Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 845 How to be good

Chapter 845 How to be good
"Boom boom boom..."

"Blah blah blah..."

Before the warship approached, the sound of artillery and flintlock guns rang out continuously.

Due to the intensive firepower of the Ming army, the few Annan people on the shore were either killed or injured, and fled in a hurry.

As soon as the warship approached the port, the soldiers on board jumped down to attack the enemy.

"Boom boom boom..." The artillery on the Ming army warship began to extend into the distance.

"Bah bah bah..." The soldiers of the Ming army who came ashore automatically lined up and moved forward.

"Boom boom boom..." If there are groups of Annan rebels gathered to resist the enemy in front of them, the grenadiers will throw grenades into the crowd, and suddenly there will be bursts of explosions, and the Annan rebels will be blown up, howling ghosts and wolves. , suffered heavy casualties.

Annan has fought wars for decades. It was either the Le Dynasty fighting against the Mo Dynasty, or the North-South dispute within the Le Dynasty. Strong, fighting against the wind is definitely a brave person, but if you fight a tough battle or lose a battle, you will definitely be the first to slip away, otherwise, it is impossible to survive.

However, most of the Annan rebels are recruits, who have never experienced any battles, or have experienced very little. It is okay to encounter orderly battles, and they may act according to military orders; but when encountering such unprepared wars , then you can still react, you can only rely on your instinct to escape first.

In this battle, the Dutch warships fled first, which actually established their defeat. The morale before the battle was suddenly hit, which would be a serious problem for the elite troops, let alone the Annan rebels. !
In fact, the elite of Annan's rebel army were all used by their rulers to open up territories westward. If they only sent some motley troops composed of crab soldiers and shrimp generals, how could they expand the territory!
At this time, the battle situation in Honghekou is completely one-sided. The Ming army is rushing forward everywhere, while the Annan rebels are retreating all the way. The important ports, forts and other military facilities are basically rushed by the Ming army. And the next is occupied.

This situation is somewhat similar to the Opium War in the late Qing Dynasty.

During the Battle of Humen, the Qing army set up three lines of defense in Humen: the Shajiao Fort and Dajiao Fort on both sides of the Humen Gate were the first line; There are three forts in Zhenyuan, Zhenyuan, and a solid fort on the west bank. On the island, there are facilities such as Hengban, two forts in Yong'an and Shalei fort; the third fort is Dahushan Fort.

Each fort is equipped with more than 400 large and small artillery pieces, and more than 1.1 soldiers are stationed. The waterway in the middle of the river is also equipped with wooden rafts and iron chains to block enemy ships, and naval warships are patrolling. The strongest coastal defense fortress in the Qing Dynasty.

This deployment, at least it sounds, is already impenetrable.

However, the invading British army only had 18 combat ships, 462 guns, and about 2000 soldiers in the army. In the end, the invaders had almost no losses, but Humen was occupied by them.

On this plane, Honghekou is equivalent to Humen, because Honghekou is the gateway to the capital (Guangzhou) of the Li Dynasty. Once it is captured by the enemy, it will threaten its capital (Guangzhou).

During the Opium War, there was a generational difference between the weapons of the British army and those of the Manchu Qing army; similarly, there was also a generational difference between the weapons of the Ming army and the Annan rebels at this time.

Most of the Annan rebels still used cold weapons, and only a small part were equipped with matchlock guns.On the Ming side, flintlock guns are standard equipment, as well as grenades made of white powder, and rifled artillery. These weapons can suppress the Annan rebels in all aspects, and they are the most advanced firearms in the world.

At this time, the more than 5000 Ming soldiers who landed earlier basically captured the military facilities at Honghekou, and then more than 5000 Ming soldiers came down from the fleet. Together with the previous 5000 people, there were more than 1 Ming soldiers. Occupied the Red River Estuary Basin.

Many warships of the Annan rebels who were too late to escape at the port either surrendered or were sunk, but most of the warships of the Annan rebels had already entered the Red River and escaped upstream.

Yang Zhan stood on a high place on the side of the port, scanning the newly occupied place.

Groups of Annan rebel soldiers were escorted from various corners to the square on the port side by Ming soldiers. In the distance, there were more civilians, most of whom were women and children, fleeing to the distance.

Yang Zhan didn't care about those who escaped.The purpose of taking down Honghekou is just to demonstrate. Let the Annan rebels know that Daming is invincible with an iron fist, so run away quickly!

At this time, he turned his head to look to the west, just thinking about whether to attack Dongguan, which is the capital of Tokyo that Annan people call it.

Dongguan is about three hundred miles away from the mouth of the Red River. This distance, whether it is far or close, is about the same as the distance from Tianjin Wei to the capital.

If the warships of the Ming Dynasty go upstream, only the steam ironclad warships will have no problems. Other warships relying on wind power have to consider unexpected situations.

There is also the problem that the ammunition supplies that are carried this time are not very much.Because it was originally just a demonstration on the coastline, at most one naval battle was fought to wipe out the navy of Annan's rebel army.

If you want to attack Dongguan, you must also consider this logistical supply problem!
Thinking of this, Yang Zhan couldn't help turning his head to look north again, if it wasn't for attacking north and opening up the land route with Guangxi?
But this seems unnecessary. Now that there is no navy of the Annan rebels, it will be more convenient to use ships along the coastline to supply supplies from Guangxi.

After thinking for a while, Yang Zhan finally decided that it is better to do things with the purpose of intimidating the Annan rebels and letting them flee to the inland faster.

In the evening, the battle report about Honghekou came out.

In this battle, the Ming Navy damaged thirteen warships, two of which were severely damaged and could not be repaired within a short period of time, and had already lost their combat capabilities.Another eleven warships were able to continue fighting after repairs.

According to preliminary statistics, thirteen warships of the Annan rebel army were sunk by the Ming army, and thirty-six warships were towed in the port waiting to be repaired after being damaged, and eight of them were seriously damaged. It cannot be repaired.

In addition, a total of [-] complete warships were captured, mainly because those damaged warships blocked the port and had no time to escape, so they had to surrender.In addition, nearly half of the Annan rebel warships, that is, about [-] ships, fled into the Red River.

In terms of soldiers, [-] soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were killed and [-] were injured, [-] of whom were seriously injured.As for the Annan rebels, according to incomplete statistics, it is estimated that more than [-] people were killed by Ming soldiers, and the number of prisoners is accurate. There are [-] people, of which about [-] people were injured .

On the second day, Yang Zhan and the supervisor Zhang Tongchang inspected the Annan rebel prisoners in the square.

These Annan rebel prisoners, who had been starving for a day and a night, were all depressed, and when they saw the high officials of the Ming Dynasty coming, they all cringed and looked very scared.

What surprised Yang Zhan and Zhang Tongchang was that these Annan rebel prisoners were really old and young, and there were not many normal young and strong.Obviously, the decades of turmoil in Annan's place, especially the large-scale war between the North and the South, consumed most of the young people in Annan's place.And the rest of the Annan rebels, composed of young and strong, were sent to the west to expand their territory.

After viewing these captives, Yang Zhan and Zhang Tongchang discussed it, and finally ordered that as long as they are military or official, all beheaded, and the heads will be hung along the banks of the Red River, so that no food is wasted; Let all the rebel soldiers go.

Moreover, before releasing them, he also clearly told them that Annan was the territory of Ming Dynasty, and the Li Dynasty in Annan, whether it was the Zheng family in the north or the Ruan family in the south, were all rebellious.When the imperial court recovers Annan's hometown, the common people will be able to live a good life, but the rebel leaders will be killed without mercy.

The rebel soldiers released this time must be registered before being released. If they dare to fight against the imperial government next time, once they are captured again, they will be severely punished.However, if you surrender before the war, you don't care about it. If you can escort the officers to surrender, you will be considered a meritorious service and you will be allocated your own grain fields.


When Yang Zhan and Zhang Tongchang were dealing with these captives, a fast horse finally rushed to Dongguan to report the battle at Honghekou.

"What?" Zheng Bing, the powerful minister of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the actual controller of the Qing capital, was taken aback when he heard it, and couldn't believe his ears. "A complete defeat, such an important place as Honghekou was lost in one battle?"

Not only him, but the other civil and military officials of the Li Dynasty in the main hall were all shocked, panic tinged with fear.

"My lord, it was the Dutchman who fled before fighting, which led to the defeat of the entire army..."

Listening to the messenger describing the general situation of the battle, Zheng Bing gritted his teeth angrily. If the Dutch appeared in front of him at this time, he would definitely be eaten alive by him!

Honghekou fell, and Tokyo was under the vanguard of the Ming army. In a few days, it might be killed.

More importantly, the Ming Dynasty is a big country, and it is unknown how many troops it has sent over this time, and its own elites are attacking Menglanzhang in the west, and they are almost all defeated.At this time, even if you want to call the elite back to the teacher for rescue, it is impossible!
How to do?
By the way, the west and north of Tokyo are also the territory of the Ming Kingdom. If the Ming Kingdom is attacking from three directions this time, then the Li Dynasty will be even more dangerous!
At this moment, the arrogance of defeating the Ming army in an ambush, and even annihilating more than [-] Ming troops, has completely disappeared from these Li Dynasty monarchs and ministers.

At this moment, all they have in their minds is the fear of the huge Ming Empire!

No, I heard Li Shenzong who was sitting on the throne, asking Zheng Bing with a sobbing voice: "Aiqing, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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