Chapter 850
Japanese people have always had a tradition, that is to bully the weak and fear the hard, and worship the strong!
At this time, there is no doubt about the strength of Ming Dynasty. He didn't need to go out personally, but just used the army composed of Koreans as the vanguard, and he successively captured two military battles that the Japanese soldiers were focusing on defending. Not to mention, at this time The country of Wa has lost the island of Kyushu.

And the large-scale appearance of the Ming army on Honshu Island also means that the [-] to [-] troops sent to North Korea have been wiped out.

Under such circumstances, at least the daimyo near Kyoto could no longer bear the pressure of being killed by the North Koreans, and either fled to Edo or surrendered.

The Ming army was not in a hurry to attack Edo, so they transferred their troops to encircle the Japanese soldiers in Xiaguan.

In fact, as an island country, the Wa Kingdom was doomed from the moment they were wiped out by the entire navy!
Japanese troops from all walks of life surrendered to the Ming army one after another.The Japanese soldiers who had not yet surrendered in the end, after being compressed by the Ming army in the Xiaguan area, they all chose to surrender after only bombarding them with Hongyi cannons and heartless cannons.

Around November of the [-]st year of Chongzhen, the Japanese on Honshu Island, except for Edo and the area to the north, were all occupied by the Ming army.

The Ming Expeditionary Army did not rush to attack, but transported the Japanese soldiers who surrendered to North Korea to dig mines and repair railways.Moreover, after the Denglai Navy of Ming Dynasty completed the task of transporting labor, it returned to the Denglai Naval Base, accepted the refitting of warships, and prepared to go to Luzon next year to attack the Dutch Strait of Malacca together with the Nanyang Navy under Zheng Zhibao’s department. The Lion City stronghold and the Batavia stronghold completely wiped out Xiyi's influence in Nanyang.

In the blink of an eye, the [-]st year of Chongzhen was about to pass.

During this year, Ming defeated the offensive of the western tribal coalition forces, especially in the grassland battle, where nearly [-] tribal troops were completely lost.Guihua City and Baotou have become the real frontiers south of the Yangtze River, and there is no longer the threat of military disasters.

After the war, the railway has been extended from Guihua City to Baotou, and it is still under construction westward.

As a test site for mechanized farming on the Hetao Plain, countless grain fields have been reclaimed, effectively verifying the power of mechanized farming!

In the future, if the imperial army marches westward, food, grass and supplies can be collected from the Hetao Plain, without requiring the people in the pass to work hard.

Following the battle on the grassland, the Yerkand Khanate and the Junggar tribe in the west of the Ming Dynasty had perished, and the entire north and south of the Tianshan Mountains became a vacuum with no power, waiting for the imperial army to occupy it.

In Qinghai and Tibet, some areas have already been occupied during the counterattack by the imperial army, but the march was suspended due to weather and logistical supply reasons.

However, Gushi Khan was obviously a smart man, and expressed his intention to surrender to Daming first.Presided over by Sun Chuanting, the surrender of Gush Khan was negotiated.At least in terms of the keynote of reforming the land and returning it to the local people, it is mainly the resettlement of the Qinghai-Tibet leaders.

Because of heavy snow blocking the mountain, traffic is inconvenient, and there is no final result yet, but according to Sun Chuanting's estimation, as long as Gushi Khan is not forced to die, the final peaceful settlement of Qinghai-Tibet is not a big problem!

In other words, the Qinghai-Tibet region will soon be incorporated into the territory directly under the jurisdiction of Ming Dynasty!
Also, in the second half of the [-]st year of Chongzhen, Yang Zhan's navy easily captured the puppet capital of the Annan rebels, and restored Annan's most prosperous and most populated to the Red River Basin.From this battle, it can be concluded that if Daming recovers the Annan coastal area, there will be no difficulties.If you just go deep into the mainland, there may be dangerous roads, the inconvenience of high mountains and dense forests.In a hurry, it is not easy to wipe out those rebels.

After receiving the memorial from Yang Zhan and Zhang Tongchang, Emperor Chongzhen decided to build a port city in Annan first under the suggestion of Liu Weichao and after discussing with his officials, so as to realize the strategy of Ming Dynasty to march to Nanyang through Annan.

Basically, in the expected [-]nd year of Chongzhen, Ming Dynasty will completely wipe out the remnants of the Japanese kingdom, and then distribute the vassal kings in the past; in addition, it is to use troops in Nanyang. Wang passed.

In the west of the Ming Dynasty, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains were incorporated into the territory, that is, the Western Regions during the restoration of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Also, on the other side of Yunnan, the army formed by recruits from Yunnan and Guizhou has already been trained in almost the same place, and a lot of food and supplies have been hoarded.The Ming border army has been deterring Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty for two years, forcing them to station troops in the north, it should be almost exhausted, and it is time to attack.

The situation in the Ming Dynasty is not generally good, but extremely good, never better than ever!
This made everyone in Daming very happy, including of course Emperor Chongzhen.

However, his happiness is a little different from others.

He was not so happy about the military victory of the Ming army.Because in his view, these are all within his expectations, so the effect of being happy is limited.

In his whole life, in terms of military victory, he only remembered one time, and it was the one that was unforgettable, and that was the victory in the Battle of Jizhou at the end of the fifteenth year of Chongzhen!
That's when he contacted Liu Weichao and knew that he would end up ruining his country and family in two years, so he was extremely eager for a victory, a victory against the invincible Jianlu before.

At this time, at the end of the [-]st year of Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen is most happy that he has found a way to do many things without spending much money, that is, to establish a state-owned holding company by issuing stocks, and make full use of it. folk wealth.

This matter was something he had never thought of before, it was a surprise, and the effect was very good!
No, the report he held in his hand was Song Yingxing from Qiongzhou, saying that because of an order from the telephone company to purchase wires, he had enough funds in his hands, not only to recruit the manpower needed by the rubber factory, but also to spare. Let more people plant rubber trees.

According to Song Yingxing, everything is going well with the production of rubber mat vulcanization, and the production will increase as more and more rubber trees mature.

However, although rubber has many uses, the most urgent thing in front of us must be the demand for wires. National communication requires the use of wired telephones to bring about an earth-shaking change.

There are mainly two kinds of wire materials, except for rubber, it is copper wire.With the expectation that there will be more and more rubber in the future, the reserves of copper wires also need to be prepared in advance.

In addition to announcing the good news, Song Yingxing's memorial was actually to remind Emperor Chongzhen not to forget about the copper wire.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy about this report, because the production of electric wires went smoothly, and soon he could see the popularity of wired telephones in Daming.

The convenience of transportation and the time of communication are also very important factors that determine how big the territory of the Ming Dynasty will be.It just so happened that Emperor Chongzhen was going to be the leader of the ball, and he was about to expand his territory, so when these factors came together, it was smooth and smooth.

In addition to being happy, he took Song Yingxing's report and began to think about a problem, which was the problem about copper wires that Song Yingxing reminded.

It is true that the issuance of new coins in the Ming Dynasty reduced the need for printing a lot of copper coins and saved a lot of copper. However, there were not many copper mines to be mined in the Ming Dynasty. This point was also confirmed by Emperor Chongzhen from Liu Weichao.

According to Liu Weichao's popular science, Emperor Chongzhen also knew that there would be a huge demand for copper in the future electrical age.

That's the problem!

However, Emperor Chongzhen didn't worry too much. Now that the national power is strong and the military power is at its peak, with this foundation, Daming himself doesn't have it, so he can completely focus his attention overseas!

According to the information provided by Liu Weichao, the largest copper mines on earth, at least the copper mines that have been proven on Liu Weichao's plane, are mainly concentrated in South America.

However, as far as the current situation of Ming Dynasty is concerned, it is still a bit early, or unrealistic, to occupy South America.

The so-called food should be eaten bite by bite. Emperor Chongzhen's plan was to first take down the entire Wa Kingdom, and then build a supply route for the fleet along the route of the Pacific Warm Current, so as to send troops to the American continent on a large scale.

Before that, only a small number of people were sent to the Americas, and it was too difficult to occupy the Americas, wipe out the Western Yi, open mines, and then transport them back.

Another point, at least from the current position, whether it is South America or North America, is the territory of the Western Yi. If Daming does not overwhelm it with thunder, the Western Yi will be prepared and send more troops. It is not wise for Daming to fight against the pioneers of America and Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen never thought of plotting the American continent so soon.His goal is to focus on the Nanyang side. This is the time when the melons are ripe and the fruits can be picked.

Fortunately, according to the information provided by Liu Weichao, a country called Indonesia on his plane has the world's third copper mine reserves, and the copper content is the highest among the top ten copper mines!

After receiving this memorial from Song Yingxing, Emperor Chongzhen's first thought was to think of this rich copper mine!

"It's time to take action against Nanyang!" Emperor Chongzhen thought so, and summoned a group of ministers to discuss matters in the Wenhua Hall.

After the ministers finished seeing the ceremony, he startled everyone when he opened his mouth: "In the future, Ming Dynasty will have a very large demand for copper, so I decided to mine a copper mine area with a reserve of [-] million tons. The level of mining may not be finished, but it is enough for Daming to use it for hundreds of years!"

The concept of tons has been widely used in Gephysics, and at this time, it can be regarded as popularized.

Everyone in the Wenhua Palace was shocked when they heard the [-] million tons of copper reserves!
(End of this chapter)

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