Chapter 879 Invasion
When Ma Wannian saw him, he hurriedly called out in a low voice: "Mother, mother..."

After calling a few times, Qin Liangyu did not respond.

So, he raised his head and said to the maid next to him, "Grandma is asleep, give me the cloak!"

After hearing this, the maid immediately handed over a cotton cloak, and after Ma Wannian took it, carefully helped Qin Liangyu cover it.

But suddenly, his movements froze, and then his expression changed, and he hurried to check Qin Liangyu's breathing.

After a while, I heard Ma Wannian's mournful cry from the watchtower: "Mother...mother..."

On December [-], the [-]rd year of Chongzhen, Qin Liangyu died of no illness at the age of [-], two years longer than the original history.

Emperor Chongzhen was deeply saddened by the news, and ordered the suspension of the court for three days, and held a state funeral for Qin Liangyu!
At this time, Qin Liangyu's only son, Ma Xianglin, was sitting in Dongwu. The capital made a phone call to Kunming, Yunnan, and Kunming, Yunnan sent a fast horse to Dongwu to send Ma Xianglin back to Beijing for the funeral.

At this time, the limited telephone company had been established for about two years. It first served the imperial court, or in other words, received orders from the imperial court. The main task was to install wires for the capitals of the two capitals and thirteen provinces of Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, communication will be so convenient.

It is estimated that by the first half of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the wires will be able to reach Ava City in Dongwu, Lhasa in Tibet, and Luntai at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.Based on the combat objectives, these places are guaranteed to be pulled first.

There must be Guihua City, Liaodong Shenyang has already existed, North Korea has not yet, Japan has not yet, Nanyang has not yet, and it will take time.

However, with the passage of time, more and more skilled employees of the limited telephone company, it is foreseeable that more and more branch offices will be opened, and by then the production of rubber will have come up, and the popularity of limited telephones will also become faster and faster.

Besides, in Dongwu Awa City, after Ma Xianglin received the obituary, he immediately handed over to Mu Tianbo in a hurry, and then hurried to the capital.

Yang Wei, governor of Yunnan, knew where he was, and transferred Ma Shouying, He Yilong, He Jin, and Sun Yingyuan who had just arrived in Yunnan to Dongwu.

According to the original deployment, these newly arrived troops are going to Dongwu to prepare for the future war against the Mughal Empire.It was just because of Qin Liangyu's funeral that Ma Xianglin did not persist until they reached Dongwu.

After Qin Liangyu's death, the territory under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty was not allowed to have wedding entertainment. This kind of treatment, which was comparable to the death of an emperor and empress, also made her deeds once again a topic of focus in all parts of the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Liangyu's life was a glorious life, fighting for the Ming Dynasty, fighting south and north, defending his family and country all his life.The ancient Hua Mulan was just a legend, but Qin Liangyu was a serious existence.

Emperor Chongzhen's poems directly pointed out the preciousness of Qin Liangyu.

Learn the eight formations of Xichuan, and hold the military talisman in the sleeve of the mandarin duck.The reason is that women are willing to accept it, so why should the general be her husband.

The robes of the Shu brocade were cut by themselves, and the peach blossoms immediately asked for long tassels.There are so many strange men in the world, who is willing to travel thousands of miles on the battlefield!


Women are not only husbands and children, not only piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also invite long tassels and hold military talismans!
Since the Wanli period, Qin Liangyu has been fighting for the country, fighting bloody battles, no matter how bad the situation is, and the death of her close relatives, she has not wavered.

In the world, how many men can compare to her?

Qin Liangyu is not only the pride of women, but also a role model for men!

Her illustrious name will surely go down in history and be immortal forever!

The [-]rd year of Chongzhen's Chinese New Year was the most timeless Chinese New Year, but no one complained about it.Everyone in the Ming Dynasty is saddened by Qin Liangyu's passing away!
After Qin Liangyu's funeral, a slogan spread among the people, starting from the capital and spreading to the southeast and northwest of Ming Dynasty: Learn from King Zhongzhen!
The title of county king was conferred posthumously, and Qin Liangyu's achievement was the first in the ages.With her real ability, she shot out with one knife and one gun.

Originally, the noble ladies from official families, famous families or scholarly families mostly maintained the previous traditions, did not show their faces like ordinary women, and did not join the army like the girls in the southwest.

However, following the slogan of "Learning from the King of Loyalty", more and more ladies of the family came out of the boudoir and began to show their faces.The number of female subjects in the Gephysics special examination has increased dramatically.There are even many more female heroes who want to sign up to join the army.

What men can do, women can too!
Emperor Chongzhen saw this trend, so he took the opportunity to announce that a woman's appointment as an official is no longer limited to the Department of Political Affairs and Communications. Both men and women can participate in the imperial examinations and assessments of low-level officials.

For the Ming Dynasty at this time, although the population is probably the largest among all countries in the world.However, in just a few years, the feudal lords have expanded their borders and territories, and their desire for talents has been the highest since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.Originally, it was only limited to men, and the talents were already stretched. Now that it has joined the female group, it has become a historical necessity.

With Qin Liangyu's death as an opportunity, it completely detonated the group of women to go out of the house and participate in social activities.

In addition, the Department of Political Affairs has had female officials for several years, and now there are women among the low-level officials, which is actually not so abrupt.

The slogan "Women can hold up half the sky" started to spread from the palace a few years ago, and it was not until the [-]th year of Chongzhen that it began to appear on a large scale.

Of course, the places with the most women are those factories where women can dominate, such as the Daming Royal Textile Factory and the like.

During the twenty-fourth year of Chongzhen's reign, the productivity of Ming Dynasty has suddenly increased by a large margin.

It can be said that Qin Liangyu's death, or to be precise, Qin Liangyu's deeds, became a catalyst for women in Ming Dynasty to participate in social construction.

However, Qin Liangyu's death also brought some surprises to Daming.

For example, the governor of Bangladesh, who followed Shah Jahan's order to keep an eye on Dongwu's Ming army, found that Dongwu's Ming army was short of troops and the commander left was empty. Under the leadership of the remnants of the Xu dynasty, they defeated the Ming army on Dongwu's side in one fell swoop and drove the Ming army back to Yunnan.

On Dongwu's side, there are really not many Ming troops.

Originally hoarding troops in Yunnan for many years, and then invaded Dongwu to destroy the army of the Toungoo Dynasty, and then attacked eastward, and finally joined forces with the westward attacking army under Yang Zhan's command in Annan. Although some troops withdrew to Dongwu later, but There is also a part of the troops left to help the vassal kings of the old vassal maintain the situation and suppress the local people.

After Qin Liangyu passed away, Ma Xianglin rushed to the capital to attend the funeral, and there was one less general guarding him, and everything was put on Mu Tianbo.

Just during this time, it is the most important festival in China, and the Spring Festival is coming.Therefore, the army that had just arrived in Yunnan did not rush southward. No matter what, they had to spend the next year instead of marching during the new year.

That's all, under the leadership of the remnants of the Taungoo Dynasty, the Bengal governor of the Mughal Empire took the opportunity to attack Dongwu.

The governor of Bangladesh is a confidant of Shah Jahan. He was ordered to defeat the Portuguese colonists back then, and he feels that he has grown up.

In addition, coupled with the instigation of the remnants of the Toungoo Dynasty, he felt that he could eliminate Dongwu's Ming army in one fell swoop and complete the tasks assigned by Shah Jahan.

For this reason, he assembled an army of [-], mainly light infantry, war elephant troops, and cavalry, and entered Dongwu.

However, what he never expected was that at the beginning, he was invincible, but after attacking the city of Ava, he hit a wall.

The artillery on the top of the city of the Ming army, as well as the artillery on the supporting warships on the river, suppressed the attack of the Mughal Empire army in the first place.

War elephants have everything, and they are useless at all. Instead, they harm their own army.

The governor of Bangladesh's attempt to drive the Ming army out of Dongwu in one go, but only the first battle under the city of Ava, has already clearly shown that it is absolutely unfeasible.

In fact, as far as ordinary firearms are concerned, the Ming army is better than the Mughal army.

This army of the Mughal Empire is just a local army in the province of Bengal.Their firearms are basically matchlock guns, almost the firearms of Ming Chongzhen fifteen years ago.It's okay to beat up the natives on the side of the Mughal Empire, but it's not enough to bring it to the Ming army.

The reason why they were able to go so smoothly at the beginning of the war was not because of how powerful they were, but because of the strategy of Daming Dongwu's army.

After the Ming army captured Dongwu, the strategic center of gravity was the east. They wanted to conquer Nanzhang and other countries, so they sent all their troops to the east.

As far as the territory of Dongwu is concerned, the main focus is on both sides of the river that runs through Dongwu.No matter how far away, especially the west side, and the side bordering the Mughal Empire, they have only declared their sovereignty, and have not had time to actually send troops and officials to govern.

According to the plan, after the army from Yunnan goes south, it will start to take care of these places and use them as outposts for Ming to attack the Mughal Empire.

The attack of the Governor of Bangladesh at the end of the [-]rd year of Chongzhen and the beginning of the [-]th year of Chongzhen happened to be stuck at this critical time.

Therefore, there was a superficially devastating battle between the Mughal Empire army and the Ming army!

After meeting the real Ming army under the city of Ava, the governor of Bangladesh was a little bit in a dilemma after hitting a nail.

When he first attacked Dongwu, the battle went so smoothly, he had already sent a victory messenger to Shah Jahan, but seeing the battle in Ava City, he already knew that it was impossible to take down Ava City with his current strength.

In this way, the governor of Bangladesh at this time feels that it is not a good idea to withdraw, and it is not a good idea not to withdraw!

In the end, he divided his troops to plunder the surrounding area, and those tribes without the Ming army's garrison suffered disaster before they could evacuate.

The news from Dongwu's side naturally spread to Yunnan as soon as possible.

Yang Weizhi, the governor of Yunnan and in charge of Dongwu, heard the news and immediately called the capital to report, and then personally led the army south to reinforce Dongwu.

(End of this chapter)

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