Chapter 861
More than [-] warships and supporting ships set off from the small Kaifeng Bay in Zhou State, headed southwest, and sailed along the coastline of Kalimantan Island.

As Zheng Zhibao revealed in advance, this island of Kalimantan has already been decided, and a vassal king will be appointed later.

At this time, here is called Borneo, basically all indigenous people.

After being instigated by the Dutch, he had some muskets again, so he kept provoking Zhou Guo.

As a result, when the fleet of the Great Ming Nanyang Navy marched mightily along the coastline, the aborigines on the island immediately retreated inland, and they didn't dare to stand up at all.

For a long time, the Ming army only went to Luzon. These natives were taught by the Dutch but not by the Ming army, so they didn’t know the heights of the heavens and the earth. Now they are really scared to see the huge Ming fleet!
However, the Ming Navy did not take them seriously at all, because the target of their battle was the Dutch, the most powerful and trouble-making here in Nanyang.

The first step is to pull out the power of the Dutch, and then in Nanyang, it is equivalent to closing the door and beating the dog without encountering more resistance.

Otherwise, when the Ming Navy was fighting against the natives, the Dutch would play tricks behind their backs, and that would be a lot of trouble!
When the Ming Navy reached the southwest corner of Kalimantan Island, the fleet was divided into two, and the main force of the navy sailed to the Lion City, that is, Temasek, to attack the Dutch there and the Kingdom of Johor, an ally of the Netherlands, thereby controlling the Strait of Malacca.

Another navy continued south along the coastline of Kalimantan to attack Batavia.After taking down Batavia, they plan to go north and attack Foqi, Sumatra and Yaqi together with the friendly forces in the Straits of Malacca.

This piece of land, according to the imperial court's plan, is to establish overseas provinces directly under the imperial court to control the Maritime Silk Road.

Among these countries, for a long time, the most powerful is the Yaqi Sultanate.The reason why this strength is strong is that the Yaqi Sultanate was selected by the Ottoman Empire as the agent of the Far East, and the Ottomans were sent to train them and provide them with arms.

Therefore, the ambition of the Yaqi Sultanate is to control the Strait of Malacca. For this reason, there have been many wars with the Portuguese who previously controlled the Strait of Malacca.

It’s just that the mud can’t support the wall. The Aceh naval battle that happened once became a shame for the Aceh people and a miracle in the history of naval warfare.

A Carrack sailing ship in Portugal fought against Aceh’s 200 large and small ships, including 20 galley warships. In the end, the Portuguese had the last laugh: only one large sailing ship was destroyed by more than 1 ships in a calm environment. Surrounded by three enemy ships for three days, they persisted, as the morale of the Achilles collapsed, and the naval battle was won by the disastrous Portuguese, who could not hold on immediately.

However, the notoriety of the Yaqi Sultanate is indeed far-reaching, so that the Portuguese's feud, the Kingdom of Johor, chose to help the Portuguese against the Yaqi Sultanate. On land, the Yaqi Sultanate conquered the Demark Sultanate in central Sumatra. Obviously higher.

It's a bit like the many hen countries in Nanyang, mixed with a rooster, who can bully his companions, but is powerless against outsiders.

However, at this time when the Ming Navy was marching south, the Yaqi Sultanate was ruled by a female sultan, and internal struggles for power and profit broke out, and civil war broke out, and its strength was not what it used to be.


On the Lion City side, this day, as usual, the transactions were busy, and the aborigines from all over the surrounding areas came to the Lion City to trade.

They transported all kinds of native products, mainly spices and other things that the Dutch needed most, and then exchanged them for gunpowder made by the Dutch.

The arsenal of the Dutch in the Lion City had expanded its scale several times and rushed to work day and night, but even so, there was still a queue of natives outside the door, waiting for the Dutch to deliver.

The natives of Nanyang, who have been taught by the Europeans, know the power of firearms best.

However, they themselves are not capable of making firearms. If they want to own firearms, they can only buy them from the only Xiyi Dutchman in Southeast Asia.

At this time, on the Nanyang side, the number of firearms made by the Dutch is already the most important indicator of the strength of various indigenous countries.

There is a joke that in a bar in the Lion City, when trade representatives from several indigenous countries clashed and threatened each other, they all reported the number of firearms they owned to determine who was stronger and who was weaker!

A large number of aborigines came to the Lion City, making the Lion City more prosperous, and the streets and alleys were full of people.

If there are too many people, things will inevitably happen, and fights between each other will become inevitable.

But in this Lion City, the Dutch are the first-class people, and no one dares to offend them!
Ming people are second-class people, at least the Dutch will not offend Ming people, but they will encourage the natives to find out about Ming people, and then the Dutch will become good people.

In other words, among the riots in the Lion City, it is generally a fight between the natives, occasionally involving Ming people, but it is absolutely impossible to involve the Dutch.

In the Lion City, which was as lively as ever, suddenly, a bell that had never been heard before sounded.

"Clang clang clang..."

The bell in the church, as if stimulated by something, has been ringing hastily for a long time without stopping.

What's happening here?
All of a sudden, everyone who heard the rushing bell was a little dumbfounded. They all turned their heads to look at the source of the sound. Many people even speculated whether a drunkard ran up to play a drunken madness?
However, it should be impossible!That place was guarded by Dutch soldiers, and if any natives approached, they would be scolded!
Could it be that the drunkard was the Dutchman himself?

But it has been ringing for so long, even if it is the Dutchman's own drunkard, someone should stop it, right?
This bell is so loud that it can be heard throughout the city!
The local aborigines, as well as the Ming people, were all puzzled, wondering what happened?
However, the Dutch themselves know what it means when this rapid bell rings.
So, seeing panicked expressions on their faces, and reconfirming that the bell was ringing hastily all the time without any intention of stopping, they all rushed home, or were trading, They also dropped their things and ran away.

The action on the Dutchman's side made the others dumbfounded: what's wrong?What happened?No fire?

In short, everyone couldn't understand, what happened?
However, they all knew that the rapid ringing of the bell definitely represented an unusual meaning, but they still didn't know what it meant?
Even in the Dutch arsenal, after the rapid bell rang, the Dutch inside immediately abandoned the work at hand, regardless of the semi-finished products, and started to drive people away.

The natives who lined up at the gate felt a little baffled, but they didn't dare to go against the will of the noble Dutch, so they had to disperse far away.

Not just the arsenal here, but also all the Dutch places, including barracks, fortresses, and even government offices at all levels.

All the Dutch drove out the local natives and started to get busy like burning their butts.

Not long after that, I saw Dutch people from all over the place, all rushing to the port to board the ship.

Those natives, when they first saw the crowd of the Dutchman, were puzzled, wondering what was going on?

However, when they found out that all the Dutch people, including those Dutch officials, Dutch soldiers and so on, were all boarding the ship with big bags and small bags, they exploded!
How is this going?

The Dutch are leaving?No, the Dutchman is going to escape?

what's going on?
The Flood or the Flood?

The Dutch are the overlords of Nanyang, why did they flee in such a panic?
That's right, is it an escape, definitely an escape, or is it such a panic?What did you do?
All the natives didn't know what to do in the face of this situation for a while.Just watching the Dutch rush out from all over the place, and then rush to the pier.

Many people followed the flow of people and ran to the pier to see the situation.

Some natives who have contacts with the Dutch, or do business, rely on their familiarity with the Dutch and want to rush over to ask about the situation.

However, the Dutch ignored them, and the Dutch soldiers with live ammunition on the periphery even shot people with guns to prevent them from approaching.

However, some careful natives found that when Ariake stepped forward to ask questions, although they could not get an answer, no Dutchman would treat them roughly!

After a while, the Dutchman's ship had already left the port, thinking about sailing west.

At this time, although the natives were not sure what was going on, they also understood the fact that the Dutch really wanted to give up the Lion City and the Straits of Malacca!

After realizing this fact, many natives became uneasy. Even the Dutch fled in such a haste, so there must be a force stronger than the Dutch coming over, right?
However, on the Nanyang side, is there a force stronger than the Dutch that can scare the Dutch like this?

Some of them have never thought about it, is it the Ming Empire?

However, the Dutch had been bewitching them before, making them enemies of Daming. Of course, their words would belittle the military strength of Daming. People are scared like this!
However, it soon proved that the Dutch may have lied!

Because someone discovered that in those important places owned by the Dutch, such as the arsenal, the Governor's Palace, the barracks, etc., the Dutch finally put a seal on them.

There are still Chinese characters written on the seal.

The Chinese characters on the cross seal are: welcome, don't bother!
(End of this chapter)

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