Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 846 The destiny is in me

Chapter 846 The destiny is in me
Zheng Yi glanced at him with disgust in his eyes, and ignored him at all.

Originally, this Li Shenzong was abolished by him long ago, and his son was established as the emperor of the Li Dynasty. Unexpectedly, he was a short-lived emperor and died of illness within a few years. Therefore, Li Shenzong was restored and became the head of the Li Dynasty again. emperor.

At this time, Zheng Bing himself was also having a headache, and he didn't know how to deal with it!
However, when he found that all the civil and military officials in the court were looking at him in fear, he knew that he must not panic or be afraid, otherwise he would be in great trouble.

Thinking about it, he sneered and said: "What are you afraid of? Last time the Ming army invaded, we were able to kill more than [-] Ming troops. Will this time be an exception? My destiny is mine, how can I be destroyed by the Ming Kingdom?"

Seeing the king of Qingdu speaking with confidence, let alone the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, he immediately regained his confidence and was no longer so flustered!

The Ming Kingdom is powerful, but the establishment of the Li Dynasty was not established because of the expulsion of the Ming army?At that time, the Ming Dynasty had only been founded for a few years, so it was a bit of an elite army, right?But now, it has been nearly [-] years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. How can there be such a long-lived dynasty that will always maintain a strong fighting capacity?
Looking at the faces of these officials in the hall, Zheng Yan probably guessed what they were thinking, so he cheered up and continued to boost morale: "This time, the small defeat on the front line is only because our elite troops are not in the country, and it is even more because of those cowardly men The Dutch actually ran away. Of course, there was also the reason for the sudden attack by the Ming army."

After a pause, he said loudly again: "However, now we know that the Ming army is coming, and there is no Dutch fleeing. As long as we take it seriously, our Dali Dynasty will be a mountain that the Ming army cannot conquer. It will definitely end in failure just like they did before!"

Hearing his words, based on the glory of the ancestors, the faces of the monarchs and ministers in the hall were obviously a little better.

Li Shenzong didn't say anything, but those civil and military officials immediately took advantage of this opportunity to flatter King Qingdu.

"My lord, Shengming!"

"Your Highness has a high-level view and a far-sighted view. Everything is in the best calculations of your Highness!"

"With the prince in our Dali Dynasty, it will be like a magic needle for the sea, and the sky will not fall!"

"Yes, yes, yes, under the leadership of the prince, we will definitely let the Ming army taste the taste of failure again!"


Hearing these words, Li Shenzong's complexion was a bit good, but suddenly his complexion became ugly again.

However, Zheng Bingdu's expression was good. Seeing that the morale in the hall had recovered, he immediately ordered: "Immediately pass the decree to the south. According to the previous agreement, now that the Ming army is attacking, they must come to help. Tell them , we will definitely hold back the Ming army and let them advance both by land and water, and then we will attack the Ming army together and wipe out the entire army!"

Upon hearing his words, a civil servant next to him immediately went to write the imperial edict without asking Li Shenzong at all. He used seals from Yuxi, and also ignored the emperor of the Li Dynasty, as if he did not exist.

After Kuai Ma sent out his orders, the King of Qingdu began to mobilize his troops again, mobilizing all the surrounding troops to the vicinity of Tokyo, assuming a decisive battle with the Ming army.

However, when he returned to his palace, he asked his princess to pack his things quietly, saying that he might go hunting in the southwest.

Obviously, the decisive battle with the Ming army is fake, and the escape is real!But he must also depend on the situation, if he feels unable to hold on, he will definitely run away.

In addition, he sent his confidants to Mengnanzhang to inform his son Zheng Zuo to step up his offensive and capture Mengnanzhang as soon as possible. If he has the strength, he can continue to develop westward and strive for enough strategic space. Can use.

However, the civil and military officials of the Li Dynasty didn't know it. They felt that the King of Qingdu was there, so they all had confidence and were busy preparing for the battle according to the King of Qingdu's order.

In the next two days, new military reports came to Tokyo one after another.

First, the more than [-] warships that fled into the Red River returned to Tokyo one after another, which made Zheng Bing overjoyed, and immediately issued a commendation, saying that under the sudden attack of the Ming army and the betrayal of the allies, half of the troops could be saved to return to Tokyo. To Tokyo, this is wisdom and courage!
Originally, the commander of Zheng's navy was very uneasy, because he was afraid that he would be beheaded because of the heavy losses of the navy and the loss of Honghekou.Unexpectedly, not only was his head not beheaded, he was not even punished, he was even commended, and he was promoted again. This made him feel inexplicable and at the same time feel that he was blessed by his ancestors, or it was reward for hugging the right thigh of the King of Qingdu.

He didn't know that the reason why Zheng Bing turned black and white was not only because the commander of the navy was his confidant, but also because the king of Qingdu didn't have many troops at hand, and when people were panicking, they needed good news to continue. inspiring.

If this naval battle is defined as a defeat, it will definitely hurt the morale of the people; Annihilated, how?
So, sometimes, the so-called official word with two mouths is justified no matter what, and it also makes sense for powerful officials who can turn a deer into a horse.

After that, new news continued to spread to Tokyo.

In the north of the Ming Dynasty and Guangxi, no traces of the Ming army's attack were found;

To the west, there was no trace of the Ming army attacking in the Yunnan side of the Ming state;

After the Ming navy in the east occupied the Red River Estuary, they did not continue to attack;

With all kinds of news like this, Zheng Bing became more confident, feeling that the Ming army's attack this time was just an accident, or it could be said to be a local behavior of the Ming country.Otherwise, if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty ordered to attack the Li Dynasty, it would inevitably attack from several directions at the same time.

Thinking of this, he became arrogant again, and even sent envoys to the Ming army at Honghekou.


Honghekou, Yang Zhan's side, is writing a memorial to Emperor Chongzhen.

In addition to reporting the current battle situation, he believes that to deal with the enemies in Nanyang, it can even be said that in addition to the large-scale Xiyi Fleet, the Ming Navy does not need to gather large-scale warships to fight, as long as the most elite warships are used. The ship is the main force of the battle, and then it is assisted by the supply ship, so that it can fight longer outside.

In addition, he also reported to Emperor Chongzhen that if he fought against countries in Southeast Asia, it would be better to have troops who went ashore to cooperate. It would be more efficient and easier for the imperial court to form a special army for landing operations.

Most of the aboriginal troops in Nanyang have no armor and few muskets. They like to fight like driving elephants, which is their killer weapon in usual battles.A better war elephant will have armor on its body, plus thick skin and thick flesh. If you just use a flintlock gun to kill, the effect is far better than that of a cannon.

The army fighting in Nanyang should preferably be equipped with small artillery with a longer range, which can restrain the most powerful elephant soldiers in the Nanyang countries.

After Yang Zhan finished writing these, Zhang Tongchang, the supervising army, also had a memorial to be sent to the capital.

In his memorial to Emperor Chongzhen, he wrote something else.He said that after the army occupied the Red River Estuary, he saw that because of years of wars and poor livelihood in Annan, as long as they were men, most of them would go to the battlefield. Therefore, in Annan, most of them were women and children, including those who worked in the fields. Most of them are women, children and children, and their lives are very poor.

Zhang Tongchang made a suggestion to Emperor Chongzhen, saying that the imperial court would restore Annan and use Annan as a springboard to continue to send troops to Nanyang, he would have to emigrate. The males who migrated from Guangxi and Guangdong should be responsible for giving land and wives here. It can attract a large number of people over a period of time.

He also reported in the memorial that the gentry, officials, etc. on Annan's side had very low recognition of Daming, and they did not think Annan belonged to Daming.Therefore, for these people, there is no need to stay, it is best to kill or do coolies.

As for ordinary people, if they can't survive, that will take care of other things.They don't care the most about whether Annan belongs to Daming or the Li Dynasty. Therefore, as long as they give hope to the ordinary people in Annan and let them live a better life, they will easily accept Daming's re-administration of Annan!

After the memorial was written, it was first sent to Guangxi by express ship, and then sent to the capital in an expedited manner by land.

Later, Yang Zhan was inspecting the military facilities at Honghekou to check the defense situation, while Zhang Tongchang visited the towns at Honghekou.

When the imperial army first captured Honghekou, all the people here fled.However, after a few days passed, they did not see the court officers and soldiers burning, killing and looting, so they boldly came back again.

Of course, this is something that can't be helped, because the most likely thing for them to do is starve to death outside after fleeing home.

After Zhang Tongchang visited some common people, he was able to figure out the content of his memorial. Now he is visiting, and although the emperor has not returned the order, he has already done what he thought.

As long as his family was not an official in the Li Dynasty and belonged to the poor common people, Zhang Tongchang would give them food when he saw a shortage of food, and then asked them to do laundry and cleaning for the lieutenant soldiers.

This move of his immediately won the support of these people, and those younger widows tried their best to dress up and ran to the vicinity of the military camp.The people hiding outside also came back one after another.

I learned some basic information about the Li Dynasty from the mouths of these people. At this time, the envoy of Zheng Bing arrived and said that he could ignore the offense of the Ming army. You need a little travel expenses, otherwise, the army will gather, and it will be difficult to leave, and there will be a pile of blah blah blah, anyway, it means hurry up, or you will be beaten.

This time, Yang Zhan was annoyed!

(End of this chapter)

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