Chapter 851
Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, was the first to come back to his senses, and immediately played happily: "Your Majesty, where is this copper mine? I will immediately organize manual mining!"

No one doubted what Emperor Chongzhen said.

Because it has happened before, Emperor Chongzhen said that there is a gold mine in Zhangjiakou, and sent people to mine it.Even the locals don't know it, and it turns out there really is a gold mine.

Later, when the king of Zhou enfeoffed Luzon, Emperor Chongzhen said where there were mines on Luzon Island, and it turned out that there were mines!

This shows that the news about Emperor Chongzhen definitely came from Emperor Taizu, who became a god, so that one can say it with certainty!

Now, Emperor Chongzhen even said that there is such a big mine, that is a real fortune!As the Minister of the Household Department of Ming Dynasty, I couldn't be happier!
Hearing his words, the others were also very excited. They all looked at Emperor Chongzhen, ready to hear him announce the location.

In their eyes, although copper mines are not as good as gold and silver mines, they are still a valuable mine.Not to mention making copper coins, it is also very good to use copper to make other utensils, even copper cannons.

In short, in the history of China, the application of copper has a very early history and many applications!

Emperor Chongzhen was not surprised by their urgency, but he was not in a hurry. He just ordered the eunuchs who were serving beside him to take out the world map and hang it on the screen for the courtiers below to see.

This world map has been marked by Emperor Chongzhen in advance.

I saw a few red circles in a place far away in Nanyang, which were drawn with a Chinese ink brush.

When everyone saw it, they were a little surprised.

They didn't expect that this copper mine was so far away from Daming!For a while, the enthusiasm went down a little bit.

But no matter what, it is also a happy thing to know where there is such a high reserve of copper mines.

Fortunately, Ni Yuanlu, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, saw it and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, if you want to mine such a far away place, you may need to invest a lot of money in the early stage. If the mine is not easy to dig, then More money needs to be invested!"

He said that a lot of money will be invested, so the amount of money is really not small.

However, everyone also knows that since the reserves of the copper mine are so large, the imperial court must be able to make money in the end, and it will make a lot of money!
Emperor Chongzhen listened, and when he was about to speak, he saw his second assistant, Sun Chuanting, also appearing, and played to him: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, the aborigines from all over Nanyang were bewitched by the Dutch, and they already wanted to resist me, Ming Dynasty. And they also bought firearms from the Dutch, it will become a little tricky for the imperial court to deal with the affairs over there!"

Generally speaking, the focus of the imperial court next year is to manage Nanyang, because Sun Chuanting, who is in charge of military affairs, has noticed the news from Nanyang that it has something to do with mining, so he brought it up to Emperor Chongzhen in time.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen knew about the situation in Nanyang. In fact, with the information provided by the factory guards, he knew more about Nanyang than Sun Chuanting.When considering Nanyang Mining, he even considered it thoroughly.

At this time, after hearing Sun Chuanting's words, he nodded and said: "Those Nanyang natives don't know the general idea, and if they dare to resist my Ming Dynasty, then don't blame me for being rude. Just suppressed, the captured prisoners will let them Go digging. Those who don't resist, let them be the people of Ming Dynasty, and treat these natives with kindness and power, there is nothing to say!"

Speaking of this, he paused and then said: "As for their firearms, that is, the firearms that the Dutch can have, they are still behind the firearms equipped by our imperial court army. Moreover, they can't make gunpowder by themselves, whether it is It will not be better to maintain firearms or use firearms!"

Hearing Emperor Chongzhen's words, the officials in the Wenhua Palace all nodded their heads, agreeing with the emperor's analysis.

With such a large copper mine, these things can't stop the court's enthusiasm for mining, but it will add some troubles, or in other words, there will be more things to do in the early stage!

Thinking of this, Shangshu Hubu frowned a little.For him, before the ore is mined, he needs to spend a lot of money there!
When he was thinking about it, he heard Emperor Chongzhen suddenly change the subject: "However, I plan to refer to the example of the wired telephone company, set up a mining company controlled by the imperial court, and raise private money to mine! In this way, the imperial court will not have to do this. A lot of money has been invested!"

Upon hearing this, Chief Assistant He Fengsheng was the first to stand up and object: "Your Majesty, as long as there is investment in the early stage of a copper mine with such a large reserve, it will be a matter of sitting on the ground and collecting money in the later stage. How can it benefit the people? The court will do it by itself!"

When the other civil servants heard this, many of them nodded.To make a steady profit without losing money, giving the profits to the people is simply giving away the money. Isn't this considered a prodigal?
Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately shook his head and said: "He Qing, please be safe and don't be impatient. Although the imperial court has money, it has a lot of money to do things. Next, the military equipment of the imperial army needs to be refurbished. , This involves millions of dollars, do you know how much money is needed? Military things must not be handed over to civilians. There are also rewards for victories in Japan, Annan, and the Western War, which will be a huge expense, etc. Wait."

After a pause, he immediately went on to say: "Also, the court will continue to use troops abroad in the future. Although the court will definitely make money in the end, it will need to invest a lot of money in the short term. If the court needs to do things If all the money is allocated from the treasury, then the money invested in the early stage will also be an astronomical figure. Maybe the treasury will not have enough money, or it will affect the things to be done next year. I think it is inappropriate !"

He Fengsheng turned around quickly when he heard these words, and immediately said convincingly: "Your Majesty is wise, the old minister is confused!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was very happy, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, He Qing, there are copper mines with larger reserves than this one, I know it well!"

Hearing this, the officials in the Wenhua Palace immediately lifted their spirits, especially the Minister of the Household Department, who felt that the court would no longer be short of money in the future!
When I think of this, I feel that the future is bright!

Compared with others, he valued the money plan proposed by Emperor Chongzhen, that is, the imperial court could finally not worry about spending too much money and not having enough money!

By means of shares, we can gather the money needed for the initial investment, especially for some things, when the money will be very large.

But when he thought of this, he suddenly remembered something, frowned, and immediately went out to play to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, but this matter of issuing shares to raise money may not be as easy as before!"

"Oh? Why?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard this, so he looked at him and asked.

After hearing this, Ni Yuanlu immediately said: "Wei Chen pays attention to the transactions on the stock exchange. Before that, the stocks of cable telephone companies, which everyone thought was the most profitable, all fell. Many people were hit by this incident. The shares have lost a lot of interest!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately remembered that Liu Weichao had told him about stock trading, and it was actually normal for this stock to go up and down.

However, according to Liu Weichao's theory, as far as the current stocks of the Ming Dynasty are scarce resources, there are only a few stocks in total, but rich Ming people don't want too many, so the stocks will definitely be sold. The fried kind.This stock, which has only been issued for a short time, will fall?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately asked, "Why?"

Obviously, Ni Yuanlu also asked such a question, so he was able to answer Emperor Chongzhen immediately: "According to my knowledge, it seems that there are rumors in the capital that the output of wires required by the telephone company is too low, and there are many problems, so it is limited. It is estimated that the work of the telephone company will not make much money in a year."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately thought of another point of stock trading mentioned by Liu Weichao: some stock players, especially the powerful ones, often use the method of spreading rumors, making trouble out of nothing, etc. affect the price of the stock.

Emperor Chongzhen had just received Song Yingxing's report on the production of electric wires, but the capital had already learned about the electric wires before him?And this news is different from Song Yingxing's report, Song Yingxing can't possibly tell lies, right?That is the crime of bullying the king!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately understood that someone in the capital was using rumors to suppress the stock price of the wired telephone company!

Thinking of Liu Weichao being in that world, he was being rumored. The first reaction of Emperor Chongzhen at that time was to copy their home.

It's just a pity that in Liu Weichao's plane, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't reach him, but since in his plane, those who dare to make a fortune by spreading rumors must not be polite!
Thinking of this, he immediately turned his head to look at Wang Cheng'en, who was at the supervisor's side, and said in a cold voice: "Xichang will immediately send out elites to investigate, someone is spreading rumors about the cable phone company with the intention of suppressing the cable phone company's stock." Price, and then buy at a low price. You have found out for me, no matter who dares to spread rumors, I will raid his house and confiscate his property!"

"Slave obeys the order!" Wang Chengen never questioned the will of Emperor Chongzhen, and immediately bowed to accept the order.

Emperor Chongzhen's murderous words surprised everyone in the Wenhua Palace.They were not only surprised that Emperor Chongzhen wanted to raid the house, but also shocked that Emperor Chongzhen immediately asserted that there was someone with ulterior motives behind it as soon as he heard the words of the Secretary of the Household Department!

Judging from the confident tone and expression of Emperor Chongzhen, this is for sure.Thinking of this, they couldn't help feeling secretly in their hearts: The emperor seems to be getting smarter, and even this can be judged at once!

(End of this chapter)

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