Chapter 868
Hearing his words, the hanged man smiled wryly and said, "If the Sun family is still there, there is naturally hope of recovering the money. But the Sun family is gone!"

Having said that, he had a helpless expression on his face again, and added: "If the Sun family hadn't run away suddenly, we wouldn't know we were cheated!"

That is to say, just because the Sun family is a family of officials and eunuchs, it has a very high reputation in Zizhou. After all, this kind of family that has successively graduated as Jinshi is still very rare. It is a scholarly family!Only in this way will they be convinced.

Hearing what he said, Zhu Cihong couldn't figure it out again, so he frowned slightly and asked: "Gone? Where can I go? Those who dragged their families and their mouths, still can't find out where they are hiding? If you go to the government, you will naturally go after it!"

Fang Zhenghua at the side took out a water jug ​​and a water cup from somewhere at this moment, and after pouring the water, he felt the temperature before handing it to His Highness the Crown Prince respectfully.

Seeing it, Zhu Cihong took it casually, took a sip and returned it to Fang Zhenghua.

The hanged man was a little surprised when he saw this scene, and felt that the nobleman in front of him was so majestic!Not only are there many servants and guards, but there are also chairs, tea, etc. when you go out. You will really enjoy it!

He didn't know, but Fang Zhenghua was thinking in his heart at this time: His Royal Highness's way of handling things is still a little tender. I have been asking about a little thing for a long time, and I haven't grasped the point on this matter. It can be done in a few words.

Perhaps, this is the reason why the emperor asked His Highness the Crown Prince to come out to practice!
"It is true that we found out the whereabouts of Sun's family, but the government is powerless to arrest them!" The man who hanged himself had a helpless look on his face, and replied Zhu Cilang.

When Zhu Cihong heard it, he couldn't figure it out immediately, and immediately raised his voice, shouting loudly: "Under the whole world, could it be that the king's land, where did the Sun family escape? The government hasn't been able to arrest them yet?"

He didn't realize it yet, but Fang Zhenghua who was listening at the side thought of it all at once.Immediately, he frowned, thinking in his heart: It's really hard to catch!

Sure enough, the hanged man replied to Zhu Cihuang, "They went to King Ding's vassal state, and they have already sailed to sea from Dengzhou."

Dengzhou is not far from Zizhou. After getting on the boat from there, go south along the coastline. It should go through Dongfan to Zhou Guo in Nanyang and then to Dingguo.

Zhu Cihong was taken aback when he heard this, and this idea immediately popped up in his mind.

At this moment, the person added: "The Sun family is either a Jinshi or a Juren. I heard that they have been reused by King Ding. After going to Dingguo, they will be high officials in Dingguo."

Speaking of this, he showed helplessness and said: "There is nothing you can do at the Yamen of Zizhou!"

Don't say that the person has left, even if he hasn't left, the local government in Zizhou probably wouldn't dare to mess around with the senior officials of Dingguo.After all, Prince Ding is the son of the current emperor, not an ordinary prince!
Not to mention, everyone is gone now!
Zhu Cihong heard this, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The imperial court can't ignore such behavior!"

Intuitively, he felt that this was wrong!

"Hey!" Hearing this, the hanged man sighed and said, "There are already precedents for this kind of thing. Who would dare to do it against the court's big game?"

Hearing this, Zhu Cihong was surprised again, and immediately asked: "What do you mean?"

"Isn't the court going to send all the vassal kings overseas? And when the vassal kings go overseas, they all recruit people to become subjects in the country. Therefore, some people did sneaky things before and then ran to the vassal state Already!" The man sighed and said, "Otherwise, with so many feudal lords going overseas, how could so many people follow them!"

Upon hearing this, even though Zhu Cihong was young and had no experience, she understood.

If there are only one or two vassal kings who will vassalize overseas, as long as the conditions given are suitable, they should be able to recruit some people in the country to go overseas.

However, now it is necessary to send all the vassal kings in the country to overseas.If every vassal king is a vassal overseas, of course, he must use the people of Ming Dynasty as the basis of his rule to govern the vassal state.Otherwise, with those slash-and-burn natives, can this feudal kingdom still have a future?
Therefore, under such circumstances, each vassal state needs a large number of Ming people.The further back the feudal vassal, the harder it is to recruit a sufficient number of Ming people.In this way, no matter who it is, the vassal state will want it, because there is no room for choice.

The Sun family in Zizhou is still a family of officials and eunuchs. King Ding knew about such learned people. It is not unimaginable for them to be appointed high-ranking officials to govern Dingguo.

Thinking of this matter, Zhu Cihong's face became a little ugly.Because he thought that if things go on like this, maybe those people who ran to the vassal state would do some illegal things before leaving, and then leave without being held accountable!

Although it is said that these schemes are not righteous, it is actually a good thing for the people who are like chickens and dogs to leave Daming.However, the scourge before they left was all for the people of Daming to bear!

Thinking of this, he raised his head to look at the person in front of him and asked, "How many people have been deceived by the Sun family this time?"

"A lot! Why not a lot? Around Zizhou, everyone believed in their Sun family, and they were all fooled. It's nothing more than more or less money cheated!"

After hearing this, Zhu Cihong thought carefully for a while and said: "If you die, you will have nothing. If you live, you will have what you want. Money, if you lose it, you can make it again. Daming has many opportunities now. Yes. In addition, your matter may not have a turning point, you can wait and see."

Obviously, he had made a decision in his heart, so he said this.Then, without waiting for the man to reply, he stood up and turned away.

When Captain Jin Yiwei saw it, he immediately cleared the way, and cleared the chairs, but after a while, the only person who hanged himself was left in the temple.

After such a conversation at this time, he no longer had the idea of ​​seeking death. When he heard the sound of horseshoes, he went out of the temple gate and saw the backs of a dozen horsemen.

Those servants and guards all rode tall horses, surrounded the noble young master and left.

Looking at this scene, he was very curious: "What is the origin of this noble young master?"

After riding for a while, Zhu Cihong, who had been silent for a while, suddenly turned to Fang Zhenghua and said, "We will stay in Zizhou for a few days, and ask about the Sun family!"

"Yes, young master!" Fang Zhenghua immediately agreed after hearing this.

Afterwards, he drove his horse a little behind, turned his head and ordered a Jin Yiwei school lieutenant beside him, and ordered His Highness the Crown Prince's instructions.

Zhu Cihong's plan was not to let the man who hanged himself do whatever he wanted, but to verify it himself first.

In addition, he felt that there were some doubts about this matter. No, he heard Fang Zhenghua explain again: "This Sun family, since it is a family of officials and eunuchs, why doesn't it stay in the country and go to Dingguo? Really? Go, why did the whole family go together instead of one or two of them? Check them all and see what's hidden!"

Generally speaking, most of those who want to go overseas are unlikely to go with the whole family, and most of them are out of ideas.

This is even more so for the official family.Their foundations, contacts, etc. in Daming will be lost because the whole family went overseas together, which is a bit of a price to pay.

Besides, although Dingguo can be a high-ranking official, the place is full of aborigines and very primitive, so life is definitely not as comfortable as in Daming.

Ordinary people, living a difficult life in the country, can still understand when they go to the vassal state to become a master.However, the official family...

In short, Zhu Cihong felt that there was something hidden in it.

After all these investigations, if it turns out that what the hanged man said is true, Zhu Cihong decided that this matter must be reported to his father.This is not about his younger brother being appointed king, but about the matter of the vassal king being the vassal.


At night, when Fang Zhenghua went to the inn in Zizhou City, he had already collected the information Zhu Cihong needed and reported it to him.

The hanged man was not lying.

The Sun family is indeed a family of eunuchs in Zizhou. They have been cheated of how much money, and they have already gone to sea.

The reason why the Sun family did this was because for some reason, the Sun family's official career in the country was not going well.

Now the person in charge of the Sun family is Sun Zhixie, a Jinshi during the Tianqi period, because he hugged Wei Zhongxian's thigh, he was inspected by the Imperial Academy, and was later dismissed for crimes.

In the early years of Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen cracked down on the eunuchs and reused members of the Donglin Party, so naturally there would be no such thing as Sun Zhixie.It can even be said that his elder son was also implicated in his failure to win the Jinshi after he won the Juren.

Later, after fifteen years of Chongzhen, both the Donglin Party and the Eunuch Party were activated. The most representative one was the Nanjing Zhengtong Envoy. For this reason, Sun Zhixie was encouraged and went to the capital to run an official , but I don't know why, even though the court urgently needs officials to become low-ranking officials, and even sent Juren, Sun Zhixie got nothing, including his son.

Fang Zhenghua speculated that it was Sun Zhixie who had become desperate for the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, so he moved his family overseas to become an official in the fiefdom of King Ding.Before leaving, he set up a scam of original stocks, defrauded a large sum of money, and then slipped into the sea.

As for what the hanged man said, before going overseas, it is quite common to sneak around, even murder and set fire.

For such a matter, the vassal king was involved, and the prisoner even ran to the vassal state. The local government was also helpless. More often, they chose to make big things small, small things down, and calm down.

A more conscientious local government will post a list of the local people who are planning to go to the vassal state to remind the local people to pay attention to dealing with them.However, it is impossible to guard against, and the most common thing is the chicken and the dog.

After listening to Fang Zhenghua's report, Zhu Cihong thought about it for a long time, in addition to writing it in his diary, he also specially wrote a memorial and sent it to the capital immediately.

 In the new month, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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