Chapter 871

The storm caused by the Sun family in Zizhou proved that Zhu Cilang was right in taking care of that matter.

This is not only because his father did this, but also because the feedback he heard from the people is all praises for it!

Therefore, he was very happy and felt that he had done something meaningful!
On the way back to the north, because it was already December, the further north we went, the more severe the cold wind was.

However, Zhu Cihong, who was only twenty years old, still chose to ride a horse against the wind, and even when he got excited in the cold wind, he would chant poems aloud.

In this regard, Fang Zhenghua did not stop him, and was even a little relieved.

The prince at this time is obviously different from the prince when he first left Beijing.At least the current prince has a passion, high spirits, and is not afraid of the severe cold. He is not a flower in a greenhouse, but a weak prince!
On this day, Zhu Cihong abducted to Yixing in Changzhou Prefecture of Southern Zhili Province, and specially visited the former residence of Lu Xiangsheng, one of the three masters of the Zhonglie Hall of the Ming Dynasty.

When Lu Xiangsheng died in battle, he was still very young and couldn't leave the palace, so he never saw Lu Xiangsheng.

When the Zhonglie Hall was established and the statue of Lu Xiangsheng was sculpted, he had been there and had a comprehensive understanding of Lu Xiangsheng's deeds.

To be honest, he was very curious, how can a person be the champion of the three armies, but also be a Jinshi?

At least in the Ming Dynasty, it seemed that there was only Lu Xiangsheng who was truly capable of both civil and military skills!

When he arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, he wanted to see what kind of environment it was that Lu Xiangsheng came out!

After satisfying his curiosity, he continued to go north, crossing Wujin County into Zhenjiang, and then crossing the Yangtze River.

Along the way, he said to Fang Zhenghua with a little emotion: "I think that the four books, five classics and six arts advocated by the sages are the standard of a talent."

In this era, there are only four books and five classics, but no six arts, especially riding and archery among the six arts, and there are no scholars to do it.

Hearing this, Fang Zhenghua replied with a smile: "The master is actually promoting this now, but he has not advocated the six arts. It may be that the theory of the six arts is outdated!"

"Oh?" Zhu Cihong immediately asked in surprise, "How do you say that?"

Fang Zhenghua already had a very good relationship with Zhu Cihong during the escort, so he said bluntly: "Young master said that the archery was cavalry archery in ancient times. But now in my Ming Dynasty, firearms are the mainstay, and cavalry archery is no longer Mainstream. However, the master implements the compulsory military service system, everyone must serve in the military, and this is the practice of archery, which is also the meaning of soldiers!"

"That's right. On this point, our Ming Dynasty has indeed advanced with the times!" Zhu Cihong listened, thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Therefore, Fang Zhenghua went on to say: "The etiquette in the six arts is the etiquette system! Two years ago, the imperial court re-revised the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", and emphasized on the transcendence of the etiquette system, so as to make the whole Ming Dynasty Obedience, this is also the embodiment of etiquette in my Ming Dynasty!"

"That's right! The atmosphere in society is peaceful!" Zhu Cihong listened, thought for a while, and nodded again.

Then Fang Zhenghua continued to say to him: "Numbering this, the master launched Gewuxue, which not only includes numbers, but also is more profound. It has never been done before, and it has blossomed and bears fruit. It has brought about earth-shaking changes for my Ming Dynasty. It is not an exaggeration to include music, imperial education, books, and numbers!"

After hearing this, Zhu Cihong nodded again.

If others don't know much about Gewuxue, as one of the persons in charge of transcribing Gewuxue, Zhu Cihong knows it best.There are many branches of Gewu credits, which include Gewu, which includes everything in the world. In terms of music, there are new musical instruments, books, simplified writing, and driving skills in the future!

At least Zhu Cihong knew that the internal combustion engine could be used in a horse-drawn carriage, which was a new kind of car. In the fairy world, one had to go through special training to drive this kind of car.

While the two were talking about this, suddenly, there was a fast horse returning from the front, but it was a captain of Jin Yiwei who was clearing the way, came to Zhu Cihong, got off his horse and said: "Young master, the people in front are gathered, the crowd is excited, or detour And behave well?"

Their main task is to protect the safety of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and if he finds that there is a situation that may affect the safety of His Royal Highness, he will warn in time, and Zhu Cihong will make a decision.

Generally speaking, things like this are very rare since they went south, only once.

It was two big villages grabbing water, and there was an armed fight between the villages.

Regarding this kind of matter, Zhu Cihong and his party did not move forward, and finally waited until the end of the fighting before going to understand the situation.

A water pump powered by a steam engine is not omnipotent, and water must be pumped under drought conditions.

It is useless to have a steam engine if there is not enough water.

After all, Daming is really too big, some places died of flooding, and some places died of drought. Thanks to the money of the imperial court, there are disaster relief warehouses in various places, which can provide disaster relief in time. Otherwise, people will starve to death. occur.

At this moment, upon hearing the report from Captain Jin Yiwei, if he had been replaced by him when he first left the capital, he would probably avoid it cautiously, but at this time, his mentality was completely different from when he first left the capital.

No, he just frowned slightly and asked, "What happened?"

After hearing this, the captain of Jin Yiwei hesitated a little and said, "It seems... It seems that the front is practicing the clan law, soaking the pig cage!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Cihong couldn't help being a little taken aback, dipping into the pig cage, why should the crowd be so angry?
So, he asked again: "Do you kill pigs? A lot?"

After all, he is a prince, born in the imperial palace, and has never been out of the imperial palace. What he sees and hears are all important national affairs, but he doesn't know anything about the concept of soaking in a pig cage.

Fang Zhenghua at the side saw him, and explained from the side: "Someone must have violated the clan law and will be executed by the clan. They put them in a pig cage and drowned in water!"

This kind of thing, for ordinary people, is afraid to become common sense.After all, since ancient times, imperial power has not come down to the county, and below the county level, the local gentry have dominated self-government.In many cases, family law is greater than the sky!
However, this kind of customary rule is unreasonable for the prince Zhu Cihong.

It is only the power of the government to judge the life and death of a person, and it can even be said that the emperor has such power.On the local level, they dared to take human lives carelessly, is that okay?
However, at this time, Zhu Cihong had already practiced abroad for a few months. Seeing the reactions of Fang Zhenghua and the captain of Jin Yiwei beside him, he knew that there might be something he didn't understand, so he frowned and asked Fang Zhenghua, "Look. You are neither surprised nor angry, but what is hidden?"

Fang Zhenghua heard this, and immediately replied: "My lord, I don't know. If you don't report local affairs, the general government doesn't care. If this kind of place can be solved by the clan, and there is no troublemaker to make trouble, then it is considered fair." This has been the case since ancient times, to solve the shortage of manpower in the imperial court!"

At the county level, there are only a few people who enjoy the imperial salary, and the rest are all in the form of military service. Although the Chongzhen Dynasty has made innovations, it cannot be achieved overnight.

After hearing this, Zhu Cihong was immediately dissatisfied.If you don't encounter it, forget it. Now that the local government handles the important matter of human life privately, he will definitely not turn a blind eye to it.

So, he clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and immediately drove the horse forward.

When Fang Zhenghua saw him, he immediately waved his hand, and led the captain of Jin Yiwei to follow immediately, raising his vigilance.

If they are afraid of the people in these places, that is not necessarily the case.After all, this is the land of Ming Dynasty, and everyone is armed to the teeth. Before, they just thought that one thing more is worse than one thing less.However, once His Highness the Crown Prince has made a decision, they must be careful.

On the road ahead, after turning a corner, I saw about two hundred people gathered by the river beside the road in the distance, including men, women and children.The noise came from afar.

Perhaps it was because there were so many people riding horses here, it also attracted the attention of people over there, and many people looked over.

The five Jinyiwei school lieutenants who were going forward arrived one step ahead, and spread out in a defensive posture, without saying a word.

After Zhu Cihong arrived, he happened to be among their guards, but it did not obstruct Zhu Cihong's sight.

Zhu Cihong who arrived had a cold face, just glanced around, and saw the general situation.

I saw some of these people by the river, some by the roadside, all surrounded by a few well-dressed old men, in front of them, there was really a pig cage, in which was tied a woman with her hands behind her back and a gag in her mouth. Holding a piece of cloth, struggling with tears streaming down his face, but to no avail.

At this time, two people just put a large stone into the pig cage, and then began to seal the pig cage.It is estimated that after the pig cage is sealed, it will be thrown into the river.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Cihong shouted coldly: "Stop, what are you waiting for?"

Seeing the posture of Zhu Cihong and his group, these villagers knew that they were either rich or noble.Therefore, he was not angry because Zhu Cihong was nosy.

The old man in the lead took two steps toward Zhu Cihong, clasped his fists and said, "This young master invites you. This is an adulterer and adulterer in my Liu family village. I am following the family law, maintaining the law and discipline, and thinking of others as a warning!"

Hearing this, Zhu Cihong couldn't help being taken aback, didn't expect such a thing?

At this time, he also noticed that there was another man by the river, who was also tied up and had stones on his body, and was about to be put into a pig cage.

But what's a little strange is that this man didn't react much to this, he even had a smile on his face, but the feeling on his face seemed to be silly.

Looking at that woman again, maybe she saw someone coming, and she struggled desperately, so that Zhu Cihong could see clearly that her face was full of unwillingness, and she struggled even harder.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Cihong glanced at the crowd of onlookers, thought for a while, and then said coldly: "Human life is a matter of heaven and earth, how can you handle it in private? Let it out and escort it to the yamen, and the government will decide the case!"

(End of this chapter)

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