Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 860 To be a man, we must be content

Chapter 860 To be a man, we must be content

The sound of the cannon scared him so much that King Long almost fell off the elephant.

The others were similar, they all felt that kind of horror, and immediately looked nervously in the direction of the cannon fire.

However, with the sound of the cannon, they didn't even need to turn their heads to look. They saw brigades of Ming troops popping up in all directions, swarming out, and they were immediately frightened.

I saw the Ming army swarming out, all pointing at them with flintlock guns, standing in three rows in every direction, squatting, half squatting, standing, and there are still waiting behind.

Even the field guns had doors, drawn out, pointing their dark muzzles at them.

Just in the direction of the gunfire, there was a big flag fluttering in the wind, with a big "horse" embroidered on it!

Under the flagpole, on a tall horse, there is a very special general, not because he is tall, but because he has only one eye, and the other eye is covered with an eyepatch.

Needless to say, this famous general is Ma Xianglin, the deputy commander of Daming's conquest of Dongwu!
Today's white-armed army has already replaced shotguns with cannons. Except for a very small number of white-armed guns, all of them have been replaced with flintlock guns!

He and Mu Tianbo divided the work, and Mu Tianbo was in charge of attacking Ava City, while he, under the leadership of the local tribe that had defected to Daming, bypassed Ava City and lay in ambush from afar, waiting for the enemies of Ava City to come from here. Notch to escape.

It's just that I didn't expect that the enemy who escaped from Ava City would be met so quickly!

With contempt in his heart, Ma Xianglin waved his hand to let the local natives come forward and shout, "If you don't surrender, you will be killed!"

His King Long's laughter was still condensed on his face. Looking at this scene and listening to the shouts of the natives, after recovering from his senses, he immediately snatched a musket from the guard at the side and wanted to shoot at him. The native who shouted shot.

Seeing this situation, immediately, the gunshots from the Ming army rang out first.

"Blah blah blah..."

I saw the nearest platoons of Ming soldiers from King Talong's side opened fire.

The buckshot shot did not kill the war elephant, but it hurt the war elephant, and it immediately went berserk.

War elephants are animals, and it is instinctive to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The Ming army smoked and beat them. After this madness, they turned around and ran away, and immediately began to trample on the defeated soldiers behind them.

Even Talong King, who was on the back of the war elephant, was almost knocked over, but he didn't fall off because he firmly grasped the guardrail.

After a period of panic, these remnants and defeated generals who escaped from Ava City finally surrendered.Including him, King Long, he didn't want to surrender, but the people around him took him as a gift, hoping to win the favor of the Ming army, so they tied him up and dedicated him to the Ming army.

On Dongwu's side, the biggest enemy was eliminated by Da Ming just like that.

All that was left was for the Ming army to sweep downstream along the Irrawaddy River.For now, it is just sweeping both sides of the Irrawaddy River.

For those tribes in the high mountains and deep valleys, if they are not big, they don't pay attention to them, they just pass the message back, this is the world of Ming Dynasty, and things are handled according to the laws of Ming Dynasty.If you dare to resist, turn around and destroy it!
If the tribe is relatively large, the large number of people may affect the safety on both sides of the Irrawaddy River, so they will first salute and then send troops, and if they refuse to accept it, they will send troops directly.

Among them, Ma Xianglin swept downstream, while Mu Tianbo attacked Siam in the east.

At the same time as the city of Ava was captured, the military situation was urgently sent to Yunnan, and then reported to the capital.


At the same time, the Denglai Navy has changed into a new outfit, and arrived in Luzon through Dongfan. Now it is Manila, the capital of Zhou State, but at this time it is no longer called Manila, but was renamed Kaifeng by the King of Zhou. Remember his story!

Generally speaking, the common people call it Xiaokaifeng in private.

Manila Bay, which is now Little Kaifeng Bay, was originally stationed with the Ming Nanyang Navy led by Zheng Zhibao. Once the Denglai Navy arrived, it was very lively!

The backbone of the Denglai Navy is actually the fleet that Zheng Zhilong brought to the north from the original Fujian Navy. Although there are many newcomers after the expansion of the army, there are still many old people.As soon as they met with the Nanyang Navy, many people were from their hometowns, not to mention crying, and the business of the local restaurants suddenly boomed.

Today's soldiers are not the poor ones like before. If they have military exploits, many of them have a good net worth.This boosted the economy of Little Kaifeng and made King Zhou happy.

Of course, the most fundamental reason for his happiness was that he knew that the imperial court had finally decided to send troops to conquer the Dutch in Nanyang.

The Dutch in Nanyang have always been a thorn in his heart. Fortunately, there is Zheng Zhibao's navy stationed there, otherwise he has no confidence in Zhou's military strength alone.

In particular, the Dutch also sold firearms to the aborigines of various islands in Southeast Asia, which also made King Zhou very unhappy.

Because those aborigines are actually not happy with Ming's large-scale development of Nanyang.After they had firearms in their hands, after hearing the bewitching of the Dutch, they were very resistant to the Ming people. Even if Zhou Guo's fishing boats went out to sea, if they were alone, they might be robbed by the natives.

In addition, it became very difficult for the king of Zhou to recruit those aborigines to become subjects of the Zhou state.

All this is because the Dutch are playing tricks behind their backs!

But now it's all right, the court is finally going to make a move.

Overjoyed, King Zhou hosted a banquet in his palace to entertain the generals of the Ming Navy.

At the banquet, Zheng Zhibao smiled and said to King Zhou: "According to the decree sent by the imperial court, this time the navy gathered on the Nanyang side will not only wipe out the Dutch, but also wipe out all the islands that oppose my Ming Dynasty. Wang Zhifan's journey is safe!"

After the Denglai Navy came to meet up this time, the number of Ming warships in Nanyang reached more than [-], and there were more than [-] other supporting ships.For the Nanyang side, this military strength is already the kind of absolute strength.

This is because the navy that conquered the Japanese kingdom has not returned, and there is still a navy on Annan's side. Otherwise, it would not be a problem for the Ming navy to assemble thousands of ships!

Hearing this, the king of Zhou couldn't help but be overjoyed. In this way, the state of Zhou will be completely safe, and all the miscellaneous troubles will be gone!

Immediately, he immediately thought of another question, and hurriedly toasted Zheng Zhibao, and then demanded: "The navy's conquest of the captives in Nanyang, the imperial court must not be able to take them back. I am willing to buy them at a high price. How about it?"

Daming's treatment of captives is generally mining and building roads, and then depending on their hostile relationship with Daming, they may work until death, such as building captives; or give a time limit, five years, ten years, etc. , when the deadline is over, you can turn into a commoner of Ming Dynasty.

That being the case, King Zhou set his sights on the captives in Nanyang.

Although it is said that the aborigines on the Nanyang side are actually relatively stupid, and it is even more difficult to manage due to language barriers.

However, the Zhou Kingdom was originally ruled by the Spaniards, who slaughtered the Ming people here several times. After the Ming Navy captured here, as revenge, they not only killed all the Spaniards, but also killed the tribes that helped the Spaniards slaughter the Ming people. All sacrificed.

The consequence of this is that Luzon Island, that is, Zhou State, is sparsely populated.Even though King Zhou had recruited a lot of people from the mainland when he was a vassal, there were still few people after all.

Therefore, when King Zhou heard Zheng Zhibao say that the imperial army was sweeping Nanyang, he set his sights on the navy captives.

He paid a high price to buy it, thinking that it was very likely to be sold and could replenish the population of Zhou Guo.In this way, more people will be able to dig those mines in the Zhou Kingdom!
Before he joined the feudal clan, Emperor Chongzhen pointed out to him the minerals in Zhou's country.It has been buried in the ground, and if it is not dug out, King Zhou will feel itchy.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zheng Zhibao shook his head after hearing his words and said: "It has been stated in the imperial edict that the captives captured on the Nanyang side will be given to King Ding. His vassal kingdom The land is vast and sparsely populated, and manpower is urgently needed to open up wasteland and farm."

Hearing this, the King of Zhou couldn't help feeling very regretful, but he didn't complain.

Among all the princes, he is the most discerning.

The bandits besieged Kaifeng and replaced other vassals. Maybe they would rather die than spend money to prepare for the war. For example, King Fu of Luoyang, but King Zhou was different. After Cao Cao and Luo Rucai's troops besieged Kaifeng, they couldn't take Kaifeng.

The great credit for this lies in the generosity of King Zhou!
Now, after hearing Zheng Zhibao's words, he regretted that he could no longer buy prisoners from the navy.However, he knew very well that the king Ding was the son of the current emperor. How many generations of princes could he be compared with the son of the current emperor?

Even if Emperor Taizu had a manifestation, he and Emperor Taizu's own son had been handed down for countless generations!
To be a human being, we must be content!This is Zhou Wang's philosophy of life!

Therefore, the king of Zhou had no choice but to express his regret, and then he should eat and drink, and he didn't feel unhappy or angry because of this.

Seeing this, Lu Jiude, the supervisor of the army, reminded King Zhou with a smile: "In addition to the captives, there are also local people. The prince can send people to go with the army to recruit one or two. If the local people are willing to be the people of the Zhou Kingdom, these will be fine." Probably counted among the captives."

He already knew that on the big island adjacent to the Zhou Kingdom, the imperial court had already decided on a strategy and planned to seal a vassal king over.

Lu Jiude didn't have friendship with other vassal kings, so naturally he didn't have to think about other vassal kings, giving advice to King Zhou within the rules, and just saying a word was considered a reward for King Zhou's banquet.

As for whether the feudal lord who is sealed in the future will fight with the king of Zhou and go to the capital to make trouble, that is the business of the king of Zhou and has nothing to do with him.

When King Zhou heard this, he was overjoyed immediately, and the atmosphere of the banquet became even more enthusiastic.

On the sixth day after the end of the banquet, the Denglai Navy had finished its rest and completed its supplies in Zhou Guo, and began to conquer the Dutch in Nanyang.

(End of this chapter)

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