Chapter 866
Zhu Cihong ran to the territory of Shandong in one breath, and then slowed down the speed of the journey, and began to really travel.

One thing, he has not forgotten.

Emperor Chongzhen asked him to keep a diary every day, writing down where he went, what he saw, what he heard, and what he thought.Once a month, it will be sent to the capital to show to his father.

Along the way, he didn't have to worry about all the things, such as planning the journey, eating and drinking, and so on.

Beside him, Fang Zhenghua led twenty-five elite guards in Jinyiwei, ten of them were divided into two groups, either leading the way for the forwards, or serving as the rear guards.The other [-] Jinyiwei school captains are close to protect. Generally speaking, with so many followers, it means that the really rich people, or the kind who get rich suddenly, will have this posture.

All Jinyiwei are armed with weapons, hidden short-handled flintlock guns or hand crossbows.

Because Zhu Cihong was on a private visit with a micro-service, he could not reveal his identity, so all Jin Yiwei were plainclothes, and their knives were not Xiuchun knives.

Staying overnight in the inn every night, one of the things that Zhu Cihong must do is to write a diary.

No, I saw that he was starting to write a diary again.

Fang Zhenghua next to him polished ink for him and took a look at the prince's diary by the way.

He found that the diary of His Royal Highness is more comfortable than before. He must be used to how to write this diary!
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince recorded in his diary, saying that what he saw that day was full of autumn harvests, heavy wheat, and farmers in the fields, all of which were the joy of harvest.

After asking the old farmers, I know that even the prefectures and counties are now equipped with steam engine-powered water pumps, etc., so the farmland no longer has to worry about water shortage, and the government will allocate water sources, and the harvest is good.

The old farmer also said with emotion that life is getting better day by day. Before the change, there were thieves everywhere, the harvest in the fields was small, and the taxes were too high. Yes, there are some every year.In the fields and in the wild, you will see bones.The government doesn't take it seriously when it comes to death by accident.

Fang Zhenghua saw this content, and he knew that the emperor would be very happy to see this content when he looked back. This is all the performance of Daming Zhongxing!

Then, he went to dial the wick, which made the room a little brighter.

It's not good to be outside, there is no electric light, and there is this old oil lamp, which hurts the eyes a bit, so I have to persuade His Highness to rest early!
With this in mind, Fang Zhenghua looked at what Zhu Cihong wrote next.

I saw Zhu Cihong continuing to write and he asked the old farmer if there was anything he was dissatisfied with?
At first, the old farmer said no, but he only said some under his questioning.It is said that those who farm the fields can basically have enough food now, but they have no money to replace things.

The main reason is that the grain harvest is not worth much. Although the imperial court's reserve warehouse will also receive grain, the price is not high.After selling the surplus food, there is not much money.Not to mention, most people want to keep surplus food to avoid accidents, so there is even less food that can be exchanged for money.

However, the oil and salt in daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, food, clothing, housing and transportation of every household cost money.

Fortunately, every household still raises pigs, ducks, and chickens. By the end of the year, the pigs, ducks, and chickens are killed, and they can eat a little during the holidays, and the rest can be exchanged for money.

But even so, basically most people still have no money to spend on some basic things.It is the happiest thing to have meat to eat and new clothes during festivals.

Fang Zhenghua saw that when Zhu Cihong was talking about this matter, he deliberately emphasized the old farmer's statement, saying that the current life is actually very satisfactory, and this is just a nitpicking point!

Finally, it is Zhu Cihong's own thoughts, saying that the people who have experienced wars are particularly easy to be satisfied, but the imperial court cannot be satisfied because of this. Relatively speaking, the lives of the people are indeed just food and clothing. life.

For example, to promote livestock breeding among the people, we can open some embroidery workshops, etc., so that farmers and peasant women can earn some money to subsidize their families during their slack.

Fang Zhenghua nodded slightly. His Royal Highness really followed the emperor's instructions and considered ordinary people in everything he did.If it continues like this, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely be a benevolent king from now on!
After Zhu Cihong finished writing the diary, she was ready to go to bed.

There is no way, there will be no entertainment after dark, unless it is a provincial capital or something, maybe there is a theater run by the imperial court, you can go to see it.

Of course, Zhu Cihong knew that those were all under the jurisdiction of the Department of Political Affairs and Communications.He counted all the programs in it, and he didn't have much interest in watching them.


Early the next morning, Zhu Cihong was woken up by the crowing of the rooster.

For this, he was not dissatisfied in the slightest.Even on the contrary, since leaving Beijing, there have been several times when a rooster crowed near the inn where he stayed.In order to let him sleep until he woke up naturally, Fang Zhenghua asked Captain Jin Yiwei to kill the chicken.

However, after Zhu Cilang knew about it, he ordered the nonsense to stop.Said that he enjoys the feeling of smelling chickens and dancing, and he is very happy to hear the crowing of chickens.

For this reason, Fang Zhenghua never cared about whether there was a rooster crowing.

In the early morning, Zhu Cihong started on his way after eating breakfast. Seeing that some farmers had already harvested a large piece of wheat when he set off, he said to Fang Zhenghua with emotion: "I always thought I got up early, but You see, these farmers get up earlier!"

"Young master's words are very true!" Fang Zhenghua listened, and did not refute anything, but echoed.

After leaving the Forbidden City, Zhu Cihong was the son of a rich family, while Fang Zhenghua was in charge.

At this moment, Zhu Cihong breathed the fresh air, faced the already somewhat cool morning breeze, and walked and watched all the way.

When the sun starts to rise, the temperature also rises a lot.Fang Zhenghua looked ahead, and said to Zhu Cihong: "Young Master, you can reach Zizhou before noon, there is a temple in front, let's go there and have a rest first?"

He is responsible for the prince's safety, including, of course, not letting the prince get tired or sick.

Fortunately, Zhu Cihong was reasonable enough, and he didn't let himself go when he left the Forbidden City just because he was the prince. He basically agreed to everything Fang Zhenghua proposed.

So, a group of people went to the temple on the side of the road ahead.

Among the accompanying Captain Jin Yiwei, two riders immediately sped up their speed, rushed to the temple first, and went inside to see the situation.

When Zhu Cihong arrived at the gate of the temple and hadn't dismounted from his horse, he saw a captain of Jin Yiwei appear at the gate and told Zhu Cihong, "My lord, someone hanged himself in the temple and was rescued just now."

At any rate, I walked from the capital to the land of Lu. Zhu Cihong already has experience, and I can tell from the outside that this is a land temple. Come to worship.

At this moment, he couldn't help being very surprised when he heard the report from Captain Jin Yiwei, and quickly asked, "Is the person alive?"

"It's a coincidence, I just hanged myself for a while, and I was rescued!"

When Zhu Cihong heard it, he seemed very interested, and immediately got off his horse and said, "Let's go and have a look. On a day when the world is peaceful, is there anything you can't think about?"

Fang Zhenghua on the side saw him, but he didn't stop him.

Before setting off, Emperor Chongzhen made an explanation, asking the prince Zhu Cihong to only watch and listen, and not to reveal his identity.In other words, stay out of your own business, especially the kind that reveals your identity!
Now, he only saved a person, and did not violate Emperor Chongzhen's instructions.

The Jinyiwei guards were all elite, and without Fang Zhenghua's instructions, they immediately surrounded His Highness the Crown Prince back and forth, allowing His Highness the Crown Prince enough space to enter the temple.

This temple is indeed a land temple. After entering the gate, there is a courtyard without a gate. You can directly see that the clay bodhisattvas in the middle are the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the land.

On the ground in front of the land father, there was a person lying down, still panting, and two Jinyiwei school captains stood beside him.

On the beam, there is a broken rope.

That's all there is to the situation in this temple.

After Zhu Cilang glanced at the situation in the temple, he naturally looked at the man on the ground, the hanged man who was rescued.

He found that this person was well dressed, definitely not an ordinary person, at least not a farmer, but more like a country gentleman.

This was a bit beyond his expectation!
Originally, he thought that the people who hanged themselves should be low-level people like farmers, who were forced by life and had a lot of troubles. Sometimes they couldn't think about it, and maybe they really hanged themselves.

Unexpectedly, he was still a squire.As far as he saw along the way, the local squires are definitely living well.Basically, the country gentry had to take the lead in matters in the countryside, and the farmers also listened to the squire.

Moreover, these squires are generally the richest in the village, and they are definitely the kind who have no worries about food and clothing.

So, here comes the question, why did this middle-aged man who looked like a squire hang himself in the temple early in the morning?

It doesn't seem to be considered early in the morning, anyway, it is morning!

Thinking of this, Zhu Cihong had already come in front of that person.

At this time, the hanged man seemed to have breathed out, and there was an obvious strangle mark on his neck, but it was still very obvious.

Seeing him sitting up, looking up at Zhu Cihuang, knowing that this is the person in charge, he said with a complaining look: "This... this young master, why... why bother to meddle in your own business! Save... save me What are you doing?"

"..." Zhu Cihong, who had thought about hanging himself, not only didn't thank him, but even blamed him. For a moment, he was speechless and froze there.

The captains of Jin Yiwei did not reprimand, but just stared at this ignorant person coldly. If His Highness the Crown Prince gave an order, they would immediately execute it.

After Zhu Cihong came back to his senses, he asked with a little curiosity: "It's better to live than to die. You should be living a good life. Why did you die?"

 It's the last day at the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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