Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 858: The Thunder Can't Keep Your Ears Closed

Chapter 858: The Thunder Can't Keep Your Ears Closed

On this day, King Talong suddenly held a meeting of civil and military officials.

This kind of situation was relatively rare in the Toungoo Dynasty, especially during the reign of King Thalong.

Therefore, all civil and military officials of the Toungoo Dynasty speculated that something must have happened.
In this regard, some people are better informed and probably guessed what happened.

"You don't know, the king has been working hard to change the current situation for the past two months, and now he finally has a way!"

"Could it be that the Ming emperor is going to let them go? Or is it the kind that can influence the emperor by buying the high officials of the Ming country?"

"Could it be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who died? If that's the case, then it's our Dongwu's luck!"

"Where did you say it went? The emperor of the Ming Dynasty is only in his thirties, and it is not easy to die! It is our king who found a way to fight against the Ming Kingdom!"

"The army of the Ming Dynasty is very powerful. Our army is obviously unable to defeat it. What else can we do? It won't be the Dutch who came to help us?"

"If that's the case, it's about the same. The Dutch are all firearms, too!"

"No, no, you will know everything after the meeting!"


Amidst the discussions, on the way to the palace, the atmosphere became unusually lively.Many people usually don't bother to say hello when they meet, but now they even start to say hello.

When the court meeting started, when he, King Long, appeared in front of all civil and military officials, his face was no longer a dead fish face, no longer frowning, which made all civil and military officials even more happy, the rumors were indeed true!

After they finished seeing the ceremony, he saw him, King Long, smiling and said to them: "Gu solemnly declares that we form an alliance with the Dacheng Dynasty and the Dali Dynasty to jointly deal with the pressure from the Ming Kingdom. Attack, the other two will send troops to rescue!"

Speaking of this, he waved his hand vigorously, and the two personal servants beside him immediately stepped forward and spread out a yellow silk.

Obviously, this yellow silk is the letter of alliance!
All the civil and military officials in the hall were very happy when they saw him, and all of them immediately flattered King Long.

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and I, the Dongyu Dynasty, are saved!"

"The three countries on our side form an alliance, and the Ming Kingdom will definitely not dare to fight, Wang Shangshengming!"

"Actually, it was only us, Dongwu, who were able to fight to Yunnan. As long as we survive this period, under the leadership of His Royal Highness, we will definitely be able to regain our glory!"

"Weichen proposed to inform the Ming Kingdom of this news, let them know their weight, and see if they dare to continue hoarding troops on the border? If we accidentally fight, we will be one of three countries to fight him!"


Listening to the enthusiastic discussion of these people below, he, King Long, was smiling on the surface, but in his heart, he was actually not happy at all.

Because this covenant is only an initialed, there is a fact of an alliance, but the specific details of the alliance have not been negotiated!
For example, who is the leader?Dongwu asked all the allies to come and defeat the Ming army in front of them, but Annan said that the Ming army on his side was more urgent and needed allies to provide food, grass and material support.So and so on, each said their own, but still did not reach an agreement.

However, all parties urgently need this covenant to boost the morale of their countries.Therefore, although the specific details have not been negotiated, it does not prevent them from making this covenant public first.

Needless to say, the effect of this covenant is really good, but the civil and military officials in the hall are already happy.It feels like such an alliance between several countries will give them enough confidence!
Of course, there are a few smart people who found out that King Long did not disclose the details of the alliance, which also made them suspicious.However, under the general trend that everyone is happy, whoever wants to question it will definitely think that he has lived too long!

After the yamen was dispersed, the news spread to the people, and it could be seen that the rich and powerful in Ava City, etc., all became angry, as if they had defeated the mountain that weighed on their hearts!
Places such as restaurants and tea shops are also more lively, and rich people are willing to come out.

However, they probably never imagined that the governor of Daming Yunnan, Yang Weizhi, was waiting for this thing: Well, several countries in the south actually formed an alliance with each other to fight against Daming. , must fight!
Immediately, he gave an order, and the southwestern frontier army of Ming Dynasty, which had already been holding back their energy, immediately launched a surprise attack and fired the first shot to counter the rebellion!
For the Ming army, not to mention that they had conquered Ava City before, they were already familiar with the roads.Even if you are not familiar with it, you have already figured it out during the two years of hoarding troops.

Not to mention, when King Talong reformed, he rectified and strengthened the Ahmedan organization.

The so-called Akhmedan was an organization of soldiers and peasants directly under the king of the Taungoo Dynasty. They were not only the king's tenant farmers, but also the king's soldiers.Whether King Dongwu has the power to rule depends to a large extent on whether he can effectively control the Akhmedan organization.

King Talong was well aware of the importance of the Akhmedan organization, so after he ascended the throne, he took various measures to rectify and strengthen the Akhmedan organization.

For example, in April 1630, King Talong ordered an investigation into the household registration of Akhmedan personnel, and re-registered them as artillery, sailors, elephant soldiers, infantry, archers, round shield soldiers, long shield soldiers, palace guards and Shan soldiers. Clan soldiers.

King Talong also ordered many times to strictly prohibit members of Akhmedan from mixing with Atai and slaves.In his order of August 1636, 8, he specifically proposed to "warn everyone not to harbor members who escaped from the Akhmedan organization", and ordered "to check debt slaves and not let Akhmedan mix In the meantime".In order to strengthen personal restraint and control, the tattoo system had been implemented in Akhmedan at that time.

In other words, the soldiers in Ahmedan's organization were actually the slaves of King Talong, and they were not voluntary. They had to be identified by tattoos, and most of them escaped.

This kind of military service system is okay if you encounter a weak opponent; but, once you encounter a strong enemy, how can the soldiers who are slaves fight for their king?
Da Ming didn't have to pay a big price, and promised to improve their treatment a little bit, and in the face of Da Ming's powerful military power, they immediately turned against each other.

In less than half a month, the Ming army approached the capital of the Toungoo Dynasty, and the city of Awa fell.

This actually confirmed Yang Weizhi's prediction that the biggest difficulty in attacking the Toungoo Dynasty was never the enemy's military strength, whether it was artillery, sailors, elephant soldiers, infantry, archers, round shield soldiers, long shield soldiers, palace guards and Shan soldiers. Clan soldiers and so on, in the face of the powerful firepower of the Ming army, are all scumbags. The biggest difficulty for the Ming army is actually logistics.And the faster the advance, the greater the logistical pressure.

There is no other reason, the road traffic here in Dongwu is too bad!

However, Daming also prepared an artifact to transport food and supplies, that is the wheelbarrow, as long as people can walk anywhere, the wheelbarrow can go.The mixed transportation by water and land is already planned. For the attack on Ava City, the logistical difficulties are not so obvious.

Of course, another important reason why the logistics of the Ming army did not have too much pressure was because of a river running through the north and south of Dongwu, that is, the Irrawaddy River.

The Irrawaddy River flows through the north and south of Dongwu. It is one of the largest rivers in the Indo-China Peninsula of Asia and the largest river in Dongwu.Therefore, it is also the main artery of Dongwu inland river transportation, which can be navigable from 1 kilometers below Myitkyina, directly to Yangon, and reaches the mouth of the Bay of Bengal.

In fact, during the Han Dynasty, Yunnan could sail down the Ayeyarwady River by water and sail out of the Bay of Bengal to India.This point is recorded in "Wei Lue Biography of Xirong".

The place where the population of the Taungoo Dynasty is more concentrated is actually on both sides of the Irrawaddy River.The most important favorable factor for Ming's plan to capture Dongwu in order to make Ming's outlet in the Indian Ocean is also because of the existence of this river.

The Ming army did not even need to attack Myitkyina, but they could board a boat from Bhamo downstream and reach Ava City directly.However, because of the Toungoo Dynasty's preparations for war, there are Dongwu troops defending the canyons on both sides of the strait, but the troops here have already been instigated in advance, and those who have not been instigated cannot stop the army's attack.

Just like that, the Ming army advanced by land and water, almost non-stop going south, and when they approached the city of Awa without any hindrance, everyone in the Toungoo Dynasty was shocked.

They believed that the Ming country was powerful, but how could it be so powerful?It has only been a few days, and they have no time to escape, and the Ming army is approaching the city?
When they saw the Akhmedan slaves in the Ming army formation, they all suddenly realized and scolded these damned slaves angrily!
Then, each of them started to worry.

Because the main force guarding the city of Ava is also Akhmedan, who is directly under King Talong.All the Akhmutans stationed outside surrendered to the Ming army, so is the Akhmutan in Awa city reliable?

When looking at Akhmedan outside the city, everyone has a question mark in their hearts!

Their worries are really not unreasonable. To our surprise, the former Akhmedan slaves outside the city hid in a stone's throw away from the city with something like a trumpet flower. You can still hear your voice very clearly.

There are different tribes in Akhmedan, and people from almost every tribe, there are people in the group shouting outside the city, using their own dialect, just chattering there.

This frightened the defending generals on the top of the city, shouting at their soldiers one by one, blocking their ears and not listening to the rebels outside.

Obviously, they were very worried, because they were afraid that these people under them would betray after listening to the bewitching outside.

In this situation, he, King Long, was a little dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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