Chapter 889
It has to be said that Aurangzeb's military talent is much higher than that of his two elder brothers.

He took a fancy to the Dutch firearms at a glance, and would rather pay a high price than complete the upgrading of weapons for his cronies.

Afterwards, Aurangzeb cooperated with the Dutch and handed over his infantry to Kui Yi, transported by his fleet, and landed on the enemy's coastline, and then he led the cavalry to attack from the mainland, giving full play to his superiority in strength and bullying these Several small countries on the tip of South Asia.

Also, this Aurangzeb has a bad taste. Before the battle, he will first give one of his shoes to the enemy he wants to attack. If the enemy accepts his shoe and chooses to surrender, he does not have to fight; but , if they do not surrender, they will attack brutally and intimidate other enemies.

In the original history, several countries in the south had to wait until he ascended the throne as emperor before raising troops to conquer.But on this plane, because of the instigation of the butterfly wings, he took advantage of the opportunity of uniting with the Dutch to launch a conquest against several countries in the south, earning more capital for him to fight for the throne.


Shah Jahan was here in Agra, the capital of the Mughal Empire. He did not go anywhere else. After entering Dongwu, they surrounded the city of Ava, just around the corner, and then formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Arakan, urging the navy of the Kingdom of Arakan to attack Dongwu by sea, and completely drove away the Ming army in Dongwu.

This news put Shah Jahan in a very good mood.The courtiers under him also congratulated him one after another.

"What about the strength of the army of the Ming Empire? It's an army that has never met our Mughal Empire. Look, it's showing its true colors, right?"

"That's right, the army of the Ming Empire can only bully those small countries. When they meet our great Mughal Empire, they will show their true colors!"

"Our Mughal Empire hasn't dispatched the Imperial Forest Army yet, but the Bangladeshi local army has beaten the Ming army to the bum!"

"For my humble servants, Your Majesty, why don't you order the Imperial Forest Army to attack the Ming Kingdom directly? Conquer the Ming Kingdom too, and then Persia will prostrate at Your Majesty's feet!"


Hearing the flattery from his courtiers, Shah Jahan was very happy.But he was happy for another reason, which was unknown to others.

Aurangzeb's military talent is obvious to all.Shah Jahan himself tried to usurp the throne in the past, and of course he would guard against his military-talented son's idea of ​​usurping the throne.

In the past, the chieftain who had fled from Tibet heard from the east that the Ming army conquered Dongwu, especially the Dutch, which made him very worried about the distant Ming Empire.For this reason, he had no choice but to let his son, who was talented in military affairs, lead the Imperial Forest Army to annihilate the accomplices of the Ming Empire, the Portuguese in Goa.

Now, his second son can also make great achievements, and even defeated the army of the seemingly powerful Ming Empire in the military, so that Aurangzeb no longer stands alone in the military.

This situation was what Shah Jahan wanted to see most, so he was very happy about it!
Later, Aurangzeb also sent back a good news, saying that the Portuguese in Goa had been expelled. This made him also very happy, and he lost a lot of fear of Aurangzeb.

No, at the imperial meeting, he was discussing with his courtiers another matter mentioned in the Aurangzeb victory report: taking advantage of the power of the great victory, to conquer several small countries in the south of the South Asian subcontinent, and to serve the Mughal Empire. Continue to expand the territory!
His courtiers were divided into two factions regarding this matter.

One faction thinks that Aurangzeb’s idea is very good, and they have the idea that the whole world is a kingdom similar to that of the Ming Dynasty. Those small countries in the south of the South Asian subcontinent have not surrendered to the Mughal Empire until now, so they should be destroyed. them.

And Aurangzeb is a well-known prince in the military command of the Mughal Empire. Under his command, he will definitely achieve his goal.

The other faction, in the eyes of Shah Jahan, belonged to the side of the first prince and the second prince, and neither wanted Aurangzeb to make new achievements in opening up new territories, so they all opposed it.

What they meant was that the third prince's army was aiming to conquer Goa.Now that the goal has been achieved, he should follow the emperor's orders, instead of making his own decisions, and start the battle lightly!
There are even a few courtiers who have hinted to Shah Jahan that the Royal Forest Army cannot be in the hands of Aurangzeb for a long time.In case he has been in charge for a long time, those Imperial Forest Army will only know Aurangzeb, not His Majesty.

These words, if you change the previous Shah Jahan, you will definitely mind.

However, the second prince's rise in the east, and he was able to lead the local army to defeat the seemingly powerful Ming army, which made him heave a sigh of relief.The art of the emperor is to play with balance.He believed that if Aurangzeb really wanted to have any evil intentions, he would have to be afraid of Shashuja.

Therefore, Shah Jahan at this time did not listen to the persuasion of these courtiers.

He felt that taking this opportunity to conquer the small southern countries would also make his title of "Ruler of the World" more worthy of the name.

In addition, when he discovered that the Ming Empire was actually just a paper tiger, his mind returned to the original focus.

No, Shah Jahan has put Aurangzeb's proposal on hold.

If Aurangzeb had not been ordered by the emperor to use troops against the south, regardless of the outcome, he would have a reason to beat Aurangzeb.

As a result, Shah Jahan paid more attention to the construction progress of the Taj Mahal.

This later-famous building was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his concubine, Aurangzeb's mother.It started to be built in 1632, and more than [-] craftsmen were called together. They are all skilled craftsmen from all over the world, including from their own countries, as well as Persia, the Ottoman Empire, the Middle East, etc., inlaid with rare treasures from all over the world. The main material is marble. It was mined and transported from a place more than four hundred miles away.

The Taj Mahal is about to be completed, and it has also received the most attention from Shah Jahan.Even at this time, he already had a plan in his mind. After finishing the Taj Mahal, he would build himself an equally magnificent mausoleum on the other side of the river. experience.

There are several other architectural ideas on the side of the capital, which are related to temples. He had put them down because of the threat of the Ming Empire, and picked them up again to start preparations for construction.

In mid-June of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, when Shah Jahan was in the middle of a major construction project, he received news from the outside again.

First, news came from the south that Aurangzeb still led troops to attack several small countries in the south when he did not get his will.By the time Shah Jahan received the news, Aurangzeb had already conquered a small country.

This was all expected by Shah Jahan, and he didn't care too much.When Aurangzeb is in charge, he can act without his will under the pretext of depriving him of his military power and let him calm down for a while.At the same time, he, the emperor, is still responsible for opening up the territory, so why not do it!
However, what Shah Jahan didn't expect was that his second son, Shashuja, suffered a big defeat in the East, and concealed it with the Governor of Bangladesh.After nearly two months, the local government finally bypassed the news blockade of Shashuja and the Governor of Bangladesh, and spread the news to Agra.

This news made Shah Jahan very angry.But at the same time, he was also a little puzzled.

Earlier, the Bangladeshi local army invaded Dongwu and surrounded the city of Ava. This news can be confirmed to be true, but why did Dongfang suffer a disastrous defeat in just two months?Dhaka was lost to the Ming army?
The news from the local area was not accurate, and some ministers in the court also spoke for Shashuja, saying that it is best to ask the specific situation, and it would be bad if it was a slander to frame the second prince.

So, Shah Jahan finally sent envoys to the east to investigate the truth of the matter.

At this time, Shah Jahan finally realized that the third son who was tossing around in the south seemed to stand out a little bit and outshine others.At least according to the news from the south, they are winning battles one after another.

For this reason, after Shah Jahan thought about it, he gave his eldest son, Darashuko, who had already been crowned prince, more strength.

Before that, he let Dara Shuke control 2 troops and 2 horses, and was appointed Governor of Allahabad and Governor of Gujarat Province.

At this time, after thinking about it, Shah Jahan allocated another [-] troops to Dara Shukodo.

In this way, in name, his eldest son has the largest army.The second son is only the army of the Bengal province, and the army in the hands of the third son is only temporary.

After about a month, his second son, Shashuja, got a reply.

It shows that the reinforcements came from the Kingdom of Ming, so the army had to withdraw from Dongwu. Then, more than a thousand warships from the Kingdom of Ming came. There were too many troops, and Dhaka was really difficult to defend, so they gave up voluntarily.

However, Shashuja emphasized that Bangladesh has entered the rainy season, floods are everywhere, there will be cyclones, and what is even more frightening is that cold and hot diseases are always prevalent in the local area.

The more Ming troops came, the more uncomfortable it would be during the rainy season in Bangladesh. When the plague came together, more people would die.At that time, if he leads the troops to fight back, he will be able to wipe out the Ming army.

In this way, not only can Dhaka be regained, but also the invading Ming army can be wiped out, and the Ming army will no longer have the ability to attack the Mughal Empire.If Shah Jahan wanted to, he could still lead the Bangladeshi army to launch a counterattack against the Ming army, maybe he could capture the entire Dongwu, and make the Ming country dare not send reinforcements over!
(End of this chapter)

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