say it, Ben Khan has the most worries!"

"If you don't submit before the war, but return after the war, this Khan will take the responsibility of launching a war against the Ming Kingdom. If the Ming Kingdom pursues it, it is hard to say what will happen to this Khan!"

"However, because of this Khan, the tribesmen of the Heshuote tribe cannot be made prisoners or slaves of the Ming Kingdom, and they cannot watch the Ming Kingdom slaughter the entire Qinghai-Tibet!"

"Don't think they won't do this. The most important thing in the Ming Dynasty is people. If this place is slaughtered, people can also be migrated from Xichuan, Yunnan and other places."

"This is Ben Khan's advice. While we still have a little bit of geographical advantage, and Ming Kingdom takes the initiative to surrender before paying a big price, and reduce the consumption of Ming Kingdom's manpower and material resources, this is the only bargaining chip we hope to get Ming Kingdom's understanding !"


Under Gush Khan's earnest words, all those who persuaded Gush Khan fell silent.

If it is said that Gushi Khan said these words before the battle, no one would believe them and would be dissatisfied.

In fact, even Gushi Khan himself didn't realize that the Ming country had become so powerful that he couldn't compete before the battle.

But at this time, not only did he fail to win the war that he had planned with all his heart, but he was completely defeated.In the face of the absolute strength of the Ming Kingdom, it made him sober.

What he said just now, he said righteously, as if it was for the good of everyone and He Shuo’s special department, but in fact, this is also his best result, after he considered it.

If he persisted, as he himself expected, it would be difficult for him to resist the Ming army's attack.Even if one or two battles can be won, it will not help the overall situation. After all, the comprehensive national strength of the Ming Dynasty far surpasses his Heshuote Khanate.

Unless it was a domestic turmoil in the Ming Dynasty, otherwise, if the Ming Dynasty said that it would take down Qinghai-Tibet, it would definitely be able to take down Qinghai-Tibet.

It has to be said that Gushi Khan's understanding of affairs is indeed stronger than that of many people.

In the original history, Tibet was colonized by the British army. At the beginning, there were only more than [-] British troops, and at the most, there were only about [-] people.

The emergence of firearms, and the difference between firearms and the cold weapons of Qinghai-Tibet indigenous people, has minimized the impact of altitude sickness.

In this plane, Gushi Khan has almost lost his main force, and it is even more difficult to withstand the attack of the Ming army.

This is also the reason why he did not flee west, but had to take risks and consider joining Ming.

If there is not enough troops to flee west, the tribes in the west are not vegetarians!
Of course, if the Ming Dynasty still wanted to investigate his crimes of violating Daming, he probably would have to flee west instead of being caught without a fight.

At this time, although he returned in a big defeat, he still controls Tibet, there is no doubt about it.

Under his dominance and in the face of the facts, he finally sent an envoy to Ming, willing to join Daming.

Of course, he also has an argument, saying that he was disrespectful to Daming because he was bewitched by Batur Hunhan of the Zhungeer tribe. Now he has repented and is willing to offer Qingzang to Ming Dynasty. He himself, let the emperor of Ming Dynasty If you want to kill or cut, you have no complaints!

In the autumn of the [-]st year of Chongzhen, Governor Ma Shiying received a report from Kuaima from the front line, saying that the envoy of Gushi Khan had arrived and asked to join him, and he had a letter of credence.

This is not something he can decide, so he immediately sent him to the capital.

The convenience of transportation in the Ming Dynasty made it possible for this memorial about Gushi Khan's surrender to be sent to the capital in less than half a month.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard the play, so he called a group of ministers to discuss the matter.

Regarding this, Chief Assistant He Fengsheng said bluntly: "Your Majesty, the old minister thought that the Heshuote Khanate had to be surrendered because it was afraid of being attacked by the imperial court. Low, he said that he was bewitched by Batur Hunhan of the Zhungeer Department, offended Ming Dynasty, and was willing to allow the court to punish him, but in fact, the old minister thought that he was still testing whether the court would really punish him!"

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard this, so he demanded, "Come on!"

He Fengsheng continued to play: "If this Gushi Khan is really as sincere as the letter of credence, then he should surrender directly to the court, or send his closest son to deliver a letter as a hostage. But, no, obviously I still want to see The attitude of the imperial court will be reconsidered!"

Emperor Chongzhen listened and nodded to express his approval of his words.So, he asked again: "What do you think should be done, let's all talk and listen!"

The six ministries and nine ministers in the Wenhua Palace and other senior officials of the Ming Dynasty heard the will of Emperor Chongzhen, and they all played their own meanings.

It can be roughly divided into the following situations:

The first one is that since Gushi Khan voluntarily asked to surrender, it would be a good thing for the court to avoid confrontation with swords and soldiers, and punishing him is just a matter of intention. Can get the whole Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The second opinion is much more intense, saying why did this Gushi Khan go so long ago, after a big defeat, he has no power to fight back, so he came to ask for surrender, which is too beautiful!To kill chickens and scare monkeys, regardless of his request to surrender, just continue to attack the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau!Anyway, the imperial army has this strength, and they don't need them to surrender, and they can directly take over the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

These two points of view have their own reasons, and the imperial court can't argue.

In the end, Emperor Chongzhen let them continue to quarrel and went into the apse by himself.

Seeing this scene, the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty in the Wenhua Palace knew what the emperor was going to do, so they stopped arguing and waited for the result.

They were right. Emperor Chongzhen in the apse sent a video communication request to Liu Weichao.

After connecting to the video, Emperor Chongzhen originally wanted to talk about him, but seeing that Liu Weichao's face didn't look very good, he changed his voice and asked, "Why, what happened?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just a bunch of dogs biting!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he said worriedly: "Why, after your articles were published, more people opposed you?"

Liu Weichao said before that he has sorted out the "Yongle Canon" and announced some content at an appropriate time.Unexpectedly, these articles of his attracted the attention of many people, especially on the Internet, they started to cause some topics and were attacked.

There is no other reason. It is said that the Western Renaissance is so great. China has always been a feudal monarchy. There is no civilization at all. Liu Weichao explained that the things that existed before the dynasty were all made up and fabricated by him. It's just making money with this name!

At that time, Liu Weichao said that he didn't care, and he didn't bother to care about this kind of public knowledge who only recognized good Western people.But Emperor Chongzhen felt that Liu Weichao still cared, so he was a little angry.

At this moment, upon hearing Emperor Chongzhen’s question, Liu Weichao thought for a while and said, “Some people have raped me, saying that I just made up to get rich, and some experts called beasts also participated in attacking me. I don’t even know Ming history. There are also some people who come to my online store to make trouble, make bad reviews, and spread rumors about me online, which is really disgusting."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately said angrily: "It's so bold that they stole their home!"

(End of this chapter)

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