Chapter 849
During this period, there were about [-] people in Kyoto, but because many privileged people had the right to migrate to North Korea when they moved to North Korea, the population was only about [-].There are only about [-] people who can go to the top of the city to defend.

Relatively, the number of North Koreans who attacked the city was about the same.

However, the Koreans were underdogs, and they were armed by the Ming Dynasty, and their weapons and armor were more elite than those directly under the shogunate.

As for the [-] defenders in Kyoto, most of them are civilians. The original army that was actually used to defend the city was actually less than [-].They all have duties, but mainly just to monitor the emperor.

As soon as the Battle of Kyoto broke out, the Koreans pulled the Hongyi cannons and approached the city wall to bombard them.

This capital was built in imitation of Chang'an and Luoyang during the Tang Dynasty in China. The main road is very wide and the city gates are also very large.Although it was destroyed during the Warring States period, it was rebuilt later, and the basic framework remained unchanged.

The desperate attack of the Koreans destroyed the city gate as soon as it came up.The defenders on the top of the city were also beaten by the muskets of the Koreans so that they did not dare to raise their heads, and it only took half a day to break into the city of Kyoto.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over..." At this time, the Emperor of Wa Kingdom was Emperor Gokomei. When he heard that the Koreans had entered the city, his face was pale, as if he was already a dead person.

The previous him, in fact, deep in his heart, had some ambitions.He was dissatisfied with the Tokugawa shogunate. It is recorded that he has a fierce personality and is quite resistant to the shogunate.

In fact, it is estimated that any emperor will be like this.

Because in 1615, the Tokugawa shogunate announced the [-] articles of "Forbidden China and Public Laws", which restricted the power and actions of the emperor, ministers and nobles in detail.

The "Fa Du" clearly stipulates that the emperor "puts learning first" and does not need to meddle in state affairs.The appointment of court officials, the costumes and crowns of the emperor and ministers, the emperor's tours, etc. all require the consent of the shogunate. The only article in the "Fa Du" that retains the power of the emperor is the eighth article: the emperor has the right to determine the year name according to the "previous regulations of this dynasty".

Thus, no matter in form or in fact, the power of the imperial family was completely deprived of by the shogunate.

In other words, the emperor is equivalent to the vassal king on the Ming side, and the only function of the pigs that are locked up is to determine the year name.

It would be unreasonable to be deprived of interests in this way if there is no intention of resistance.

However, now he has not fought against the shogunate, but has ushered in the siege of the North Koreans. The end has come, and all ambitions are gone.

However, when people are in a desperate situation, they are often unwilling to be caught without a fight. Suddenly, the Emperor Hou Guangming remembered something, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and quickly shouted: "It is the Tokugawa shogunate who ordered the occupation of North Korea." , It is the Tokugawa shogunate who are disrespectful to Daming, and it has nothing to do with me. I am willing to help the Koreans and help Daming fight against the Tokugawa shogunate. Yes, yes, that’s it, I am willing, I am really willing, and I am very willing to cooperate!"

When the people around him heard this, they immediately felt that the logic was correct, and there might be a way out, so they quickly agreed.

"Yes, Your Majesty is right, that's it!"

"All the culprits are the Tokugawa shogunate, God damn it, you should find them!"

"Under His Majesty's appeal, there may be many people who will resist the Tokugawa shogunate. This will benefit both the Ming Dynasty and the Korean people, and it will be a win-win situation!"

"Yes, at most, we will recognize Daming as the suzerain in the future, and everything will be done with Daming at the head!"


This group of people seemed to have found the right idea, and when they were happy, they saw a group of warriors suddenly broke in from outside, and they knew that the coming was not good.

Immediately, Emperor Hou Guangming felt that something was wrong, and quickly asked boldly: "Who are you, dare to break into my place?"

Hearing this, the leader of the samurai said ferociously: "Kyoto has been destroyed and besieged on all sides. There is nowhere to escape. It's time for you to change your loyalty to Japan!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Houguangming understood that it was because the Tokugawa shogunate did not want him to live.

Immediately, he pointed at the intruders in panic, and stammered: "Bold... dare, I am the emperor,"

However, these samurai didn't listen to him at all, and started slashing people with their samurai swords.

The maids standing outside all screamed and fell to the ground.

Immediately, a group of officials around Emperor Houguang scattered like birds and beasts, leaving Emperor Houguang scattered and fled.

However, the gate is blocked by this group of warriors, where can they escape.In this courtyard, these samurai were like eagles catching chickens, chasing and slashing people with samurai swords. Blood was sprayed everywhere, and the screams were endless.

The leader of the samurai, regardless of the others, just stared at Emperor Goguang, holding a samurai sword, strode up to the panic-stricken Emperor, and shouted with a grinning grin: "Your Majesty will be sent to see Amaterasu first, and I will be there soon! "

"Wait, wait!" Emperor Houguangming was already scared to pee, but at this time, he didn't care how embarrassing it was, he just begged with a last sliver of hope: "We may not necessarily die, as long as we The North Koreans said that everything is the fault of the Tokugawa shogunate, and we are willing to help the North Koreans defeat the Tokugawa shogunate, maybe we can all survive, really, we can survive!"

In order to survive, he, who was stuttering in fright, miraculously stopped stuttering, and said everything he wanted to say in one breath.

The samurai obviously endured it, but he didn't expect the emperor to say such a thing.

But then, he turned grim again, held the knife in both hands, and shouted sharply: "Sure enough, as expected by Lord General, you have ulterior motives for Lord General, damn it!"

Emperor Gomitsu didn't even think about it, how could the person who watched him, and even ordered to come to kill him, not be Tokugawa Iemitsu's confidant!

Hearing his words, Emperor Hou Guangming sat down on his piss, but he looked up and stared at the warrior in front of him, fearing but hurriedly said: "Don't you want to live? Ming is so powerful, Germany The Chuan Shogunate will definitely be doomed, and you will definitely die if you accompany the Tokugawa Shogunate, as long as you follow me and explain the situation to the Koreans, maybe... maybe we can survive!"

When he said this, the samurai obviously hesitated a little.

Seeing this situation, Emperor Houguangming quickly persuaded him again: "Ants still steal their lives. As long as we can live, we may have everything again, but if we die, there will be nothing left! Really! I am the Emperor, I surrender to Daming, I am useful to them, I promise you can live with me too!"

At this time, the samurai's subordinates had killed all those fleeing and surrounded them. Hearing what Emperor Houguang said, they suddenly lost their will to die.

If they could live, how many people would choose to die?Listening to the emperor's words, it is indeed possible to survive!
Immediately, someone in the crowd said: "That's right, the wife and children are gone, as long as we are still alive, there are many women, and children can be born again, right?"

"That's right, the General took our family as hostages, so why should we be loyal to him? Now that we have offended Daming, the General will not be able to protect himself!"

"That's right, the Ming Dynasty is attacking in a big way, and Amaterasu is no longer effective. There are still so many troops lost in North Korea. What do we have to fight against the Ming Dynasty?"

"Yes, it is the wisest choice for us to stand on the side of the winner!"


While talking, the sound of gunfire and shouts of killing outside was getting closer and closer.Obviously, the North Koreans have already rushed to the palace.

At this time, those among the group of warriors who wanted to survive were already in a hurry, and suddenly, they all stood beside the emperor, forming a protective posture, thinking that the rare goods could live, forcing another group of warriors to express their views.

Seeing this scene, some of the remaining warriors were shaken, some were still hesitating, and some had hideous expressions on their faces.

Just when they seemed to be fighting, suddenly, there was a lot of footsteps outside, and then a group of North Koreans broke in, raising the flintlock guns in their hands, aiming at the group of Japanese in front of them.

When Emperor Houguangming saw it, he was so frightened that he stood up from the pile of urine, and hurriedly shouted to the North Koreans: "I am Emperor Houguangming, I want to surrender to Daming, you can't kill me, I treat Daming very badly." useful……"

Before he could finish his sentence, however, the intruding North Koreans opened fire.

"Blah blah blah..."

After the gunshots, Emperor Hou Guangming, together with those warriors, no matter what their position was, all fell to the ground.Among them, Emperor Goguang Ming, his urine and blood were mixed under his body.

Seeing that these Japanese people were all dead, one of the Koreans immediately said in Korean: "These Japanese people are going to chatter when they are dying, and they are talking like birds, bah!"

Obviously, they didn't understand, or they didn't need to understand, anyway, they just killed the Japanese people when they saw them.

Subsequently, these North Koreans dispersed and continued to search for the participating Japanese.

It wasn't until after the war was over that they searched for Emperor Houguang, that they knew that the emperor of the Japanese country had been killed by them.

In fact, the royal family of the Wa Kingdom, who were in Kyoto, were all killed by them, and no one was spared!

In the two battles between Osaka and Kyoto, the Koreans' reckless attack methods shocked all the Japanese in Kyushu.

They didn't expect that the North Koreans, who used to be regarded as pigs and dogs, were so crazy!
Of course, they can also think that the madness of the Koreans stems from their hatred of the Japanese.Therefore, the Japanese people from all over the country were frightened when they heard the news, they were afraid that the army composed of Koreans would kill them.

At this time, Daming finally dispatched, ordering the Korean army to rest, and then asked the local daimyo to surrender within a time limit, otherwise let the dogs go, no, let the Korean army go to attack!

(End of this chapter)

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