Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 843 The Dutchman's Dirty Plan

Chapter 843 The Dutchman's Dirty Plan
The Red River Basin in the northern part of Annan is the most prosperous area in the entire Annan, and it must also be the most heavily defended area. It is very likely that the Dutch and Zheng's rebellious fleets are all assembled at the mouth of the Red River.

With this conjecture, Yang Zhan ordered the fleet to advance in attack formation.

There is nothing wrong with the positioning. As we get closer to the coastline, we can confirm that the mouth of the Red River is in front of us.

When Annan's two rebel forces were fighting between the North and the South, they each had naval forces and they also attacked each other.

At the estuary of the Honghe River, Zheng's naval base is defended, and forts are built on the shore.Otherwise, if the Ruan family in the south advances by sea and land, and the sea navy enters the Red River, it is possible to surprise its capital.

Now, when the Ming Navy appeared in the Honghe Estuary waters, the lookout post on the shore immediately discovered its trace, and immediately, the alarm gong on the shore immediately rang.

Through the binoculars, Yang Zhan could see the scene of Annan's rebels running and panicking, but there was not much panic at the pier at the mouth of the Red River.From this point, it can be seen that the enemy has long been prepared for coming from the sea.

At this time, Yang Zhan had been observing through the telescope, looking for the Dutch warship.

For his navy, the only thing that is a little dangerous is the Dutch sailing warship.As for Annan's own warships, they couldn't escape the style of the Fuchuan. The guns on the ship were limited and the speed was not fast. For the Ming Navy, they were just living targets.

Needless to say, Yang Zhan soon discovered that there were indeed three Dutch sailing warships in the Annan Navy.After all, the sail warships in Xiyi are so different from the warships in East Asia that they can be distinguished at a glance.

Just a simple visual inspection, the size of the rebel navy on the Red River Estuary has reached about [-] ships, but this is probably all the warships that the Annan Zheng family can produce!
Yang Zhan thought so in his heart, but he sneered: A mere Annan dared to resist the Celestial Dynasty. Didn't he know that the Celestial Dynasty was dozens of times bigger than your Annan?Any local navy exceeds the size of your largest navy!

Thinking of this, Yang Zhan immediately remembered what happened last year.

Under the domestic response of the Dutch and Portuguese, the local army of Guangdong sent troops to pacify Annan. Unexpectedly, the Dutch dared to betray, so that after the local army of Guangdong landed in the Red River, they were ambushed by the Zheng family in the north on land, and at sea. It was intercepted by the Zheng family in the north, the Ruan family in the south, and the Dutch. In the final battle, more than [-] court officials and soldiers were killed here!
Thinking of this matter, Yang Zhan immediately ordered to take over the warships and attack the rebel navy first, to wipe out all the rebel navy, and take a little interest before taking further action.

All the soldiers of the Ming army were naturally angry.Ever since Emperor Taizu appeared, has the imperial army ever been defeated?Only Annan this time, and it turned out to be the navy's defeat, this is simply a great shame for the navy, if they don't report back, they will be ashamed to compete with the army in the future!
Then, on the surface of the Red River Estuary, although the Ming Navy only had about a hundred ships, about half less than the rebel navy, the Ming Navy, like a shark smelling blood, turned to the Annan rebel navy. rushed over.

On the side of the Annan rebel navy, they did not have stage fright, they also put on a posture and started to fight.

Fighting locally, there are countless rebels and civilians cheering for them on the shore, and there are more warships than the Ming army. No matter from which aspect, their morale is very high!
"Didn't the Ming army remember to fight? Last time they suffered heavy losses, but this time they came again?"

"No, I thought that if we wanted to fight next time, it would be a big army, but I didn't expect that there were only so few ships?"

"Damn it, the Ming people still underestimate our Da Li Dynasty, so it's best to beat them to annihilation this time, and let them know that our Da Li Dynasty is not so hot!"

"That's right, the Ming people must remember that they couldn't occupy Annan before, and they can't occupy Annan now!"

"Do you have peanuts and melon seeds? I want to eat while watching the warships of the Ming Dynasty being sunk one by one by our Dali Dynasty warships!"

"It's best to still have wine. Get some wine, and it's the best thing to drink while the warship of the Ming Dynasty is beaten to the point of crying!"

"That's right, the Ming Dynasty Navy is actually like that. We have seen it last time. This time, we also have friends from the Netherlands to help. It is definitely the same as last time. Just sit and watch the Ming Dynasty Navy make dumplings!"


The Annan people on the shore, after seeing that the Ming Navy only had about a hundred warships, most of them were talking like this, trying to watch a good show.

The Annan people on those warships actually had the same idea.In short, because of the victory in the last war against Ming, and the Ming people who expelled Annan before, and even forced the emperor of Ming to recognize Annan's independence, they were all confident. They felt that this time the naval battle must be Annan. Sailors won.

However, to everyone's surprise, just as the Ming Navy and the Annan rebel navy were preparing to fight, the three sailing warships of the Dutch began to break away from the formation.

This surprised the naval commander of Annan's rebel army, and hurriedly urged his signal soldiers to wave the signal flag at the Dutch warship, asking what was going on?

At this time, the Annan people thought that the Dutch sailing warships had to rely on their high mobility to do some special offensive tactics.

In this regard, the Annan rebel navy commander has no objection.After all, the Dutch sailing warship is so powerful, it's there.

It's just that he was a little bit concerned, and he changed his formation before the battle, and he hadn't communicated with him before, so he didn't take him seriously.This self-righteous way of fighting will also make it difficult for him to cooperate.

As a result, what the Annan rebel navy commander never expected was that the three Dutch sailing warships were not doing tactical maneuvers at all, but ran south after leaving the fleet!
Yes, definitely ran away!
Otherwise, no matter how maneuvered, outflanked, circled, etc., is it necessary to go more and more south?

Indeed, the commander of the Annan rebel navy did not guess wrong, the Dutch did run away.

No, the Dutch fleet commander, with a group of subordinates, stood on the deck and watched the two fleets that were about to fight in the distance, all of them were watching the show with a playful smile on their faces.

"The navy of the Ming Dynasty is here again, so we have to return to Batavia according to the governor's secret order!"

"It's really a pity. We eat and drink here, and there are women to play with. It's very comfortable to be served by them. Why did the Ming Dynasty Navy come so soon!"

"Yes, the salary is also high, and there is no need to take risks. What a wonderful day, I will definitely miss it in the future!"


Hearing the discussions among his subordinates, the fleet commander turned around and said to his subordinates: "The navy of the Ming Dynasty is huge, and we have seen it before. It is estimated that this fleet is just the vanguard of the Navy of the Ming Dynasty. Have you seen it?" , there is already an ironclad ship! If we stay, it may be difficult to run back!"

After a pause, he added: "I'm not afraid to tell you that the purpose of our stay here is to reassure the Annan people so that they can continue to provoke the Ming country. I have lived in the Ming Dynasty for a long time. And what we in the Netherlands are short of is time!"

Hearing his words, his subordinates naturally understood and nodded.

"Although the warships of the Ming Dynasty are just like that, even the armored steam warships have many weaknesses, we are not afraid. However, there are too many warships of the Ming Dynasty! So it is very wise for us to leave now! "

"That's right, when steam engines are installed on our sailing warships in the future, the warships of the Ming Dynasty will still be a piece of shit in front of our warships!"

"That's right, we just lack time. If we build the steam engine sooner, we can not only dominate Europe, but also run rampant all over the world!"

"I really want to stay here and watch the show, just to see how these oriental monkeys fight to the death!"

"Let's forget it, the weather is calm now, and the speed of Ming's steam ironclad battleship is too fast, it's not safe!"


Anthony, the governor of the Netherlands in Batavia, had already returned to his home country with the steam engine blueprint. Before leaving, he asked Kui Yi to act as the governor of Batavia temporarily, and told Kui Yi that he should try to delay the expansion of the Ming Dynasty and give the Netherlands Buy as much time as possible.

For this reason, the real purpose of the Dutch fleet staying in Annan is to let Ming and Annan people fight and drag Ming's army to Annan.

They stayed here, before the arrival of the Daming Navy, they patted their chests and expressed that they would definitely face the Ming Kingdom's attack together with Annan's allies.With them, at least Annan's coastal defense, there is absolutely no problem.

As a result, when Annan was extremely anti-Ming, when the Ming sent troops to appear at the mouth of the Red River, they slapped their buttocks and ran away, leaving behind those cursed Annan people.

In addition, the Dutch also told King Long that Daming asked them to attack Dongwu Toungoo Dynasty, and also sold him a large number of firearms to strengthen King Long's military strength.

Also, all kinds of rumors are being spread in Nanyang, indicating that China is going to annex all countries in Nanyang.If you don't want to be annexed, you have to unite to resist Ming.

They even sold firearms with "good intentions". In order to resist the greedy Ming Dynasty, they sold them at a low price under the same hatred and exchanged them for spices.

If it was the past, the Dutch tried to establish a long-term colony in Nanyang and spent a lot of effort to build Batavia, and they would definitely not sell arms to the aborigines.

However, now they have expected that Batavia is too close to the Ming country, no matter how hard they strengthen their defenses, it is impossible to withstand the attack of the Ming army.

That being the case, there is no scruples in selling firearms to the local aborigines, and you can make a lot of money by the way, so that the Ming people can have a headache for the aborigines.

(End of this chapter)

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