Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 844 Comprehensive National Strength

Chapter 844 Comprehensive National Strength
Besides, at this time, the commander of Annan's rebel navy saw that the three Dutch sailing warships that he thought were the killers actually had to run away, and his confidence was like the gas in a balloon.

So, seeing the warships of the Annan rebels who were still shouting to destroy the Ming Navy, they all turned around and hurried back to the mouth of the Red River.

It has to be said that this damaging move of the Dutch has greatly affected the morale of the Annan rebel navy.Of course, it also includes those who are eating sunflower seeds on the shore and preparing to watch a play.

"What's the matter, why did the Dutchman run away?"

"Yeah, didn't you say it very well before, if the Ming Dynasty Navy dares to come, their warships will definitely help our Dali Dynasty resist the Ming Kingdom Navy!"

"What is this? It used to be so sweet, saying that one of them outnumbered five warships of the Ming Dynasty, but now they run faster than rabbits! Isn't this harming us!"

"So are we, so what if the Dutch run away, we have more warships than the Ming Dynasty, why are we still running back? Be timid before fighting, what will the lord explain when you look back?"

"You don't understand this, do you? Even if we can win the Ming Dynasty Navy, if we lose one warship, we will lose one warship. On the Ming Dynasty Navy's side, one less warship can bring two warships." Believe it or not? So, it’s better to play it safe and rely on the forts on the shore, this is a mature and prudent move!”


Most of the Annan people watching were very disappointed, but they could only comfort themselves.

It is said that if one ship is lost, one ship will be lost. Is it possible that there will be no loss of warships after landing?If you really don't want to lose your warship, then don't go to war with Daming!
Many Annan people have thought of this idea, but no one said it, it hurts their morale too much!
Besides, the Ming Navy was a little surprised that the Dutch sailing warships fled without fighting.However, what followed was a surge in morale.

"Look, these Xiyi are the most cunning. They knew they couldn't beat us, so they slipped away!"

"That's right. When we conquered the Japanese kingdom, didn't we also have Dutch warships with us? We have seen the might of our navy. They only have three warships. It would be strange if they didn't run away!"

"Hehe, they can run away from the monk and the temple on Annan's side. When they get to that Batavia, let's see how they can escape?"

"That's right, the imperial court will definitely send us to attack Batavia later, let them wait and see!"


Amidst the high-morale discussion, seeing the warships of Annan's rebels also fleeing back one after another, the whole army laughed even more: "That's all, I still want to fight against the Celestial Empire!"

As the commander of the navy, Yang Zhan has already fought in Luzon and Japan, and has enough experience in naval warfare. When he saw the warships of the Annan rebels fleeing the battle, he would not let this opportunity go, so he immediately ordered the fastest steam iron-clad warships Take the lead and launch a formation to follow and kill.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar of the artillery immediately resounded over the sea at the mouth of the Red River.

This kind of bombardment does not need to pay attention to shooting accuracy, just use the maximum range to bombard the vast Annan rebel fleet!
So, in the fleet of Annan's rebels, there were either jets of water shooting up, or saw sawdust and pieces of wood flying around.

The bombardment of the Ming army caused the warships of the Annan rebels to scatter like birds and beasts, and hurried back to flee. It was only a little effort, and there were five warships on the sea, or their masts were blown off. , or simply a large hole appeared in the hull, which became the unlucky ghost of the Ming army's shelling!
Watching this scene, Annan's onlookers on the shore were stunned.

The artillery range of the Ming Dynasty is too far, isn't it?

Originally thought that all the warships could escape, but they were hit by the artillery of the Ming warships.There are five warships left on the sea, but among those warships that fled back, there are still many wounded!

At this moment, seeing their own warship fleeing back in embarrassment, and seeing the Ming Dynasty warship showing off its might on the sea, all Annan people stopped talking, and their faces were particularly ugly.

The coercion of the Heavenly Kingdom in the past once again shrouded their hearts.

If it is said that before this, they only remembered that they had expelled the forces of the Ming country and forced the emperor of the Ming country to recognize the legitimacy of the Dali Dynasty; then at this time, they have already remembered that the Ming country once conquered them, rule them all!
The Ming Navy warships approached the five rebel warships left on the sea, and found that none of them had raised the white flag. Without further ado, they immediately bombarded and sunk the matter; those who had already raised the white flag, let the follow-up warships deal with it. .

Most of the warships rushing ahead continued to march towards the mouth of the Red River, chasing and killing the Annan rebel warships that were still fleeing.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar of the artillery, like the roar of a giant, taught a group of disobedient people.

This pursuit, until the warships of Annan's rebels, all hid in ports with coastal defense batteries.

Seeing that the warships of the Ming Dynasty began to slow down and stopped chasing and killing, Annan, who was watching on the shore, was relieved, thinking in his heart, it was finally over.

However, they were wrong again.

Although the Ming warships did slow down and stop, twenty of them lined up and continued to press towards the port.

Seeing this scene, the coastal defense batteries at the mouth of the Red River finally started to counterattack.

"Boom boom boom..."

The iron bullets shot out and fell into the sea, stirring up waves.

It has to be said that because the Red River can directly reach the capital of the Le Dynasty, and it is the most prosperous Red River basin in Annan, the Zheng family spent a lot of effort on the construction of the fort at the mouth of the Red River.Otherwise, even if the Ming army does not come, when Annan's own family fights between the north and the south, the Ruan family in the south may send warships to attack.

However, at a long distance, it is definitely not easy to hit a moving ship.

The twenty warships of the Ming Dynasty already knew the furthest range of the enemy from the bombardment of the fort. The ships adjusted their positions and stopped beyond the furthest range of the artillery of the fort, and then only bombarded the enemy's fort and the inside of the port. Crowded warships.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, the artillery levels of the two sides were also reflected.

The artillery officers and soldiers of the Ming Navy, with the help of various tools, and through the cognition of ballistics and other physics, the roaring subway bullets either landed in the port fleet or hit the fort.

When they landed in the port fleet, sawdust and pieces of wood flew randomly, and some crew members fled from their warships one after another, thinking of fleeing beyond the range of the Ming army's artillery.

And the iron bullets falling on the fort, under the lasing bounce, caused all kinds of damage to the fort, and naturally took away a lot of lives!

Although the artillery bombardment of the Ming army did not actually cause many casualties, this situation of being beaten and unable to fight back caused the morale of the Annan rebels to drop very low.Without waiting for the leaders to issue orders, they all wanted to escape the bombardment range of the Ming army.

It was not very clear from the fort, but on the warships in the port, there were rebel soldiers scrambling to flee to the shore everywhere.Other warships fled the port one after another and fled to the upper reaches of the Red River.

Even those Annan people watching on the shore felt unsafe and began to flee from the shore.

All of a sudden, in this area at the mouth of the Red River, panicked Annans were everywhere.

Seeing this opportunity, Yang Zhan, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, felt that the opportunity was too late to come, so he immediately issued an order to order the pre-arranged warships to attack the shore.

Of course, the 20 warships with the longest range were still shelling to cover the landing of other warships.

Although some Annan rebels saw Da Ming's warships approaching the shore and tried to fight back, most of the Annan people were running for their lives in a panic, and they didn't even care about the attacking Da Ming warships.

Amidst the sparse bombardment of the Annan rebels, the Ming warships were getting closer and closer to the shore.

When they were within the firing range of the red cannons on the warship, the soldiers of the Ming army would naturally not be polite and opened fire.

"Boom boom boom..."

The main force of the Ming Navy's warships approached the shore, and accompanied by the sound of rumbling artillery, the Annan rebels panicked and ran for their lives.

Against such a background, the counterattack of a small number of Annan rebels was of no avail at all, like a mantis holding back a car, vulnerable to a single blow.

There are not seven or eight Annan rebel warships facing Ming's warships, trying to get close and then jumping off the ship to fight. As long as they are entangled with the Ming army, it is impossible for other Ming army artillery to bombard them.

However, they haven't waited for them to get close.There were four or five warships of the rebels, which were bombarded to pieces by the artillery on the warships of the Ming army. The Annan rebels on board basically had nothing to stand on the deck.The few remaining ships were frightened by the artillery on the Ming warship, and quickly turned around and fled away.

On the East Asian side, that is to say, Xiyi's sailing warships have more artillery than the Ming Dynasty's naval warships. As for the others, it is impossible to compare with the number of artillery on the Ming Dynasty's warships.

In addition, the quality of the artillery is also the same. Most of the artillery on the East Asian warships are small and medium-sized artillery, and the number of Hongyi cannons is very small.

The foundation of the Ming Dynasty Navy is Zheng Zhilong's fleet. He is a rich man who can equip his warships with Hongyi cannons.Then the imperial court changed the navy to the navy and began to expand the army.At this time, in Daming, because of the technology tree ordered by Emperor Chongzhen, the cost of artillery was greatly reduced, and Liu Weichao, a staff officer, paid attention to giant ship cannons, so the Hongyi cannon basically became the standard equipment of Ming naval warships.

As for Annan, it has been in war. How much money can a small place have?
Besides, the small place of Annan is engaged in a war between the North and the South, and most of the wars all year round focus on the army, so it is impossible to equip them with artillery equipped by the navy.

That's all, under the impression of comprehensive national strength, the generation difference of the warship's firearms is obvious, and it was immediately brought out on the warship.

At least thirty Ming warships have already approached the coastline, ready to start landing operations.

(End of this chapter)

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