Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 865 Crazy Europe

Chapter 865 Crazy Europe
"Dorgon, it seems to be the name, even if I'm a ghost, I can't spare you!"

Before dying, Tokugawa Iemitsu was full of resentment, and after a loud drink, he hanged himself.

When the country was subjugated and the species was exterminated, he did not resent the powerful Ming Dynasty, but the regent of the Qing Dynasty who dragged the Wa country into the abyss!

If Dorgon hadn't sent someone to encourage him and use North Korea to lure him, Tokugawa Iemitsu believed that according to his original strategy, he wanted to completely cut off the connection between Japan and other countries, and there would be no Ming Dynasty sending troops to attack Japan. something happened!
All the mistakes were caused by Dorgon!

Damn it, it's not Dorgon who should be resentful, who else could it be?


On the hill outside the city, Zeng Ying saw that the army had already entered Edo City, so Zeng Ying put down her teacup, turned to Zheng Sen and said, "Okay, the war in Japan is over, we should be able to return home!"

Zheng Sen is not like him, he is so calm about the destruction of the Japanese kingdom!
Although he is from Daming, he was born in this Wa country and lived here for six years.

If you are only six years old, you will basically not leave any impression.

However, for Zheng Sen, there is an impression that has been running through his first half of his life, that is, he was separated from his mother, and the reason is that the Tokugawa shogunate did not allow his mother to go to Ming Dynasty. Shogunate's decision.

In his impression, the Wa Kingdom was powerful enough to make his father dare not resist or protest against the Tokugawa shogunate.

However, such a powerful Wa country, which has never been defeated by other countries, was defeated so easily by Daming, and he participated in the whole process.

Watching the army invade Edo City and the moment when the Wa Kingdom perished, he was really moved, witnessing history!

Compared with Zeng Ying, Zheng Sen knew the Japanese country better. At this time, when he heard Zeng Ying's words, he did not rush to answer, but frowned slightly and said: "The resistance of Edo Castle is so weak, those Japanese soldiers are afraid You know how to shave your head and get mixed up with those servants!"

Zeng Ying was not surprised when he heard this, and said with a faint smile: "Whatever, anyway, as long as you are bald, you will be escorted to build roads and mines. You just need to be able to identify the few Japanese people in the lead!"

When Zheng Sen heard it, he thought about it. Dang even laughed, stood up and patted his buttocks, and said with emotion: "The enemy of the Japanese country is too weak. I am invincible!"

Just drink tea like this, watch the state of the play, and the capital of the enemy country has been captured, just like a child's play.

Hearing what he said, Zeng Ying watched the local army of Ming Dynasty begin to enter the city, and commented: "Although the Japanese are equipped with some firearms, they are all old-fashioned arquebus guns, but they don't pay much attention to cannons. Compared with our imperial army, It’s not a little bit behind, and the tactics are backward, so it’s not surprising that they can easily defeat them! But..."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Zheng Sen, his expression became a little more serious, and he said: "If we meet Xiyi in the future, or if we want to go to where Xiyi is to destroy their country, our opponent will be them." , then it will be different!"

Hearing this, Zheng Sen couldn't help but stop smiling, and turned to look at Zeng Ying.Although he is young, he still admires Zeng Ying's ability to lead the army and fight.At this time, Zeng Ying actually said such a thing, he had to pay attention to it!

Zeng Ying then said seriously: "Xiyi's muskets are already flintlock guns, Xiyi's artillery also has many heavy artillery, and their sailboats are far faster than our Fuchuan in many cases. The same is true for steam ironclad battleships when the wind and waves are strong. Not to mention, their knowledge of firearms and their use of firearms are far superior to those of the Japanese. Therefore, if the number of Xiyi troops is large enough, Ming wants to defeat them , it won’t be so easy!”

Hearing this, Zheng Sen remembered that his father had said similar things to him. In his impression, Zheng Zhilong was very afraid of those Xiyi.Even though they defeated the Dutch in the battle of Liuluo Bay, and persuaded the Dutch to pay protection fees on the southeast coast of Ming Dynasty, this fear of the western barbarians did not ease much.

Although today's Ming Dynasty has conquered Dongfan and occupied Luzon, it was all because of defeating Xiyi, but in fact, it crushed them with the absolute superiority of troops.

As Zeng Ying said, if Daming had no numerical advantage, Zheng Sen would have to admit that the war with Xiyi would be more difficult!

In other words, the greatest enemy of Da Ming is the Xiyi, and the most difficult territory for Da Ming to conquer is the lair occupied by the Xiyi!

After the two of them had this common understanding, their joy for destroying the Wa Kingdom decreased a lot.

As generals of their level, they have some understanding of the current emperor's ambition to expand the territory. They know that sooner or later there will be a large-scale war with Xiyi!

However, what they didn't know was that Emperor Chongzhen knew more and more clearly about the situation in Xiyi than they did.With the help of Liu Weichao, the technology tree has been continuously updated.Today's Xiyi, at least in terms of technology, is completely crushed by Ming.

For example, the steam engine that has been popularized in Daming is still a completely unfamiliar thing in Xiyi.

On the Xiyi side, if the original history goes by, around 1679, French physicist Denis Papin built the first working model of a steam engine after observing steam escape his pressure cooker.If it is a practical steam engine, it will take more than a hundred years for Watt to improve it.

Anthony, the former governor of the Netherlands in Batavia, has returned to the Netherlands at this time, and immediately showed the blueprint of the steam engine in front of the company's senior management, describing the application of the steam engine in Ming Dynasty, which immediately aroused the ecstasy of the senior management of the East India Company .

However, the development of the next thing is different from the thinking in the Far East, or in other European countries.

The Dutch, who took money as the first goal, immediately disclosed the information of the steam engine to the world, and then public auctioned it, trying to sell it at a high price to make money.

Because there was Daming here as an example, there were references to actual cases for the application of steam engines, and the Dutch had their own talent for promoting products, all of a sudden, the whole of Europe was a sensation.

There is such a kind of machine that can pull countless goods and can drive day and night?It can also be used anywhere to provide power to work without eating. It is infinitely stronger than livestock...

Britain, France, Spain, Sweden and other European powers, and even the Ottoman Empire in Eastern Europe, sent people to the Netherlands after being informed by spies, wanting to see what kind of treasure the steam engine is?
For about half a year, the Netherlands became the center of Europe, and everyone's eyes were on the Netherlands.

In the Netherlands, the princes and nobles gathered, bringing wealth and all kinds of intrigues. There were many more dead bodies lying on the streets than before, and most of them were foreigners.

The snatching around the steam engine is absolutely bloody!
In the end, the Dutch got their wish and sold it at a higher price than they imagined, and they sold more than one, making a lot of money!
The virtues of the Dutch, as always, have not changed.Including their naval battle with the British, they originally defeated the British navy, but for money, they could lend money to the British to support them to fight again.As a result, the British finally defeated the Dutch navy with Dutch money!

This time, although the Dutch knew that if they monopolized the steam engine, the national strength of the Netherlands would inevitably lead to other European countries, and they might be able to replace the previous position of Spain and become the hegemony of Europe. As a result, for money, they chose to sell the steam engine at a high price drawing!

For this reason, Britain, France, Spain, Sweden and other powerful countries all bought a steam engine blueprint, and even the Ottoman Empire obtained a steam engine blueprint through plundering.

Afterwards, the countries that got the blueprints of the steam engine immediately returned to their home countries to gather the most outstanding talents to build their own steam world!

The most important item in the industrial revolution, the steam engine, in this way, began to become popular in Europe in advance on this plane.

Of course, each country only got a copy of the steam engine blueprint, and they are familiar with the principle of the real and practical steam engine. However, if they want to build it, and carry out different transformations for various industries, they need to promote it on a large scale. It is definitely not them. It will be done in half an hour.

As the Dutch expected, these European countries all need time!

Then again, in the [-]nd year of Chongzhen, the Dutch fled Nanyang, lost the Batavia stronghold they had built up with great difficulty, and also lost the Strait of Malacca, which they had finally seized from the Portuguese.

The Wa Kingdom also fell in this year and was destroyed by Ming Dynasty.But Daming's main energy now is still busy turning Nanyang into Daming's inner lake, which will take time.

To the west, the Ming army is taking over Tibet and Qinghai, building a railway to the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, and rebuilding the Protectorate of the Western Regions.

In China, the two sons of the current emperor, King Ding and King Yong, are also going overseas with great fanfare.

One is going to Australia, and the other is feudal North America. The preparations alone are the most vigorous of all the feudal lords.

However, as the heir of the Great Ming Dynasty, the prince Zhu Cihong, at this time, is entrusted with the purpose of traveling in the mountains and rivers, understanding the people's sentiments, and increasing his experience.

Zhu Cihong was actually very happy about such an opportunity.If his father was not so wise, it is very likely that he would spend his whole life in the Forbidden City, just like that.

For this reason, he had a little thought and didn't stay in the capital, because he was afraid that his father would repent because of the persuasion of civil and military officials, and call him back to the palace at once.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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