Chapter 869
Prince Zhu Cihong's memorial was naturally sent directly to the palace and presented to Emperor Chongzhen's desk.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw this memorial, Zhu Cihong didn't understand why Sun Zhixie's family, a family of officials and officials, chose to move their family to the vassal state, but he did.

Because the official career of Sun Zhixie's family was instructed by Emperor Chongzhen himself, and their thoughts were completely eliminated.

Emperor Chongzhen felt that this was due to his kindness, otherwise, he would have killed this disgusting person long ago!
Others don't know Sun Zhixie, but because of the existence of Liu Weichao, Emperor Chongzhen naturally knew about the major events in the original history, that is, this Sun Zhixie did a good job!
When the Manchus entered the customs, Sun Zhixie was the first to shave his hair and make clothes easy to please the Manchus. As a result, Han officials and Manchu officials didn't like him, so he proposed to speed up the implementation of the hair-shaving order issued by the court.Shu said: "Your Majesty pacified China, and made everything new, but the system of clothing and hair tied up in the Han Dynasty is unique. This is your Majesty's from China, not China's from your Majesty."

It was his memorandum that set off a bloody storm in China, and I don't know how many people died because of it!

It can be said that he nearly wiped out the backbone of the Han people at that time!

Although, from the point of view of Emperor Chongzhen, his memorial is conducive to the anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty, but his actions are not for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, but for his own selfishness, even his ancestors do not want it.

Such a person does not prevent Emperor Chongzhen from being extremely disgusted with him.

It is also such a kind of person. It seems that it is not an accident that he severely harmed the local people, or the squires, before leaving for the feudal kingdom.

Emperor Chongzhen saw Zhu Cihong's memorial, first because the perpetrator was Sun Zhixie, a "celebrity", and second, Zhu Cihong himself concluded that this practice of fleeing to the vassal state after committing crimes in Ming Dynasty was common. There will definitely be more and more. It is a provocation to the laws of the Ming Dynasty. Whether it is for the people or the majesty of the court, such things are not allowed to happen on a large scale.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen really had to pay attention to it.

But there is one thing, he is also a little strange.

Since this kind of thing happened on such a large scale.Although it is said that things like stealing chickens and dogs and defrauding people of money have happened, but there are not no major cases such as murder and arson, but why haven't the bottom reported it?
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen, even if he had doubts in his son's memorial, he would not be partial to it, so he sent an order to the factory guards to ask Xichang and Jinyiwei to investigate separately.

After an investigation, the result given by the factory guard is generally consistent with what the prince Zhu Cihong played.

It was not obvious when the first vassal king, King Zhou, was in Luzon.From the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, those who violated the law in the Ming Dynasty fled to the feudal kingdom to become citizens in order to avoid being questioned by the government.

Regarding this matter, Emperor Chongzhen frowned.

According to intuition, this kind of thing is indeed problematic as the prince said, but from another perspective, it is his national policy to seal out all the vassal kings. If the vassal kings cannot recruit people in the country As long as he goes to the feudal domain, the governance of the feudal state is a big problem, and it will also affect the feudal king's overseas feudalism.

This is a problem!
Ask Liu Weichao if everything is undecided!

This is the habit of Emperor Chongzhen, and after the investigation was clear, he initiated a video communication with Liu Weichao.

When the video was connected, Emperor Chongzhen explained the situation, and then asked Liu Weichao: "Do you have similar situations in future generations, and how did you deal with them?"

There is really no precedent for reference in the Ming Dynasty, at least in the past, the vassal kings were all in the country.Daming's vassal state is only in name, and the direct relationship with Daming is not so obvious.The most important thing is that before the vassal kings feudalized overseas, the mobility of the people of Ming Dynasty and other countries was very small, so small that it could be ignored.

Therefore, someone who violated the laws of the Ming Dynasty fled to other countries overseas, and would not even play it in front of the emperor.

Of course, if the crime is extremely serious for the court, it will still be hunted down.Here in the Ming Dynasty, there was an example.

A big pirate on the southeast coast made a lot of trouble, was defeated by the imperial navy, and fled to Nanyang, but the imperial navy chased him, and finally wiped out the pirates who tried to go to Nanyang to establish a country.

The irony is that this big pirate wanted to attack Luzon, and the Spaniards trembled in fear. As a result, after the court navy arrived, they joined forces with the Spaniards to destroy the big pirate.Otherwise, the history of Nanyang will be rewritten.

At this time, Liu Weichao heard Emperor Chongzhen's questioning, and said without thinking: "Of course there are such things, and there are many more. One of the most common means is that the two countries signed the arrest and extradition agreement before." The agreement of criminals. If criminals from my country escape to your country, I will notify you of this country, so that you can help catch them and send them back! Vice versa, the same is true!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen felt that it made sense, so he nodded immediately.

But before he had time to speak, Liu Weichao continued to say to him: "Of course, in my plane, there is a country that is the world's hegemon, at least for now, it is the only one, so he can go to other countries to enforce the law on his own. , call it the world police, that is, the world's catcher!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

This expression was seen by Liu Weichao, and he further added: "However, the world's police are actually derogatory, mocking this country's hands for being too long, and wanting to intervene in everything! Because this is the performance of a country bullying a country If you want to talk about equality, it is the first way of cooperation I mentioned!"

After a pause, Liu Weichao changed the subject, but said to Emperor Chongzhen: "However, in your plane, if you want me to talk about it, I think you can learn it. At least from the legal point of view, you have this legal basis." of!"

"Say, I'm listening!" Emperor Chongzhen was obviously very interested, and immediately responded.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao explained to him carefully: "Da Ming is the suzerain country, so it naturally has jurisdiction over the vassal states, not to mention, these vassal states were sealed off by Daming! Right?"

In the past, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had to be recognized by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty to ascend the throne.In addition, for example, in North Korea, the governor of Denglai in Ming Dynasty has the ability to govern North Korea.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no one would take care of the affairs of the vassal state.

At this time, Liu Weichao was talking to Emperor Chongzhen: "Of course, I think the most important thing is that you are the emperor of Ming Dynasty. Criminals in your own country have harmed the people and Daming, but you can escape to the vassal state without To be punished is to slap you in the face, which is not allowed."

"If it's less, one or two, the influence is small, and it may be insignificant. But, according to your introduction, it's not one or two, but learning from everything. Many people will know it before they go to the vassal state. Daming Daming, this is a big deal!"

"Didn't you pay attention in ancient times, isn't the land where the land is the king's land? Since someone committed a crime in the territory of Daming, he would be chased and killed even at the ends of the earth. This is also in line with the resounding slogan. Those who dare to offend the Ming will be punished no matter how far away. There is a reason!"

"You are the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and you must first be responsible for the people of the Ming Dynasty. Are you right?"

After saying this in one breath, Emperor Chongzhen didn't even interrupt him. After he finished speaking, Emperor Chongzhen nodded, but he still frowned and said: "The reason is indeed the same, and I actually think so. But , if I really want to punish severely, I am afraid that the subsequent vassal kings will not be able to recruit people in the country, which will cause those vassal kings to boycott and go overseas!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, and after a while, he couldn't help asking, "Are you still the Emperor of Ming? What about your prestige, is it paper? At this point, you are afraid that the feudal lord will resist? Whoever dares to resist will be punished!"

After a pause, he emphasized again: "Your power comes from the majority of the people. If you lose the support of the people, your position as emperor will not be secure. If you get the most support from the people, you will kill all the princes." Now, who can do anything to you?"

Emperor Chongzhen was a little upset when he heard that, the words were too harsh, saying that he was a piece of paper!
But no matter how unhappy he is, there's nothing he can't do to Liu Weichao.Perhaps it was also because Liu Weichao could not be reached, so Emperor Chongzhen still maintained his sanity. After thinking about it carefully, he nodded with a serious expression and said: "I almost forgot the fundamental way, thanks to your reminder!"

Liu Weichao listened, nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest. Things that affect the common people should not be sloppy. Similarly, the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" is your face. "Law of the Ming Dynasty", those people who tried to slap you in the face, don't be polite to them at all!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said seriously: "I see, I asked the local yamen to collect crimes involving vassal states to the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Punishment will uniformly report to the dignitaries of the vassal kings everywhere!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao suddenly had a bad idea in his mind, and he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "You might as well set up a yamen, such as the International Detective Yamen, which is dedicated to dealing with crimes between countries. Of course, this yamen It must be dominated by Ming Dynasty, and other countries can participate. They have transnational law enforcement powers. I believe that with the expansion and opening up of Ming Dynasty, there will be more and more crimes between countries in the future."

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was a little speechless when he heard this.

He and Liu Weichao are very familiar, and he actually understands Liu Weichao's tone of voice and thoughts.

Liu Weichao's formulation made him feel Liu Weichao's bad taste.

However, after thinking about it seriously, he felt that what Liu Weichao said made sense.

In the past, Ming Dynasty didn't care about foreign affairs.However, it is different now, I am a person who wants to be the captain of the ball, and handling matters between countries will be indispensable in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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