Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 875 Good thing

Chapter 875 Good thing

Inside the Golden Luan Hall, the eyes of the officials who had not yet been persuaded by Emperor Chongzhen, or who were still a little unwilling, immediately lit up.

The emperor wants to add a first-level yamen, but if there are no officials to send, wouldn't it be a waste of worry?It can't be said that a scholar can also be an official, right?

If this is the case, the fame and fame of a scholar can be determined by the locality itself, and there is no need for the imperial court to send people down. There is a lot of space in the middle!

However, they hadn't started this dream and had a good daydream when they heard Emperor Chongzhen say to Zuo Maodi: "This is not difficult, I have already considered it. Township-level yamen need to go around more places, so Only in this way can we prevent the occurrence of civil tragedies, therefore, the officials of the township level yamen, I decided to choose from among the veterans!"

"What? Selected among veterans?"

"Wu Fu manages politics? What do they know?"

"This is absolutely impossible. How can it be governed by humble people?"


All of a sudden, most of the people in the Golden Luan Hall jumped out, and began to speak in unison, opposing the emperor's decision one after another.

The generals, although shocked, looked at me and you one by one, but none of them said a word.

Since the Song Dynasty, warriors have had the most military power, but absolutely no power over local governance.Or it can be said that the military and political power are all in the hands of literati.

Emperor Chongzhen's sudden remark, even though it was only an official much smaller than the county magistrate, and was governed by a martial artist, still shocked these civil officials.

At this time, looking at the chaos in the Golden Luan Hall, Emperor Chongzhen didn't speak, just looked at them.

The censor who maintained order didn't know the reason, and after a while, he waved his clean whip and shouted at the same time: "Quiet, quiet..."

After a while, the Golden Luan Hall became quiet.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the main force of opposition below, that is, the civil servants, and shouted coldly: "Officials at the township level are the highest in the eighth rank. Those of you who come from Jinshi Juren, are you willing to start from the eighth or ninth rank?"

The eighth and ninth grades are county magistrates, officials such as Dian Shi, who belong to the township-level yamen, and if they are lower than the county, the highest is the ninth grade in theory.Study hard in the cold window, with such a low starting point, basically if it is possible, no one will be willing.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen's question immediately stunned the people in the Jinluan Hall.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't wait for them to answer, and then continued: "Officials at the township level have to inspect the place to relieve the suffering of the people's livelihood. They can't just sit in the yamen and do things right? I have to go to the place for real inspections? Then sit The sedan chair, beat the gongs and drums and go down to the village? The transportation is inconvenient, what should I do if there are mountain villages? These township officials, with the scholars like you now, can your health survive?"

"..." The Wenhua Hall continued to be quiet, and no one dared to speak.

The setting at the township level was set up to solve the local patriarchal clan rules. Of course, it is impossible to just sit in the yamen and let the current officials go to the mountains and go to the countryside. It seems a bit embarrassing.However, those warriors are really fine, how much physical strength they have.

On the Golden Luan Hall, the voice of Emperor Chongzhen continued to sound: "Also, the veterans of Ming Dynasty today are not illiterate people! There are supervisors in the army to teach them to read and write, to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country. They are more than enough to handle some basic things. If there is anything they can't handle, just report it to the county level!"

Since Chongzhen compiled and trained the new army in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Jinyiwei Supervisory Army has been established at all levels in the army. One of the functions is to teach the lieutenants to read.I have been in the army for at least three years, and I must know the most basic characters.

This is absolutely different from the previous army.

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the courtiers below, and continued to say: "Also, now it is a compulsory military service system, and all the Ming people who have reached the age must join the army. Therefore, among the veterans, there are not only illiterates. Plus All over the world, public schools are already being vigorously promoted, and in the future, all the soldiers in our Ming army will be educated, so maybe we can use the word martial arts to call them?"

When he said this, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly raised his voice a little, and said loudly: "As for local affairs, maybe the ministers in the palace may know better than the veterans. If anyone is not convinced, I can immediately deliver a decree and call A few veterans will compare with the ministers to see who knows more about local gossip? Who is less likely to be fooled by local bullies?"

"..." Upon hearing this, many civil servants retreated secretly and returned to their original queue.

If he was named by the emperor, he would really have to compete with those veterans. It would be fine if he won, but he would lose all face if he lost.

Not to mention, most of those veterans came from local people, so are they not familiar with local gossip?In comparison, the possibility of winning is really small!
Of course, if you compare the way of sages and sages, the Four Books and Five Classics, then you are sure to win!
They were thinking about it when they heard Emperor Chongzhen ask: "Is there anyone willing to compare? I see that all the ministers are dumb?"

These civil servants are all used to it. If they don't beat and beat, they will make old mistakes again!

The officials in the Jinluan Hall were so questioned by Emperor Chongzhen, and finally, they were a little thin-skinned and couldn't stand it. It seemed that they couldn't compare with those warriors, so they came out and said: "Your Majesty, you are better than those in that place. How can there be any fairness to say about trivial matters? What I read is the way of sages and sages!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately sneered and said, "Then I want to know, is it possible to govern in the way of sages and sages? Does the local yamen not need masters and officials to do things?"

Those who have been officials for many years, those with political experience are good, those who have just become officials must definitely hire the master's staff.And this is also the reason for the frequent corruption of local officials.Because with their own salaries, they couldn't afford to hire them at all. At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't include this money in the magistrate's salary at all.Impossible, magistrates have to pay money in order to become officials, right?
If you don't invite aides, the local officials will definitely be ignored by those small officials in the local area, and they can only be regarded as mud bodhisattvas.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't know about this kind of local affairs before, but after Liu Weichao gave him a popular science about the local officials, he already understood.

At this time, he directly told the cases that Liu Weichao told him in the Golden Luan Hall, and asked his courtiers if they had found out about it, if they had any countermeasures, and how to prevent it?

This series of questions, let alone the officials below, were overwhelmed, but there were indeed many things, and it was the first time they heard about it.

All of a sudden, the officials of Ming Dynasty were shocked by Emperor Chongzhen's deep understanding of officialdom.

This time, Emperor Chongzhen firmly grasped the initiative in discussing matters in the Golden Luan Hall, and he would no longer be led by the nose by his subordinates like before.It is because he has learned enough about the situation of Ming Dynasty now, coupled with the natural suppression of the status of emperor, and the influence of the thoughts of later generations, so that when he has an advantage in his own position, he can fly wildly and unconstrainedly, so that his subordinates cannot keep up. Without thinking, it is impossible to consider the shortcomings mentioned by Emperor Chongzhen in a short period of time to address them.

After all, those experiences of later generations are actually slowly evolved in practice.

Seeing that none of the officials below came out to object, Emperor Chongzhen looked at Zuo Maodi and said, "Regarding the establishment of the township-level yamen, the Ministry of Officials has come up with a specific regulation, and we will discuss it later!"

For the general situation, he has already said that the Ministry of Officials has to do things in detail. Anyway, if he is not satisfied, he can call back and revise.

After hearing this, Zuo Maodi looked at his colleagues in the palace, especially Sun Chuanting, the first assistant, and found that no one spoke, so he immediately stepped forward to receive the order.

He didn't know that Sun Chuanting's prestige mainly came from the army.Moreover, he led troops from the early years of Chongzhen, and finally became the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty by virtue of this. Veterans can have a good place to go, and it is not particularly harmful to the interests of civil servants. Why should he oppose it?

It is true that civil servants are a group, but everyone has their own specific interests.Unless the interests of all civil servants are greatly violated, otherwise, they will weigh their own gains and losses before doing things!
This is why Emperor Chongzhen set the rank of township officials very low, and the functional requirements were even more tiring.And it is only the reason for the increase in counties with a large population.

Because this is actually tasteless to civil officials, at least for now, these civil officials know it that way.Under the emperor's strength, no one dared to take big risks to oppose it!

For generals, this matter has almost nothing to do with them.It is impossible for them to be officials at the township level who are similar to petty officials, but no matter what, this matter is a good thing for them.

They can all be sure that when this news gets out, the morale of the army will definitely rise!

Officials at the township level are tasteless to civil servants, but to veterans who are ordinary people, they are definitely sweet and sweet.

However, the number of officials at the township level is limited, and the number of troops who are discharged every year is unknown. If you want to get this kind of official position, you must recruit based on merit.

What kind of merit-based admissions method?Of course, he performed well in the military!
It is entirely conceivable that because of this incident, the combat effectiveness of the various armies of the Ming Dynasty will definitely rise to a higher level.

As a result, after Ming soldiers retired from the army, they could not only serve as officials in the vassal state, but also serve as security guards in overseas mining companies, and they could also serve as first-level township officials in China.

It is certain that there will definitely be more people in Ming Dynasty who want to join the army.If it is said that in the past compulsory military service system, it may be necessary to go up to the local government to arrest people, but in the future, it may be lined up for the government to choose, and the qualification to serve as a soldier may be snatched away!

Good thing!
In the Golden Luan Hall, many officials thought that today's grand court meeting would end like this, but who knew, Emperor Chongzhen spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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