Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 854 Is This Too Big

Chapter 854 Is This Too Big

Just when Emperor Chongzhen and the others were celebrating the New Year happily, Tokugawa Iemitsu called his remaining cronies Hoshina Masaoyuki, Sakai Tadakatsu, and Abe Tadakita to hold a closed-door meeting.

In fact, everyone knows that there is only one topic in the meeting today, how to deal with the current predicament.

If there is a way, it is estimated that it has been proposed long ago.Therefore, these people are a little curious, is it possible that the general has a solution?

I saw Tokugawa Iemitsu's expression was a bit painful, and said to them: "If this continues without change, don't talk about the shogunate, it means that our Wa country will be destroyed unprecedentedly, and it will be destroyed by foreign countries. This is beyond what we can bear!"

The emperor has been passed down for so many years, even if he has no power, it is still a decoration, but he has already been killed.If the Edo area is captured by the Ming army again, it will really be the death of the country.

Hearing Tokugawa Iemitsu's words, Abe Tadaaki and the others felt sad.The strength is not as strong as the enemy, everyone has already landed on the island, and the god Amaterasu does not appear, what else can be done?
Seeing that none of the people below answered, Tokugawa Iemitsu knew that he had no choice, so he had no choice but to say sadly: "I thought about it, the reason why the Ming Dynasty came to the door is mainly because of us. The reason for forming an alliance with the Qing Dynasty and sending troops to North Korea and the Ming Dynasty as enemies. Therefore, as long as I plead guilty, maybe the Ming Dynasty will let us go, and the shogunate can continue to pass on!"

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but looked up at him with shock on their faces.

Having said all this, Tokugawa Iemitsu has already given up his fight, and immediately continued: "I have decided to pass on the throne to Iezuna. He will be eight years old soon. Please help him well. Please do everything!"

Having said that, he still knelt there and bowed to his courtiers.

Seeing this situation, several courtiers were all agitated immediately, bowed back immediately, and tried to persuade them one after another.

"My lord, the shogunate cannot live without you!"

"Even if the lord handed himself over, the Ming Kingdom might not forgive him. Instead of doing this, it's better to die!"

"Yes, it's all because of our incompetence as ministers. We definitely can't let the Lord carry it, and we will die!"


They still wanted to talk, but Tokugawa Iemitsu stretched out his hand and stopped them from continuing to speak, and then said in that very helpless tone: "Can't you see it? The death of the fish is certain, but the net may not be broken!"

"..." Hearing this, the house suddenly fell silent.

With the current situation and the strength of the Ming Kingdom, it is true that they want to break the net, but the net may not be broken!

What's even more sad is that the Wa Kingdom is an island country, and the navy has been destroyed. Even if you can't beat it and want to escape, there is nowhere to escape!
In other words, only by pleasing and satisfying the Ming country, maybe with their kindness, the Wa country can escape this catastrophe!
Thinking of this, Abe Zhongqiu, the smartest among these people, suddenly said: "Your Majesty, in the history of China, there was Gou Jian, the king of Yue, who tried his best and tried his best, and finally returned to his country. Therefore, it is not necessary for your majesty to abdicate. You can learn from Gou Jian and bear the burden of humiliation." Under the circumstances, maybe there will be a day when I can stand up!"

When Ting He said this, the other two immediately opened their minds and echoed.

"That's right, the Ming Kingdom has always claimed to be the kingdom of heaven. We just need to keep a low profile and give them more face-saving things. According to their past examples, they may be happy and won't destroy us!"

"Yes, we can present beautiful women to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and give him the title of Emperor of Heaven to wait for the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. We can even be the father of Ming Dynasty and the son of Japan. In short, we can say whatever the Emperor of Ming Dynasty likes to hear; whatever the Emperor of Ming Dynasty likes , What shall we give? With the face-saving virtue of Ming people, there is a lot to do in this matter!"


Listening to them talking, Tokugawa Iemitsu's eyes sparkled with hope again.

If it is possible, of course he still wants to be the shogun!After all, his son is only eight years old, what can he do!
The emperor of the Tang Dynasty once had the title of Tian Khan and the title of Emperor, so would the emperor of the Ming Dynasty also like it?At that time, the title of emperor will be the emperor among the emperors in the world. If it is called emperor, will the emperor of Ming Dynasty like it?

Ming people should like this set the most, right?
As long as he can keep the shogunate and recognize the emperor of Ming Dynasty as his father, it won't hurt him a hair, this is also possible!

Even if it's a little more disgusting, if you learn from Goujian, you'll be fine even if you eat shit!
After thinking about it for a while, Tokugawa Iemitsu suddenly felt that his end might not necessarily be a dead end. Thinking of this, he immediately conspired with his three confidants.

Subsequently, an extremely humble letter of credence was concocted.It was sent to the Ming army by Abe Tadaaki in a low profile.Of course, the gifts you bring with you are also very valuable.Just looking at it this way, the sincerity is still full.

Zeng Ying had no choice but to receive this letter of credence, because he had no way to make decisions, even Zheng Sen, the supervisor of the army, also had no way to make decisions. He could only send a boat to send the Japanese envoy to the capital, and the emperor would decide how to deal with it. !

Time soon came to the spring of the [-]nd year of Chongzhen. There was one matter that was put on the desk of Emperor Chongzhen, and it was hard to delay it any longer.

The [-]nd year of Chongzhen was [-] AD, and Emperor Chongzhen was [-] years old at this time.

His eldest son, Zhu Cihong, was just twenty years old and was already a prince.

His second son died young, so let’s not talk about it. The third son Zhu Cijiong was canonized as King Ding in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, and the crown ceremony was done in the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

His fourth son, Zhu Cizhao, was granted the title of Yongwang in the fifteenth year of Chongzhen. He was already seventeen years old at this time, and he had already passed the crown ceremony.

According to the usual practice, King Ding and King Yong must be awarded separately.Speaking of the war before, and then busy with ZTE, but in the [-]nd year of Chongzhen, the surrounding areas of Ming Dynasty were basically conquered by Ming Dynasty, and there was no reason to procrastinate.

Emperor Chongzhen had watched a video Liu Weichao provided him. It was originally a video of him saying goodbye to his three sons and letting them hide out when the capital city was broken in the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

He was actually very emotional about that video, and he also felt extremely deeply about the ruin of the country and the family.For these three children, they could not escape death in the end, and he was also very guilty.

For this reason, let them stay by your side for a few more years.But at this time, it is really not easy to delay.

On this day, Emperor Chongzhen summoned Empress Zhou, Concubine Tian Gui, Prince Zhu Cihong, Prince Ding Zhu Cijiong, and Prince Yong Zhu Cizhen to hold a family meeting.

Just by the identities of the participants, you can probably know what this meeting is about.Both Zhu Cijiong and Zhu Cizhao became a little nervous.

Sure enough, Emperor Chongzhen looked at the two of them and said straight to the point: "You have passed your age, you should become a feudal vassal! Originally, the vassal kings of Ming Dynasty had two choices, either stay in the country, but the titles will decrease; or entrust overseas. , the hereditary position of vassal king. You two are my sons, so I will make decisions for you, don’t stay in the country!”

King Yong is the son of Concubine Tian Gui. Hearing this, she couldn't help but look at King Yong immediately, her eyes full of reluctance.

Compared to her, Zhu Cijiong and Zhu Cizhen didn't even look at their mothers, they just looked back at their fathers with excited faces.

Obviously, the two of them are looking forward to being entrusted overseas as vassal kings.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the two of them, and continued: "In this world, I know what is good and what is not. Therefore, I will give you a few choices, and you can choose for yourself!"

While speaking, Wang Cheng'en, who he trusted the most and was the only outsider present, took out a world map, hung it on the screen, pushed it in front of the emperor and prince, and then stood behind the screen with his hands down as an invisible person.

Emperor Chongzhen stood up, came to the map, pointed to Australia and said: "The land area here is large enough, but there are also a lot of snakes, insects, rats and ants, etc., and of course the mineral resources are also very rich. Look at the two of you. Do you like it?"

Speaking of this, he waved his hand again, gliding across the Pacific Ocean, pointed to North America and continued: "The land here is also large enough, similar to the one just now, but the climate is similar to that of Daming. You can also consider it!"

"And here!" Emperor Chongzhen pointed to the territory of the Mughal Empire in South Asia, and then said: "This is Tianzhu, which is rich in materials and has a larger population than the two places just now, and it is no longer so primitive. No need to drink hair and blood! However, the imperial court has not conquered there yet, but it will be a matter of the past two years!"

After saying this, he looked at his two sons again and said, "Look for yourself, where do you want?"

Zhu Cihong beside him didn't wait for the two younger brothers to speak, he suddenly spoke first: "Father, isn't this too big?"

After saying that, seeing Emperor Chongzhen, Empress Zhou, and Concubine Tian Gui looking at him, their faces seemed a little unhappy, so he quickly explained: "The territory of the Zhou king and Tang king who were entrusted before is so big. The territory of the two imperial brothers is many times larger than theirs, and the ministers are afraid that those vassal kings will not accept it!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen sneered and said, "Their vassal states are ripe soil, all ready-made, and these places are still raw land, can it be the same?"

Speaking of this, he even raised his voice and said: "They have to accept whether the feudal kingdom I give them is good or bad, because I am the Emperor of Ming Dynasty!"

Concubine Tian Gui who was next to her originally thought that her son would be sent to such a far away place, and she was very reluctant.But when she heard the conversation between the emperor and the crown prince, she immediately changed her mind. She glanced at the territories selected by Emperor Chongzhen, as if to see which one was better!

(End of this chapter)

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