Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 863 The Tatars of the Age of Discovery

Chapter 863 The Tatars of the Age of Discovery
The Kingdom of Johor, which is adjacent to the Lion City, and the affiliated Sultanate of Kedah were the first to choose the path of surrender to the Ming army.

Although during the discussion, some people also pointed out that they already have firearms, which are much stronger than before, and they think they can fight the Ming army.

However, more people think that even the Dutch fled after hearing the news, just because they bought muskets from the Dutch over there, and they feel that they are great and can fight against the Ming army?
As soon as this kind of argument comes out, it will undoubtedly end the discussion and choose to surrender.

Kuiyi probably didn't expect that the Dutch tried their best to provoke the Ming Navy in Nanyang, but in the end they were destroyed by the fact that they themselves ran away after hearing the news!

Nanyang natives are ignorant, but that doesn't mean they are stupid!
You Dutch fled after hearing the news, and when you fled, you had to please the Ming army, fearing that the Ming army would chase after you, so why did the Nanyang natives fight the Ming army?
For these countries that surrendered, the royal family and senior civilians and military generals all moved to the territory of Daming. In name, it was to let them gain knowledge and enjoy the glory and wealth.These indigenous countries were then rectified.

For example, the household registration was re-edited, the land was allocated, the newly arrived officials of the Ming Dynasty were directly governed, religion was also brought under the jurisdiction of the imperial court as in China, and children all went to public schools to learn Chinese, etc.

Of course, there are still people who are really not clear-headed, and that is the Yaqi Sultanate.

They thought they were more powerful than the surrounding countries. After all, they were the agents of the Ottoman Empire in Southeast Asia. Psychologically, they refused to surrender as if there was a big country behind them they could rely on.

Therefore, the Ming Nanyang Navy had nothing to say, it just needed a chicken to kill, and immediately divided its troops and invaded the Yaqi Sultanate.

Even if the separatist forces in the Yaqi Sultanate temporarily gave up their infighting and united, it just gave the Ming army a chance to gather and annihilate them.

The Ming army used a destructive offensive to tell many aborigines in Nanyang that they would not have strong combat effectiveness if they had firearms.Facing Da Ming's attack, the problem cannot be solved with a large number of people!
The well-trained Ming army used far higher ranges than the indigenous firearms of Nanyang, especially those new firearms that had never been seen before, such as unscrupulous cannons and grenades. The army of the Yaqi Sultanate collapsed.

This is not surprising even to the Portuguese who fought with the army.

Back then, they had only one warship, and they were able to defeat the attack of more than [-] ships from the Yaqi Sultanate and win the naval battle when they could not take advantage of their maneuverability because of the lack of wind.Today's Yaqi Sultanate is more unbearable than that time, and the Ming army is stronger than Portugal. The result of this war is the most normal!
For this kind of defeated Nanyang indigenous country, it will not be polite.All the captives were escorted to the state of Zhou and handed over when King Ding ruled Australia.In the Sultanate of Yaqi, those royal family and senior civil and military generals also killed a batch, the kind with a lot of heads.

Only the poorest locals are left to be assimilated, allowing them to live a better life than before.

The other Ming army, the one that attacked Batavia, went about the same as the Lion City side.

The few Dutch fled upon hearing the news, and the Ming Navy accepted Batavia almost smoothly.The local aborigines, some who surrendered and those who refused to surrender, were finally under the iron fist of the Ming Navy, teaching them how to behave.

Of course, the Ming Navy didn't even send warships to chase the Dutch because they wanted to solve the Nanyang issue.

However, this does not mean that the Dutch have no "surprises"!
It is said that Kui Yi led the fleet, left Nanyang in a fleeing style, and sailed westward.

According to the plan of the Dutch East India Company, the Nanyang side was too close to the Ming Empire, and it was overwhelmed by the Ming Empire in terms of manpower and the number of ships.Moreover, the Ming Dynasty still had that kind of steam warship, so it was a last resort to abandon Nanyang.

However, this does not mean that the Dutch will really go back obediently.

With such great interests in the Far East, it is absolutely impossible for them to go home obediently!
Therefore, according to the plan, after they left Nanyang, they prepared to attack Ceylon occupied by the Portuguese in advance.

In the original history, the Dutch attacked Colombo in 1654, but were defeated by the Portuguese and retreated to another base in Ceylon. After accumulating more strength, they attacked Colombo again, and finally two years later Defeated the Portuguese and won the whole of Ceylon.

This time, the Dutch attacked Ceylon almost with the strength of the entire Nanyang. In this regard, Kuiyi is very confident that he can take Ceylon.

On this day, when the Dutch fleet sailed to the Andaman Sea, Kui Yi ordered the fleet to stop at Daguang of the Dongyu Dynasty and take a rest by the way.

This great light is the Yangon of later generations, where the mouth of the Ayeyarwady River is located.

But at this time, the scale of Daguang is not large, and the population is not large. It is still the size of a fishing village, or it is slightly better than a fishing village.

After all, a large river flows east into the sea, the fishery is relatively developed, and there are more local people gathered.Ships passing by can also stop for supplies and bring more benefits.

When Kui Yi passed by here before, he would stop there, because the Dutch also had a stronghold here, dealing with the Toungoo Dynasty.

However, this time, what he never imagined was that the ship that passed by before approaching was not only returning, but also raising a flag to the flagship, which meant it was an enemy.

This time, Kui Yi was a little confused.

This is Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty site. Although the Dongwu people once fought against the Portuguese who wanted to colonize here, and defeated the Portuguese, and crucified their governors at that time, the Dutch and Toungoo The relationship between the dynasty has always been good!
In the past, they even sold a lot of firearms to the Toungoo Dynasty at a low price, just because the Toungoo Dynasty wanted to fight the Ming Kingdom!
How is this going?Dongwu will not turn his face, right?At least when he passed by here last year, the Dongwu people still welcomed them Dutch!Even the Dutch ships that passed by before didn't say anything about the changes in the Dongwu people?

Thinking of this, Kui Yi was very strange.After ordering the fleet to be alert, he asked the flagship to take the initiative to meet him, trying to find out the situation.

When he shouted loudly and could hear the voice, Kuiyi finally figured out what was going on, and he couldn't believe it even more: "What, you said that Daguang is all warships of the Ming Dynasty, There are also Ming troops on the shore?"

This is incredible, right?How could the Ming army appear in this great light?

Here is at least a long distance from the border of the Ming Dynasty, not to mention one hundred and eight thousand miles.If the Ming army were to appear here, it would be equivalent to passing through the entire territory of the Toungoo Dynasty!

One thing, he was certain of.It is the Ming army here, it is absolutely impossible to come through the Strait of Malacca!Other directions, such as the west, are even more impossible!
A thought came to Kuiyi's mind: that is, the Ming army had already defeated the Toungoo Dynasty and occupied Dongwu, so the Ming army would appear in Daguang!

However, Kuiyi himself did not receive the news, so it can be seen that the war on the side of the Toungoo Dynasty must have ended within a certain period of time!

However, this is impossible!
Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty is considered powerful among the surrounding indigenous countries!Otherwise, the Dutch would not be able to do business with the Dongwu people properly!

Such a dynasty was conquered by the Ming Kingdom?
Although Kui admitted that the Ming Kingdom was indeed powerful, he did not think that the Ming Kingdom could be so strong that it could wipe out the Toungoo Dynasty silently!
Thinking of this, he had to go and see with his own eyes, what was going on with Da Guang?
Carefully walking towards the direction of Daguang, with the help of a telescope, he could really see that the direction of Daguang in the distance, including both sides of the estuary, were all Ming troops.

You don't even need to look at the dazzling red color to know that it belongs to the Ming army.

On the estuary, there are rows of Ming warships docked there. On both sides of the estuary, the Ming army seems to be building forts.

Seeing this situation, Kui Yi can confirm that this place has really been occupied by the Ming Kingdom.

And he observed that most of the warships docked at the estuary are not the kind of large warships that are common at sea, not to mention, there are no steam iron armored warships at all inside.

From this, Kui Yi can already be sure that the Ming army that appeared here must have flowed down the river. In other words, the Ming country can now go straight to the Indian Ocean!
After confirming this situation, Kui was a little stunned for a while.

He had already recognized that the Ming Kingdom had influenced Nanyang before, since it was close to the Ming Kingdom after all.

Unexpectedly, today's Ming Dynasty actually defeated Dongwu and expanded the territory controlled by their own country to the Indian Ocean.If the Ming Dynasty Navy uses this as a base in the future, wouldn't it mean that the entire Indian Ocean region will be dominated by the Ming Dynasty Navy again?
Based on Ming's desire to control Nanyang, based on this distance, it is not impossible for the Ming army to appear in the Persian Gulf in the future!
Thinking of this, Kui Yi's head suddenly grew bigger!

The fleet he led was preparing to attack Colombo and occupy there.

However, the Ming Kingdom has now reached Daguang. Even if the layout of Nanyang can hold back the Ming army over there, can the newly emerging Ming army from Dongwu not expand westward?

At this moment, the idea of ​​the Great Ming Threat Theory appeared in Kuiyi's mind, just like when the Mongol Tatars swept across Europe and Asia in the past, it was terrifying!
Unexpectedly, in this age of great voyages, it is possible to encounter such a mess!

He was thinking about it, and found that the Ming army warship seemed to have spotted him, and they were gathering to come here.

Immediately, Kui Yi didn't dare to stay any longer, so he hurried to run first!

(End of this chapter)

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