Chapter 887
Seeing how happy he was, Shashuja asked a little puzzled, "What's the matter?"

After the question was out of his mouth, he remembered the content of the conversation just now, and thought of what the sentence meant. Immediately, he asked the Governor of Bangladesh in surprise: "You mean, there is a way to deal with the Ming army? Can you defeat the Ming army?" Are you in the Ming army?"

"Yes!" The governor of Bangladesh was still excited, and nodded vigorously in response, "Yes, it will definitely defeat the Ming army!"

When Sha Shujia heard this, he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and hurriedly asked: "What is the solution? How many people are needed?"

"We don't need too many people!" The governor of Bangladesh quickly explained, "We just need to wait. Ming people came from afar, and they must not adapt to the climate here in Dhaka. The climate is not acclimatized, and if there are too many deaths, they will leave by themselves! "

Speaking of this, without waiting for Shashuja to make a statement, he immediately continued with his fingers: "Look, it will be the rainy season, heavy rain, cloudy rain, and even hurricanes, etc., which is not easy to deal with. When we first came here, many people died! In addition, there were cold and fever diseases, if you die, a large number of people will die!"

After hearing his words, Shashuja couldn't help being overjoyed.

Cold and fever diseases have always been a very troublesome thing, especially in the rainy season every year, cold and fever diseases will become popular, and a large number of people will die, that is, the wealthy areas in the city are better.

People from the Ming Kingdom have just arrived, and the rainy season is coming soon. Whether the Ming people can adapt to the extremely hot and humid weather here is bound to break out. Maybe the more people they come, the more people will die!
This does not require large-scale troops to attack. A large number of Ming people will die. The rest of the people can't hold on, maybe they don't need to fight, and they ran back by themselves!
Wonderful, wonderful!

Sha Shujia was overjoyed when he thought about this, and quickly stated that he would try his best to cover up the news of the defeat in the east, and wait for the Ming army to take it back after the Ming army suffered heavy casualties.

After discussing with the Governor of Bangladesh, he adopted this strategy and waited for the Ming army to collapse by itself.

In this way, the Ming army lost the threat of a counterattack by the Mughal Empire army, and the infrastructure construction of the large area of ​​Dhaka and Chittagong went smoothly.

There are busy construction sites everywhere, and the construction materials such as cement are consumed so much that cement factories have sprung up one after another. There are three cement factories in the Dhaka area and one cement factory in Chittagong.

The official roads outside the city were all widened and cement roads were built; the port was expanded so that when typhoons came, there could be more shelters for ships.On the shore, warehouses also appeared in groups, used to accumulate special products in this area to be transported away, or materials transported from other places.

These are the priority constructions that require the most manpower.

Secondly, both Dhaka and Chittagong were rebuilt. According to the custom of the Ming Dynasty, the government offices were used as the central axis to plan various areas in the city, including barracks, residential buildings, etc.

Originally, many of the aborigines here were thatched houses, shed houses, etc., all of which were pushed away, and all of them built flat cement houses with cement sandstone.

The original slums in the city used to be full of sewage and feces, but under Da Ming's rule, all of these were cleaned up.Anyone who dares to defecate indiscriminately will be decapitated if he is serious, and will be punished lightly and put into the captive team to do unpaid coolies.

Hygiene has been the inheritance of the Chinese nation since ancient times, and even one of the responsibilities of the Jinyiwei is to picket the hygiene of the capital. This shows that the Chinese nation pays attention to hygiene.

Not to mention, with Liu Weichao's staff, there has been a detailed plan for the occupation of Nanyang.

People in this era can't tell the difference between dengue fever and cold and fever diseases, but Liu Weichao knows, and he also knows that most of these are infected by mosquitoes.Therefore, in the epidemic prevention manual of the expeditionary force, extermination of mosquitoes, flies, and rats is the most important thing.

They look down on the original dilapidated towns of the aborigines here. They are all rebuilt with free labor according to the layout of the Ming Dynasty, and there are measures to prevent the plague.

Under the supervision of the Ming Expeditionary Army, under the full construction, the most important places such as the port, the town, and the official roads of the port and the town only took a month to take on a new look.

Originally, the aborigines here, because they can eat a lot with just a little work, so most of them are very lazy.However, under Daming's swords and guns, he was unprecedentedly diligent.The same is true, in just one month, they were a little stunned by the results obtained!
Because of their good performance, the aborigines who were able to live in the city and live in concrete houses all felt like they were in a dream.The only thing that bothers them a little is that they have to learn to eat with chopsticks instead of grabbing rice with their hands. When eating, they are a little clumsy.

However, to be a noble Daming person and to be envied by other natives, being able to eat with chopsticks is a status symbol!No matter how difficult it is to learn, it must be learned.

When the rainy season comes, even if it is raining, most people still have to work.Just in the cement factory, prefabricated cement slabs, taking advantage of the time when the rain is not heavy or not raining, public facilities are built.

For example, the school, this is a place where children who become common people of the Ming Dynasty can go to school for free.Nobody has a complaint about a place like this built in the rain.

After the rainy season came, some diseases did occur, that is, the cold and fever diseases that the local people feared.

Either it doesn't get sick, and once it gets sick, it must be a lot of sickness.

The disease, first discovered in the prison camps, caused immediate panic among the natives.

However, the reaction of the Ming army was very calm.

The captives are managed in units of teams. When a sick prisoner is found, the whole team is immediately isolated, and then the source of the disease is found to exterminate the snakes, insects, rats and ants.

In the Ming Dynasty Expeditionary Army, military doctors all wore Cinchona Cream.This was brought back from South America by Zheng Zhibao and rubber trees, and many of them had been planted in Qiongzhou.Not only did they attack South Asia, but even when they attacked the countries in Southeast Asia, there were special medicines for cold and fever in the army.

The aborigines in Dhaka and Chittagong, the cold and fever diseases that everyone feared, in the hands of the military doctor of the Ming Dynasty, almost cured the disease, which made the local aborigines astonished!
Later, they discovered that since the arrival of the Ming army, the incidence of cold and fever diseases seemed to have dropped a lot at once, as if the plague god in charge of cold and fever was afraid of the Ming army and dared not come here.

This understanding immediately spread among the local aborigines.

"The Great Tomorrow Soldier is the Great Tomorrow Soldier. Not only did the army of the Mughal Empire flee in embarrassment, but even the God of Plague dared not come!"

"That's not true. The Emperor Daming is truly the son of heaven. He is blessed by gods and Buddhas. Where the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty arrive, the God of Plague will certainly not dare to come. Otherwise, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty may kill the God of Plague!"

"That's right, look at that person who has cold and fever, the doctor in the Daming Army will recover as soon as he takes action, and the witch god is not so powerful!"

"So, Da Mingbing is the most powerful!"


After realizing how powerful the Ming army is, the natives here naturally quickly realized the benefits brought to them by the arrival of the Ming army.

"Look, after the Ming army arrived, Dhaka City was almost unrecognizable. Is this the Dhaka City we have lived in all our lives?"

"That's right, the house I live in now, even the previous master, is not so good. The Ming army is simply a living Bodhisattva!"

"That's right, where have you seen such a good thing called cement before? I heard that it was a good thing brought from the sky by Emperor Ming. Even we can enjoy it. It's really like a dream!"

"Who said it wasn't? My child has been notified that he will be able to go to school for free in one month. This is like a dream again. God, if this is a dream, don't wake up!"

"Yes, yes, if this is a dream, don't wake up!"


Guaranteed by strong force, and then showing their kindness, especially in terms of the methods used by the Ming army to deal with the plague, they considered it to be a supernatural power of gods. The natives in Dhaka and Chittagong immediately returned to Daming.Even those captives worked hard, just thinking of performing better so that they could become citizens of Ming Dynasty as soon as possible.

This scene was definitely not what Shashuja and the Governor of Bengal could have imagined. They were still dreaming, thinking that the Ming army was defeated by the climate and the plague here, and they withdrew by themselves.

They didn't know that after the Ming army arrived here, it was going to build this place, and built it as an important port for the Ming navy to continue westward, a supply point, and a base for attacking the inland of the Mughal Empire along the Ganges River.

It was also because of the concealment of Shashuja and the governor of Bangladesh that the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, who was far away in the capital, did not receive any news from the east after receiving the first news of the successful attack on Dongwu.So much so that Shah Jahan thought that the war in the east was under control.

On the Goa side, with the full cooperation of the Dutch and the attack of the Central Plains army led by the famous third prince Aurangzeb, the Portuguese in Goa were out of luck.

There are only more than [-] of them in total, plus the natives and mixed races, that is about [-] people.But on land, it was the army led by Aurangzeb, and on the sea, it was Portugal's mortal enemy, the Dutch fleet.

The Portuguese only persisted for half a month before they couldn't stand it anymore. After proposing a conditional surrender, that is, abandoning Goa and ensuring their personal safety, the Goa war ended.

The Portuguese didn't even bring half-breeds with them, and they sailed westward in the sea that the Dutch left, and disappeared into the sky.

Aurangzeb captured Goa, and according to the agreement between Shah Jahan and the Dutch, leased Goa to the Dutch, and then bought a large number of new firearms from the Dutch, that is, flintlock guns.

(End of this chapter)

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