Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 841 Looking Ahead

Chapter 841 Looking Ahead
After he finished speaking, he came back to his senses. It was not a world he could control, so he was a little embarrassed and asked immediately: "Then what should I do?"

"There's nothing to do!" Liu Weichao replied immediately after hearing this, "I'll let the company's legal department deal with those who spread rumors. As for the attacks that experts call beasts, I'll just continue to publish articles to hit them in the face!"

Speaking of this, he paused and then said: "I used to keep a low profile, but now that I've gradually gained fame, there are more gossips. This is normal, and it doesn't matter. By the way, why are you looking for me?"

Emperor Chongzhen saw that Liu Weichao seemed to be back to normal. Hearing his question, he talked about the matter of Gushi Khan and the two views of the officials in the Wenhua Palace, and then asked: "What is the matter?" ,What do you think?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said without even thinking about it: "Tibet is a very important place, especially if you plan to expand the territory, it will have more geographical advantages for South Asia."

After a pause, he reminded Emperor Chongzhen: "You can look at the map of the world. In South Asia, you were mainly the Mughal Empire at that time. Their capital was in Delhi. If they were killed from Tibet, it would be very difficult. Nearly. At this time, if I remember correctly, the Mughal Empire is at its strongest. If you want to easily capture Nanyang, raiding their capital from the Tibetan plateau will be the best way. "

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't look at the world map, because he knew that Liu Weichao was right, so he confirmed to Liu Weichao: "That is to say, if I approve of Gushi Khan's request to surrender, he will not be punished." So, bring Tibet into the territory of Ming Dynasty as soon as possible, and with the help of Gushi Khan, send troops to the Mughal Empire as soon as possible?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought for a while and said, "However, no matter what the reason is, this Gushi Khan has used troops against Daming. If you think you still need to be punished, you can ask Sun Chuanting, the front-line commander, to see how to punish him. , I think his opinion is the most pertinent!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he came back to his senses immediately, nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, Sun Qing should know the current situation of the Heshuot Khanate best. It is also autumn now, and the war has come to an end for the time being. I will let him Call back the capital and ask!"

Speaking of this, he thought of something, and said with some regret: "It's a pity that the wired telephone company is still preparing, otherwise, I can just make a phone call!"

Liu Weichao also smiled when he heard it, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Be content, you have only spent a few years with my help for hundreds of years of technological development. Daming's technology and the countries around you, no, It should be because there is a very big gap between you and the whole world, which will allow you to crush the whole world! It’s not like my plane, where some technologies are being stuck by Xi Yi!”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he seemed to have gained a lot of money, so he smiled happily and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely teach those Westerners a lesson in this plane!"

Liu Weichao laughed with him when he heard it, and then said to him: "When you set up troops in Tibet, I will check the information of the Mughal Empire to see what historical events there are. For example, the Mughal Empire happened to be When sending troops to attack other places, it will be easier for you to send troops to attack his capital."

Having said this, he paused, and then added: "I think the butterfly wings instigated by Ming Dynasty should not have affected the Mughal Empire much. Unless the Tibet issue is not resolved for a long time, let the Mughal Empire Knowing that Ming has become stronger and is attacking Tibet, then it will take precautions against Tibet."

The butterfly effect also needs to be logical. It is impossible for Daming to be powerful and affect the whole world at once.

Today's Ming Dynasty is strong, and Europe has indeed been affected, because the fact that Emperor Chongzhen asked the Netherlands and Portugal to become vassal states of Ming Dynasty has already spread in Europe.

However, on the South Asian side, during the Ming Dynasty, troops were stationed in Yunnan to intimidate Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty. As for the rest, there was no action at all.The Mughal Empire is still far away from Ming Dynasty, even if there is some butterfly effect, it will not have much impact.If the Great Khan of the Mughal Empire could really see the subtleties, it would be impossible for the Mughal Empire to turn from prosperity to decline under his tenure.

Emperor Chongzhen probably understood what the butterfly effect was, because Liu Weichao had taught him popular science before, so after smiling, he hung up the video and turned back to the front hall.

Many courtiers in the Wenhua Palace knew that there was a result when they saw Emperor Chongzhen come back. They all looked at Emperor Chongzhen and waited for him to speak.

Emperor Chongzhen was not surprised by this, he just said to his subordinates: "I want to take Tibet as soon as possible, but Gush Khan has to pay the price, and I will stop it for the latter. Sun Qing returned to Beijing, and he commanded the battle against the western tribal coalition forces at the front, so he should know Qinghai-Tibet best."

It seems that this is what Emperor Taizu meant!

The officials in the Wenhua Palace thought about it, and they dared to object, but Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, still had some doubts, so she asked, "Your Majesty, why do you want to take Tibet as soon as possible? That place is vast and sparsely populated, so even if it is captured sooner, it will be difficult." Not much profit, right?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen ordered Gao Mingyue, the eunuch on duty, to take out a world map and hang it on the screen. He also confirmed what Liu Weichao said before saying to his officials: "This Mughal Empire is the most powerful country in Southeast Asia. , and it is also the time when this dynasty is at its strongest. However, their Khan is warlike and brutal. If we station troops in Tibet, we will be able to find a suitable opportunity to attack the capital directly when the main force of the Mughal Empire army is out. Destroy the Mughal Empire!"

Hearing this, the courtiers in the Wenhua Palace were a little surprised.Unexpectedly, they were thinking about solving the enemies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but the emperor was already planning an empire in South Asia!Is this the gap?

But then, they understood.This must be the far-sightedness of Emperor Taizu, so it's no surprise!
Since it was Emperor Taizu's plan, what else is there to say!
However, although no one objected, Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, came forward and said: "Your Majesty, is there any benefit to the Mughal Empire?"

This household secretary has been serving as a secretary for a long time, and everywhere is measured by interests.Tibet is vast and sparsely populated, so it is impossible to get the eyes of the Minister of the Household Department.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought so, then smiled and said: "Let's just say this, as far as I know, the people of the Mughal Empire are very lazy, just like the natives of Nanyang, but they seldom starve to death."

Speaking of this, seeing Ni Yuanlu's overjoyed expression, Emperor Chongzhen added: "However, on the side of the Mughal Empire, I intend to divide it into vassal kings, not directly under the imperial court. What I want to directly govern is the one in the past. A large territory!"

After the Mughal Empire, it was the Persian Empire, which is the later Iran, and then the Middle East.

Underneath these places is the treasure house of oil that Liu Weichao told him, which is more expensive than gold but far exceeds the reserves of gold.

If there is any place on this earth that is bound to be won, it is these places with rich oil underground.

As for the refining of oil, under the guidance of the documents provided by Liu Weichao, there are specialized personnel doing it.The current goal is to first refine the oil regardless of the output, and use it in the iron cow experiment driven by internal combustion engines on the Hetao Plain. When these technologies are more mature, then the internal combustion engines will be applied on a large scale, and the demand for oil will be the largest at once. up!

Some of his plans have been explained to the officials, and some have not been mentioned, but the Academy of Sciences is doing it silently.

The imperial meeting in the Wenhua Palace ended soon, and a decree was sent to the grassland quickly.

After Sun Chuanting received the order, he immediately rushed back to Baotou, and then returned to Beijing by train.

That's right, the railway has been repaired to Baotou.This is due to the fact that the previous war did not affect the east of Baotou at all, so the prisoners of the Mongolian tribe in the east could build the railway as planned.

One advantage of taking the train is that people will not be very tired, just like resting in a house, but the house will move.

Sun Chuanting was on the train, already thinking about how to reply to Emperor Chongzhen.

After the Battle of the Grassland, the [-] cavalry rushed westward, chasing after the coalition forces of the western tribes, never giving them a chance to regroup, and chasing them as far as the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the army doesn't want to chase anymore, nor does it mean that the enemy's resistance is strong, but that the Ming army's logistics can't keep up, and it has reached the limit of pursuit.In addition, the weather in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains turned cold, so we had to withdraw to Baotou to prepare for the winter.

But even so, the Yarkand Khanate basically no longer exists.

Yaerqiang Khan was not caught, and fled to Central Asia.Gushi Khan was not caught either, and fled back to Tibet.The Ming army only pursued part of the Qinghai area.

All the captives captured this time were reduced to free labor, ready to be used for the further westward extension of the railway.

At this time, Sun Chuanting once again felt the power of the railway.He has great confidence in his heart, wherever the railway can be built, it is the territory of Daming, and there will be no problems!
However, it is very difficult to build the railway to Tibet!Even if you don't care about the casualties of those free laborers, it's still a bit difficult.

Regarding the treatment of Gushi Khan, Sun Chuanting still agreed to accept his surrender as the main priority, but in terms of treatment, he could not be given multiple choices, he could only go to the capital to enjoy wealth, and he could not be given the opportunity to lead the army!
Not only him, but also those leaders in Tibet must be dealt with in this way. Only in this way, Tibet's land reform will be thorough!

When Sun Chuanting was thinking about this, the train had already arrived in Gyeonggi, and when he saw it through the window, he was taken aback!
(End of this chapter)

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