Chapter 855 Diary
Ding Wang Zhu Cijiong and Yong Wang Zhu Cizhen finally chose Australia, and the other chose North America.

Regarding this, Empress Zhou couldn't help but asked, "You two, why didn't anyone choose Tianzhu?"

Hearing this, Zhu Cijiong, as his own son, replied first: "Tianzhu people believe in Buddhism, and most of them are worthless. The sons and ministers are young, and when they really make achievements, they should go to build a big feudal kingdom by themselves!"

"..." No one expected that there would be such an answer, which made people speechless for a moment.

Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses and had to correct him: "Nowadays Tianzhu rarely believes in Buddhism, but you are right about one thing, the people there are lazy, that's right!"

"That's the same!" Zhu Cijiong listened, and said with his head held high, "I can't look down on you!"

Hearing this, Zhu Cizhao also said: "My son and Brother Sanhuang have the same idea, and think that the territory we conquered is the best territory!"

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the two sons and understood in his heart that this is a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers, has blood and drive!

Thinking this way, he is his own son after all, so he reminded again: "The aborigines over there are still very primitive and live a life of slash-and-burn farming. It is very difficult for you to want Daming to be as prosperous as it is!"

"Don't be afraid!" Zhu Cizhao immediately replied after hearing this, "Even if my son is not as good as my father, I don't want to sit back and enjoy the success!"

The other nodded vigorously, meaning the same thing.

Seeing this situation, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and nodded immediately. He is ambitious, and he is his own son!
So, just like that, the fiefdom of the two sons was settled.

Emperor Chongzhen and the harem are not short of money now, especially Empress Zhou and Concubine Tian, ​​who are mothers, even took out all their private money to recruit people for their two sons. Zhu Cijiong in Australia will complete it before the end of the year and Zhu Cizhao, who chose North America, because he will be across the Pacific Ocean, and he will complete his vassal before the end of next year.

After arranging the affairs of his two sons, Emperor Chongzhen finally settled his mind.However, he was a little dissatisfied with the prince Zhu Cihong from this matter, so he brought him to his side and began to formally deal with government affairs with him, and gave him advice at any time.

In mid-April of the [-]nd year of Chongzhen, Gushi Khan formally surrendered to the court.

Among them, Gushi Khan served as the head of the Ministry of War, took office in the capital, assisted the court to grasp the military and people's conditions in the west, and formulated policies for war against the west.His remaining sons first went to the Jingshi Military Academy to enroll, and after passing the assessment, they served as guerrillas in the Western Military Region.

Subsequently, the imperial court officially sent troops to Qinghai and Tibet to accept defense and reorganize the local army, and implemented the policy of reforming the land and returning it to the local people.

At the same time, the [-] cavalry troops of Guihua City moved forward first, and marched into the north and south of Tianshan Mountain. They checked the existing maps, obtained more detailed geographical terrain and cultural data, and began to prepare for the preliminary preparations for the construction of the city.

The manpower driven by the city repair mainly came from the captive Yarkand Khanate and the remnants of the Far Zhungeer tribe.

The imperial court's plan in the future is to use this as a base to advance further westward, at least to attack the Tsarist Russian Empire, and to retaliate against them for daring to send troops to attack the Ming Dynasty!

Also at this time, the Japanese envoy Abe Tadaaki arrived at the capital. Needless to say, like foreigners who came to Ming for the first time, they were all shocked by the prosperity and advancement of Ming.

Don't talk about steam trains, just the scale of the capital and the prosperity of the capital already shocked him beyond words.

In doing so, he became more humble.To everyone on Daming's side, including the train station conductors, conductors, and even the grooms on the side of the road, etc., they all nodded and bowed, as humble as they wanted.The low profile can make people jaw-dropping.

On the court side, after receiving the letter of credence, they immediately reported it to the top according to the regulations, and finally came to the prince Zhu Cihong. He had a look at it first, and then reported it to Emperor Chongzhen.

No, Zhu Cihong reported the matter to Emperor Chongzhen after reading it.

Emperor Chongzhen came to court, and asked him as usual: "What do you think?"

Hearing this, Zhu Cihong was actually a little nervous.Because in the past, he had spoken and acted many times, but none of them satisfied Emperor Chongzhen.

Listening to the question at this time, it is like the students of later generations being called by the teacher to answer the question, and immediately replied respectfully: "My minister thought that the country of Wa has a long history, and now he is willing to submit to me, Ming, with a very low profile, and promised never to betray , I am willing to be driven by the Ming Dynasty, to be the minion of the Ming Dynasty, or to save it from destroying the country, so as to show my country's demeanor of the Ming Dynasty!"

Speaking of this, he saw that Emperor Chongzhen didn't seem to show a gratified smile, and suddenly, his heart tightened, and he quickly added: "It can better demonstrate the magnanimity of the father, and attract all nations to come to court! It is also for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Cihong looked at Emperor Chongzhen, and found that the expression on his face seemed to be a bit disappointed, and he couldn't help feeling nervous, and he didn't know how to put his hands down.

Looking at his own son, Emperor Chongzhen sighed in his heart, and then said seriously: "The present is different from the past, you need to change your thinking!"

Hearing this, Zhu Cihong hurriedly said in a respectful voice: "I also ask my father to teach me!"

Emperor Chongzhen didn't mean to blame him. Recalling the past, he slowly said to his son, the future Emperor Daming: "It was only later that I realized the truth. What kind of fundamentals should we be emperors? Go up and think about it!"

Speaking of this, he raised his voice and said: "We must stand with the majority of the people and consider the issue from this perspective. As long as there is the support of the most Ming people, we will not be afraid of any monsters or foreign enemy invasions."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Chongzhen stood up, approached Zhu Cihong, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said earnestly: "Father almost died, so he knew this truth. You are still young, you don't know this, just I can’t blame you for what it says in the book.”

The one who taught the prince was still the same as before.Although the prince also participated in the transcription of Gewuxue, Gewuxue is mainly a summary of objective things that exist in nature, and it is not very helpful for governing the country.

At this time, Zhu Cihong was a little moved when he heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, and remained silent.

After thinking about it for a while, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly seemed to have made up his mind, looked at Zhu Cihuang and said seriously: "Well, you go to the people first, all over the country, all over the country, you can go there wherever you want, see the people's livelihood, see Let's see how the people of Ming Dynasty live and what kind of life they live..."

Hearing this, Zhu Cihong was very surprised, and immediately looked up at his father.

At this time, since Emperor Chongzhen had already spoken out, he had no other scruples, and said directly: "I ascended the throne in a hurry back then, but I actually didn't have any experience in governing the country. I couldn't tell right from wrong, and was often led by the nose by those treacherous officials. Every time I think about it, I feel ashamed. Therefore, I hope that you will not go astray, and go on a journey of thousands of miles to experience the people's livelihood, and then you will know what can be done, what can't be done, and what must be done To what extent..."

The reason why he came up with this idea was that apart from feeling that Zhu Cihong was childish in his actions and that he was used by civil servants back then, there was another reason, that was that he was in his prime of life and firmly controlled the world, so he had the ability to let the prince out of the palace, or to say The foundation for the capital to travel around the world.

I just heard him continue to say to Zhu Cihong: "You go out to travel, just to see and listen, so don't reveal your identity, write a diary every day, record what you see and think, and don't stand out when you encounter anything. Write down your thoughts in the diary, send me the diary once a month, and I want to see your monthly experience."

After a pause, Emperor Chongzhen went on to say: "I will let Fang Zhenghua accompany you, and bring the elite guards of Jinyiwei, and pretend to be a wealthy businessman. It can be regarded as patrolling the world for me without mobilizing the crowd."

Fang Zhenghua was the most skilled in the palace, and he brought along a large group of elite guards, and now it was a peaceful and prosperous age, so there must be no problem in terms of safety.

Thinking that he could look around and walk around, Zhu Cihong immediately became excited.

Even if it is not for the purpose of increasing knowledge and experience, when he sees the scenery and folk customs of various parts of Ming Dynasty written in the book, he always yearns for it.

Originally, he thought that he would stay in the capital for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that his father would be so enlightened, which is really great!
So, he quickly replied: "Father, the sons and ministers are in command, but I don't know that the ministers of the court..."

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Chongzhen interrupted dissatisfiedly: "You don't need to worry about this, just go quietly first!"

The prince's traveling around the world is still a private visit in a micro-service. This is something that has never happened before. If the civil and military officials know about it, they will definitely stop it.

Not to mention other things, just because the emperor or the future emperor has traveled a lot and has rich experience, it is not easy to be fooled, which is what they don't want to see, not to mention, if something bad happens to be privately visited by Weifu, it will be even worse up.

However, Emperor Chongzhen's prestige is high enough now, and he still holds the sign of Emperor Taizu's Appearance. No matter what he does, his courtiers can't use the ancestral system to suppress him.

Therefore, he has confirmed this matter, and when it is still a done deal, the officials should not think about doing anything to him.

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen actually wanted to do this himself.He has never been out of the capital, and he really wants to see his world and experience it.

However, he is the emperor, so he couldn't run out of the capital without visiting privately.He can't finish dealing with state affairs every day. With his personality, it is impossible to leave the capital and entrust government affairs to others.

Therefore, his regret can only be made up for by his son.

After secretly arranging Zhu Cihong to leave the capital, he began to deal with the affairs of the Wa Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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