Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 880 New Firearms

Chapter 880 New Firearms
After Emperor Chongzhen received Yang Weizhi's report call, he was not angry but happy!
Ming wanted to attack the Mughal Empire, that was a long-established national policy.However, the Mughal Empire is an independent country anyway, so if you want to fight the Mughal Empire, there must be a reason, right?
Originally, he and Sun Chuanting, the most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty, had already discussed it, so they fled to the Mughal Empire on the pretext that the chieftain from Tibet rebelled, and asked the Mughal Empire to give them people.

In the midst of this, for example, the words are a little more intense, so that if the Mughal Empire really has to give people, it is not a situation, so the Mughal Empire must have face, right?

The emperor of the Mughal Empire was called Shah Jahan. What does this mean? Emperor Chongzhen has already been introduced by Liu Weichao.Just such an emperor, if you humiliate him, will you succumb?
If you don't give in, then you have an excuse and you can send troops to fight!

However, this kind of reason for sending troops always feels a bit bullying.For Daming, there is still a fly in the ointment.

But now, the army of the Mughal Empire has taken the initiative to attack Dongwu, so this is the best reason to send it to the door.

Look, if the Mughal Empire invaded Daming first, then Daming counterattacked and wiped out the Mughal Empire. By the way, a few vassal kings were granted over.

Another advantage is that the Ming Dynasty has not yet managed Dongwu in a serious manner, mainly conquering by force, and only declaring sovereignty over the areas outside the Ayeyarwady River Basin.The tribes in these places, the Ming army does not give them pressure, and it would be a lie to say that they would consciously return to the Ming Dynasty.

Now, these places are invaded by the army of the Mughal Empire, and the imperial army is dispatched to destroy the Mughal Empire. It is to avenge them, and this is a kindness.

By the way, it will be much easier to implement domestic policies in Dongwu and officially turn Dongwu into a province of Ming Dynasty.

In other words, the Mughal Empire will be the villain, and the good man will be the Ming Dynasty.

As a result, Emperor Chongzhen sent an order to Yang Weizhi, the governor of Yunnan, to follow the established plan during the phone call.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen visited the Bingzhan Bureau to learn about the latest military scientific and technological achievements of the Bingzhan Bureau.

After all, from now on, the Ming army is going to fight westward, and things that should be upgraded still need to be upgraded.

The news of the Mughal Empire, with Liu Weichao's golden finger, of course Emperor Chongzhen was familiar with it, at least far better than Shah Jahan knew about Ming through the Dutch.

He knew that the Mughal Empire was now in a period of rising national power, and it would take decades before it would decline at its peak.At this time, when the Ming Dynasty and the Mughal Empire were at war, it was impossible to use the style of bullying the neighboring small countries.

Through Liu Weichao's introduction, Emperor Chongzhen also knew that the elite army of the Mughal Empire was mainly divided into four major arms: light infantry, war elephants, artillery and cavalry.

Among them, perhaps because the Mughal Empire was an empire founded by the Turks, the main force of the imperial army was the cavalry.

The cavalry of the Shiyi, the cavalry of the feudal city and the knights of the Imperial Forest Army formed the cavalry of the Mughal army. The former two were troops provided by the locality, and the latter was an elite cavalry supported by the treasury.

For the next few hundred years, until the British colonized India, the main force, or the decisive force, on this continent has always been the cavalry.

Artillery is artillery in the usual sense, not much different from the artillery of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, this refers to the front-mounted smoothbore gun.The factories for casting artillery of the Mughal Empire are in the hands of the royal family, that is, in the hands of Shah Jahan, and there is no semicolon.

This also means that the artillery of the Mughal Empire is definitely not as large as that of the Ming Dynasty.

As for the war elephants, in the Mughal Empire at this time, the war elephants belonging to the Imperial Forest Army had almost reached their peak, as high as a thousand.In peacetime, it is used for large-scale performances, transporting heavy objects, etc., and in wartime, it is put into the battlefield.

Finally, there are the light infantry of the Mughal Empire, with arquebuses, or archers with traditional bows, settled people from towns or villages, or recruits or lads.Elite light infantry generally use Ottoman heavy arquebuses and Portuguese conventional arquebuses.

For a long time, the light infantry of the Mughal Empire was not strong, and the victory or defeat of the war often depended on the cavalry.

After receiving the news about the army of the Mughal Empire, Emperor Chongzhen and Sun Chuanting made an assessment, and felt that the army of the Mughal Empire might not be able to beat Jianlu in its heyday.However, the Mughal Empire had more troops, and Jianlu could not be defeated because the number was too small!
It was because Jianlu was defeated twice, and after suffering heavy losses, his military strength fell into a slump, and there was no power that could really threaten the Ming army in the future.Of course, this also has something to do with the growing strength of the Ming army itself.

By the twenty-fourth year of Chongzhen, half of the Ming army had completed the refitting, changing from ordinary flintlock guns to divine power rifles.The flintlock guns that were replaced were sold at a cheap price to various feudal states that had already settled overseas.

Of course, this so-called cheap price must be higher than the cost price of Daming's output, but the profit is a little less.

It is absolutely enough for various feudal states to use these flintlock guns to maintain their rule and deal with those natives.

This practice of selling guns can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

In addition, unconscionable cannons and large grenades have also begun to equip the army on a large scale because of the increase in the production of white powder.

Among other things, the troops who are scheduled to go to war are given priority in changing their outfits.For example, the troops led by Yang Weizhi to reinforce Dongwu were originally planning to launch an offensive against the Mughal Empire from Dongwu's side, so they naturally got priority in changing their equipment.

In addition, the army in Tibet and the army in Luntai have also changed part of their equipment. It is expected that the weather will improve and the roads will be smooth. It is estimated that the equipment change will be completed in the first half of the year.

According to the general situation, the difference in weapon generation between the Ming army and the Mughal army at this time is at least one generation, which will definitely be of great help to reduce the casualties of the Ming soldiers.

However, Emperor Chongzhen obviously tasted the sweetness of this weapon generation gap, and was not satisfied with it. He used the armies of various European countries as imaginary enemies, and urged the Military Bureau to develop new weapons.

Originally, this matter was not the focus of his attention, but now that he was fighting with the army of the Mughal Empire, he felt that it was necessary to go to the military battle to understand the situation.

Du Yinxi, who had already returned to the capital, and Sun Chuanting, who was already in the capital, the two confidantes who were most knowledgeable about soldiers, accompanied Emperor Chongzhen to the military battle.

For this itinerary, whether it is Du Yinxi or Sun Chuanting, they are all looking forward to it.

No, they followed Emperor Chongzhen, perhaps because of their confidantes, so instead of keeping silent, they were discussing.

I heard Du Yinxi say to Sun Chuanting: "Looking at the situation of the Mughal Empire army, I think that the most important thing is to pay attention to their cavalry. After all, we are not familiar with the situation of the Mughal Empire. Their cavalry advantage can be used even more!"

Daming's opponent is not without cavalry.Whether it is the Jianlu, the various tribes of Mongolia, or those led by Gushri Khan, they all have cavalry, and even large-scale cavalry battles.

But Da Ming was familiar with these cavalry troops. He knew what weapons they were equipped with and what fighting styles they were used to, and the battlefield was also in a familiar place.Therefore, when facing each other, you will know what to do, and even arrange for your nephew to go to the opposite side, just like in the encounter with the main force of the Eastern Mongolian Cavalry led by Jianlu, you can easily win if you have a meritorious deed and stab Jianlu in the back. .

But facing the cavalry army of the Mughal Empire, these cognitions and advantages are all gone.

Sun Chuanting obviously agreed with his point of view, nodded immediately and said: "That's right, if there are weapons to restrain the cavalry in the military battle bureau, then no matter how suddenly the cavalry of the Mughal Empire appears, we can stand firm." defeated."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the back of Emperor Chongzhen, and then continued: "Of course, according to the information we have received today, the Mughal Empire's army is still not as large as ours. However, if we can reduce our army as much as possible Casualties of soldiers, that is the best!"

If they felt that they could not defeat the army of the Mughal Empire, they would not have prepared for a war against the Mughal Empire at all.

Therefore, what they talked about was based on how to reduce the casualties of soldiers, not whether they could beat the Mughal Empire army.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen stopped when he heard the words of the two courtiers behind him, turned around, looked at Du Yinxi and Sun Chuanting, and immediately said indifferently: "Don't worry, Qing, the new firearms used in this military battle. It will definitely open your eyes."

Upon hearing this, Du Yinxi and Sun Chuanting's eyes lit up immediately.

The Bingzhan Bureau is managed by the palace, and it is the highest level of secrecy. Even if the two of them are important ministers of the Ming Dynasty, they are usually not qualified to inquire about the internal situation of the Bingzhan Bureau.

At this time, when they heard Emperor Chongzhen's words, they immediately looked forward to it.

However, Emperor Chongzhen didn't tell them what new firearms they were going to see. He just turned around and walked leisurely, and said at the same time: "In the past, the Bingzhan Bureau mainly dealt with the mass production of Shenwei artillery and Shenwei rifles. Therefore, it took a lot of time to create new firearms. After solving the mass production of Shenwei Cannon and Shenwei Rifle in the first half of last year, I started to create new firearms according to the instructions given by me..."

Du Yinxi and Sun Chuanting followed behind, and when they heard Emperor Chongzhen's words, they glanced at each other, showing a look of sudden realization.

Compared with the original muskets and artillery, the power of the Shenwei artillery and the Shenwei rifle has been greatly improved. When fighting Liaodong Jianlu, they were only equipped with a small number of troops and exerted great power. This is why both of them It is obvious to all.

Now, what kind of new firearm will it be, is it more powerful than the Shenwei cannon and Shenwei rifle?
(End of this chapter)

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