Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 883 The difference between inside and outside

Chapter 883 The difference between inside and outside
After Sun Chuanting finished speaking, Du Yinxi continued to add: "In addition, I believe that the transmission of information is also the most important thing. In terms of laying wires, cable and telephone companies should give priority to Dongwu, Tibet and Luntai. area……"

Emperor Chongzhen listened to what they said, and I added in a word, and didn't say much.

These two are ministers with the most experience in leading troops, and what they said are the key factors for the expeditionary army to go abroad.

After they finished speaking, Emperor Chongzhen was still trying to squeeze them dry, and continued to ask: "Is there anything else?"

Sun Chuanting thought about it for a while, and it was true, so he continued: "There is no need to collect all the food and supplies needed by the expeditionary army from the country. At least part of the food and grass can be solved locally. However, gunpowder and other military supplies are only available domestically." , and the firearms of the imperial court and the army are relatively heavy, so we still have to pay attention to this aspect, so as not to affect the frontline warfare!"


In this discussion, the plan for conquering the Mughal Empire and the strategy for conquering more distant countries in the future have become clearer.

Finally, after sorting it out, Emperor Chongzhen contacted Liu Weichao again to see what Liu Weichao thought.

Of course, Liu Weichao couldn't refute what Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi mentioned, but he also made some additions.

For example, he suggested that the focus should be on the navy. After all, Western colonists will focus on colonizing from the sea in the future, and they have also colonized many countries.

With history to refer to, Emperor Chongzhen was also convinced, and asked Liu Weichao to add information such as the mountains, rivers and hydrology of the Mughal Empire, and then sent the final plan to the front line.

In addition, personnel were also adjusted accordingly: Du Yinxi was the commander of the South Road Navy and Army of the Daming Expeditionary Army, and rushed to Dongwu Awa to sit in town; Ma Shiying was the governor of Luntai and commanded the Daming West Road Expeditionary Army; Expedition.

The navy of Zeng Ying in your country, the navy of Yang Zhan in Annan, and the navy of Zheng Zhibao in Nanyang all crossed the Strait of Malacca and headed for Daguang Port in Dongwu. Expeditionary combat.

At the same time, the Secretary of Political Affairs immediately began to publicize that the Mughal Empire invaded Damingdongwu, murdered and set fire, and committed all kinds of evil. The court obeyed the destiny and vowed to destroy the Mughal Empire.Those who dare to offend the Great Ming will be punished even if they are far away, it is definitely not empty talk!

When Daming dispatched troops and generals to destroy the Mughal Empire, the Mughal Empire was also busy.

Shah Jahan's second son, Shashuja, rushed to Bengal. Under the lead of the remnants of the Toungoo Dynasty, he met with the king of the Arakan Dynasty and signed an agreement to attack the Dongwu Ming Army and drive the Ming Empire out of the cave. my covenant.

Before that, the Ming army forcefully wiped out Dongwu's Toungoo Dynasty, which frightened the Arakan Dynasty.

This period of history was considered to be the most prosperous period of the Arakan Dynasty. Of course, their king was unwilling to be wiped out by the Ming Empire.However, after the Ming Empire occupied Dongwu, they did not attack westward, but turned their focus to the east, which relieved the king of the Arakan Dynasty.

However, it is inevitable to be worried all the time.

The strength of the Arakan Dynasty lies mainly in its naval forces, and land warfare is not good. If the Ming army comes over, Arakan is not sure.

When I was worried, I heard that the troops of the Mughal Empire had invaded Dongwu.Later, Shashuja, the second prince of the Mughal Empire, came to his door. Whether it was due to the strength of the Mughal Empire, or they also wanted to drive back the power of the Ming Empire, they all had a very strong will.

Therefore, the two sides hit it off and formed an alliance.


In the middle of March in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the governor of Yunnan, Yang Weizhi, led the troops to Ava City.

In Awa City, Mu Tianbo who sits here is worried!

He didn't mean that he was worried that the city of Ava could not be defended, on the contrary, it was his soldiers who called for battle every day, which annoyed him.

"Duke, the army of the Mughal Empire outside the city is just a pile of mud. If the subordinates lead their troops, they can fight their shit. Please allow your subordinates to fight!"

"Commander, the general is willing to lead his troops to defeat the enemy. If he can't, the general is willing to issue a military order!"


Faced with these invitations to fight, and looking at the troops of the Mughal Empire outside the city, Mu Tianbo didn't know that if he sent troops to counterattack, he would definitely be able to defeat these enemies.

In particular, the army of the Mughal Empire outside the city even divided up and went to other places. There were only half of the troops outside the city, about [-], most of them were infantry, and they didn't even have a uniform. .

Also, half of the weapons in their hands are cold weapons, and half are the most rubbish matchlock guns.Seeing them standing guard, lined up, etc., they don't even look like one, Mu Tianbo is sure that the army of the Mughal Empire can be defeated as long as the ex-rogues are there.

However, even knowing that he could defeat the Mughal Empire army outside the city, Mu Tianbo couldn't order a counterattack.

Others don't know, only he, the commander-in-chief, knows that the intention of the imperial court is to let the army of the Mughal Empire harm the Dongwu people first, and let the Dongwu people know that if there is no powerful imperial army to protect them, their life will be difficult. miserable.

Before capturing Dongwu, it was to show their prestige, and then to show them kindness, both grace and power, to completely recover these Dongwu people.

Originally, if it was in China, it didn't actually do that. Just like Yunguichuan, allocating land to them, reducing taxes, etc., is also a kindness.

But this place has not been ruled by Da Ming for a long time, and if he doesn't have a sense of identity with Da Ming, then there is no need to be polite and use another way to show favor.

However, these means cannot be said.It's also the same, Ma Xianglin and Mu Tianbo only knew about Dongwu's side.Now, only Mu Tianbo knows, and he must never tell his subordinates.

As a result, Mu Tianbo's subordinates kept asking him to fight, but Mu Tianbo had to veto the challenge time and time again.

Later, there were already people discussing in private that the commander-in-chief was really too cautious.There are even those with bad mouths, who gave back to their ancestors the courage to criticize the Duke in private.

This made Mu Tianbo very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

It is obvious that he can win, but he insists on not fighting. As far as Mu Tianbo himself is concerned, he is actually depressed.

On this day, Mu Tianbo suddenly got a report that many Daming warships were found on the Dajinsha River, which meant that reinforcements from Yunnan had arrived.

Hearing this news, Mu Tianbo was overjoyed and heaved a sigh of relief. Without saying a word, he immediately drew his sword and shouted angrily: "Assemble the people and kill me!"

His men had been waiting for this day for a long time.Hearing that the coach finally gave the order to fight back, everyone responded loudly with great excitement, and hurriedly prepared to go out of the city to fight.

However, before they walked out of the lobby, the excited Mu Tianbo remembered something, and quickly shouted again: "Stop!"

When the general under him heard this, his heart skipped a beat, wondering if the Duke had changed his mind again?

Looking at the generals under his command, turning their heads to look at him with ugly faces, Mu Tianbo hastily added: "Counterattack is counterattack, if you can not kill, don't kill, the imperial court still wants to take prisoners to build roads and bridges! If there are no prisoners to do it! This job, I will send you to build roads and bridges later!"

Hearing that it was just this, his generals responded immediately, and then hurried away.If you go late, your military achievements will be robbed by reinforcements.

Outside the city, the soldiers of the Mughal Empire army who stayed at the camp and surrounded the city of Ava were frightened when they saw the warships of the Ming army all over the river, descending from the upper reaches of the river.

The army led by the Governor of Bangladesh was, after all, only the local army of the Mughal Empire. Their light infantry were recruited temporarily, not from the standing army.The governor's cronies were all sent out to plunder and gain benefits, and most of those who stayed in the camp were miscellaneous.

When I saw the warships of the Ming army, I was basically frightened.

At this time, the Ming army in Awa City rushed out again.Even the Imperial Forest Army of the Mughal Empire would have to flee for their lives when they encountered this scene, let alone these local armies, which collapsed immediately.

How arrogant he was before, how fast he is escaping now!
The cavalry in the city of Ava was the first to break through the camp of the Mughal Empire army, rampaging to clean up the fleeing enemies.

When the Ming army on the warship landed on land and was about to attack, they found that the Ming army in Ava City had already escorted teams of enemy prisoners and was cleaning the battlefield.

The speed of the friendly army made them dumbfounded.That's it, are you sure you need reinforcements?
Mu Tianbo was finally elated, so he didn't need to be told "cautious" in private by his subordinates. After meeting Yang Weizhi, the governor of Yunnan and in charge of Dongwu, he reported the general situation of Dongwu.

Afterwards, the Ming army almost non-stop, and immediately launched a sweep against the Mughal Empire troops scattered in Dongwu.

The reinforcements from the Ming army numbered as many as [-] horses, and with the addition of the Ava locals, the army drawn out to mop up reached [-] horses.

The soldiers of the Mughal Empire army on the front foot, after sweeping up the local tribes, returned with a full load and before they left the village, they encountered the red killing god head-on.Needless to say what will happen.

Everywhere to the west of Dongwu, there are red shadows of the Ming army everywhere, just like adults bullying children, with the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, they directly swept away the Mughal Empire army that invaded Dongwu this time.

Except for a small number of cavalry troops and the governor of Bengal who fled back to the Mughal Empire, all the other invaders stayed in Dongwu. They were either killed or captured, avenging the tribes on Dongwu’s side !

(End of this chapter)

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