Chapter 882

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen turned his head to look at the eunuch in charge of the Xiangbing Bureau.Immediately, Sun Chuanting got a rifle that had already been prepared in his hand.

Sun Chuanting immediately began to observe carefully, and Du Yinxi who was beside him also immediately moved over to watch.

Based on the experience of the two of them, they immediately saw the specialness of this rifle.

This rifle has a structure similar to that of the Shenwei Artillery Type A, and it is also rear-loaded.In this way, the rate of fire of the rifle will be much faster than that of the front-loading rifle.

Both of them couldn't help being overjoyed when they discovered this advantage.

At this moment, the eunuch in charge handed them bullets again.The two turned their heads and found that it was a cardboard shell.

This rifle also uses a cast steel barrel, firing mechanism and white powder.But unlike the cannon, it has no cartridges and is a typical paper case or breechloader.

The eunuch in charge at the side saw the two important court officials sizing up, and explained from the side: "The firing structure explained by His Majesty is relatively complicated, and the Bingjue is still under construction. This kind of rifle is relatively simple, and has been found. The idea of ​​mass production, if there are no accidents, it will be able to be used by lieutenants on a large scale within one or two years!"

Neither Sun Chuanting nor Du Yinxi had seen war videos of later generations, so the two of them had no idea of ​​what weapons would evolve into.

At this time, I was overjoyed to see that the gun in my hand could not only be rear-loaded, but also the rapid-fire rate would be greatly improved.Therefore, it is definitely very satisfying to hear the eunuch in charge say that this gun can be used in the army on a large scale within a year or two.

For a while, I didn't care what the eunuch in charge said about the complicated firing structure. What's the use of that?

The Emperor Chongzhen on the side, seeing the two of them happily looking at the guns in their hands, was also happy in his heart, but on the surface, he just said lightly: "Just use these first, wait for two years, machine guns and Tanks have been built, oh, yes, there are also planes, and it is almost the same time!"

"..." Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi were speechless when they heard this.

Such powerful guns, in the eyes of the emperor, seem to be dissatisfied?
If this kind of gun appears on the battlefield, it will definitely crush the enemy!

But soon, both of them came back to their senses, and even Sun Chuanting was busy asking: "Your Majesty, what is a machine gun?"

"What is a tank?" Du Yinxi asked after hearing this.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at the two of them, and said lightly: "Three-eyed or five-eyed guns can rotate by themselves, and rotate at high speed. Every time they rotate, they can reload and shoot by themselves!"

Weapons such as the three-eyed gun and the five-eyed gun have existed in the imperial court for a long time, and Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi naturally knew about them.

At this time, upon hearing what Emperor Chongzhen said, such a scene immediately appeared in his mind, and then, whether it was Sun Chuanting or Du Yinxi, they couldn't help but froze.

The rate of fire of the new type of rifle just now has exceeded their imagination. As a result, there are firearms that shoot at a higher rate. Is this true?Will it be true?
What do you think, this is bragging!

However, the person who spoke was not the eunuch in charge, but the current emperor.Based on all kinds of unthinkable things before the current emperor, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but widen his eyes, and couldn't help confirming: "Really?"

Du Yinxi also said suspiciously: "How is this possible?"

"Under Gewuxue, nothing is impossible!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was not angry at their attitude, but just replied lightly.

However, there are still several difficulties in the manufacture of machine guns, such as real bullets instead of paper shells, how to mass-produce is a problem, and automatic loading and unloading of bullets, etc.

Although Liu Weichao can provide a plan, it is only a blueprint after all, and it is not so easy to actually make it and mass-produce it.

At this time, after Emperor Chongzhen answered, his two courtiers were stunned for a while, as if they were shocked by the confirmed good news.

But soon, Du Yinxi came back to his senses first, and asked excitedly: "Your Majesty, there is still that tank, what is it?"

Compared with airplanes, after all, Emperor Chongzhen once mentioned what airplanes were before, so he was very curious about this tank.

Moreover, at this moment, with the comparison between airplanes and machine guns in his mind, he knew that tanks were definitely a good thing, so he was eager to know, what exactly is this tank?
Sun Chuanting nearby, and even the eunuch in charge of the Military Bureau, listened very attentively.Because they don't know what a tank is?
Emperor Chongzhen glanced at them, and then said lightly: "The tank is actually a very simple thing, it is an iron house, and then install the Shenwei artillery type A, a first-class machine gun, and then install a few wheels on it. , the kind that can move on most terrains!"

Iron house, Shenwei Artillery Type A, machine gun, mobile, when these keywords are combined, everyone who hears it is dumbfounded!

This is the tank?
How is this played?
Made of iron, it can't be pierced, but it can still move. It's more armored cavalry than heavy armored cavalry, right?

Also install powerful artillery and machine guns...

The monster that combined these things, or in other words, such an idea, neither Sun Chuanting nor Du Yinxi had ever dreamed of.Thinking of this in my mind is really stupid!
After a long time, Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi came back to their senses, and both asked Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, can this tank really be made?"

If it can be done, it will be really invincible, at least the cavalry will only be beaten!
In fact, it is not machine guns that really let cavalry out of the battlefield, but tanks!Those who disappeared on the battlefield were mechanized troops.

After Sun Chuanting finished asking, he hastily added another sentence, asking: "When will it be built?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen felt a little regretful and said, "It's not possible in the short term, after all, even the machine gun hasn't been manufactured yet."

Hearing this, both Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi couldn't help being a little disappointed.

Seeing their appearance, Emperor Chongzhen added: "But don't worry, the two lovers, you will definitely see the tank one day!"

The hand-built internal combustion engine was used in the manufacture of iron cattle on the Hetao Plain two years ago.Petroleum refining, after exploring the gas internal combustion engine for a while, has already started.

Therefore, what Emperor Chongzhen said to his two confidants just now was not just words.

According to Emperor Chongzhen's plan, he felt that it would be better to take out these things when fighting with European countries, and that would be enough.

If it was later, it would be of no use.

It is estimated that it will take more than five years to start a large-scale war with European countries.After all, Europe is too far away from Ming Dynasty.


After Emperor Chongzhen took Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi around for a while, he led them back to the Wenhua Palace, and began to discuss the current situation on the world map.

"Your Majesty, I was originally worried that the heavy logistical pressure would lead to a stalemate on the front line!" Sun Chuanting was the first to get straight to the point, and said directly, "However, in the foreseeable future, our Ming army's equipment will continue to crush the enemy. , Therefore, the expeditionary force does not need too many troops to win, and in this way, the logistical pressure will be greatly reduced!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and agreed with his point of view.

If the combat power of the Ming army is about the same as that of the enemy, or just a little better than that, the enemy will have an advantage in strength because it is fighting in the local area, which will force the number of the Ming army to reach a corresponding level. to defeat the enemy.

For example, the army of the Mughal Empire had [-] troops, so the Ming army would have [-] troops if the combat strength was not very different, right?
In this way, the food, grass and supplies of the [-] troops, including food, drink, Lazard, etc., will be under great pressure.

But now, the combat power of the Ming army can reduce the number of frontline soldiers by relying on the difference in weapons, and it can still defeat the enemy.Still with the power of the Mughal Empire army, they have [-], and the Ming army has [-], or even [-]. If they can defeat the enemy, the logistical pressure of only [-] or [-] is not just doubled. That's it.

Du Yinxi also added on the side: "The logistics transportation is the most important, followed by the ship, and the worst is the road transportation. Therefore, in the opinion of my humble minister, Luntai can be the first choice for our Ming Expeditionary Army." The logistics base is transported by train, and the wear and tear on the road is the worst. Then the construction of the railway cannot be stopped, and it can continue to be built westward. The southward movement of the Northern Route Army starts from Luntai!"

After a pause, he went on to say, "There should be more steam ships on Dongwu's side. In this way, we can use the Dajinsha River to reach the seaside of Dongwu. The navy's food and supplies can be supplied most conveniently."

Dongwu is now directly under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty. The name of the Irrawaddy River is obviously not in line with the habits of the Chinese people, so the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy River, the Dajinsha River, are called the entire river.

In addition, the so-called Indian Ocean has also been renamed the Dongwu Ocean, which is a way of swearing sovereignty.

Sun Chuanting listened, nodded and said: "That's right, Dongwu, if we attack by land, as the battle line stretches, our logistical pressure is still too great. Let the navy transport troops and land from the coastline of the Mughal Empire." Combat, mainly by sea transport, should be the best way!"

The battle line is stretched, and this discussion is not about specific strategies, but focuses on planning combat plans based on the characteristics of logistics.It has to be said that this is a new feature of overseas expeditions.

(End of this chapter)

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