Chapter 847 Hunting
The original plan on Yang Zhan's side was to wait for the follow-up supplies to arrive, and the main force would go south to find trouble with the rebels Ruan in southern Annan and scare them.

Fortunately, the Zheng family in the north had suffered such a big defeat, not only wasn't frightened, but even uttered wild words, threatening him.

Who gave the Zheng family the confidence that a jester in such a small area thinks he is invincible?

Thinking of this, Yang Zhan cut off both ears of the messenger, and told him to go back and tell Zheng that the imperial army had arrived, and there was no room for the rebels to bargain. Apart from unconditional surrender, there was only one dead end!
Afterwards, Ye Bushou, who was sent out, also reported back, saying that the Annan rebels were gathering in Dongguan, and the troops from other places had not been seen yet.

Therefore, Yang Zhan made a decision to send three steam ironclad warships and twenty Fuchuan warships upstream to attack the rebel puppet capital Dongguan.


Naturally, the rebels on the bank of the Red River saw the movement of the Ming Navy, so they immediately reported back to King Qingdu.

"Only more than twenty warships? Dare to attack Tokyo?" Zheng Zuo, the king of Qingdu, couldn't help but be angry.

Therefore, he immediately dispatched troops and generals, including the [-] or so warships that had fled back, as well as the army that had been deployed outside the city. He must teach the Ming army a severe lesson.

Among them, it is not that no one has spoken to King Qingdu, explaining that the army's artillery has a long range.But the point is, in the eyes of King Qingdu, it is impossible for the most powerful Dutch artillery to be so far away. It means that the Chinese artillery is so far away, it must be the wording that these defeated generals want to get rid of!

In short, the number is a crushing advantage, if you still can't win, then hell!
Under the mobilization of military forces, finally Annan's rebel army, land and water, under the personal command of Qingdu King, was about a hundred miles away from Tokyo, and the two armies met.

On the upper reaches of the Red River, dark warships of Annan's rebels filled the river, and on land, by the Red River, there were groups of Annan's rebels.

On the other hand, the Ming army on the downstream side has only twenty-three warships in total. In terms of numbers, they are absolutely crushing.

Just seeing it, the morale of Annan's rebels was greatly boosted!
The king of Qingdu rode on an elephant, pointed at the battlefield of the Ming Dynasty on the opposite side, and said loudly with a sneer: "With just this few troops, each of us can drown them with a mouthful of spittle! How dare we speak so boldly that we want to destroy our Li Dynasty, I don’t even think about it, when they came to attack the Li Dynasty, didn’t they lose their troops and flee in embarrassment?”

When the civil and military officials who accompanied him heard it, they all laughed and echoed. It's really not as good as seeing each other. With such a small number of people from the Ming Dynasty, they almost scared them. Now seeing is believing, so don't worry!

When they laughed at the Ming army, the King of Qingdu immediately ordered that the land and water armies attack at the same time. The Ming army would be torn to pieces in the first battle, and then they would chase after the victory and wipe out the Ming army at Honghekou!

Originally, he didn't think about attacking Honghekou, at least he had to wait for the reinforcements from the Ruan clan from the south to arrive before attacking from left to right.However, after seeing the size of the Ming army with his own eyes, he came up with the idea that he could kill the Ming army by himself, exaggerate the Ming army later, and show his power to the Ruan family in the south.

However, just as he gave the order, he suddenly heard movement.

"Boom boom boom..."

The three armored steam warships that took the lead fired first.

The iron bullets roared and shot out, and landed on the densely packed naval warships upstream, seeing sawdust and pieces of wood flying around, and at the same time there were panicked shouts from the rebels on board.Of course, it is inevitable that some unlucky ones will be crushed to death.

Just this scene made King Qingdu's side suddenly silent. Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, with incredulous expressions on their faces.

It was explained before that the army's artillery can hit far, but I didn't expect it to hit far, or it was far beyond their expectations.

While they were stunned in shock, they heard more violent shelling.

"Boom boom boom..."

This is the Ming warship in the rear firing at the traitor army on the shore with the guns on the side of the ship.

Most of the rebels on the shore were cheering for the navy, and the gunners were close to the river to set up artillery positions, but they were smashed all at once, especially those artillery positions, which received special attention. A few iron bullets landed on the artillery position and then began to eject again, causing casualties immediately.

Perhaps he was awakened by this burst of shelling, and the king of Qingdu immediately shouted: "Hurry up, speed up, lean in, lean in, jump on their boat, I don't believe it, there are so many of us, we will not be able to fight!" beat them?"

The messengers rushed to send orders, but after the rebel warships on the Red River were bombarded by the Ming army again, the timid warships did not dare to go downstream. However, there were also some warships in Qingdu. Under the eyes of the king, he didn't dare to back down, maybe he thought the same as the king of Qingdu, so he risked his life, speeded up, and approached the Ming army warship.

As long as you get close to the warship of the Ming Dynasty, there is hope for victory!
During this process, the warships of the Annan rebels experienced several rounds of shelling by the Ming army, and lost some warships. The remaining six warships finally approached the Ming warships first.

At this moment, even the king of Qingdu on the shore couldn't help but applaud and speak loudly to let his subordinates remember who these six warships were, and they must be rewarded and promoted in the future!
However, just when they were cheering loudly, just when the people on the six rebel warships were about to jump off the ship and fight, they suddenly saw the Ming army's warships. Dropped something onto a rebel warship.

King Qingdu and the others, although they couldn't see what it was, they all saw something dark and was thrown out by the soldiers of the Ming army.

what is that?
As soon as they had this idea, they saw that on the six warships of their own side that were approaching the warships of the Ming Dynasty, gunpowder smoke suddenly rose into the sky, accompanied by sawdust and pieces of wood flying around, and even the ghosts and wolves of the rebel soldiers. .

It's just all of a sudden. Although the hull is not damaged, there are basically no people standing on the deck!
What kind of firearm is this?
It's so powerful, it seems to do more damage than artillery, causing a lot of casualties?
Seeing that thing was still missing on the warship of the Ming army, those rebel soldiers who were still alive couldn't care less about anything else, and jumped out of the boat to escape!

The six rebel warships became uncontrolled warships and went down the river.

This scene greatly deterred those rebel warships who wanted to follow up.They got closer, and they saw with their own eyes how the soldiers on the ship in front were blown up by the unknown firearm.

The warships of the Ming Dynasty, the artillery can hit so far, and they have such powerful firearms in close combat, how can they fight?
The soldiers of the rebel army were not very elite at all, let alone robots. When they realized that the Ming army seemed invincible, the human instinct to avoid danger took over, regardless of whether the king of Qingdu was watching or not. The ones in the house are all finished, if you don't run, you are waiting to die!

I saw the rebel warships on the Red River, all scrambling to get away from the Ming warships, and fled upstream one after another.

The navy was defeated!
On land, it's not much better.

Under the bombardment of the Ming warships, long-range weapons such as bows, arrows and javelins are simply impossible to cause any damage to the Ming warships, let alone withstand the bombardment of the Ming army. Stay away from the river bank, hide as far as you can.

At this scene, the capital king could clearly be dumbfounded.

After he came back to his senses, he immediately ordered his subordinates to stand up quickly, but then turned around and ran away.

Of course, the speed on land is faster than that of a boat. The king of Qingdu fled back to Tokyo in just over a day, regardless of his age in his seventies, for a distance of one hundred miles. It fell apart.

As soon as he arrived in Tokyo, he didn't take a breath, and immediately ordered him to monitor Li Zhenzong's men, and coerced Li Zhenzong to hunt south with him.

The civil and military officials in the city, the powerful gentry saw that King Qingdu ran away with Li Zhenzong, so naturally they all panicked, packed up their things immediately, and started to escape behind King Qingdu.

The whole of Tokyo was in chaos before the Ming army arrived.

When the officials in charge of staying behind in Tokyo saw it, they also abandoned the army and fled!

Staying behind the Tokyo Metropolitan Army, under such circumstances, there is no military discipline at all, and they took the opportunity to start robbing the rich people of their property and the like.

In short, the family of soldiers and bandits, needless to say, can know what they can do.

Afterwards, the warships of the rebels fled back and saw that Tokyo was in such a mess, so there was nothing to say, and they quickly made a fortune. Anyway, Tokyo is the capital, and money is indispensable.

Yes, after some looting, they took a boat and continued to run upstream. By the way, they could bring some dignitaries, local tyrants and gentry they knew on the boat, and earn some travel expenses; There are more places to hide!

That's all, two days later, Yang Zhan led the fleet to the outside of Dongguan City.

He looked at the gate of Dongguan city wide open, the people of Annan fleeing in all directions, smoke was still rising from some places in the city, and there were some abandoned ships parked beside the water gate. He was a little dumbfounded by the whole situation.

Haven't they been very arrogant all the time? Why are these Annan people so virtuous?

After fighting for so many years, this Annan man yelled the loudest and escaped the most thoroughly!
Of course he didn't know that the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the original history was actually similar. When the so-called Celestial Kingdom came from Xiyi, the holy Empress Dowager Cixi immediately coerced the emperor to go to Chengde Mountain Resort to escape the summer heat!

History keeps repeating itself, almost like that!
(End of this chapter)

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