Chapter 857
Li Zicheng looked back when he heard the sound, and he saw that it was the person he was expecting, Niu Jinxing had returned.

So, he immediately turned around, strode over, and asked eagerly, "How is it? Is everything all right?"

Although the two people under the eaves did not greet them, they still looked over immediately, with anticipation on their faces.

Niu Jinxing nodded vigorously and said, "It's done, it's done!"

Upon hearing this, Li Zicheng was overjoyed immediately, and immediately became excited. Seeing Niu Jinxing's face covered with sweat, he quickly took his hand and said, "Let's go, hurry up, let's talk in the room!"

Almost dragging Niu Jinxing, several people returned to the house, among them Song Xiance quickly handed over the teacup.

After Niu Jinxing took the teacup, he drank it in one gulp, without the slightest appearance of a literati, then put down the teacup, looked at Li Zicheng, and reported in detail: "The Dutch agreed and said they could smuggle us out to their mother country. , but none of the treasures I brought with me are left!"

Li Zicheng heard this, but he said happily: "Money is something outside of the body, it doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way. As long as we go to the Dutch side, the court will never be able to catch up with us!"

The implication is that it is safe now, and there is no need to worry about it anymore!

The other two also nodded again and again, looking very happy.Obviously, they don't want to live this kind of life on the knife board anymore!

Several people were happy for a while, and then began to discuss how to escape from the residence, go south after meeting with the Dutch.

At the beginning, the Dongwu people kept a close eye on them, but as time went by, they were of little value and could not be used as a gift for the strike against the Ming Dynasty. In the end, the Dongwu people did not pay much attention to them, and the surveillance became more and more serious. The looser it is, now, basically no one is watching them, they just come to inspect them, and they just click on them.


Three days later, King Long received a report from his subordinates that Li Zicheng and other Ming people had disappeared.But King Long didn't care about this.At this time, he was completely attracted by another matter.

At this moment, he heard King Long asking the messenger in front of him: "The Annan people are so crazy that they want to occupy your Siamese territory?"

Before that, some Siamese had already fled to Dongwu one after another, letting King Long know that the Annan people were attacking Siam.It's just that I didn't expect that the Ayutthaya Dynasty of Siam could not resist the Annans, and now they even sent people to ask for help from his feud.

You know, there have been wars between Siam and Dongwu all the time, with each winning and losing.However, if the original historical development is followed, the relatively powerful Ayutthaya Dynasty at this time will eventually be wiped out by Dongwu after a hundred years.

After getting an affirmative answer, King Long said in a very embarrassed way: "Now that the Ming army is stationed in the north of our country, even if I want to send troops to help you, there is nothing I can do!"

After speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and asked a little strangely: "Isn't Annan always fighting between the north and the south? Why did they stop fighting on their own and go west together?"

The envoy of King Basseton heard this, and immediately replied: "It seems that they are afraid that the Ming Dynasty will send troops to destroy them, because they are the rebels of the Ming Dynasty, so they blamed us and came to beat us!"

When King Long heard this, he was very surprised.After all, Annan was too far away from Dongwu, separated by several countries, so he didn't know the details of Annan. Hearing this, he asked in surprise, "The Ming Dynasty is going to destroy Annan?"

After hearing this, the envoy of King Basaiton explained the historical origin of Xia Annan to King Long, and then continued: "The thing that annoyed Daming the most is that the Annans ambushed the Ming army after being dispatched by the Dutch, so that The Ming army lost more than [-] people, so there was no possibility of reconciliation, so they started jumping over the wall in a hurry, and even came to attack us, you say, bad luck or bad luck!"

When King Long heard this, he immediately thought that he had sent troops to Yunnan to participate in the civil war of the Ming Dynasty, so he could not be forgiven by the Ming Dynasty. This is the same experience as the Annan people!
Difficult brother!

Thinking of this, he suddenly rolled his eyes, and a thought popped up.

So, he immediately said to the envoy of King Bassetoon: "I will not send troops, but I can mediate for you, and I am sure of it!"

Upon hearing this, the envoy of King Basseton was overjoyed and thanked quickly, and said that he would arrange a meeting with the three parties as soon as possible after reporting.

After the envoy left, King Long's confidant was a little puzzled, and asked King Long, "Your Majesty, the pressure from the Ming army in front of us is very high, why should we bother with their mess?"

"No, no!" King Long seemed to be in a good mood when he heard this, and said with a shake of his head, "It's up to their two countries to break through the current predicament!"

Hearing this, his confidant thought for a while, as if he had thought of something, he was immediately overjoyed, and quickly confirmed: "What does your majesty mean, is to unite the two countries to fight against Ming?"

"That's right!" King Long stroked his own beard and nodded, "We have formed an alliance to fight against it. Our strength has grown. Let's see if the Ming Dynasty dares to bully people like this!"

He naturally didn't know that Da Ming had already experienced many enemy alliances on the road to ZTE.In the east, there was an alliance between Jianlu and Japan, and in the west, there were alliances between the Heshuote Khanate, the Yarkand Khanate, etc. In the end, these alliances were all wiped out, and they fell and fell!
But having said that, in terms of the comprehensive national strength of Ming Dynasty, it is impossible for any neighboring country to compete alone, especially when the technology tree is selected!
At this time, Daming, as far as the entire planet is concerned, is also number one in terms of economic strength, military strength, population, etc., crushing other countries in all directions.The only way out for Da Ming's enemies is the alliance, maybe they can fight with Da Ming.

It's just a pity that in the original history, after Da Ming was replaced by the Qing Dynasty, it gradually lost its strength as the number one in the world, and eventually became a man who could be ridden by cats and dogs and drink blood!

At this time, King Long thought he had found a way out to fight against Ming, so he began to prepare.

Needless to say, Annan and these countries in South Asia finally felt that King Long's idea was good. Facing the powerful Ming country, they had to hold together to keep warm.

They naturally didn't know that when they started to discuss the specific details of the alliance, such a big matter could not be hidden from Daming.

For example, on Dongwu's side, Yang Weizhi, governor of Yunnan, received the news.

The Ming army hoarded a large number of troops on the Yunnan border, not just for dry food.I don't know how many spies were secretly sent to Dongwu to learn about Dongwu's military situation and combat preparations, and to spy on various things about the Toungoo Dynasty.

No matter how secretive he is about the alliance between King Long and several other countries, it will naturally not escape the investigation of Daming's spies after a long time.The relevant news was thus placed on Yang Weizhi's desk.

After Yang Weizhi received the news, he thought about it and held a military and political meeting.

For the army in Yunnan, in terms of military command, the commander is Mu Tianbo, and the deputy is Ma Xianglin.

The reason for this arrangement is not that Mu Tianbo's ability to lead troops is stronger than that of Ma Xianglin, on the contrary, Ma Xianglin is a general who has long been experienced in leading troops during the South and North Wars.In fact, Mu Tianbo didn't have much experience in leading troops in battle.

The reason why he can become the coach is mainly due to the influence of the Mu family in Yunnan and Dongwu.Of course, there is another one, which is the financial resources and title of the Mu family.

At this time, Yang Weizhi summoned them, and as soon as he announced the news of the alliance, Mu Tianbo and the others immediately expressed their views, saying that they should simply send troops.

In fact, after hoarding troops on this border for two years, they have long wanted to break into Dongwu, but Mr. Zhongcheng forbade it.

In their view, the strength of Daming's army had already surpassed that of Dongwu's, so it would be no problem to beat them.

To be honest, they actually couldn't figure out why the court made them so exhausted.It is correct to say that the imperial court should first focus on the war in the north, but they are already sure to defeat Dongwu, why not fight them?

This time, Dongwu committed suicide by himself, so he can finally fight now, right?
However, what they didn't expect was that Yang Weizhi still didn't let go, he just said to them: "Now is not the time to fight Dongwu, you wait and prepare first, and we will take the opportunity to march after the news of their alliance spreads." , Sweeping several countries in the south, this way once and for all!"

War has always been a continuation of politics and must serve politics.Dongwu is easy to fight, but in several other countries, the imperial court wants to occupy and redesignate the Daming vassal, and they still lack the title of righteousness.

In the past, they were beaten by the Annan rebels, and the court did not send troops. It can be said that this vassal state is not benevolent first, and Daming is busy with wars in the north and west, so there is a reason why they can't escape.

Now, under the persecution of Annan and other countries, they choose to join forces with Annan's rebels, so I'm sorry, the imperial court can send troops to beat you!
This is a conspiracy, because if things go on like this, these countries can only go down this road in the end.

Of course, civilian officials will not publicize such things, and there is no need to tell military commanders.

At this time, Yang Weizhi just asked Mu Tianbo and others about the terrain of Dongwu, the logistics of the army, the transportation of food and grass, the connection of the tribes in Dongwu, and other details, and then passed the side again to ensure that the war would either not be launched. Initiating a war, there must be no mistakes in any link, and the south must be swept away in one fell swoop.

Hoarding troops for so long is not just hoarding troops!

Only by doing so can we respond to the imperial court's strategic policy. Within two years, that is, in the [-]nd year of Chongzhen and the [-]rd year of Chongzhen, we will wipe out the enemies around Daming.

On King Long's side, he had no idea that the faster his alliance progressed, the closer the time of national subjugation would be.Still cheerfully, I feel that I can change the predicament.

(End of this chapter)

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