Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 890 The Most Valuable Investment

Chapter 890 The Most Valuable Investment
Regarding Shashuja's answer, Shah Jahan himself was not good at judging, so he took it to the court to discuss the matter and listen to the opinions of his courtiers.

In this regard, some courtiers believed that Shashuja's failure was a failure, and he should be punished, especially for concealing the report, which would add to the crime and require a heavy punishment.On the side of the Governor of Bangladesh, the death penalty started.

However, there are also some courtiers who do not agree with this.They believed that what Shashuja said was right, the war between the East and Ming was not over, so it could not be regarded as a failure.

If Shashuja's strategy worked, it was actually a great victory for the Mughal Empire.After all, the warships sent by the Ming Dynasty amounted to more than a thousand, which was huge in scale, not to mention the Ming army on land.

Shashuja's strategy is very wise when facing a strong enemy. Using the weather to defeat the Ming army proves that Shashuja is the darling of God.

All these, the two factions in favor and against, quarreled in front of Shah Jahan, making him dizzy.

In the end, the final decision made by the court was to send imperial envoys to the east for verification.If Shashuja's strategy is really effective, the rainy season has been more than two months, and its power should be revealed.

On the other side, Shah Jahan also transferred his eldest son Darashuko to lead the troops to the east. If Shashuja's strategy is effective and the war in the east goes well, Darashuko's side will be used as a reserve team and will not be triggered.

If it is said that Shashuja's strategy did not have much effect, then Dara Shuke led the troops to continue eastward, replacing Shashuja to recover Dhaka and expel the army of the Ming Empire.

As for Shah Jahan himself, after dealing with this matter, he is still obsessed with his civil engineering, building the greatest buildings.The peasants near the capital city of Agra are still recruited in batches to cooperate with the more than [-] craftsmen to build mausoleums, temples, etc.

At the beginning of August in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, a new round of news spread to Agra again.

In the south, the army led by Aurangzeb cooperated with the Dutch fleet and successfully captured several small countries near the sea, leaving the last country that has not yet been captured.

With the victories of wars and the conquest of one country after another, Aurangzeb's military reputation is getting higher and higher!According to the news of the victory messenger, the last small country is estimated to surrender without a fight.

This news put Shah Jahan in a bad mood.

He didn't expect that Aurangzeb's attack on those countries in the south would go so smoothly.The most important thing is that in the imperial forest army assigned to Aurangzeb, two of the most loyal generals died in battle!

If it was just a battle death, he might think it was a surprise.However, both of them were killed in battle, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

Aurangzeb's ambition can be said to be clearly revealed!

When he triumphs, will his prestige be higher than that of the emperor?

Some things, although not explicitly stated, Shah Jahan actually understood in his heart.

The most important thing for him now is that he can no longer give Aurangzeb a reputation!
So, Shah Jahan immediately changed his mind and started to move continuously.

First, he immediately issued a decree to call Aurangzeb's troops back to the court, preventing him from conquering the last southern country.In this way, the feat of unifying the entire South Asian subcontinent will not fall to Aurangzeb.

For fear that Aurangzeb would not carry out his will after receiving it.Therefore, Shah Jahan issued several decrees consecutively within a few days.The wording of each will is getting heavier and heavier.

In addition, Shah Jahan immediately issued an order to recall Darashuko.This army can no longer be sent to the east, otherwise, the strength of Agra's troops is not enough to ensure that he can sleep peacefully.

As for the war in the east, Shah Jahan couldn't care about it for a while.For him, the most important thing is to solve the internal problems first, and push back the rise of his third son.

As for the situation in the east, let's just believe that Shashuja can handle it by himself!Even if Dhaka cannot be regained, it is actually not a big deal for the Mughal Empire!

At this time, Shah Jahan didn't know that when he issued his will, the last country in the south chose to surrender to Aurangzeb and accepted the Aurangzeb shoe.

No, Aurangzeb has already held a celebration meeting in the capital of the enemy country.All the property from the capture of these small southern countries was used by him to reward the elite imperial forest army under him.It can be said that from generals to ordinary soldiers, they all earn a lot of money, not to mention, there are great achievements in destroying the country, waiting to be rewarded when they go back!
From top to bottom in the army, everyone was obedient to Aurangzeb and recognized him as a great commander.Originally, the two people with relatively high authority in the army, who were the most dissatisfied with Aurangzeb, were sent by Aurangzeb to carry out the most dangerous missions and died in battle.

Aurangzeb was naturally very happy about this situation.At the celebration banquet, he drank with his generals for a long time.But then, he closed the door again, discussing secretly with the Governor of the Netherlands, Kui Yi.

I heard Aurangzeb say to Kui Yi with satisfaction: "The power of your firearms is really much more powerful than my original firearms. You have contributed a lot to conquering these countries this time!"

When Kui heard this, he immediately smiled.

The flintlock gun must be more powerful than the matchlock gun, otherwise, the west would not popularize the flintlock gun and replace the original matchlock gun.By the way, so did the Ming Dynasty. In just a few short years, flintlock guns also replaced matchlock guns!
Thinking of this, Kui Yi's good mood suddenly lost more than half.Thinking of the Ming Kingdom and the Ming Army, he had a toothache.

But now that they are far away, and have the layout of Nanyang, I believe that the Ming people will not be able to go west for a while.It's best not to face the Ming people face to face when I am the governor!
Thinking this way, he heard Aurangzeb say to him again: "Now this army has completely listened to me. After the squadron returns to the court this time, let that old man abdicate. From now on, you Dutch, He is my best friend in the Mughal Empire, and you are welcome to follow in my footsteps and do business in every corner of the world!"

As soon as Kui heard this, Dang even smiled, raised his wine glass and touched Aurangzeb, and flattered: "Investing in Your Highness should be the most valuable decision in my life. Cheers to Your Highness's future achievements!" "

Aurangzeb listened, had a drink with him, and then asked: "At present, more than half of the soldiers in the army have not used the latest firearms. In the future, the entire army of my empire will also use the latest firearms." .Can you teach my craftsmen how to forge the latest firearms?"

After a pause, he added: "You also know that only the stronger my imperial army is, the more places I can conquer, and you Dutch people can do business in more places. Our cooperation is beneficial to everyone. OK, isn't it?"

Obviously, Aurangzeb has great ambitions. He has not usurped the throne yet, and he has already done a big business after planning to usurp the throne!
As soon as Kui heard this, he was silent for a moment, but did not reply right away.

For him, of course it is to sell arms to make more money.If it was possible, he certainly hoped it was an arms seller.

However, at the same time, he also knew that the casting of this firearm was the most up-to-date for the East, and they were most envious of it.However, as far as the West is concerned, this is not a unique secret, it is a technology that basically every country has mastered.

For example, the Portuguese, but also the British, the French, the Spaniards and so on.

That is to say, the Portuguese were expelled, and the British, French, and Spaniards had not sailed here. Otherwise, Aurangzeb had this idea. If the Netherlands could not satisfy him, he would probably seek other Westerners. side to cooperate.

This Aurangzeb has great ambitions, and he even thinks about his father Khan, not to mention, he will care more about the alliance with the Netherlands!

In addition, the Portuguese were expelled, but their influence is not far away, and the British are all spread in the Middle East and Persia.It would not be very realistic to want to monopolize the Mughal Empire.

Thinking of this, Kui Yi had some calculations in his heart, and immediately nodded and said to Aurangzeb: "No problem, as long as the respected prince, no, as long as the respected majesty the Great Khan is willing, we in the Netherlands are happy to serve you and help you. You open one, or several military factories that cast the latest firearms!"

Hearing this, Aurangzeb couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately asked: "What do you need, I'll have someone prepare it right away. As long as you have your own firearms workshop, no matter what happens in this world, sooner or later it will be mine!"

The firearms in the Mughal Empire's army all came from the firearms workshops controlled by the emperor. It was also with the large-scale firearms that the territory of the Mughal Empire continued to expand.

This point, Aurangzeb, as a person who has led the army for many years, has a deep understanding.He understands that sooner or later, firearms will completely replace cold weapons one day in the future.

This time in the room, because both sides are willing to cooperate, the atmosphere is really good.

However, soon, before Aurangzeb and Kuiyi finished talking, they heard movement and noise from the door.

Finally, Aurangzeb's personal guards reported at the door that a Dutchman wanted to see their governor.

Aurangzeb was in a good mood and didn't care about it, so he asked his personal guards to let him in.

I saw a Dutchman enter the room with a flustered expression, and when he saw Kui Yi, he immediately chattered in their native language.

Aurangzeb didn't have a translator and couldn't understand, but when he saw Kui Yi's face, it became very ugly just as soon as he started talking, and he seemed to be very shocked. He knew that something bad happened !

However, several countries in the south have already been conquered by him, so what bad things can happen?

When he was thinking this way, the interpreter beside him had already translated all the words to him in a low voice.

When Aurangzeb heard this, his face was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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