Chapter 886
In this area of ​​the Bay of Bengal, from April to September every year, it is the rainy season.

Especially here is the lower reaches of the Ganges River. It can be said that when the rainy season comes, it is a vast ocean.Not to mention that in this era, there is no infrastructure at all, no drainage and irrigation, even in later generations, it is basically a swamp country, and the means of transportation is boats.

If we say that without Liu Weichao's help, then the Ming army would encounter many problems in the process of fighting abroad.For example, this climate problem will trouble the Ming army very much.

But with Liu Weichao here, everyone from Emperor Chongzhen to ordinary soldiers in the expeditionary army would have psychological expectations about this.The soldiers who went to the expedition were mainly soldiers from Yunnan who were more suitable for the Nanyang climate.

According to the plan in advance, after the imperial army defeated the invading Mughal Empire army, the army marched lightly and invaded the Bengal province of the Mughal Empire.

In addition, food and supplies, as well as heavy weapons, etc., all go by sea.This is also the reason why Zheng Zhibao's headquarters will have more than a thousand warships going out on a large scale.

Lay down Chittagong, occupy Dhaka, and build here, build it into a military base of Ming Dynasty, as the base for further advancement.

Attacking the Mughal Empire is no better than bullying those small countries in Southeast Asia. It doesn't matter how you fight.The Mughal Empire was a huge empire, and it was still in its heyday. If you are careless, there may be accidents.

After the imperial court's resolution, of course, it must have been through Liu Weichao's participation in the staff, and the final strategy was to use the Ganges as the road and attack the Mughal Empire along the Ganges.

In this way, the advantages of the Ming Dynasty warships can be used, and it can be transported by water, which greatly reduces the logistical pressure.

Another one, the Ganges River almost runs through the northern part of the Mughal Empire, and it can be said to be quite convenient to go directly to their capital.

Another reason is that the richest and most populous area of ​​the Mughal Empire is the area along the Ganges.Especially in the Ganges Delta area, the land is fertile and the products are rich.

The Ming Expeditionary Army launched an attack along the Ganges River to the interior of the Mughal Empire, which is the best way to attack the Mughal Empire from the east.

If the Chittagong side is well built, the Ming Navy will be able to get supplies along the way from the Strait of Malacca, Daguang, Chittagong, etc., which will also help the Ming Navy to further expand its power westward.

At this time, Zheng Zhibao's troops did not care about Chittagong, and immediately led the army to attack Dhaka.

The attack of the Ming Expeditionary Force was completely different from that of the Western colonists.

The attack of the Western colonists can be a large-scale attack if the force can be measured in units of thousands.

However, the strength of the Ming Expeditionary Army all started in units of [-].It can be said that it is not a level at all.

In addition, when the Western colonists ran to South Asia, they were already far away from their home countries.However, for the Ming Expeditionary Army, it was not far away.Especially after Daming defeated Dongwu and directly governed Dongwu, South Asia almost became the gate of the Ming Empire.

Not to mention this, the influence of the Ming Empire still exists here.The Ming people who make a living have been scattered in every country since ancient times, and they can provide Daming with local news very well.

It has not been many years since the Mughal Empire captured Dhaka, and Ming is still influential.

The most important thing is that such a large-scale attack by the Ming Expeditionary Army far exceeded Shashuja's expectations. In addition, the governor who actually governs Bangladesh is not yet there.

When the Ming army launched an attack on Dhaka by land and water, Shashuja directly appointed a trusted confidant to defend the city, and ran away first.

No one is a fool. The troops from Bangladesh were all taken by the governor to attack Dongwu, and they couldn't withstand the Ming army's attack at all.As a result, Shashuja ran away, and the dignitaries and nobles in Dhaka followed suit.

The poor governor of Bangladesh fled back in one breath, but saw that the king's banner on the top of the city was still occupied by the Ming army, so he had to flee back to the Mughal country.

Fortunately, the Ming army had no intention of pursuing them at all, and immediately occupied the Dhaka area, ransacked the homes of the indigenous leaders, confiscated their land, and posted a list to calm the people.

In addition, with the arrival of the army, there are also a number of craftsmen in the cement factory. Under the escort of the Ming army soldiers, they immediately choose a suitable location to build the cement factory.

In about one month, this place will face the invasion of the rainy season.And the infrastructure here is in a mess. To build barracks, ports, warehouses, etc., the best way is to use cement to build them.

All the heavy work is done by captives, and the lighter work is done by recruiting local aborigines.Only those who perform well and cooperate with the Ming army can be converted into civilians of the Ming Dynasty, and if they work again, they will be paid.

Under these three levels of governance, especially under the surveillance of the heavily armed Ming army, the second day after the Ming army captured the area of ​​Chittagong and Dhaka, vigorous infrastructure construction began.

At this time, there is also an advantage.

For example, the expansion of the official road, the fields on both sides of the official road, houses and so on, will be leveled if they are leveled, and there will be no nail households.

With sufficient labor, this area is changing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's as if the Ming army occupied this place just to renovate and build it.

All of a sudden, the local aborigines were filled with curiosity and anticipation in fear, wondering what it would look like in the end?
About five days later, the Ming army on the land side also arrived in Dhaka.There are mainly cavalry and infantry here, with about [-] people.

The arrival of this army made some people who originally thought that the Mughal Empire army might come over no longer have any hope.This also made the local aborigines obediently obey the orders of the Ming army wholeheartedly.

On the side of the cavalry, they did not stay here, but spread it out, announcing that this place became the land occupied by the Ming Dynasty, and at the same time began to investigate the movement of the Mughal Empire, and at the same time opened up space to prevent the Mughal Empire's army from counterattacking. , and there is enough time to deal with it.

In short, since the Ming Navy appeared in this bay, red military uniforms can be seen everywhere.

The sky here has changed!

Besides, after Shashuja fled back, he was restless, and finally waited for the Governor of Bangladesh who also fled back.

Shashuja grabbed the Governor of Bangladesh by the collar almost with the kind of eyes that wanted to eat people, and shouted angrily: "What's going on? Didn't Dongwu be shot right away? How did it become like this? ?”

With such a big defeat here, it is almost predictable that he has nothing to do with the throne, and this is something he can't bear.

The eldest prince at least has a reputation. The third prince has a good reputation as a leader in war. As the second prince, it is embarrassing to be unable to get up or down.

Originally, he expected to attack Dongwu and expel the Ming army this time, which would allow him to go further, but it turned out to be a crushing defeat!
"I don't want to either!" The Governor of Bangladesh broke free from Shashuja's hand and asked, "Why is Dhaka lost? How can the Great Khan explain it?"

Dongwu was not originally a place of the Mughal Empire, and they fled back after being defeated there.This Dhaka was the place of the Mughal Empire, but now it is occupied by the Ming army. This is a lost city and land. The crime is also very serious, and it can even be said to be even greater!
Of course, the governor of Bangladesh, as the highest local governor here, can't escape if he asks for a crime.

After questioning each other, the two finally calmed down a bit.The two of them are like grasshoppers on the same rope!

After calming down, the Governor of Bangladesh said a little annoyedly: "I understand it. Before that, the Ming army was just pretending to be pigs and eating tigers! The Ming army in Ava City alone is enough to fight me. After the battle, the result was that I couldn't shrink back, and I had to wait for the reinforcements to arrive before going out of the city to fight!"

Sha Shujia heard this, and said with hatred: "Ming Kingdom actually sent more than a thousand warships, large and small, and there is also a kind of iron-clad warship that emits smoke. How can we fight this?" ?”

"I saw that the firearms of the Ming army are very sophisticated. Not to mention the flintlock guns, their range is farther than that of our matchlock guns. Their artillery is even more powerful than ours. If we want to defeat such a Ming army , It’s hard!” The governor of Bangladesh recalled his confrontation with the Ming army, and confessed to Shashuja.

Shashuja heard this, but he was unwilling, so he reminded the Governor of Bangladesh: "I lost the battle in Dongwu, not to mention the complete defeat. Now that even Dhaka has fallen into the hands of the Ming army, the court will definitely pursue it. I am the prince. , No matter what happens, there will be no danger of life. But you are different, under the fury of my father Khan, your head may not be saved!"

Why doesn't the Governor of Bangladesh know this truth?

He is also worried!

The Ming army is powerful, and he has no confidence in defeating the Ming army at all.More than that, Shah Jahan will definitely ask the crime, and he will not be able to pass this level.

After Shashuja threatened the governor of Bangladesh, he said to him again: "No matter what, you have to find a way to defeat the Ming army and take back Dhaka. Let's hide it from the imperial court and report it after we take back Dhaka. If you do, you will be able to turn your merits into crimes."

He paused, thought for a while, and then continued: "I can deploy troops around and gather tens of thousands of horses for you, but the most important thing is that you must defeat the Ming army, otherwise, you will lose your head !"

After hearing this, the Governor of Bangladesh kept sweating from his forehead. This matter is really too difficult!

It doesn't mean that there are so many warships docked in the bay, but he can't win against the opponents of the Ming army he met in Dongwu!

However, he also admitted that the road that the second prince said was his only way out!
Maybe I was really in a hurry, and in response to that sentence, it is called quickness and wisdom. Suddenly, I saw the Governor of Bangladesh patted my thigh and said excitedly: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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