Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 862 Megatron Nanyang

Chapter 862 Megatron Nanyang
The Chinese characters on the seal were all written by Kui Yi, the interim governor of the Dutch East India Company.

The meaning is actually very clear, look, we Dutch have delivered everything here to them in good condition, so stop chasing us!
If, on the other hand, the Dutch wreak havoc and kill Ming people before leaving, it is very likely to attract hatred and make the Ming Navy pursue the Dutch fleet!

If it is said that the Dutch will withdraw early, it is unlikely that the Ming Navy will be able to catch up if they want to.

However, the Dutch are also reluctant to part with the interests of Nanyang, relying on it here, as much interest as they can get from here, that's how much profit they can get!
They won't run unless the Ming Navy comes to attack them!
Now, it was the island in front that had detected the news of the large-scale dispatch of the Ming Navy, which let Kui Yi know that it was time to leave.

Therefore, he ordered the implementation of the evacuation plan that he had ordered in advance.

The rapid ringing of the bell at the church is a signal, indicating that the Ming Navy is coming, so run quickly!

Sure enough, less than an hour after the Dutch in the Lion City evacuated, the forward of the Ming Navy had already appeared in the sight of the people in the Lion City.

In the past, after the Dutch evacuated, some of the natives who came back to their senses ran back to their own country, apparently to bring back the shocking news; Those, then started grabbing things.

However, these natives who robbed things still didn't have the guts to rob the places where the Dutch had put seals, because they were afraid that the Dutch would suddenly return!For the Dutch, they have been taught a lot, and that kind of fear is engraved in their bones.

However, until the Dutch fleet disappeared into the sky and could no longer be seen, and after waiting for a while, some people could not resist the temptation and began to snatch the places where the seals were pasted.

For example, the arsenal, the things in it are all what they want most.

However, when they wanted to rob these places, teams of Ming people appeared in an organized manner. Although they had no firearms, they all held cold weapons. They had the most spears and a lot of kitchen knives. They immediately protected them. important facilities such as arsenals.

Needless to say, the Ming people here in Lion City are definitely people with the imperial court. They know that the imperial court will take this place sooner or later. The purpose of their lurking here is to learn the news and send it out.

Now seeing the Dutch escape like this, they naturally stood up and organized the Ming people here to protect important facilities.

"The imperial army will arrive soon, whoever dares to destroy the things here will kill his whole family!"

"Anyone who doesn't believe it can try it out. Anyone who dares to be an enemy of our Ming Dynasty will destroy your tribe. Believe it or not?"

"Whoever comes forward will take his life!"


The Ming people here all know the language of the aborigines. They shouted loudly and severely reprimanded these aboriginals who were about to move.

The reason why they speak so harshly is because they have been in the local area for a long time, and knowing the natives here, it is useless to try to persuade them, these natives just remember to beat them!

Be afraid of whoever is strong!

In fact, even those Dutch people are not like this!

If the Ming army hadn’t taken revenge on the Spaniards and local aborigines who slaughtered the Ming people after they captured Luzon, it is estimated that the Dutch would not be so easy-going, and maybe many Ming people would have died at the hands of the Dutch.

However, with the example of Luzon, the Dutch dare not!

The order here in the Lion City must be in chaos. However, this chaos, because the Ming people united in time to deal with the chaos, and the aborigines have the virtue of bullying the weak and fearing the hard, so they are all busy grabbing other people's things. Few aborigines Don't have long eyes, go to collide with the bright people who are waiting in battle.

However, all these chaos in Lion City ended when the Ming Navy forward appeared on the sea.

The warships of the Ming Dynasty are all big ships of [-] materials, and there are also steam iron armored warships mixed in, which adds to the majestic prestige!

On the decks of the warships, rows of soldiers of the Ming army were lined up in uniform red uniforms, which were particularly eye-catching.

Under the blowing of the sea breeze, the pennants on the warships were buzzing!It seems to be announcing that the owner here is coming.

On the outskirts of the Lion City, at some point, three piles of smoke rose into the sky. Others couldn't understand it, but the marines knew what kind of signal it was!
Therefore, these Ming navy warships directly sailed into the port.

On the pier, more and more Ming people came to welcome them, holding various flags and waving them.

And those natives, after being shocked, all instinctively retreated to the side, hid in a corner, and watched the arrival of the huge Ming navy.

The boats of the aborigines in the port also sailed away consciously, hiding far away.

Everyone knows the fact that the Lion City is about to change, or simply put, the Strait of Malacca is about to change!

Among the forwards of the Ming Navy, there were also five Xiyi sailing warships, and the flags they hung were the flags of Portugal.

After all, the Portuguese had ruled the Strait of Malacca for more than a hundred years, that is, ten years ago, they were beaten away by the local natives and the Dutch.

This time, the Ming army wanted to capture the Strait of Malacca, not only to use troops against the Dutch, but also to use troops against the local aborigines.These Portuguese were the best guides, and they were recruited to go out with the army.

At this time, the Portuguese Governor Du Zun in Haojingao watched the scene before him, and couldn't help but feel very emotional.

This Lion City was once occupied by the Portuguese, but it was taken away by the Dutch and occupied here.So that when the Portuguese want to pass through the Strait of Malacca, they have to pay taxes to the Dutch to pass!
It can be said that the Dutch spent a lot of effort and money to occupy the Strait of Malacca. However, how long have they been here, and they gave up here on their own initiative?

According to Daming's words, he heard the news and ran away, right?
It's really unimaginable that those Dutch people who are rebellious and even disown their relatives are so afraid of Daming!
Thinking of this, Du Zhen thought about it carefully, but he suddenly understood: the reason why the Dutch dared to rob Portugal, and also the colonies of other countries, was because they thought they could win!

However, when the Dutch faced the Ming Navy, there was the Battle of Dongfan before, and they defeated their fortified city of Zeelandia in two days; then, the Dutch went with the Ming Navy to see how to clean up the affairs of the Japanese country .

At least around the Ming Empire, there is an iron-clad fact that no country, including the Netherlands, can be an enemy of the Ming Empire!

Thinking of this, Du Zhen thought of the huge territory of Ming Dynasty, the population larger than all of Europe combined, and countless material wealth, etc., he couldn't help being a little stunned. Such a powerful empire, if it wasn't for its own internal chaos If so, what country can defeat them!
At least around Daming, it is impossible for any country to defeat them from the outside!
While he was thinking about it, the Ming navy warship docked at the port pier. Among the Ming people here, several people immediately greeted them, and after talking with the Ming army soldiers who got off the ship, they saw A large number of Ming army soldiers came down and began to take over the Lion City in an all-round way.

Seeing the soldiers of the Ming army all wearing uniforms, with the shining bayonets on the flintlock guns in their hands, marching in neatly, the aborigines didn't even dare to show their heads.

At this time, they all understood that the previous Dutch knew that the Ming army was coming, so they fled in a hurry!
When the naval forward has basically taken full control of the Lion City, the main force of the navy will arrive.

On the sea, more Ming warships arrived at the Lion City like overwhelming the sky.

Seeing this scene, the natives were even more shocked.

There are hundreds of ships, and the indigenous countries here actually have them too.However, their hundreds of ships are made up of large and small ships, not like the Ming Dynasty Navy, where only large ships are calculated in units of hundreds.

Also, the Ming Navy must have deliberately demonstrated. When they docked at the port, they opened the shutters to expose the muzzle.

Teams of marines also stood on the deck with flintlock guns in their hands.

Even the Dutch colonists, the former masters of this place, could not achieve this military might.

The warships of the Dutch are actually divided into two types, one is a warship, which is a real warship, but the other is actually an armed merchant ship.Moreover, most of the warships of the Dutch were just armed merchant ships.

The Dutch East India Company, at its peak, had only forty real warships and one hundred and fifty armed merchant ships!

And these ships are to be distributed in various colonies of the Netherlands.

However, in terms of the number of warships in Ming Dynasty's navy, it has already surpassed the number of warships in the Netherlands at most in the perception of the natives of Southeast Asia.And the quality, that is, in terms of equipment, is not that bad!

The navy of the Ming Dynasty can definitely affect the rise and fall of any indigenous country in Nanyang!

This point, as long as it is an individual, after seeing the size and military capacity of the Ming Dynasty Navy, it can be seen.

After the main force of the Ming Navy arrived, a notice was posted soon, listing the purpose of the Ming Navy's arrival in Lion City, announcing which countries were the enemies of the Ming Dynasty and would be attacked.

Of course, the notice also said that if you voluntarily surrender, you will be charged with a lighter crime, otherwise, once the army attacks, it will be the power of thunder!

Aboriginal people from all over the world brought this news and turned back to their tribes and countries one after another to pass the news back.

This new change, for the countries of Southeast Asia, can be said to be a shocking change!
All of a sudden, the royal families, civil servants and generals of various kingdoms all held emergency meetings to discuss how to deal with this latest situation.

Surrender, or resist?

(End of this chapter)

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