Chapter 856

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen didn't care about those false names at all.

What emperor?His ambition is to be the captain of the ball!
Also, his own son has to worry a lot, so how can he recognize a Japanese as his son?
As for the beauties and belongings of those Japanese people, if they are destroyed, they will still belong to Daming!

The most important thing is that Liu Weichao said that this Japanese country has always been evil towards China!Whenever possible, they will covet!
During the Wanli period, Toyoshi Hideyoshi sent troops to attack Daming with North Korea as a springboard; in the original history, he once again attacked China.

For this wolfish and ambitious race, you can't let them go just because they behaved well!

Daming's minions are not lacking at all. As long as Daming is willing, there will be a large number of foreign countries and small countries to serve.

Among other things, Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty has expressed this intention several times, but what should be fought is what should be fought, and the Wa Kingdom is no exception.

Based on this idea, Emperor Chongzhen did not see the Japanese envoy at all, and gave instructions: According to the plan to destroy the country, the Japanese war must end this year!

This decree was transmitted to North Korea by means of signal tower transmission, and then the clipper sent the message to Wa.

The reason why it is so troublesome is not that the wired telephone company has not yet launched its business. Qiongzhou has already been able to provide wires, and the production is slowly increasing over time.

However, the wires provided at the beginning were all for the court, that is, to meet the needs of the court.

The most important thing is the communication between the bank branches in the two capitals and thirteen provinces of Ming Dynasty and the headquarters of the capital.

With the wired telephone connection, at least universal deposits and withdrawals between provincial capitals will not be a problem, which can solve great economic difficulties and promote economic development.Of course, these universal deposits and withdrawals must also be large amounts.

In addition, with the foundation of wired telephones, the provinces set up manual switching bureaus, the local chief secretary, the inspection department, etc., and they can communicate with the capital.

As for the state capitals below the province, we still have to slow down and push back.

In the future, if there is a situation in each province, there is no need to send [-] miles to the capital to rush, but to send the news to the provincial capital, and then the telephone bureau on the provincial capital side will call the capital, so that the shortest communication time can be achieved, and the fastest grasp of the national news .

In Daming territory, everything is proceeding step by step.For example, the infrastructure construction in various places, the navy moving south, the railway and city construction in the Western Regions, the establishment of joint-stock companies, the establishment of the vassal king, etc., are flourishing.

However, in Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty, there was a kind of oppression that was hard to breathe.

In its capital, Ava City, all the passers-by on the road were sallow and emaciated, and they were blind in their clothes. Thanks to the temperature, it would not be so cold, otherwise, a large group of them would definitely freeze to death.

At this time, the king of the Toungoo Dynasty was still King Talong.The difference between him and the previous kings is that he adopted a policy of recuperation to restore national strength.

If the original historical development is followed, these policies of his are indeed very effective, and his ability to control Dongwu has been strengthened, and the reorganization has been carried out according to his wishes.

However, on this plane, under the instigation of butterfly wings, his recuperation policy was interrupted, and he colluded with Yunnan bandit Li Zicheng's troops, intending to eat Yunnan during the turmoil of Ming Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly powerful alliance between the bandit and the chieftain, plus the army sent by Dongwu, turned out to be so vulnerable. After just one battle, the alliance collapsed and disappeared.He, King Long, tried to steal the chicken but failed, but in the end he lost a lot of rice and caused a commotion!

No matter how he expresses his intention of submitting to Daming, Daming will never give up and station troops on the border to avenge him for sending troops into Daming.

This frightened him so much that King Long could only gather his troops to stand in front of him, but he didn't expect that Daming's yelling and shouting were loud, but he didn't take any actual actions, which wasted the money and food he had accumulated so hard.

Let's just say no, if the Ming army really had to kill him, King Long would not be able to bear it.

He has thought about it several times, simply move the capital, and move the capital to the south.However, it is so easy to move the capital, what if the Ming army took the opportunity to fight over?

In addition, the most prosperous place in Dongwu, where the granary is located, is in the Ava area. If the capital is moved, it will be tantamount to giving up here, which is a bit unbearable for King Long.

Fighting, but not defeating Daming, defending, and defending is very uncomfortable. In this kind of life, money and food are consumed every day, so that other aspects of the Toungoo Dynasty are all moving money and food to prepare for war, and they don't know when it will end!

Are you worried?

King Talong is almost dying of worry!
He has even thwarted a rebellious conspiracy against him once, but he doesn't know when the next conspiracy against him will be brewed?However, he can be sure that as long as this situation does not change, there will definitely be more!

I'm so sad!

Daming is really a bully!

He Long Wang was worried, in Ava city, there are actually a few people who are also worried about him, the kind who are worried to death.

These few people are Li Zicheng and his subordinates who fled to the Toungoo Dynasty.

In the past, in order to change his predicament, King Long even thought about dedicating people like Li Zicheng to Daming, and he did so, but it was a pity that Da Ming still wanted the head of King Long, so he King Long spared Li Zicheng and others.

But from this, Li Zicheng and others naturally knew that they were fish on the knife board in the Toungoo Dynasty.

If one day Daming agrees, then these thieves will still be dedicated to the court by the Dongwu people.Even if they are not dedicated to the imperial court, they will still die when the imperial army comes over!
This situation, worry about it?

Li Zicheng and others are definitely very worried!

But on this day, Li Zicheng was uncharacteristically, in his own yard, fidgeting, instead of frowning.

I saw him standing up from time to time, regardless of the scorching sun, going to the gate of the yard to look out. After he couldn't see what he wanted to see, he turned back to the eaves in disappointment and sat in a chair to rest.But, just after a while, he would go to the gate of the courtyard to take a look again, and so on.

In the end, Song Xiance next to him couldn't stand it any longer, so he said to Li Zicheng, "Brother, Brother Niu won't come back so soon!"

Ever since Yunnan escaped to Dongwu, there was no army around him, and after he was under house arrest by King Long, Li Zicheng stopped letting them call him a general.

Hearing Song Xiance's words, Liu Zongmin at the side also persuaded: "Yes, brother, we have been waiting for several years, and we don't care about waiting a little longer!"

Hearing what they said, Li Zicheng didn't know that what they said made sense!It's just that this is the only chance to change his fate and the current situation, and he cares too much about it.Therefore, it will appear to worry about gains and losses.

At this time, after hearing what they said, Li Zicheng suddenly sighed and said: "I was implicated, otherwise, maybe you can all be officials in the court! Now you are just like me, I don't know what will happen tomorrow? "

He said this, of course, for a reason.

After Li Guo, Gao Yigong and others surrendered to the imperial court, they have made great achievements and have become the commander-in-chief of an army.This news, after so long, has naturally spread.

Even the younger generation, Li Guo's adopted son Li Laiheng became the deputy general, and soon became the general soldier.This made people like them, who didn't say anything on the surface, but definitely felt emotional in their hearts.

If they killed officials and soldiers, attacked cities, and cooked vassals when they were in high spirits, they wouldn't care about all the imperial soldiers being shit.However, now that they are phoenixes on the ground, they are not as good as chickens, and they are fish on the knife board of Dongwu, so the feeling is naturally different.

To be honest, if they could surrender to the court, they might have wanted to surrender a long time ago.However, the emperor of Ming Dynasty had already issued an order that they were not allowed to recruit for peace, so they had no way of surrendering to the court!
If you want to know how much you can worry about, you can only ask these people in front of you who know it best!

At this time, upon hearing Li Zicheng say this, Liu Zongmin shouted in a loud voice first: "Brother don't have to say this, the court is dark, the emperor is fatuous, we rebel against his mother, just happy! We are voluntary, and Brother has nothing to do!"

After finishing speaking, his pair of bull's eyes stared at the little dwarf next to him.

Like Li Zicheng, he was named and was not allowed to surrender because he dug up the Yellow River when he attacked Kaifeng.Therefore, he has no way out.

However, Song Xiance had not been named, and Liu Zongmin was glaring at him at this moment, trying to force him to express his opinion.

Needless to say, it's not that Song Xiance didn't consider sneaking away or surrendering to the court.However, he is a literati, a small, weak scholar, under the eyes of Li Zicheng and others, he has no chance at all.

Although it is said that Li Zicheng actually mentioned to him that he was asked to surrender to the court.However, Song Xiance knew very well that Li Zicheng was trying to test him. If he really had to abandon Li Zicheng, believe it or not, he would be chopped into pieces by Li Zicheng?
He has been with Li Zicheng and others for a long time, and he already knew that Li Zicheng and others are cruel!Otherwise, Li Zicheng wouldn't be angry with other rebels!

At this time, as soon as Liu Zongmin said it and stared at him, Song Xiance quickly expressed his position and said: "My brother is talking nonsense. We are brothers of life and death. We don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day. Literally, life and death without regrets!"

Hearing what the two of them said, Li Zicheng seemed a little relieved, so he didn't speak any more, but went to look out of the yard again.

After a while, he couldn't sit still anymore, so he stood up and looked at the situation outside the courtyard gate regardless of the scorching sun.

Probably because he didn't see anyone, he frowned and walked under the eaves, while muttering: "If you don't come back, his people from King Long will come back soon!"

At this moment, I heard movement behind me!

(End of this chapter)

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