Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 878 Unlucky Portuguese

Chapter 878 Unlucky Portuguese

Needless to say, the Dutch who visited the Mughal Empire were sent by Kui Yi, and the purpose was still the same, to add obstacles to the Ming Dynasty and slow down the expansion of the Ming Empire.

Perhaps seeing that Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty was conquered by the Ming army, the Dutch were afraid that ordinary eye drops would not be effective, so they made it up as scary as possible.

"Great Khan, I was stationed in Zeelandia City in the East, and I was captured by the Ming people. I went to their capital, Jingshi, and heard many things, including about the Mughal Empire!"

"The emperor of the Ming Dynasty said that not only does the Netherlands want us to submit to him, and become a vassal state of the Ming Empire, but the ultimate goal is to have all countries submit to him! But the Mughal Empire is an exception!"

"Why? It's very simple, because the Ming emperor was very dissatisfied with your title and offended him! He should be the king of the world, so he wants to destroy the Mughal Empire and take your head as a pawn The wine glass. I have no intention of offending the Great Khan, these are the exact words of the Ming Emperor!"

"Ming's army has wiped out the Toungoo Dynasty in Dongwu, and also wiped out the Li Dynasty in Annan and so on. In two years, Ming will attack the Mughal Empire!"

"I'm not exaggerating. That Emperor Ming is definitely the most brutal and possessive emperor in the world. You see, the whole of Nanyang was occupied by his army, and we all had to flee back. The next step for the Emperor Ming is, Definitely the Mughal Empire!"

"The fighting power of the Ming army? It's actually not very strong, but the key point is that there are many people in the Ming country. If the people of the Ming country are asked to dispatch troops and generals first, and then start when they are ready, it will be a bit scary!"

"Our Netherlands' only victory against the Ming Dynasty was to take the initiative to attack and caught the Ming army by surprise, and then we were able to retreat safely!"

"According to what we Dutch have learned, the ultimate goal of the Ming people's occupation of Dongwu was not to just occupy Dongwu, but to follow their emperor's will to attack the Mughal Empire, destroy the Mughal Empire, and take your leader. class!"

"We in the Netherlands are willing to cooperate with the Mughal Empire to resist the brutal Ming Emperor. However, the Portuguese are the lackeys of the Ming Emperor. Many bad things about the Mughal Empire are spoken by the Portuguese to the Ming Emperor. .If the Ming emperor attacks the Mughal Empire, the Portuguese in Goa will definitely take the opportunity to attack the Mughal Empire to cooperate with the Ming army!"

"We, the Netherlands, are willing to work with the Mughal Empire to wipe out Goa against the Portuguese. Just give us the sea to the Netherlands, and the Great Khan sends troops to attack by land, and we will definitely wipe out those damn Portuguese."

"Our Dutch firearms are also willing to sell to you at a very low price. Let us work together to fight against the brutal Ming emperor!"


In the end, the Dutchman went back satisfied.Because, their purpose has been achieved.

It is true that the Ming Empire expanded its territories outward.Shah Jahan has also heard about this from other sources.

Originally, he thought that the Mughal Empire was far away from the Ming Empire. Even if the Ming Empire expanded, it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he didn't want to fight eastward.

Unexpectedly, the Ming Kingdom expanded so fast that it even annexed the Hoshut Khanate in Tibet, destroyed the Toungoo Dynasty in the east, and directly bordered the Mughal Empire.

Originally, when the chieftains of the Heshuote Khanate fled to the Mughal Empire, they didn’t say anything good about the Ming Dynasty. If they corresponded with the Dutch side, it would be more obvious that the Ming Empire had signs of attacking the Mughal Dynasty. .

Also, the Ming Empire wants Portugal and the Netherlands to be vassal states. The Dutch have produced evidence for this matter.Even the Ming Empire, a country so far away, has this ambition, not to mention the Mughal Empire that is now bordering it.

Judging from various circumstances, Shah Jahan judged that what the Dutchman said was true!
For this reason, it is natural to eliminate Goa to the Portuguese first, and then deal with the Ming army.

Besides, the Portuguese wanted to covet the Bengal province of the Mughal Empire, but they were defeated by him.For the Portuguese, his impression is also very bad.

The Dutch came to the door and wanted to attack Goa together. For the Portuguese, it was a dream for him.Even if he didn't have the relationship of the lackey of the Ming Dynasty, he would still be willing to do it.

Otherwise, the Portuguese navy is powerful, and he is not sure about annihilating the Portuguese.However, it is safe to have the Dutch at sea to hold back the Portuguese and prevent them from fleeing.

Goa was in the south of the Mughal Empire, and it just so happened that that side had not yet been conquered, so it happened to take this opportunity to conquer the south as well.

That's all, under the instigation of butterfly wings, Shah Jahan, who was supposed to start building large-scale construction at this time, did not start large-scale construction. Instead, he mobilized the army and appointed his son Aurangzeb to lead the army to the south, not only to conquer the south, but also to United with the Dutch, destroying the Portuguese in Goa.

From 1570 to 1571, a coalition of 3 troops from the two sultanates of Bijapur and Ahmednagar (Nizam Shahi dynasty) launched an attack on the Portuguese in Goa, trying to drive them away.But after nearly eight months of siege, the two sultanates retreated in defeat.

In the original history, Goa has always been in the hands of the Portuguese.Even the subsequent Dutch and British did not do anything to the Portuguese who came to Goa. It was not until 1961 that the Portuguese lost this colony, which is considered to be the longest colony in Portugal's hands.

On this plane, under the influence of the butterfly effect, the Dutch in Nanyang all retreated to Ceylon, captured Colombo earlier than in history, and then made the idea of ​​Goa.

The situation in the Mughal Empire was also affected by the butterfly effect. Shah Jahan did not enjoy it, and instead focused on the southern part of the Mughal Empire.

Aurangzeb, the commander he appointed, was Shah Jahan's third son and a celebrity.

His mother was very much loved by Shah Jahan and was also famous in later generations. The Taj Mahal built by Shah Jahan was built for Aurangzeb's mother.

Of course, Aurangzeb is famous not because of his mother, but because of himself.

He was the emperor after Shah Jahan of the Mughal Empire. He did not take over normally, but usurped the throne like his father.The difference is that his father failed back then, while he succeeded.

Aurangzeb not only led the army to defeat his two brothers, executed them, but also put his father under house arrest until his death.

The Mughal Empire reached its peak in the hands of Aurangzeb, and finally declined in the hands of Aurangzeb.

If you want to compare, it is a bit similar to Tang Xuanzong.In the early stage, there was the prosperity of Kaiyuan, followed by the Anshi Rebellion, and the Tang Dynasty turned from the most prosperous to the declining!
At this time, of course Aurangzeb had not usurped the throne, but his military talent had already been revealed.

In 1634, at the age of 16, Aurangzeb successfully suppressed the bandla (a branch of the Rajput tribe) rebellion.

During the Battle of Balihei in 1646-1647, Aurangzeb was "famous for his calm courage and firm command".

After receiving Shah Jahan's will, Aurangzeb immediately mobilized his troops and led an army of light infantry + war elephants + artillery + cavalry to march southward and attack Goa with the Dutch on the appointed day.

On the other hand, Shah Jahan also sent an order to the governor of Bangladesh, asking him to prepare an army and contact the remnants of the Dongwu Toungoo Dynasty to see if he could drive the Ming army back.

The layout of the South Asian subcontinent against Ming has already begun under the instigation of the Dutch like Shen Gongbao.


The time soon came to the end of the [-]rd year of Chongzhen, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the north wind howled and the snow fell heavily, but the prosperity of the capital could not be concealed.

In the arrow tower where the north gate of the capital city is located, there is a white-haired old woman, holding a pair of binoculars, sitting on a chair, watching the scenery outside through the window.

Beside her, a young man accompanied her and said to her, "Mother-in-law, it's cold outside, shall we go back?"

The old woman didn't seem to hear it, and was still looking out through the binoculars.

When the young man saw him, he waited for a while, and then said again: "Mother-in-law, it's too cold, why don't you go back?"

This time, the old woman reacted, she lay back, handed the telescope to a maid on the other side, leaned on the chair, still looked outside, and said with a little emotion: "I'm really old , I can’t even see clearly!”

Hearing this, the young man quickly said: "Grandmother is still young, Your Majesty has already said that I will celebrate her [-]th birthday later!"

After hearing this, the old woman said softly: "As an old woman, I have been blessed for so many years. Your Majesty still cares about her so much. I really feel ashamed!"

To be so valued by Emperor Chongzhen, this old woman is none other than Qin Liangyu, the loyal and loyal Duke of Ming Dynasty.

The young man on the side is her grandson Ma Wannian.

Originally, at Ma Wannian's age, he must have gone out to lead troops to fight.However, Emperor Chongzhen let Qin Liangyu stay in the capital because he had someone by his side.

At this time, Qin Liangyu leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, too, I can actually lead troops to fight, and the shrouded body in horse leather is also my destination. Fortunately, I will enjoy the blessings in the capital... "

Listening to what she said, Ma Wannian didn't dare to participate in what the current emperor said, but just listened from the sidelines.

"... But it's okay, I just watched the capital become more and more prosperous. Look, the outside of the capital city wall has become so prosperous. It's all happened in the past few years! The imperial court has become stronger and the world has become more peaceful. I'm also very happy, the whole life of fighting, isn't it just to have a life like today, okay..."

As he talked, his voice became lower and lower, and finally there was no sound.

(End of this chapter)

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