Chapter 885

It really must be the Ming army calling!
At this time, King Arakan didn't care to think about why the Ming army appeared here, but hurriedly asked: "How many Ming troops are here?"

Sha Shujia next to him, of course, was translated for him. When he confirmed that it was the Ming army who killed him, he immediately shook his body and his face turned pale.

It turned out that the Ming army really came to fight, which means that the Ming army must have solved the Mughal Empire army on Dongwu's side before they came to fight.Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to allow Dongwu to be occupied by the Mughal Empire army!
In other words, it meant that the great victory he had reported to Shah Jahan had suddenly become a big joke!

This also means that in the battle for the throne, he will be left far behind by the other two princes.Even if you don't do anything, it's better than fighting a big defeat!
Shashuja's expression misunderstood the king of Arakan, thinking that he was frightened by the Ming army, so he quickly turned to comfort Shashuja: "Don't worry, the second prince, Chittagong is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Before the Portuguese If you can’t get in, you’ll be fine!”

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "Listen, the warships of the Ming Dynasty should be large sea-going ships. If they really have to come to Chittagong, they will be living targets in the Galadan River!"

Shashuja's face looked better when he heard this, but before he could speak, the messenger who hurried back to report the news interrupted the conversation between the two of them, and hurriedly said: "Your Highness, tomorrow! There are at least a thousand warships, big and small, we are no match for the Ming navy!"

"What?" King Arakan was shocked when he heard it, and quickly asked to confirm, "How much? Thousands of ships? Is there a mistake?"

He has about two hundred ships, which is already amazing. The Ming Dynasty has thousands of ships at once. Are there so many ships?
Shashuja on the side was also stunned. Thousands of warships covered the entire sea?This is simply unimaginable!

"It's just too much, it's definitely not wrong!" The messenger replied quickly.

After getting confirmation, King Arakan finally panicked.The sweat on his forehead came out at some point and flowed down his cheeks, but he didn't bother to wipe it off.

At this moment, he really felt that the Ming Empire was really a colossal monster, and it even dispatched thousands of warships to attack his small country!
But when he saw the panic of his subordinates and his ally Shashuja, he knew that if he couldn't stabilize the morale of the army, everything would be over.

So, he hurriedly shouted: "Don't panic, don't panic, strong dragons can't overwhelm snakes, they are not familiar with the terrain on our side, so they immediately dispatched troops to lie in ambush on both sides of the Galadan River, Ming warships dare to kill them!" Come in and teach them a lesson they will never forget."

"When the Portuguese came in, we defeated them. We have experience, so don't panic!"


While he was talking, he saw some of his warships fleeing back in a panic on the Galadan River, and on the official road on the river bank, the Arakan soldiers on the outskirts were fleeing to this side.

Seeing this scene, everyone realized that the sound of the rumbling artillery was already mixed with the sound of continuous gunfire.

At this moment, the king of Arakan could not say those words of encouragement.In fact, in the scene before him, no one listened to what he said.

"Report!" A rider rushed to the king of Arakan, got off his horse, and shouted loudly, "The Ming army has disembarked, and they are coming here by land and water!"

"..." King Arakan was stunned when he heard this!
The Ming army actually came in from land and water, so how could he fight?
At this time, he also remembered that when he fought with the Portuguese, the Portuguese had less than twenty ships, but now, the Ming army has thousands of ships!
What is this concept?I can't imagine it at all!

At this time, the king of Arakan wanted to cry but had no tears, so what?To fight a small country like yourself, as for using such a huge force?
Sha Shujia at the side understood the situation, turned around and fled immediately without saying a word, and soon rode his horse along the road to the northwest.Obviously, he was going to flee back to the Mughal Empire, and he would not live and die with the Kingdom of Arakan at all!
The king of Arakan called him from behind, but there was no response at all, and he quickly disappeared from his sight.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over!" King Arakan muttered to himself in a daze, with a very bad look on his face.

Originally, he thought that there was such a big country as the Mughal Empire that he could rely on. If he insisted, maybe the Mughal Empire army would come to help, and it would be possible to turn defeat into victory. As a result, the second prince of the Mughal Empire, without saying a word, He just ran away, obviously treating the covenant as bullshit. He didn't care about the Arakan Kingdom at all, and there was no way to count on it!
At this moment, I saw the direction of the open sea, the sound of heavy artillery has been much less, but the sound of "bang bang" of muskets, one after another.In the middle, you can still hear the local language of Arakan shouting: "Kneel down and surrender without killing!"

On the fleeing warships that had appeared in their field of vision, the Portuguese on board were suddenly killing the Arakanese who refused to surrender. On the river bank, the defeated Arakan soldiers also kneeled in large numbers On the road, stop running!
Seeing this scene, King Arakan became numb, and he was still muttering to himself, "It's over, it's over, it's over!"

He just wanted to escape like Shashuja, and there was nowhere to escape.

The Arakan Kingdom is basically on the west coast of Dongwu, just such a narrow one, and it mainly lives in this bay.

If possible, he would not mind surrendering to the Ming army.At least in the past, the Kingdom of Arakan paid tribute to the Ming Empire.

However, the latest national policy of the Ming Empire is to entrust their vassal kings overseas, and many former vassal states have been taken away by the Ming Dynasty.Even though there are many reasons, he is not stupid.In the final analysis, in fact, the national policy of the Ming Empire has changed!
Others can surrender, but if the King of Arakan surrenders, he will definitely not be as good as before. He has no power for sure, and he may even be a prisoner, or even find a crime and be sentenced to death.After all, it is his territory that the Ming Kingdom is interested in!

Just when the king of Arakan was hesitating, he saw traces of the Ming army in the direction of the sea, which was very conspicuous.

On both sides of the river, a large number of Ming troops, wearing uniform red uniforms, were very dazzling, and they were attacking Chittagong, regardless of those who knelt and surrendered.

In the river, the warships of the Ming army have also been seen. They are some small iron-clad warships, not to mention smoking, and the cannons on the boats are firing from time to time, scaring the Arakan warships in front of them. .

Not to mention how many ships were parked at the mouth of the sea, they couldn't deal with the strange iron-clad ships that entered the river, not to mention, the artillery on these strange iron-clad ships fired so fast that they could Can't fight.

At this moment, the people of the Arakan Kingdom in Chittagong, up and down, have all seen the combat power of a superpower, just how powerful it is!
The king of Arakan was so weak that he couldn't even stand up.But the people around him immediately reached out to help him.I don't know if it was because I was afraid that he would fall, but I grabbed it so tightly that his arm hurt.

The king of Arakan came back to his senses, and turned his head to look at the man who helped him angrily. Just as he was about to shout angrily, he heard the man shout: "I have captured the king, and I want to surrender to the Great Tomorrow Army..."

When the other people heard it, no one came to save him, but they rushed over and snatched him. His arms were covered with iron claws, and they shouted loudly beside him.

"Da Ming Bing, the king is here!"

"We have no intention of becoming an enemy of the Kingdom of Heaven, the king forced us to do so!"

"We have long been looking forward to the heavenly kingdom sending troops over, and the king has helped you catch it!"


At this moment, the king of Arakan couldn't help being dumbstruck when he heard his subordinates shouting. After recovering, he also shouted loudly: "I voluntarily surrendered, and they forced me to form an alliance with the Mughal Empire. No matter what I do !"

On the port side, seeing the power of the Ming army attacking, the Arabian businessmen and Persian businessmen who were watching the excitement, etc., were planning to hide at home, but when they saw the scene on the side of the King of Arakan, they all saw it. stunned.

Does this work too?
In the end, the soldiers of the Ming army captured Chittagong easily and powerfully, and with the cooperation of the captured King of Arakan, they quickly captured the Kingdom of Arakan.

In fact, there are not many large gathering places suitable for human beings in the Arakan Kingdom. As long as the Ming army controls these places, it basically declares that it has occupied the Arakan Kingdom.

This Ming navy belongs to the Zheng Zhibao Navy in Nanyang, and it has joined the warships from Dongwu Daguang's side, reaching a total of more than [-] large and small warships.

This is only the first batch of warships, Nanyang can dispatch more than [-] warships, and the navy from Annan's side has not yet arrived, let alone the navy under Zeng Ying's command.

Zheng Zhibao didn't care about the Arakan Kingdom at all, or he didn't pay attention to the war to capture Chittagong.Because there is no need to look at it, how could it be impossible to win it!

His concern was to command the fleet to simultaneously capture the stronghold of the Mughal Empire in Bengal, that is, Dhaka.

When the Portuguese explored here, they were very careful. The hydrological conditions, the distribution of the indigenous people, etc. were all blank.

However, for Zheng Zhibao's department, there is no such concern.In addition to the portrait and related information about this sea area sent to him by the imperial court, there are people who have been here as guides on the Nanyang side and the Daguang side.

The Ming Navy's occupation of this place with the power of thunder is related to the series of battles that follow.

(End of this chapter)

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