Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 852 Where is the lower limit

Chapter 852 Where is the lower limit

Because of Liu Weichao's science popularization, as far as these people in the Wenhua Palace are concerned, Emperor Chongzhen said that stock knowledge is second, and no one dares to say that it is the first.

As far as Emperor Chongzhen's limited stock knowledge is concerned, he also knew that if the stock prices in the stock exchange kept falling, it would definitely affect the price of his subsequent issuance of other company stocks, which he did not allow.

However, he can be sure that these companies are high-quality companies and will definitely bring great returns to shareholders.

However, these companies have just been established, at least within this year, it is impossible to make profits, and dividends are also impossible.The only thing that can attract private investors to invest in newly established joint-stock companies is the rise and fall of stock prices.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen asked the Ministry of Households to prepare a prospectus for the Mining Co., Ltd., and this is the first meeting of the imperial court.

Looking back, Emperor Chongzhen thought that someone in Daming had used rumors to suppress the stock price, so he was going to tell Liu Weichao about it, so he sent a video request to Liu Weichao.

As a result, what he didn't expect was that when he first connected to Liu Weichao's video, he saw that Liu Weichao's face seemed to be wrong, and he seemed to be angry again.

Immediately, Emperor Chongzhen said without a wrinkle: "Why, is there still someone bothering you? Are you still spreading rumors about you?"

After finishing speaking, he added in a bitter voice: "I hate these rumor-mongers the most! I also found that some people dared to spread rumors in order to suppress the stock price. When I turn back, I will definitely copy their homes and make them want to get rich. Thanks to them!"

If it weren't for the fact that Emperor Chongzhen was angry when he heard Liu Weichao was fabricated a rumor, maybe he would not have punished those who spread rumors to suppress stocks so severely.

It can only be said that those people were influenced by people spreading rumors from another plane, and it can only be expressed in one miserable word!
Liu Weichao was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't expect that in the Ming Dynasty, the stock has only been released for less than half a year, and someone would use this method to influence the stock price!
But when I think about it, there is nothing to make a fuss about. For the sake of profit, I can't do anything. Don't say it's just spreading rumors. As long as the benefit is big enough, someone will do it!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao shook his head and said, "I'm not angry that someone is spreading rumors about me. By the way, what do you want from me?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen did not continue this topic, but frowned slightly, and said to Liu Weichao: "I see that you have something to do, and it makes you very angry. We are friends, you just You shouldn't hide it from me, tell me what's going on, maybe I can help you!"

He did have this thought and wanted to help Liu Weichao.

At least in the past, Emperor Chongzhen often saw Liu Weichao cheerful, and not many things were like that.Even later, after Liu Weichao had more money, he seemed to be happy all day long.Just recently, he often got angry, which made Emperor Chongzhen very concerned.

At this moment, upon hearing Emperor Chongzhen's question, Liu Weichao thought in his heart, suddenly had an idea, and immediately nodded and said, "I really remembered what you said, maybe you can really help me!"

"Say it!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately nodded seriously when he heard this, "I'm listening!"

So, Liu Weichao showed some anger and said to him: "Since the release of "Yongle Dadian", I have been paying attention to things in the cultural world, but I really didn't expect that some things made me really disgusted and very angry !"

After a pause, he didn't wait for Emperor Chongzhen to ask, and immediately went on to say: "Although I admit that modern poetry is different from ancient poetry, but what I didn't expect is that some people have no lower limit. Ah, there are also body parts, all kinds of disgusting so-called poems have come out. I used to think that the pear flower body was enough to make people speechless, but I didn’t expect that there would be a lower limit! Listen, I will give you whatever Read a few..."

Having said that, he put the phone on the phone holder, searched it on the computer immediately after freeing his hands, and then began to read to Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen just listened to the beginning, and was dumbfounded. Finally, after Liu Weichao read a few poems, he finally couldn't help it, interrupted Liu Weichao, and asked in that very surprised tone with a trace of anger: " Is this the poetry of your future generations?"

He has always believed that everything in later generations is good, and he can see this from various geophysics.In the end, he didn't expect that in terms of poetry, he was disgusted to such an extent that it even subverted his three views.

You said that the steam train subverted his three views, he is happy!

The wired phone subverted his three views, and he was also happy!

The poetry of this later generation can subvert his three views, it's really disgusting!

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen's expression, Liu Weichao immediately replied: "No, there are people who say that those who scold this poem are people who don't appreciate it. It's like not appreciating Picasso's paintings! Really, give me It's disgusting, I'm rarely angry!"

"Nose clip lock?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, and suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Liu Weichao heard this, and said directly to him: "You don't have to worry about this, and I don't worry about which paintings. I have this idea, that is, if you give me some poems, let your courtiers write more and send them to me. I want all kinds of things, and I want more people to appreciate Ming Dynasty poetry besides Tang poetry and Song poetry!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said without hesitation: "It's absolutely no problem!"

In fact, he has his own literary talents.At that time, Qin Liangyu was given four poems, which were handed down to later generations.

Liu Weichao knew that Emperor Chongzhen would agree, so he immediately said: "I think about it, I'm going to make some videos, just short videos. Anyway, I have my own film and television company. Find online writers to write, they are the best Write about slapping faces. The ancients traveled to my age, and then a group of such people recited their shit, and the ancients compared it with real Chinese poetry. I don’t believe it. The public’s aesthetic concepts can still be normal after all. right?"

If it is made into a movie or TV series, it will not be easy to pass the review.However, with short videos, played episode by episode, there are fewer restrictions!
The poems in the short video were provided by Emperor Chongzhen.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't need to provide it. However, in terms of Chinese studies, there are still too few people who are really proficient.The people who were looking for Emperor Chongzhen were all Jinshi, and they were real masters of Chinese studies.Most importantly, save worry and effort!

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately demanded: "After your short video is shot, send it to me to have a look!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly remembered those so-called poems about shit and fart, so he immediately changed his words again: "Forget it, I don't want to read it, so as not to stain my ears!"

In this regard, Liu Weichao naturally followed Emperor Chongzhen's wishes.

At this time, I heard him say to Emperor Chongzhen: "I have a new plan for the next goal!"

Since the freedom of property, Liu Weichao's life has no pressure. His original goal was to make "Yongle Dadian" public to the world.But at this time, he decided to work harder on promoting Chinese traditional culture while continuing to achieve the goals he set before.

No, making a short video is one, and then you can set up awards and organize the creation of poems and songs. The judges can be all senior officials of the Ming Dynasty from Emperor Chongzhen.

By the way, calligraphy is also available, as well as Chinese painting and so on.

All of a sudden, Liu Weichao found a lot of things to do.

After the video call ended, Emperor Chongzhen immediately reached out to the phone in front of him, shook it, picked it up and said, "I have decided that before the end of the year, there will be a poetry conference, and the cabinet will take the lead to select a group of people for me." The best poems come out, the content is not limited, chanting things, chanting things, chanting people, etc., are all fine!"

On the side of the cabinet, the chief minister of the cabinet, He Fengsheng, had a look of surprise on his face, he quickly received the order, and then hung up the phone.

Sun Chuanting saw that the expression on Shoufu's face seemed a little off, so he asked, "What is Your Majesty's will?"

He Fengsheng said a little confused: "Your Majesty said that there will be a poetry meeting!"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting was also surprised immediately.

You must know that the current emperor has been busy with state affairs since he ascended the throne, diligently pursuing the two ancestors Taizu and Chengzu!
All of a sudden, it was said that a poetry meeting was going to be held. Based on their understanding of Emperor Chongzhen, of course they were surprised, and they couldn't figure it out.

However, He Fengsheng was obviously more flexible, and immediately said with a smile: "Your Majesty has been tense all the time. Now that the Ming Dynasty is thriving, far surpassing all previous dynasties, it is also good to relax and celebrate with the whole country!"

There is another point that he didn't say.

Even in today's Chongzhen Dynasty, Confucianism has been completely overshadowed by Gewuxue.In particular, Gewuxue is tested every year, not every three years of Confucianism.In addition, Gewuxue can make money and have titles, which has attracted the younger generation of Ming Dynasty, and most of them have chosen the path of Gewuxue.

Based on He Fengsheng's understanding of Emperor Chongzhen, he felt that Emperor Chongzhen would not suddenly propose to hold a poetry meeting for no reason, even if it was to relax, it was actually not in line with Emperor Chongzhen's personality.Therefore, he guessed that it might have something to do with what he was thinking.

However, Gewuxue was proposed by Emperor Chongzhen and vigorously promoted.If it is said that Emperor Chongzhen clearly stated that he felt that Gewuxue was too important, so he wanted to elevate the status of Confucianism, then it might be more against Gewuxue, which is what Emperor Chongzhen did not want to see.

Therefore, without explaining the reason, it should be regarded as relaxation, so as to raise the status of Confucianism!

This, you can have!He Fengsheng thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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