Chapter 870

"There are so many violations of law and discipline involving the vassal state? Why haven't I heard about it before?"

The next day, in the Wenhua Palace, Emperor Chongzhen sternly asked Wang Chengen, who was in charge of the West Factory, to read the memorials that the factory guards had compiled, and then shouted at the officials below.

At this time in ancient times, homicide cases were also very important.Even if the court wanted to execute a prisoner, it had to rise to the level of the emperor to make the final instructions in person.

Moreover, in order to express the emperor's virtue of being good at life, he often circled a few prisoners from the list of death row criminals and did not kill them.

The importance of human life can be seen from this.

Correspondingly, major homicide cases are also taken very seriously.However, murder cases involving the vassal state often become unsolved cases. Even if they knew that the murderer had fled to the vassal state, there was nothing he could do.

Several cases that were reported were finally pushed down on the cabinet side, but did not rise to the emperor's side.

This is also the reason why Emperor Chongzhen knew that there were so many things involving the vassal state because of the memorial of the prince Zhu Cihong.

At this moment, after hearing Emperor Chongzhen's angry questioning, after a moment of silence in the Wenhua Hall, the Chief Assistant He Fengsheng came out and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister is confused!"

Over the past few years, the major events of the imperial court have been related to counter-insurgency in various places, including wars in various places, food and supplies, follow-up official deployment and governance, as well as the fight against Nanyang, Japan, the conquest of the Western Regions, and the vassal king's overseas affairs, etc. .

For these senior officials of the Ming Dynasty in the court, this is a big deal, and other things are relatively trivial.

These great things must be accomplished, and those that hinder these things must be put aside.

Many people even thought that it was a good thing for Daming that those people with bad intentions went to the vassal state.

Therefore, due to various reasons, not only the civil servants, but also the factory guards, finally subconsciously chose to put it aside.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Cihong, who was doing nothing relatively, met a person who hanged himself, and he hadn't got the attitude of Emperor Chongzhen to put the people first, maybe this matter would continue to be let go.

At this time, the chief assistant, the head of the hundred officials, had no choice but to come out to confess the crime in the face of Emperor Chongzhen's questioning.

For these explanations, if the previous Emperor Chongzhen was replaced, it would actually be acceptable.But now that he has been analyzed by Liu Weichao and has a new attitude, it is different.

No, I heard him go crazy on the spot: "It's about the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", why is there a distinction? If this continues, everyone will not take the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" seriously. How can the law be the law and the country be the country? How can you be an official, why should you be a ruler?"

Hearing the emperor speak so seriously, these people present couldn't stop it.They didn't expect that the emperor took this matter so seriously!

If you really want to say it, it is true.

"Anyone who violates the Great Ming will be punished even if he is far away!" Emperor Chongzhen still shouted in a cold voice, "I tell you, this person who violated the Great Ming is violating the "Law of the Ming Dynasty"! Anyone who dares to violate the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" must pay the price, so that everyone can respect the "Law of the Great Ming Dynasty" and dare not violate it, the world can be peaceful, and the people can be safe and healthy! Wait, do you know?"

"The old minister is guilty!"

"Wei Chen is guilty!"


All of a sudden, there were voices one after another in Wenhua Hall.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at them, still with a stern attitude, and said loudly: "Under the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, a new Heavenly Arrest Division is set up, which means that the Skynet will be fully restored, and those who dare to violate the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" will be hunted down and brought to justice at the ends of the world. Including vassal states and other countries, it is possible to write a document to allow them to assist in repatriation, or directly send people to arrest them."

If it is a vassal state, it is the least costly to write a document to assist in the arrest and repatriation.

However, if it is not a vassal state, it may ignore Daming's request.For example, if a prisoner from Ming Dynasty fled to the Netherlands, the Dutch probably wouldn't pay him. At this time, the Heavenly Arrest Division would need to send someone there.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen paused after finishing speaking, and before the subordinates could react, he emphasized his tone again, and said coldly: "If the vassal king shields the criminals of the Ming Dynasty, he will not be the vassal king!"

Daming originally had jurisdiction over the vassal kings of the vassal states, and if one wanted to be a vassal king, one had to be canonized by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Since it can be canonized, it is no problem to abolish it.At least legally, there is no problem.It's just that in the past, Emperor Ming never used this power.

Now, Emperor Chongzhen has directly announced this matter. It can be said that he definitely attaches great importance to this matter.

His furious anger in the Wenhua Palace finally led to the chief assistant He Fengsheng, and the imperial censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to resign one after another.

However, only the first assistant He Fengsheng's memorial was approved by Emperor Chongzhen, and he was asked to retire and return home to retire.

As a result, Sun Chuanting, the second assistant, was promoted to be the first assistant of the Ming Dynasty.

History has been changed beyond recognition.

This incident spread all over the world and caused a sensation immediately.

Of course, the Department of Political Affairs must be responsible for this.

As a matter of fact, regarding this matter, the capital side is fine, and those areas that suffered a lot before being sent to the vassal state have the strongest reaction.

"Your Majesty is holy, from now on, you don't have to worry about those local hooligans anymore!"

"No, there are so many bums in every place, and they are getting more and more arrogant. They still think that if they can't get along, they will go to the feudal kingdom. Now, the emperor has made it clear. Wang Tu, you can catch him wherever you run!"

"Yeah, let's see if they still dare to mess around? This time, the emperor even conceded the crime of the chief assistant, so it can be seen that this matter is definitely serious!"

"Actually, it's not just those who want to flee to the vassal state. Anyone who wants to violate the laws of Ming Dynasty in the future must carefully weigh the consequences!"

"I don't know when the Tianhun Division will be established, so hurry up and arrest the guy who fled to the feudal kingdom!"

"My brother-in-law in the yamen also said that they won't have to worry about the emperor's decree. Don't worry, the local yamen will sort out the case files and report them to the Ministry of Punishment!"

"That damned Sun family, there's no way to escape now, right? Even if it's Prince Ding, he definitely won't be able to report him. Otherwise, as the emperor said, don't be a feudal lord!"

"However, King Ding is the current emperor's own son, shouldn't that be the case?"

"Look, if King Ding wants to protect the Sun family and he is fine, how can he convince the public? Now that the matter of the Sun family has already exploded, it has even been written in the court newspaper, and it must not be covered up. The emperor will certainly not Words don't count!"


Among the discussions, the case of Sun Zhixie in Zizhou attracted the most attention.

Because of this matter, it has been published in the mansion newspaper and spread all over the world.

Moreover, Sun Zhixie's family, not to mention a family of officials and eunuchs, also took refuge in the current emperor's own son, King Ding, and became a high official.

Each factor is very topical.

Some smart people judged from the development of the matter that the emperor would never cover up, and might even use this incident to scare the chickens and scare the monkeys, alerting those who committed crimes and escaped, and the princes who tried to cover up the fugitives.Otherwise, the imperial court will definitely suppress this matter instead of publicizing it!
However, most people's vision is not so good.

They feel that the Sun family is a family of officials and eunuchs, so it has something to do with it in the officialdom.The so-called mutual protection between officials and officials should not be reflected at this time!

Moreover, King Ding wanted to go far to a vassal state with a large number of natives, so he lacked knowledgeable subordinates.This Sun family has Juren and Scholars, and few feudal states have such talents!For King Ding, he definitely didn't want to lose this kind of talent, and he is the current emperor's own son, the son of the beloved concubine Tian Gui, so he might rely on his holy favor to pass this matter over!
However, such speculation did not last long. King Ding, who was recruiting subjects in the south of the Yangtze River and preparing to go to Nanyang, issued a statement in due course.It roughly means that the Sun family in Zizhou will never be sheltered. If there is any deception, they must be sent back to Daming, and their family will be copied to make up for the losses of the people.

As soon as this statement came out, King Ding immediately won the title of virtuous king, and it also confirmed the determination of the current emperor on this matter, which is absolutely beyond doubt!
After this incident, the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" suddenly gained weight in the hearts of every commoner, official, and prince.The law and order of the entire Ming Dynasty improved imperceptibly.Not to mention that all areas of Daming do not pick up lost items on the road and do not close their houses at night, but there are indeed some places that have really achieved this level.

The prosperity of Chongzhen has already been mentioned.

Especially in Zizhou, they are even more grateful to the current emperor. I don't know how many families have hoped out of despair.

Of course, there are some people who still have some doubts in their hearts. They don't know if this matter is just talk in the end, or will it really do what it says?
At the beginning of December in the [-]nd year of Chongzhen, a news spread from Fujian, and soon spread throughout the country.

The Sun family in Zizhou was intercepted in Dongfan, escorted back to the Ming mainland, and landed in Fujian.Afterwards, he was sent back to Zizhou for trial. At that time, the court's Criminal Department, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Factory Guard will send people to Zizhou to participate in the trial of the Sun family's fraud case!
When the news reached Zizhou, everyone had no doubts, everyone was very excited, and many people even set off firecrackers to celebrate first.

He was stopped in Dongfan, maybe all the property was not spent, so there is a possibility of recovering the loss.

On Zizhou's side, the gratitude to the current emperor suddenly became the strongest!

There is also another person who is very concerned about the case of the Sun family in Zizhou and the whole matter related to the vassal state.After this result came out, I was also very pleased.

This person is Prince Zhu Cihong.

After he left Zizhou, he traveled south all the way to Lin'an Prefecture, the end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. He originally wanted to continue going south to Fujian and Guangdong, but it was the end of the year, so he had to end this private visit and start Depart for Beijing.

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(End of this chapter)

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