Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 848 Attacking Kyoto

Chapter 848 Attacking Kyoto
However, history will not simply repeat itself!

When Yang Zhan saw that Dongguan was in chaos, he immediately captured the water gate, and then defended the three gates with a thousand troops, leaving only one gate to enter and exit.

Anyone with a weapon on the street will be shot.

"Blah blah blah..."

The soldiers of the Ming army were on the top of the city, condescending and shooting freely.

Those Annan rebel soldiers, local hooligans, had no intention of fighting for the top of the city. After seeing the Ming army shooting their accomplices, they ran to the south gate where there was no Ming army.

About an hour after the soldiers of the Ming army captured the city, there were hardly any traces of people in the streets and alleys of the city.Only everywhere, dead bodies were seen everywhere.

Some houses are burning, and some people's cries can still be heard.

When Yang Zhan saw him, he ordered the soldiers who knew Annan's dialect to speak up.

"The court officials and soldiers came to suppress the rebellion and have nothing to do with ordinary people!"

"People everywhere, help each other, put out fires and rescue people, don't be negligent, those who hide in the house and don't come out are regarded as rebels, kill!"


Hearing these shouts, I was afraid that the Ming army would regard them as rebel soldiers and kill them, or that the fire would burn to my own house, etc. Finally, some people began to emerge from various houses one after another, Most of them were men, while tremblingly peeking at the soldiers of the Ming army with live ammunition on the lower walls, they were fighting fires and people, and carried out the bodies of all the dead on the road, unclaimed ones, out of the city.

After night fell, all the soldiers of the Ming army retreated to the ship. Of course, there were still soldiers at the head of the city at Shuimen.Just don't send troops to the city.

In Dongguan City, there were no lights, and those that caught fire during the day had already been extinguished.

Such a big city is dark and quiet.Only occasionally there were a few suppressed crying sounds, but they soon disappeared.

Indistinctly, some people took advantage of the cover of night and escaped from the city gate that was not occupied by the Ming army.

After dawn the next day, the four walls of the city were re-occupied by the Ming army, and a search team was sent to the city in units of [-] people to verify the situation in the city.

In many houses, there are still corpses, but no living people.Among these corpses, there are old people, children, men and women.

The things in the house have obviously been rummaged through, and broken things are everywhere.

In another house, the living people cried around the dead, and when they saw the soldiers of the Ming army appearing, they were all trembling with fear in their eyes.

After one morning, representatives from the houses with survivors gathered under the water gate city.

Yang Zhan stood on the top of the city, looked at the crowd below, and estimated that there were probably less than a thousand people.This means that there are only a thousand households left in the city at most, and these thousand households are definitely not full, because according to the report of the subordinates, there are only one or two people left in some houses.

And among the people present, basically all were men, mostly the elderly and children.

But they have one thing in common, everyone's expressions are trembling and fearful.

That's right, how could they not be afraid of being a soldier after experiencing a catastrophe?Not to mention, these soldiers were stigmatized by Li Dynasty officials!
Yang Zhan looked at them, but he didn't feel the joy of occupying the city.Because he thought of it, when the thieves made troubles in Shu, there were such tragedies!
With this in mind, he began to speak. Of course, his words would be translated into Annan dialect by his soldiers.

"Annan was occupied by rebels, and the people have been living in dire straits. Now the emperor is wise and powerful, and sent a large army to Annan to suppress the rebellion. From now on, you will all have a good life."

"The children of the common people of the Ming Dynasty can study for free. If there are difficulties in the family, the imperial court will also provide money and food subsidies."

"Study is divided into two types, the imperial examination and the special scientific examination of Gewuxue. Among them, most scholars will choose Gewuxue. At least there will be no more freezing and starving in the days to come!"

"After the imperial court quells the rebellion this time, peace will be restored here in Annan!"


Hearing his words, all the people in Annan forgot to be afraid, and looked at Yang Zhan with disbelief.

At least what Yang Zhan said, it sounds like there are ordinary days in the sky, can there really be in the world?
Perhaps because he could see what these Annan people were thinking, by the way, what the people of Daming were thinking in the future, Yang Zhan said to them seriously: "The commander-in-chief said that it has already been popularized in Daming territory. If you don't believe it, you can find anyone Just ask!"

After speaking, he began to make demands on them.Generally speaking, they are required to organize according to the streets to clean up the broken walls, corpses in houses, etc., so as to restore the normality of Dongguan.

Among them, the soldiers of the Ming army did not participate, but some of them would supervise their work. At the same time, after the work was finished, they would distribute some to these workers based on the property and food they found, and let them take them home.

Not only were the soldiers of the Ming army not vicious, but they showed them a bright future, and the rewards and punishments were well-founded in the specific actions. This quickly stabilized the minds of the Annan people in Dongguan City, and more and more people participated in the event. Restoration of East Gate is in progress.

Even later, even some women appeared, and they had to work, and they could get a little more money and food.

In less than three days, Dongguan City, which was full of desolation, basically returned to normal.

Of course, this normality is also relative. At least for the time being, Dongguan City is still very deserted.

After stabilizing the situation, Yang Zhan returned to Honghekou, and after discussing with Zhang Tongchang, he reported to the capital, requesting to stabilize the Red River Basin for the time being, and not to attack and intimidate the Ruan family for the time being.

After all, since Dongguan has been taken so easily, there is no reason to return it.

Moreover, the Red River Basin is an area with developed agriculture. If the land is measured and operated here, it will also help the navy to use it as a base in the future, and the supplies of food and grass materials will not need to be transferred from Guangdong and Guangxi.

Yang Zhan and Zhang Tongchang didn't know that after receiving the request from the Zheng family in the north, the Ruan family in the south not only refused to send troops, but in addition to strengthening the coastal defense, they were also planning to move the capital.

If you don't scare but scare, the strategic goal has actually been achieved.


Compared with Annan, the Japanese side is much more tragic.

The Ming army captured Kyushu Island, and also sealed a Tang king in the past, and established the Tang Kingdom, which means that the Wa Kingdom has no way out.

With this understanding, the daimyo and the Tokugawa shogunate on Honshu Island, Japan, are preparing for the battle with all their strength.

However, they never imagined that the Ming Dynasty had armed the North Koreans and thrown them into the battle against Honshu Island.

In the past, the North Korean government was incompetent and its military equipment was slack, so that it was rounded up by surrounding forces, but it only focused on internal fighting. The combat power of the North Koreans naturally could not be reflected.

However, after experiencing the humiliation of destroying the country, the pain of family destruction, and the desire to make meritorious service and become a member of the Ming Dynasty, these Korean soldiers really embody the concept of what is a desperado!
After about half a year of training, this North Korean army went into battle.

They were not thrown into Shimonoseki, which is the closest to Kyushu Island, but avoided the heavily armed Shimonoseki area, transported by the Ming Navy, and detoured to the central part of Honshu Island. They did not attack Edo, but attacked Osaka.

This Osaka was the political center of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and it was only about a hundred miles away from Kyoto, where the emperor was.Of course, this is also the area where the Japanese army focused on defense.

However, compared with Xiaguan, which is the closest place to the Ming army, and Edo, which is the two important places where the Tokugawa shogunate is located, its military strength must be weaker.

Under the cover of the Ming Navy's bombardment, the Korean soldiers landed desperately and charged, especially relying on the breastplate they wore, they dared to hold a bayonet-equipped flintlock gun and fight the Japanese pirates hand-to-hand.Even if you die, you have to pull a back. In short, seeing the unique hairstyle of the Japanese pirates, the Koreans all went crazy.

Such an important place as Osaka was a battleground for military strategists during the Warring States Period of the Japanese Warring States Period. It took only one day for it to be flooded by Korean soldiers.

It was the kind that was really drowned. Wherever these Korean soldiers passed by, there was not a single Japanese alive.And, before they had time to rest, they immediately headed for Kyoto.

Behind them, Zeng Ying, the commander of the Ming Navy, was a little speechless. The corpses all over the floor were all decapitated, and it was troublesome to deal with.

Fortunately, he had prepared in advance, recruiting Tang's army and people to clean up the battlefield.Burn the corpses of those Japanese and treat the wounded North Korean soldiers.

Zheng Sen, the military supervisor, didn't know if he was born in the Japanese country, and he couldn't bear to see it. Zeng Ying just told him that the Koreans were just taking revenge, and the Japanese did those things in North Korea. It will be better than here, and what the North Koreans are doing now is just revenge with an eye for an eye.

Besides, here in the country of Wa, it is basically used for enfeoffing vassal kings.There is no need for the court to worry about the population.

Two days later, when the Emperor Wa was still hesitating whether to escape, the Korean soldiers had already arrived and quickly surrounded Kyoto, making the Emperor Wa lost the chance to escape.

The leaders of the Japanese kingdom were originally called great kings. In the Tang Dynasty, they began to call themselves emperors, and they were recognized by the Song Dynasty in the Song Dynasty.But at this time in the Ming Dynasty, Daming called the leader of the Wa Kingdom the king of the Wa Kingdom.According to the original historical development, it was not until modern times that the Central Plains resumed calling the leader of the Wa Kingdom the emperor.

Before the Koreans launched an attack on Kyoto, they sent someone to ask Zeng Ying, what should the emperor of the Japanese country do?

The reason for this is that the Emperor of the Wa Kingdom is quite special. Although the Koreans wish to kill all the Wa people, they still have to be wary of the attitude of the Ming army.

To this, Zeng Ying only replied indifferently: "Emperor Ming is not the emperor, and the frog in the bottom of the world dares to call himself the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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