Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 842 Feels the emotion that I have already felt many times

Chapter 842 Feels the emotion that I have already felt many times

Sun Chuanting clearly remembered that when he left by train at the beginning of the year, there was still wasteland here.Unexpectedly, only half a year has passed, and it turned out to be full of buildings.

Moreover, he could see that there was a building that seemed to be very large, about the size of the operating school grounds.With this large building as the center, many buildings have been built around it, and these are recognizable. They should be restaurants and teahouses.

The scale of the capital, if it keeps going like this, I'm afraid it will become one with Tongzhou in the future!
Fortunately, the world is peaceful now, and Ming Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger. If it were changed to before, if there is war, it must be surrounded by city walls!
However, such a large-scale city wall...

It's really unimaginable!
The train conductor serving in the carriage saw Sun Chuanting staring blankly at the building outside the window, so he introduced flatteringly: "My lord, this is the stock and stock exchange that the emperor ordered to build some time ago, just like the shares of a cable company. It is allowed to trade here, and it is estimated that there is still one month before it can be used!"

Although Sun Chuanting led troops to fight outside, the court's residence report would still be passed on to him.Therefore, he knew about the cable phone that shocked the world.

But because he was leading the army to fight, he couldn't pay too much attention.At this time, when the train conductor mentioned it, he turned his head and asked with great interest, "Is this wired telephone stake very popular? Do you need to build a special place for trading?"

Upon hearing this, the train conductor said with a little pride, "To tell you the truth, the villain just bought two shares. Many people have come to the door, wanting to buy the two shares held by the villain!"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting became a little curious, and immediately asked: "If this share is in high demand, why can you buy it?"

The conductor of the train is not an official of the court at all. The only analogy is the shopkeeper of a restaurant and inn.There are many rich people in Daming, but even the conductor of the train can buy two shares. Sun Chuanting always feels that this so-called hot spot should be put in quotation marks.

Although Sun Chuanting's words hinted at a hint of contempt, the train conductor replied proudly: "As far as my lord is concerned, it is because the railway department came forward to bid on behalf of people from our railway department, and then in our railway department Internal distribution. Otherwise, only big families can buy this share, after all, priority is given to those with the largest number.”

While speaking, Sun Chuanting could tell that he was proud of being a member of the Railway Department.

Sure enough, the train conductor pointed out another finger and said, "Now the price of each share of the telephone company has increased by one or two taels of silver! It's just a pity that the villain only got two shares. I can only hope that in the future the telephone company will With the capital increase and share expansion, those of us who hold shares will be able to buy first!"

"Increase capital and expand shares?" Sun Chuanting didn't care about money, but he still had doubts about the new vocabulary.

Intuition told him that it must come from the current emperor.

When the train conductor heard this, he quickly explained: "It is said that if the telephone company wants to expand its scale and ask for money in the future, it will sell the shares again, and the original shareholders will buy them first. , when the villain prepares the money, he will be able to get more shares!"

Sun Chuanting couldn't understand it either, but he could tell that if the phone company asked for money in the future, the folks could continue to pay. How could such a good thing happen?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking of the hard times before, when the world was in chaos, he left his hometown in Shanxi, but he had no soldiers, money or food, and he had to figure out a way for himself.

In the end, under the banner of Taizu, he pursued those who were stationed in the fields by the army, so that he offended many people, and was finally framed and imprisoned for several years!
Thinking of these past events, Sun Chuanting felt a little bit emotional: The current emperor has more and more ways to get money!

Not to mention how Sun Chuanting arrived in the capital, how to tell Emperor Chongzhen his thoughts about Gushri Khan, just say that in the southern part of Daming, off the coast of Annan, which is still a place of rebellion today, a fleet is braving the wind and waves.

Needless to say, this fleet came to Annan to demonstrate and beat the naval fleet led by Yang Zhan, who was rebellious and far away from the coastline in Annan.

On the leading flagship, beside Yang Zhan, he was watching his subordinates operate a strange instrument.

"Marshal, according to the positioning of the six... points, Annan's territory is not far ahead!"

The person who spoke was the fire chief on the ship. This is not the meaning of the fire head army, the cook. In the words of later generations, it is the role of the navigator.It can be said that this is one of the most important positions on the ship.

If there is no fire chief on a ship, or if the fire chief is not qualified, then the ship will not know where it is going.It's better to sail along the coastline. If you want to leave the coastline, you can get lost at sea without reference.

At this time, Yang Zhan heard Huo Chang's answer, and asked with great interest: "Then you use the compass again, based on your experience, what do you think?"

The principle of the sextant was proposed by Newton.And Newton in this plane is just a kid who doesn't know anything.

As for the final sextant, it will take more than a hundred years until the middle of the eighteenth century.

However, with Liu Weichao's golden finger, and the fact that the glass factory has been established since the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the most critical reflective glass on the sextant can be made early in the morning. Naturally, this sextant is not difficult. , making it appear more than a hundred years earlier.

However, because the scale is not as precise as the later generations, the only way to increase the precision is to increase the size of the sextant. It seems that it is much larger than the sextant of later generations, but it is enough for one person to operate, and it is not complicated.

Originally, it would be best if the sextant was invented in advance of the Luzon Expeditionary Army.It's just a pity that they were busy at that time. The most important thing is that both Emperor Chongzhen and Liu Weichao focused on the land and ignored the sea.

Today, the turmoil on land has basically subsided, and there will be more and more sea battles in the future, and the scale of the fleet going to sea will also become larger and larger. This sextant has finally been remembered.

Yang Zhan's navy won the first lottery, the first to use the sextant, and will submit a report later.

Therefore, on Yang Zhan’s warship, the fire chief used his original navigation knowledge, compass, etc. to estimate the fleet’s position, and also used a sextant to confirm the position. At the same time, it also increases the understanding of the sextant.

At this time, the fire chief heard Yang Zhan's request, and took out the compass to calculate again, muttering to himself, and looked up to see if there were any reference objects on the sea.Even at the bow, he threw a piece of wood down, and then walked back to observe where the wood went. After some calculations, he excitedly reported to Yang Zhan: "Marshal, it's still very accurate. It’s the same as the previous few times, it’s pretty much the same.”

In fact, according to previous experience, in this case, the result of sextant positioning is actually more accurate.

When Yang Zhan heard this, he was very happy!
All the way from Fujian, stop and go, wasted a lot of time, one of the most critical reasons is to verify whether the sextant works!
Judging from the results after using it along the way, it is absolutely fine!
As the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, Yang Zhan knew very well how convenient it would be for future sea expeditions of the Ming Dynasty with this sextant.

You must know that the Daming Navy is only operating along the coast of Daming, and the farthest is the country of Wa.

However, even in Japan, Daming can find many Huo Zhang who are familiar with sea routes.However, if it is farther away, it will be very difficult to find a fire chief who is familiar with sea routes, or even impossible to find.

In this way, Ming's sea expeditionary force will encounter many difficulties because they don't know where they are.This is the most feared thing about sailing at sea!

After you can, basically you don't have to be afraid of this.

Thinking of these, Yang Zhan had to sigh with emotion, the emperor's Gewuxue is really capable of measuring all things, so useful!

After feeling the emotions he had already felt many times, Yang Zhan focused his attention on the upcoming battle.

Thinking of this, he looked at the rifled artillery that was replaced on the ship. Thinking of such a long range and shooting accuracy, he couldn't help but feel emotional again.

The advantage in artillery can make his task this time very simple.Otherwise, this task will definitely not be easy.

Now that there are rifled artillery of the imperial court, it is enough to bombard the enemy's position outside the enemy's range, then drink tea and read the mansion newspaper.

When Yang Zhan was thinking about this, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Look, land!"

He heard the sound and turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw the distance ahead, and vaguely saw the landing.

At this time, the fire chief nearby also reported to him: "If the positioning is correct, then the mouth of the Red River is ahead, and our target is here!"

When Yang Zhan heard this, he waved his hand with great interest and said, "Everyone prepare for battle, lean over."

The northern part of Annan is the territory of the Houli Dynasty. Of course, at this time, the powerful minister Zheng controlled the Houli Dynasty, and the emperor was just a puppet!

According to previous news, the Zheng family in the north colluded with the Netherlands, and the Red River Basin is the main agricultural production area controlled by the Zheng family in Annan, and it is also the most populous area.

Their capital is on the bank of the Red River.Daming called it Dongguan, and the Annan people called it Tokyo. If the original historical development was followed, there would be Beicheng, Thang Long, and Hanoi.

Although Yang Zhan's navy only has a hundred or so warships this time, he decided to turn the Red River Basin upside down and let these Annan rebels know that even if they collude with the Dutch, there is nothing wrong with it. For birds!
(End of this chapter)

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