Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 859 Is Yourself Stronger

Chapter 859 Is Yourself Stronger
He went to the top of the city and saw the formation of the Ming army.

I saw the Ming army camp outside the city, which seemed to be camped for thousands of miles; on the Ayeyarwady River, there were also countless Ming warships parked densely, as if covering the entire river.

King Long could guess with his toes that the Ming army had hoarded troops on the Yunnan border for more than two years, and it seemed that they had made sufficient preparations.

Speaking of the past, Ava City might be able to hold on, after all, he has two trump cards in his hand.

The first trump card is the elephant soldier, a sharp weapon in the attack, the kind that is invincible;

The second trump card is the support from the Dutch. They bought a lot of Dutch guns and artillery, which is the reason why the Taungoo Dynasty is strong.

These two trump cards were useful against the Ming army in the past, but they are useless against the Ming army today just by looking at the equipment of the Ming army outside the city.

The war elephant itself has rough skin and thick flesh, and is covered with armor. In fact, it is not very afraid of bows and arrows, but it is afraid of firearms, especially artillery. No matter how thick the armor is, it is useless. The target is obvious when it is big.When facing the Ming army, not to mention smashing the formation of the Ming army, but under the attack of the Ming army's muskets and artillery, the ground that was trampled was often one's own army!

As for the guns and artillery of the Dutch, the Ming army also had them, and even most of the Ming army were firearms, so this trump card lost its advantage.

In addition, there was another situation that also made King Long feel bad.

It is the commander-in-chief of the Ming army on the opposite side, Mu Tianbo, Duke of Guizhou in Yunnan.He himself doesn't care, but the Mu family has been in Yunnan for hundreds of years, and their influence is so great that it spreads all over Yunnan Dongwu and other surrounding areas.

If the Ming army was weak, this influence would not be able to exert much influence, but now that the Ming army is strong, the influence of the Mu family is very great for many tribes in Dongwu!


He Long Wang is really a headache!
Seeing the battle of the Ming army, he understood, so what about forming an alliance with Annan, Siam and other countries?Don't say that they can't make reinforcements in time, even if they can, the military strength of those countries is also unable to confront the Ming army head-on!

Just when King Long himself was a little at a loss, his officials came to ask for a fight.

"Your Majesty, the Ming army is attacking, and I am willing to take the risk to go to Siam for help!"

"Your Majesty, I'm familiar with Siam, let me rush to ask for help!"

"Your Majesty, my seven aunts and eight great wives are all in Siam, and Annan also has them. It is most appropriate for me to ask for help!"


He, King Long, was so angry that his face was flushed, and the battle hadn't started yet, so they all wanted to escape?

At this moment, the Hongyi cannons of the Ming army fired.

"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery on the land is firing, and the artillery on the warship is also firing.

Not to mention how much damage these iron bullets can cause to Ava City, just the bombardment of dozens of heavy artillery, the momentum is so great that it can really be said to be earth-shattering.

As soon as the shelling by the Ming army ended, King Talong immediately made a decision: You stay behind and go alone to ask for help!
Of course, this decision was made in my heart.If you say it in public, your morale will definitely collapse!
On the surface, he sprinkled a lot of money and encouraged the reuse of some civil servants and military generals who were not direct lineages. It seemed that he meant to unite with sincerity and overcome difficulties together.

But, in fact, after it got dark, he took his cronies and ran away from the south gate of the Ming army.

As long as anyone is educated, he can see examples of this kind of warfare in history. It is nothing more than preventing the dying people in the city from dying.

As for the gap that was released, there must be an ambush, but it's just invisible.

For him, King Long, he absolutely understood this.

However, he understands better that if he stays in Ava City, those allies will come to help him. What he knows is that Ava City is under the influence of those traitors outside, maybe one day he will wake up When he woke up, he found himself tied up by traitors and sent to the Ming army.

Therefore, although he knew that there was danger outside the south gate, he still chose to escape from the south gate as soon as possible.

In fact, in many similar battles, those who tried to escape did not know the danger, but under normal circumstances, they had no choice but to escape!

Although it was night, the whole city was under martial law.

However, the news that King Long escaped from the south gate spread quickly, causing chaos in the city immediately.Those people who had been anxious for a long time immediately followed and fled.

As a result, the quiet night sky was broken by the noise.

The Ming army outside the city didn't seem to be surprised at all. After hearing the chaos in the city and a large group of people fleeing from the south gate, they even opened fire.

"Boom boom boom..."

Under the night, the artillery bombarded.

Logically speaking, you can't even see clearly, so what are you bombarding?
However, it was obvious that after the bombardment started, especially under the deafening sound of artillery, the city became even more chaotic. The fleeing crowd at the south gate, which was originally a trickle, suddenly turned into a flood.

People fell, cars broke down, and it was pitch black, causing more chaos.

Crying and shouting can be heard clearly even in the sound of artillery that shakes the sky.

Obviously, the artillery of the Ming army was not intended to directly kill the enemy at all, but to create panic.

As for the loss of personnel caused by the panic, at least at this time, it is the enemy's!
In this way, the chaos in Ava City lasted almost the whole night, and the eastern sky finally showed a fishy belly. Afterwards, the morning light slowly spread to the mainland, illuminating the world.

There is no longer any defenders on the city of Ava.

Facing the city gate on the side of the Ming army, someone had already opened the city gate and knelt under the city gate to welcome the Ming army into the city.

When Mu Tianbo climbed to the top of the city, Ming troops were already standing on the walls, and the streets and alleys in the city were also patrolled by teams of Ming troops to search for remnants of the enemy.

On many streets, dead people can be seen, and some houses are burning, and some smoke is still rising from the ashes.

Crowds of Awa people, all timidly, were being driven out of their houses by the Ming army.

Looking at this scene, Mu Tianbo suddenly felt very emotional.

He lived in Yunnan for generations, so he really doesn't know much about Dongwu, a neighbor.

You want to say that Dongwu is not strong. In the past, they even attacked the border area of ​​Yunnan and took it for themselves.It's not that the Ming army never fought back, but Dongwu would continue to fight back, just like the kind of arrogant and untrained brat who always came to tease the adults.

Another thing is that Dongwu also fought wars with neighboring countries. Although there were victories and losses, there were many times when they won.The kind of loss is mostly caused by internal struggles.

When he became the king of Dongwu, he went against the rhythm of the previous kings who fought abroad for many years, and instead began to recuperate.

Needless to say, Dongwu's strength has been greatly increased at once.Mu Tianbo had heard of this point in Yunnan.

Originally, Mu Tianbo thought that after a few years, if the Dongwu people fought against the outside world, they would probably be even more powerful.

Unexpectedly, Dongwu first coveted Yunnan and wanted to take advantage of the chaos in Yunnan to pick peaches. In the end, he happened to encounter chieftains and bandits who were encircling and suppressing Yunnan with the imperial army. By the way, Dongwu's army was almost wiped out!

Then, the imperial court made a decision to hoard troops on the border to threaten Dongwu, which lasted for two years.

During this process, Mu Tianbo felt that the Ming army would definitely be able to defeat Dongwu's army, but he thought that Awa City was the capital of the Toungoo Dynasty after all. A tougher battle.

Unexpectedly, on the second day, he was already standing at the head of Ava city!
Although Mu Tianbo was the head coach of the Southern Expedition Army, he was a little surprised that the result was so easy.

Standing on the top of the city, looking at the situation in the city, then turning his head to look outside the city, looking at the warships on the Irrawaddy River, he suddenly understood something.

It's not that the combat power of the Dongwu people has become weaker, but that the combat power of the imperial court army has become stronger, and it has become many times stronger than before.

The military pay is sufficient, the armor is excellent, the army has trained in Yunnan for two years, and the imperial court rewards and punishes military merits clearly. All these are not available in the previous imperial army!

This is the fundamental guarantee that Ava City can easily win this time!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking north in the direction of the capital, and suddenly there was an urge in his heart. He really wanted to go to the capital to see, to see the current emperor, to see the legendary treasure hanging on the emperor's chest, and it would be best if he could still see it Emperor Taizu appeared!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking of his own founding ancestor, Mu Ying, and suddenly realized that he must leave his name in the history books like his ancestor!
He was thinking that King Talong, who is the owner of this place, fled far away in one breath during the night. By the time of dawn, he was at least twenty miles away from Ava City.

Sitting on the elephant, looking back at the miserable fleeing team, these are his confidantes, instead of being sad, King Long heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately became energetic, and said to the frustrated subordinates: "Actually, Gu should have been abandoned a long time ago. Those who have left Awa City, now they have finally lost this burden, and returned to Nay Pyi Taw alone, where the roads are more difficult to walk, and there are many swamps, how can the Ming army fight alone?"

In the past, the capital of the Taungoo Dynasty was actually Nay Pyi Taw.It was King Long who felt that the population of Nay Pyi Taw was too small and the agriculture was underdeveloped, so he decided to move the capital to Ava City.

Hearing his decision at this time, his cronies were naturally flattering and supported his decision.

However, it is clear that morale is not high.

The reason is also very simple, their wealth, land, etc. are basically here in Ava City, how much can they take away in a hasty escape!

Seeing this, King Talong immediately laughed and said: "The Ming army came to attack in a big way, but we were able to escape, which shows that the Ming army is actually nothing more than that. In the future, Gu will definitely bring you back! "

When his cronies heard it, before they had time to respond, they heard a cannon fire!
(End of this chapter)

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