Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 876 Internal Strength

Chapter 876 Internal Strength
"Since we talked about corrupt officials and cunning Xu today, I will give you a homework assignment. What should the court do to prevent these corrupt officials and cunning Xu from lying on Daming's body to suck blood to the greatest extent?"

With the popularity of Gephysics, assignment of homework after class has become the norm.I just didn't expect that today in the Golden Luan Hall, the emperor would even assign homework to the courtiers.

All of a sudden, many officials trembled when they heard this.

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at his courtiers, not caring what they thought, and then said: "First, most of the officials at the bottom of the Ming Dynasty were handed down from father to son, and son to grandson. If you do evil, then the means of doing evil must also be inherited;”

After a pause, he continued: "Secondly, what should the new officials do so that they have the experience to deal with these corrupt and cunning officials, not to be swayed by them, to be aware of the details, and to manage the place well?"

Speaking of this, Emperor Chongzhen raised his voice and shouted decisively: "Within three days, all the ministers must have a memorial to explain the countermeasures!"

Then, as the civil and military officials wished, the Great Court Conference ended!
The officials who retired from the court left in twos and threes with familiar officials. Each group of officials were discussing in low voices about the homework assigned by the emperor.

Many officials are not stupid, they have already smelled the emperor's intentions, and it's time for another drastic innovation!

In fact, the emperor's intention had already begun to appear.Now, taking this opportunity, it was officially brought up.

When these officials returned to the yamen, the news spread that there were also staff and servants working in the yamen of the capital. For a while, some people were panicked, and some were looking forward to it.

After it spread to the people, the political atmosphere in the capital was strong, and they were used to discussing government affairs.Discussions were also launched in the streets and alleys, and Li Xu became the hottest topic in the capital.

"Daming has been doing this since the founding of the country. How can this problem of officials and servants be changed?"

"That's right, if it were someone else, I guess they wouldn't know how to do things, right? When the time comes to deal with the mess, what should I do?"

"Hehe, didn't you see that the military households have been hereditary since the founding of the country? But what happened after the military households were reformed? Daming's current combat power is already invincible!"

"That's right, the territory of our Ming Dynasty today is unprecedentedly vast. I heard that the rebellion in the neighboring Nanyang, including Annan and other places, has almost been put down, and it is about to become a vassal king. Did such a thing happen before? "

"That's right, the affairs of Lixu should be reformed like military households!"

"I agree, it's like Gewuxue, which summarizes the rules and regulations of the affairs that various officials have to deal with, and then the newcomers learn how to do things, don't they?"

"Actually, the imperial court is already doing this. Daming Royal Academy of Officials, isn't it just doing this kind of thing. Come another official academy, and it will be solved!"

"That's right, if the officials and servants also give them their salary, they can pass the scientific examination and be admitted based on merit!"


No one is stupid. In the discussion among the people, they quickly got inspiration from the existing cases of the imperial court, and gave the innovation method that Emperor Chongzhen wanted.

Of course, among them, the guidance of the factory guards sent by Emperor Chongzhen was unavoidable.Otherwise, if the memorials submitted did not meet his wishes, the matter would be out of his control.

Sure enough, three days later, more than half of the memorials played by civil and military officials were similar to folk discussions, imitating military households, abolishing hereditary inheritance, turning handyman into employment, setting up a college for officials, and recruiting students based on merit.Officials can also learn from it to reduce the situation of being fooled by subordinate officials because they don't know how to handle affairs.

Some officials even proposed that officials in important positions should be held in other places, so as to avoid the entanglement of local forces and make it difficult for foreign officials to do things.

Of course, there are also some officials who do not agree with this. They feel that if this happens, the imperial treasury will spend more, which is far worse than the current way of serving. The imperial court will not pay much and save money.

Emperor Chongzhen asked the Supervisor of Rites to sort out the memorials, categorize them and publish them, and announced that they would be implemented according to the plan played by most officials.

First, the important official and subordinate positions in the yamen are abolished as handymen and replaced by employment models; they are recruited on the basis of merit through post examinations.

Second, set up official colleges in each province, and set up entrance examinations. Those who pass the graduation examinations can participate in the local official examinations, and they will be admitted first under the same conditions.

Third, the life-long tenure of staff and servants is no longer there. Those who fail to pass the assessment will be eliminated every five years; the staff and servants in important positions will be transferred after ten years at most.

Fourth, the Royal Academy of Officials of the Ming Dynasty is no longer just for officials who went to be exiled officials in the reform of the national policy of land return, but expanded to all officials of the Ming Dynasty.Only those who pass the examination can become officials.

This innovation, if it was changed to more than ten years ago, it would definitely be a big problem!
However, by the [-]rd year of Chongzhen, the whole world has been turned upside down. Many things that were not there before are now available, and relevant systems have also been reformed.

For example, the hereditary military household system had a recruitment system before the Chongzhen Dynasty, so it was not very abrupt that the Chongzhen Dynasty abolished the hereditary military household system and changed it to a military recruitment system.

Then, the hereditary military household system has been reformed, so it will not be too surprising that the hereditary official and miscellaneous service system will be abolished!
However, although there is experience to follow for this innovation involving the low-level officials of the Ming Dynasty, it will still take a lot of time to do it, and the locality cannot be messed up.

Therefore, after Emperor Chongzhen announced this reform, the key event in Chongzhen's [-]rd year was the reform of official administration.

This year, Daming basically did not expand its territory.It is just to clean up Nanyang, including the remnants of the Dongwu Toungoo Dynasty, and those so-called allies including Kofi Annan.

If it is in later generations, it is estimated that there will be many difficulties in suppressing places like Nanyang.But in this era, it is different.

Not only are these countries in Nanyang sparsely populated at this time, but also because of underdeveloped productivity, humans in Nanyang generally gather in areas suitable for human habitation. As long as the Ming army captures these places, those who escape into the mountains will either be killed. Natural elimination, or unable to stand the harsh conditions of the rainforest, had to come out and surrender.

It is simply impossible to hide in the rainforest and fight guerrillas like later generations.

Not to mention, in this era, it is impossible for the bottom class of people and their ruling class to be of one mind.You can live better under the jurisdiction of the Ming army, why do you have to work hard with the original master who oppressed them all?
Therefore, under the pincer attack of Dongwu Mu Tianbo and Annan Yang Zhan, in the [-]rd year of Chongzhen, the suppression was basically completed, and the Annan Ruan family had not been captured yet.

On the side of the Ming court, two vassal kings went there, but there was no coastline. The two provinces of Annan and Dongwu directly covered the coastline and went straight to the Strait of Malacca.

On the Nanyang island country, the imperial court sent additional reinforcements to sweep up the various islands. The operation method was similar, killing all the local masters, or moving them to other places.Then, the vassal state and the mining company started.

During this period, Daming also established a planting company, which also raised funds through the issuance of shares, and began to plant rubber and other plants suitable for tropical planting on a large scale in Southeast Asia.

In short, after the behemoth of Ming Dynasty reached out to Nanyang, it dominated here strongly, vigorously planting, mining, etc., all over Nanyang.

The merchant ships of Ming Dynasty also increased a lot, bringing prosperity to Nanyang.

With the establishment of a large number of schools and the promotion of the Four Books and Five Classics, Chinese has become the most popular language. It is estimated that after the new generation in Nanyang grows up, there will be only Chinese as one language, and at most one dialect will be added.

On the Liaodong side, Wu Sangui, Dongjiang Bird, had already fulfilled his wish, and was ordered to go north, destroying the stronghold of Tsarist Russia in the Far East, and the whole of Siberia belonged to Daming.

In the west of Daming, the railway leading to Luntai can basically be repaired in the [-]rd year of Chongzhen. The population on the Hetao Plain has exploded, and some people will be diverted to Luntai, mainly those who originally belonged to Wacha, and even more Can adapt to the west.

The garrison on Luntai is still centered around Luntai, catching fish that slipped through the net, but they haven't moved westward on a large scale.However, the pressure on the surrounding area is definitely great.

After the surrender of Gush Khan, the Turghut tribe in the Volga River Basin sent people to persuade them to surrender. In addition to the captives who were originally released by the court, the Turghut tribe’s surrender was basically a certainty.

It is the reformation of the land and the return of the local people in Tibet, and the progress is the slowest.

This is not to say that the resistance here in Tibet is very strong, but because of the inconvenient transportation and the low level of civilization of the people here, it is more difficult to reform the land and return it to the local people.

However, with the cooperation of Gushi Khan, the land reform is also progressing in an orderly manner. It is expected that the basic land reform will probably be completed before the end of the [-]rd year of Chongzhen.

Some chieftains and lamas were unwilling to give up power, but the surrender of Gushri Khan made them unable to resist, so they fled to the Mughal Empire.

On the Japanese side, after the demise of the Tokugawa shogunate, the new vassal state has also become a vassal, and began to attack Ezodo, which is Hokkaido in later generations.

On the side of Wa, the imperial court mainly supervised the vassal state, opened coastal supply ports, and prepared for a large-scale crossing of the Pacific Ocean to the Americas.

The Ryukyu Kingdom is still there, but there is an imperial navy stationed there. In addition, the courtiers of the Ryukyu Kingdom are all from Kume Village. The Kume clan, with the support of the Ming Dynasty, has become the most powerful clan in the Ryukyu Kingdom.

It is also thanks to Ming's population and strength that far surpasses the surrounding countries, so it can rectify and digest these surrounding countries in a short period of time.

It can be predicted that after one or two years, Daming will be able to expand abroad again, no, it is to expand its territory!
During the period when the Ming Dynasty was rectifying the internal affairs, Li Zicheng and the others also lived in Europe for a while.

 Tomorrow will resume normal time update
(End of this chapter)

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